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曾几何时,街头的1元店、2元店以及N元店已屡见不鲜,噱头十足,生意火爆。以9.9元的价格在网上买到一件市场上价值数十元的商品,而且包邮到你手中,是不是感觉很划算?"九块邮"网站就是这样一家聚集了淘宝、天猫等所有9.9元包邮商品的导购平台。截至2013年4月6日,"九块邮"上线仅一年就拥有了20余万用户,日交易订单数量达5万个,月交易额已突破3000万元大关,引起风投深度关注。  相似文献   

<正>杭州联华华商集团有限公司是一家由联华超市股份有限公司、杭州市商贸旅游集团有限公司和宁波联合集团股份有限公司参股的有限责任公司。公司注册资本金1.205亿元,现有员工1.5万余人。公司主要从事零售连锁业的经营,经营商品包括百货、食品、生鲜三大部类,34个大类,10万余种商品。业态包括购物中心、大卖场、综合超市、标准超市、精品超市等。超市根据业态及经营规模,分别冠以"天华世纪城"、"世纪联华"、"联华"、"CITYLIFE"等名称。到2015年末,公司共有门店232家,遍布浙  相似文献   

<正>近日,北京东城区法院开庭公开审理了"家政公司服务员失职导致幼儿死亡"一案,原告顾先生胜诉。法院判决被告北京市富平家政公司支付原告死亡赔偿金39万余元、精神损害抚慰金10万元以及丧葬费等费用共计52万余元。在有家政服务  相似文献   

在加强落实常态化疫情防控工作的前提下,2022年元旦假期,各地促销活动丰富多彩,消费市场暖意融融。为延续元旦消费热度,各地抢抓春节市场,继续开展一系列线上线下融合促销活动,切实满足群众多样化、特色化消费需求。元旦假期,各地紧扣节日消费主题,优化市场供给,安全有序开展各种开年促销活动,商品、服务消费火热升温:上海共接待游客超500万人次,实现旅游消费约125亿元;北京重点监测的百货、超市等业态企业实现销售额38.9亿元,同比增长18.8%;江西全省实现商贸销售额171.23亿元,同比增长31.01%……消费市场实现"开门红"。  相似文献   

地震给我们江油市造成了巨大损失,全市直接经济损失高达592亿元。灾后重建任务十分繁重,仅农村房屋就有10万余户需要重建、10万余户需要加固维修。灾区市场对建材商品的需求量急剧增加,建材生产经营中的各种违法行为也随之增多。  相似文献   

<正> 苹果之乡——吉县山西吉县地处吕梁山区,土层深厚、昼夜温差大,土质、气候属苹果生长的优生区,被国家农业部认定为"全国优质苹果生产基地县"。该县苹果栽植面积为12万亩,其中挂果面积达8万亩,品种多为红富士。近年来,该县实施"精品工程",采用无公害标准生产苹果,先后推广了果实套袋、果面贴字、施用有机肥等科学技术和手段,生产出的苹果品质特佳,口感好、果型端正、且耐贮藏,畅销于全国20多个大中城市并出口到菲律宾、新加坡等国。该县目前每年可提供商品苹果4000万公斤。为促进销售,该县投资300万元建成一座占地面积9000平方米的果品交易市场,吸引全国各地300余名果商前来洽谈、交易。(陈健翔)  相似文献   

本公司是中国农业机械总公司的一个直属大型企业,公司内设有9部4室1中心。现有职工353人,其中,高级工程师、工程师、技术员等工程技术人员52人;高级经济师、经济师、会计师、统计师、经济员等专业经济人员115人。公司注册资金3153万元。经营场所面积2.6万余平方米,其中仓库面积2万余平方米、年商品吞吐量3万余吨。  相似文献   

<正>胡先生与家具公司签订《建材市场家具建材销售合同》约定,从家具公司花3.1万余元购买一台理疗房、花5500余元购买一台韩蒸房,每套含家具公司提供的四份产品资料,家具公司承诺产品质量与资料介绍相符;建材市场对市场内商户的经营活动承担连带责任,当商品出现质量或服务上的问题时,消费者可以携带合同和交款凭证到建材市场投诉,并要求建材市场先行赔付。合同均加盖"建材市场售后服务专用章"。同日,胡  相似文献   

"损耗"是一个在连锁企业经营过程中经常听到或论及的字眼.据说,全世界零售业每年的商品损耗高达1600亿美元;在我国,这一数字也高达250亿元人民币.上海某超市开业第一个月的营业额为60万元,但商品损耗却超过10万元,因而被迫歇业.  相似文献   

<正> 奥运期间,王府井百货旗下的特许商品专卖为其赚足了"银子"。"北京市百货大楼和东安市场两店,奥运特许商品日均销售额都在150万至250万元之间,同比平均增幅都在90%以上。"王府井百货集团股份有限公司宣传部负责人张  相似文献   

<正>随着天气渐渐变冷,我国北方马铃薯主产区——内蒙古自治区的许多薯农心急如焚。今年,内蒙古马铃薯不仅价格低迷,而且滞销卖难。为减少农民损失,国家和内蒙古已出台多项措施,力抓马铃薯销售、加工和储藏工作。一方有难,八方支援。内蒙古马铃  相似文献   

随着欧美国家众多跨国采购商将SA80 0 0作为一种对供应商新的审核标准 ,这一曾不为人所熟知的概念渐渐呈现在中国企业面前。该标准的实施对我国短期内及长期内的影响是不同的 ,短期内成本的上升、出口的受挫能否换来长期内国家形象的改善、世界市场的承认 ,以及在应对SA80 0 0的过程中能否体现我国的利益与要求则是摆在中国企业面前的一个新问题。  相似文献   

The controversy over short selling has continued unabated from the introduction of modern equity trading in Amsterdam in 1610 to the present day. Nevertheless, the business ethics literature has not really addressed short selling. Short sellers not only profit from the misery of others, they also create it through their selling activities. However, they also provide a socially useful service by making prices better reflect true values, protecting other investors from purchasing overpriced securities. Short sellers can also help to provide liquidity in the markets. Recently, there has been a hue and cry against so called “naked” short selling, which involves not delivering the shares that have been sold. This gives manipulators a tool for depressing stock prices and deprives purchasers of voting rights and potential stock lending revenue. Naked short selling creates ethical issues for short sellers, buyers, brokers, market makers, and regulators. Is it ethical to exploit a legal loophole that permits sellers to sell stock and delay delivering shares indefinitely?  相似文献   

We present a conceptual framework that organizes current thinking regarding increased interactivity in the electronic marketplace and its implications for product migration. Product migration refers to the extent of reliance by buyers and sellers on the electronic marketplace for activities pertaining to information search, purchase, acquisition, use, and disposal of a product. We posit that value outcomes derived by buyers and sellers from increasing interactivity mediate the relationship between interactivity and product migration. The relationship between interactivity and value outcomes for buyers and sellers is moderated by three sets of product-related characteristics: the core characteristics of the product, its purchase and use-related characteristics, and market characteristics. Inertia and resistance exhibited by buyers and sellers negatively impact product migration to the electronic marketplace and also attenuate the impact of value outcomes on product migration. In addition to guiding theoretical and empirical work in this emerging area, the proposed framework can also be employed to structure a firm's strategic discussions related to the electronic marketplace.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology to guide managers in determining the optimal promotion campaigns to be directed towards different market segments in order to maximize the value of customers. For the purposes of this study, a two-step methodology is used, based on stochastic dynamic programming and the classification and regression tree. This methodology groups the customers according to their value. Within this framework, an experiment is conducted in which each of the different promotion campaigns is assigned to different randomly selected groups. The impact of each type of promotion on each type of market segment is analysed in order to find the optimal promotion campaigns appropriate for each. In contrast to previous research, this study takes into account a firm that provides more than one specific type of product or service. In addition, it analyses the impact of widely used types of promotion campaigns compared with the narrow scope of those investigated in previous studies. Therefore, this research presents important insights into managing relations with the customers in a more interactive and profitable way.  相似文献   

The information presented on a product sales page plays an important role in consumers' purchase decisions. This study examines the persuasive effect, whether a customer's choice is heavily driven by information inferred from others' behavior, and how these impacts are moderated by market age and product type. Results show that online customer choice was significantly affected by historical cumulative sales and times saved. Positive cumulative sales and shop service quality have a significant positive impact on product sales. The times saved have no direct impact on product sales. For different types of products, the times saved of experiential products has a significant impact on product sales, while the shop service quality information of search products has a greater impact on product sales. The influence of online observation learning on product sales will be significantly moderated by a combination of product type and market age. These findings not only offer important theoretical contributions to e-commerce research but also provide practical implications for online sellers and managers of social commerce platforms.  相似文献   

2011年——"十二五"开局之年,黑龙江省商务事业实现了开门红,成绩斐然。2012年是实施"十二五"规划承上启下的关键一年、是加速发展的一年。2012年,国际环境错综复杂,世界经济增长动力明显减弱;国内经济总体运行态势向好,工业化、信息化、市场化、城镇化、国际化深入发展,区域梯次发展格局正在形成,消费需求增长空间很大;商务领域成本推动价格上涨压力依然存在,自然灾害、市场调控手段和流通设施相对薄弱问题依然突出,扩大消费面临的制约因素仍然较多。基于上述研判,黑龙江省商务事业唯有开拓进取、求实创新、方能实现更好更快发展,谱写新的篇章,方能以商务事业的新跨越推动全省经济社会的大发展。  相似文献   

孙云辉 《商业研究》2006,(19):141-144
买卖价差是金融市场微观结构理论研究的重要组成部分。在报价驱动交易机制下,买卖价差由指令处理成本、存货成本和非对称信息成本构成。而在订单驱动交易机制下,若不考虑订单处理成本,买卖价差则主要取决于投资者对资产预期价值的差异、买卖双方投资者间的比例和逆向选择成本。经研究发现,买卖价差随投资者对资产预期与逆向选择成本的增加而增加,当买卖双方力量对比相当时,买卖价差达到最大;而在单边买方或卖方市场,买卖价差则达到最小,这一点与通常对流动性的理解是相矛盾的。由此,在订单驱动机制下,以买卖价差作为流动性度量指标是不可靠的。  相似文献   

Across four experiments, and focusing on consumer behaviour in a high uncertainty market (i.e., a used car market), this research shows that prior to a purchase, buyers are less motivated to search for information when they purchase a product from a friend (compared to someone they do not know). We also show that buyers are more willing to search for information after a transaction when sellers are their friends, a reversal in search behaviour due to the greater social risk that buyers bear when dealing with a friend. Finally, this research shows that both the transaction outcome (i.e., positive versus negative) and the buyer–seller relationship determine the degree to which people are satisfied or dissatisfied with a seller. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国推动完全市场经济地位承认的外交努力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过30年的艰苦努力,中国的市场经济体系基本成形,一个社会主义的市场经济体系已基本建立,但是绝大多数西方仍以冷战思维为导向,不承认中国是市场经济国家.中国通过首脑外交、商务部主导的经济外交和行业的参与等外交努力,使广大发展中国家,也包括一部分西方发达国家承认了中国的完全市场经济地位或行业局部的市场经济地位.由于市场经济地位的承认问题本质上是政治问题,因此,应该充分发挥外交部的职能作用,尤其要重视总体外交各个子系统之间的相互配合与平衡协调作用.  相似文献   

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