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Established theory about the searchability of product attributes has advanced a tripartite classification of product attributes and, correspondingly, a three‐pronged view of consumer evaluation procedures. Using this theory as a springboard, this article takes a closer look at the procedures consumers seem to utilize for evaluation of products that vary in their attribute searchability. Reflecting on current theory and practice, the consumer is construed to employ evaluation procedures different from those indicated by the product‐attribute typology. This is so both because consumers view the attributes differently and because they rely on biased heuristics, as might suit their expertise and involvement. To capture these consumer assessment dynamics, propositions are advanced and empirical methods to test them are suggested. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The author discusses the present budget of Pakistan, particularly its effects on development. Although it compares favourably to the former ones and offers a number of advantages mainly in the fields of agriculture and taxation, there are serious shortcomings, too. Therefore the Government would be well advised to employ better trained experts who are already available.  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,针对各级粮食部门应如何加强粮食安全管理,进行了一些思考,提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, we share some further thoughts that were triggered by the insightful comments of Lehmann and Winer, and address some concerns expressed by them. We argue that our work can be interpreted using two different reference points, leading to an optimistic view or a more pessimistic one. We also advance a number of strategies for those in our field who aspire to influence the decisions that managers actually make.  相似文献   

The authors develop a process model of salesperson burnout based on the unique characteristics of the sales profession. They test the proposed model using data collected from 502 industrial salespeople, and then compare their model to the two most prominent extant models in the occupational literature. Results support the proposed model and indicate that it provides the best fit to the study data.  相似文献   

企业应注意:根据时间表,内地从香港进口的原产于香港的货物实行零关税分两批。时间是2004年1月1日和2006年1月1日。 第一批主要是进口金额较大的273个税目货物,其中包括43个税目的机械产品;第二批全部货物(进口零关税货物均须核定确实在香港生产,符合原产于香港的条件)。一、内地从原产于香港进口货物分两批实行零关税 按照《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》协议(以下简称《协议》),香港继续对原产于内地的进口货物  相似文献   

关于研究生创新能力培养的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘淼群 《北方经贸》2008,(6):141-142
近些年来,我国的研究生教育发展迅速,招生规模扩大很快,随之而来的研究生的质量培养问题也日益凸显出来。在研究生培养过程中应注重的四个方面:高素质的导师队伍、完善的知识结构、开放自由的实验实践环境和良好的校园文化。  相似文献   


Social marketing holds great hope for promoting well-being and social good. Yet, as a ‘master’s tools’ strategy it must be deployed carefully and critically to ensure campaigns are not co-opted by the individualising and issue shaping forces of mainstream marketing. Moreover, social marketing strategies should go beyond promoting better and healthier choices for individuals, and be deployed to encourage critical thinking, political engagement and social action.  相似文献   


Prior research has yielded insights into how market actors generate permanent, institutionalized structures. Investigate the emergence of a temporary marketplace, characterized by flexible socio-material constellations. We draw on ethnographic data collected within a refugee aid initiative, which assembled during the in 2015–2016, and was a response to the failure of institutional structures. We map out a process through which individuals are collectively moved to respond form social networks, and engage in market-making practices. We identify this process as the emergence of a “makeshift” market, and argue that it is a complementary form of institutional work, constituted by a grassroots process of responsibilization. We contribute to the literature on responsibilization and market dynamics by discussing (1) the emergence and decline of temporary and complementary marketplace structures and (2) mapping out a responsibilization process driven by moral outrage at the experiential level.  相似文献   

In designing learning materials there is often the assumption that all trainees will learn in a similar manner. This approach ignorees the important issue of individual differences in cognitive style. Cognitive style may be defined as an individual’s consistent approach to organising and processing information during thinking. Style does not appear to be related to intelligence and reflects qualitative rather than quantitative differences between individuals in their thinking processes. Here the authors argue that conventional training design methodologies (whilst acknowledging learning style) appear to lack the theoretical and empirical bases to acknowledge the important role played by cognitive style in determining learning performance. The aim of the article is to consider the relationship between learning performance, learning strategies and cognitive style and to suggest ways in which human resource development practitioners may accommodate individual differences in style in order that the effectiveness of training and development interventions may be improved.  相似文献   

1994年,我国对外汇管理体制进行了重大改革:汇率并轨,取消企业外汇留成,实行银行结售汇制度,建立银行问统一的外汇市场,并在1996年实现人民币经常项目下可自由兑换。与此同时,外贸体制改革也在逐步走向深入,外商投资环境不断改善,国际收支出现了连续多年的双顺差,并推动了我国外汇储备的快速增长。  相似文献   

This article examines the issue of training evaluation in Can‐ada; the difference between what academics have suggested should be done, and what practitioners are actually doing. This article first presents the academic perspective of training evaluation. Then, through a survey, determines how Canadian organisations are evaluating their training programmes, at both the management and non‐management level. The practitioner perspective is presented as a supporting rationale for the survey results. The article provides insight as to how a dialogue between practitioners and academics could lead to more effective and meaningful research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of customer satisfaction in relation to the scuba-diving consumption experience. It investigates the myriad of tangible and intangible elements of the experience, from which scuba-divers derive a sense of meaning and/or satisfaction. The results indicate that satisfaction is gained from a complex array of consumers' perceptions of the dive itself, but also from a range of associated peripheral experiences surrounding the dive such as the service provided by the operator, the ‘communitas’ from the social interaction with other divers and the functional aspects of the dive. The study takes an ethnographic approach using qualitative methods of inquiry, since the purpose of the study was to develop a deeper understanding of the inter-relationships between the levels of service provided; customer satisfaction of scuba-divers; and the dive consumption experience. The findings illuminate the diversity and complexity of dive consumption experiences themselves and the perceptual cues used by customers for determining customer satisfaction and longer term behavioural intentions.  相似文献   


A paper of interest to both marketing practitioners and marketing educators, it reports some of the findings of a recent survey undertaken for the Institute of Marketing on the background and training of marketing executives in the UK. Selected findings and their implications are discussed, specifically the respondents’ educational qualifications, level and marketing content; participation in training courses, their attitudes towards future training and career development. The final section of the paper looks at the respondents’ expressed needs for further marketing training to better equip them for both their current jobs and their future career.  相似文献   

Research methods have a critical practical and academic relevance. A study of consumer behaviour within service management frequently requires the use of techniques that reach to the core of consumer thoughts, actions, and feelings. This paper analyses the rationale that can lead to the choice of participant observation as a research tool within a service industry case – a study of tourists on a long-haul inclusive tour. The paper continues with a discussion of the key practice-based concerns that are confronted through use of the research tool. While the focus of the research study relates to tourist satisfaction, it is also shown how other research areas and service management questions can be investigated through the technique.  相似文献   

统计主要目的是为政府管理、制定发展规划和对政策措施实施效果进行监督服务,为政府管理决策和经济提供信息服务.统计工作在了解国情、国力,指导国民经济和社会发展发挥着不可代替的作用.为切实加强新时期农村统计工作,特别是基层统计,将是我国统计事业未来发展的重中之重.  相似文献   

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