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企业文化作为企业竞争的软实力,在企业发展中起着越来越重要的作用。我国家族企业的文化缺失已经严重制约了家族企业的可持续发展。只有构建优秀的家族企业文化,才能为家族企业可持续发展提供重要支撑点。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国一大批家族型企业发展迅速并取得巨大成就。但随着市场环境愈发复杂,家族型企业自身的组织架构和股权结构所带来的问题也日益突出。本文在分析了解我国家族企业内部控制存在主要问题的基础上,提出应该加强企业管理层重视度,优化内部控制环境、同时改善人力资源政策并加大对内部控制建设合理投入,以期促进家族企业的长远可持续发展。  相似文献   

在对家族企业动态能力发展状态分析的基础上,基于企业动态能力理论建立了家族企业竞争力构造模型,并分析拟定了企业竞争优势波浪式演进曲线。同时,着重分析阐述了家族企业可持续发展过程中需要解决好企业核心刚性"创造性破除"、运行保障体制构建、企业动态能力体系构建、企业文化建设与品牌战略、企业传承与接班人培养等战略问题。  相似文献   

我国家族企业经过20多年的发展,面临着企业规模扩大、产业升级转型的需要。家族企业文化的创新既是家族企业文化自身的本质诉求是家族企业发展的内在要求,也是家族企业应对知识经济、全球化等国内外竟争的要求。本文从家族企业文化现状、制定创新目标和方案、实施企业文化创新及文化评价四个方面,分析我国家族企业文化创新机理,提出通过家族企业价值观创新、家族企业愿景和使命创新、家族企业精神创新、家族企业制度创新、家族企业行为文化创新、家族企业物质文化创新、家族企业形象创新等措施促进我国家族企业文化创新,指导我国家族企业的企业文化创新实践。  相似文献   

我国的中小家族企业数量多、潜力大,但生命力普遍较弱,难以持续发展.中小家族企业需要通过实施有效的内部控制来解决这一问题,内部控制是实现中小家族企业可持续发展的重要保证.文章从企业生命周期的角度出发,针对各个阶段的企业特点,研究了处于创业期、成长期、成熟期和危机期的中小家族企业如何实施内部控制.  相似文献   

一、家族企业可持续发展的理论依据 家族企业的可持续发展与中国经济的可持续发展既有紧密联系,又有明显区别.家族企业是中国经济的一个组成部分,是企业财产主体的一种存在形态,家族企业的存在和发展要遵循中国经济可持续发展的原则.同时,家族企业的可持续发展有着自己的特点:中国经济的可持续发展是从宏观总体上把握经济发展的走势,强调资源、环境、人口与经济的协调发展;家族企业的可持续发展是从中观和微观主体出发,强调家族经济的长期存在和家族企业的发展壮大.  相似文献   

我国家族企业外部治理机制存在的问题及其优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家族企业是我国经济发展中的一股重要力量。随着改革开放的深入和市场环境的日趋复杂多变,企业外部治理机制的缺失已成为制约我国家族企业发展的一个“瓶颈”。本文从产品市场、资本市场、职业经理人市场和企业外部法律法规等几个方面出发,分析了我国家族企业外部治理机制存在的主要问题并对其进行优化,以期对我国家族企业治理机制的构建与完善有所借鉴。  相似文献   

仇晓光  高鸿跃 《企业导报》2012,(15):103-104
目前家族企业如何平稳的向现代治理模式转变,完成其规范化发展已经成为经济发展的一大难题。本文试图对家族企业规范化发展中的困阻加以分析并提出解决方案,以实现家族企业在结合社会经济发展主流的同时,构建适合企业自身发展的内外部环境的愿望。  相似文献   

陈静 《企业研究》2010,(8):60-62
在现代人的印象中,家族企业由于与家族有着密不可分的关系被认为是一种落后的企业组织形式,家族式管理也被视为一种落伍的管理方法。然而实际的情况却说明很多成功的巨型公司完全可以通过家族企业自身的制度创新、引入专业化管理、构建符合自身特色的有效的现代企业治理模式,得以长远发展。本文将以制度创新为大视角,探讨我国家族企业改变以往的家族企业治理过程中出现的种种问题,并从体制创新和内部机制创新两个角度出发探讨具有可行性的对策和方法。  相似文献   

工艺美术类文化产业是我国重要的文化行业之一,具有民族性、地域性、传承性、多样性等特点。因此,工艺美术文化企业大多数为小微家族企业。随着社会经济的发展,工艺美术类小微家族文化企业需要加强自身变革以应对新的发展环境。本文以河北省张家口市蔚县王老赏周永明世家剪纸公司为例,运用swot分析法分析企业发展状况并给出对策建议。  相似文献   

In 1996 a paper entitled ‘Where is our common future?’ in Sustainable Development maintained that the world's largest oil companies, the Seven Sisters, were two giant steps away from sustainable development in their 1993 environmental values, visions and policies. These factors matched the level of their business environment; hence, the Sisters had positioned themselves to meet the needs of their business environment, but not the needs of the ecological environment. This is a 10‐year follow‐up study of these findings. The analysis of the 2003 environmental values, visions, business environment, general strategic management and environmental policies of the current Four Sisters – BP(Amoco), ChevronTexaco, ExxonMobil and Shell – indicates that these companies have moved one step towards sustainable development. However, their business environment has moved two steps, firmly rooting itself in ecocentric sustainable development – and now runs ahead of the Sisters in principle but not yet in practice. In the long run, the Four Sisters need to exchange their technocentric values, traditional visions and conventional policies for ecocentric values, progressive visions and entrepreneurial policies to be able to participate in Our Common Future. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

家族企业家通常兼具家长、企业所有人及经营管理者三种角色,是家族企业的灵魂。他们身上表现的个性特质、行为特质在家族利益的影响下,在进行家族企业的生产经营管理活动中形成了独特的家族企业家精神。家族企业家精神会影响企业的绩效、寿命和家产的增长,从而影响家族企业的发展。在家族企业内外环境的影响下,家族企业家精神形成后仍具有可变性。因此,要特别注意家族企业家精神的异化对家族企业可持续性发展带来的伤害,以及家族企业家精神巩固、丰富、提升和传承这四个关键因素。  相似文献   

Reporting is a means of communication for companies to their respective stakeholders. The literature on non-financial reporting has mostly focused on operational, Carbon Discloser Project (CDP), and environmental disclosure to firm performance. This reporting and disclosure approach adopted by companies in their sustainability practices appears to be a normative approach. However, there has been a growing demand by stakeholders to incorporate proactive approach in business activities. To meet that, green innovation practices (GIPs) has been integrated as a new element in environmental reporting, thereby reflecting the proactiveness of companies in their adoption of green innovation reporting (GIR). The objective of this study is to advocate for greater disclosure on sustainability reporting by incorporating the GIPs of companies and substantial, sustainable development goal contribution, along with the moderation of the newly upgraded ISO 56002-2019 innovation management system. Adoption of green innovation reporting and ISO 56002-2019 will enhance the level of transparency of business activities and create greater stakeholder confidence along with enhancing the firm's sustainable development of goal performance. Furthermore, an extensive literature review was undertaken to create a GIR framework (i.e., product, process, service and technology) for firms to integrate GIPs into sustainability reporting. The conceptual model proposed the adoption of green innovation reporting and ISO 56002-2019 innovation management system to firm sustainable development goal. This needs to be injected into the sustainable reporting of companies to reflect their innovativeness, actual sustainable business practices and sustainable development goal performance for the firm.  相似文献   


The paper proposes an analysis of entrepreneurial intentions in the equine sector in Romania and the identification of the variables influencing economic growth in this field. The equine sector plays a strategic role in the development of durable, sustainable and social entrepreneurship. The combination of equine services can ensure a business's survival during a crisis, and businesses involving horses can be considered complex. The equine sector is constantly changing: it is affected by politics, the social environment and new competitors. Changing customer requirements make it a difficult area in which to develop a sustainable start-up ecosystem. The present study is important in drawing attention to the main impediments faced by Romanian entrepreneurs in the development of the equine sector, a sector which—because of the emotional and physical benefits that horses offer—has great potential. The horse industry needs true "enthusiastic entrepreneurs" who have the management knowledge and skills to make their business more professional and profitable. It was found that the firm's organisation method is an important factor in predicting business continuity, in achieving medium- and long-term objectives, and in ensuring business success.


The study advances knowledge in the field of business strategy and the environment by incorporating mindfulness theory into the research on socioemotional wealth (SEW) and its environmental consequences in family businesses. Using an integrative model, the paper investigates the relationship between mindfulness SEW dimensions and family firms' environmental strategies, specifically in developing sustainable products and processes. This study also proposes the firm's capabilities as a mediator in this relationship, while market turbulence is a moderator in the relationship between the firm's capabilities and sustainable products and processes. The empirical results show that in protecting SEW, specifically in the identification of family members with the firm and binding social ties, mindfulness provides a rich endowment that develops appropriate capabilities to produce sustainable products and processes. While the moderating role of market turbulence is insignificant, we can infer that irrespective of how turbulent (or not) the market is, the firm's capabilities are a key determinant of sustainable products and processes. Our findings offer theoretical and managerial implications for sustainable practices in the family business context.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,中小企业如何制定经营战略成为当前需要重点研究的问题。中小企业的发展需要以明确的战略定位为基础。具有预见性、前瞻性的营销战略是企业生产决策的关键性引导。但是目前很多中小企业在构建经营战略时都面临诸多问题,导致企业发展受阻。因此,了解中小企业经营战略现状,通过合理有效的途径制定中小企业经营战略,这能帮助中小企业实现可持续发展,为其占据市场一席之地奠定基础。  相似文献   

设计师须以对生态环境负责任的态度和更加人性化的设计来满足人类社会可持续性发展的需要。绿色环保设计正在改变我们的生活,文章推荐家居"绿色设计"用以缓解人们的紧张情绪,改善居住环境,使自己和家人生活得更美好。  相似文献   

对我国林业可持续发展存在问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林业可持续发展目标中社会与生态环境目标,体现的是全人类的利益,即可持续发展的社会经济,。而作为人类群体中的林业生产经营者来说,不仅需要自身的实践活动所提供的产品服务,更具有意义的是要求其自身经济利益的持续性,这也是不同利益主体对林业问题构成不同态度的深刻原因。本文从我国实现林业可持续发展存在的问题分析实现林业可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

在大数据盛行的时代背景下,随着世界经济的快速发展与国内科技信息水平的上升,传统意义上单一的财务管理模式已经不能满足当下企业应对国内外激烈的竞争从而满足其持续发展的需要。随着企业财务共享平台的创建与完善,业财融合模式正逐渐被越来越多的企业所提倡与实行。大数据、云计算、物联网的新生与发展使得在财务共享平台下,企业的业务活动和财务活动结合得更为紧密。论文对海尔集团业财融合模式进行分析。  相似文献   

张燕 《价值工程》2010,29(12):192-193
可持续发展是指既满足现代人的需求以不损害后代人满足需求的能力,使子孙后代能够永续发展和安居乐业。在幼儿阶段开展可持续发展教育,决定了他们的可持续发展意识的认识水平和其将来参与环境保护实现可持续发展的程度。  相似文献   

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