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The presence of an unemployment insurance system based on voluntary membership in unemployment insurance funds (known as the ‘Ghent system’) and a high union density has long been known and well documented, and even referred to as a special ‘Ghent effect’. However the Ghent system, especially in the three classic Ghent countries, Finland, Sweden and Denmark, has come under significant pressure in recent years, and many researchers are referring to an erosion of the Ghent system as a recruiting mechanism for trade unions. But prior research aimed at documenting the Ghent effect seems to disregard variations in how strongly trade unions benefit from the Ghent system as a recruiting mechanism. Hence, this article sets out to investigate whether all trade unions equally benefit from a Ghent effect across different sectors and occupations by studying the Danish case. Unique survey data made it possible to map Danish wage earners' reasons for joining or leaving unemployment insurance funds and trade unions. The article finds that there are great variations among Danish trade unions in terms of how strongly they are dependent on a Ghent effect as a recruiting mechanism. We may expect the same variations in the two other Ghent countries, Sweden and Finland, because the organisation of the Ghent system is similar in the three Nordic countries. In addition, the article shows that this variation might help explain why some trade unions are on the rise to the detriment of others.  相似文献   

Drawing on survey evidence collected between 2001 and 2012, this article examines whether changes in the organising approach of UNISON were reflected in changes in the routes of entry of new members into the union. The article shows that shifts in UNISON policy were marginal to the pattern of entry into the union. The implications of these findings for the concept and implementation of organising are subsequently reviewed.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which enterprise reforms in the PRC have affected human resource management practices over the 1990s. A comparison is made between state-owned enterprises and joint venture firms, involving a national sample of sixty-two companies ranging from those in the North to those in the South. Our main findings show how organizational inertia has obstructed the change of the mind-sets associated with the 'iron rice-bowl' that characterized Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) before economic reform. The main conclusions of the research point to ownership, location and size of the firm as the main factors affecting the evolution of HRM in Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

It is becoming clear that communicating effectively with stakeholders on progress towards economic prosperity, environmental quality and social justice i.e. the triple bottom line, will become a defining characteristic of corporate responsibility in the 21st century (Elkington J. 1998. Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. New Society: Vancouver). However, most companies that currently use paper‐based and even web‐based communication vehicles for their corporate performance reports are not realizing the full potential value of these communications – either for themselves or for their stakeholders. This may be due in part to the fact that historically reports have not sufficiently engaged ‘direct stakeholders’, i.e. employees, customers, investors, suppliers and local communities. In this paper we review the recent history of environmental and social reporting and conclude that, whilst much progress has been made, significant challenges remain. Most notably these challenges include (i) the avoidance of engagement fatigue by stakeholders and opinion formers alike and (ii) the extension of triple‐bottom‐line principles from corporate headquarters into business unit operations. Conversely there is enormous potential for addressing these challenges and creating significant value for both corporations and their stakeholders through the development of truly interactive (cybernetic) corporate sustainability reports and communications delivered via the internet and other channels. We explore some of the implications of what we believe to be an inevitable transition in how these communications will be orchestrated. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This paper presents survey findings exploring the claim that trade union militancy will deliver more advantages for unions than moderation (Kelly, 1996). Responses from representatives in two unions reveal militancy is associated with stronger union workplace activity and greater engagement with management in solving operational problems and long-term business strategies. However, there was no evidence that militancy significantly affects many terms and conditions. Moderate trade unionists in this sample were no more likely to hold a unitarist frame of reference. A further factor analysis of the militancy-moderation scale revealed two separate dimensions of militancy - a 'bargaining' and a 'mobilizing' approach. Although finding some expected benefits linked with militancy, different benefits appear to be associated with a bargaining approach and a mobilizing approach. It is suggested the approach taken in collective bargaining may be at least as important as mobilizing union members in securing gains from a militant union strategy.  相似文献   

This article analyses a policy of the Japanese Employers’ Federation regarding the ‘desired direction’ of the Japanese employment system. The analysis shows that the Federation in a number of respects advocates radical change, but also that the overall position regarding the relationship between continuity and change is of an ambiguous or unresolved character.  相似文献   

This article analyses the main trends in nurse migration to the UK and highlights the importance of state policy as a major influence shaping employer utilisation of migrant nurses. The introduction of the points‐based immigration system is considered, and the consequences for migrant nurses, employers and trade unions are examined.  相似文献   

Between January 1999 and March 2010, 34 trade unions entered the Certification Officer list or schedule in the UK. This article reports on a survey of those unions, discussing the extent to which they represent new forms of unionism and the possible implications for union revitalisation.  相似文献   

At the end of 2017, the Bitcoin price dropped significantly by approximately 70% over the two months. Since the introduction of Bitcoin futures coincided with this market crash, it is said that the new financial instrument might have caused the market crash. The literature states that the futures enabled investors to easily take a short position and hypothesizes that the selling pressure from futures could have potentially crashed the Bitcoin market. To evaluate this assumption, we investigate the empirical relationship between futures trading and the Bitcoin price by using high-frequency data. We find that Bitcoin futures trading was not significantly related to the returns on Bitcoin futures and spot returns. Therefore, we conclude that Bitcoin futures did not lead to the crash of the Bitcoin market at the end of 2017.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of industrial action at the workplace on union membership behaviour, in the form of joining (by non-members) and leaving (by members). It examines the issue from the perspective of exchange relationship theory. It is hypothesised that industrial action deepens the collective social and ideological aspects of exchange relationships and loosens the weaker individualist economic aspects, causing more workers to join than to leave a union. The data set comprises survey responses of random samples of individual workers continuously employed in the same workplace and collected at two points in time. Logistic regression is employed to analyse the data. The results demonstrate that workplace industrial action is associated with union joining but has no significant effect on members' leaving behaviour. Implications for union organising are discussed.  相似文献   

The blue trade barrier refers to the standards of the enterprise's social responsibility, namely SA8000. At present, many overseas importers request the export enterprise to conform to SA8000. On one hand, it can bring the opportunity to us--to be helpful in the exportation enterprise transforming the economical growth way, be helpful to strengthen the cohesive force in the enterprise. On the other hand, it can also bring challenge-increasing the cost of the export, export declines.  相似文献   

This paper studies the association between trade reform, growth, and trade adjustment assistance in a sample of developing countries that underwent trade reforms during 1987–2004. Our analysis explicitly differentiates between a group of countries that received trade adjustment loans from the World Bank and a non-recipient group. The results suggest that trade adjustment assistance is positively associated with economic growth after trade reform in the medium to long run. In comparison to a pre-reform period and to the non-recipient group, the recipient countries registered 0.2 percent higher growth of real GDP per capita, 5.0 percent higher import growth, and 2.5 percent higher export growth over a period of three to five years after trade reform.  相似文献   

E-procurement is gaining in popularity in business practice and its benefits encourage its adoption for a variety of areas, including IT (Information Technology) purchases. The problem with assessing the value associated with e-procurement has been addressed by researchers and practitioners, but a clear methodology to determine the benefits related to e-procurement adoption is still missing, especially for IT. This paper defines e-procurement and identifies the six most significant drivers for e-procurement adoption, which are the pillars of the proposed value assessment methodology. The authors have also applied the developed methodology to real cases in order to verify its validity and robustness. Finally, although the developed model takes into account the peculiarities of IT purchases, it also raises more research opportunities for other purchasing categories.  相似文献   

Social enterprise organizations and activities combine market-oriented approaches with social aspirations, whereas corporate social responsibility strategies seek to integrate social aspects into core business strategies. The rise in social enterprise activity at the business end of the spectrum raises questions about how, where, and why social enterprise and corporate social responsibility might overlap. Through a review of literature, we demonstrate how the mainstreaming or corporatization of fair trade activity provides an example of this overlap. The tensions between the push of social aspirations within fair trade and the pull of commercial imperatives are highlighted. From a marketing viewpoint, a social enterprise push strategy is shown as typically undertaken from an organization perspective, whereas pull strategies in marketing are typically customer driven. We demonstrate that influences from both social enterprise and corporate social responsibility are evident in fair trade mainstreaming processes, although the extent to which each “pushes” or “pulls” varies across circumstances and interpretations.  相似文献   

This longitudinal case study in a Japanese owned manufacturing company examines the relationship between union‐based representation and organisation and other forms of employee voice. The study covers the period before and after the passage of the Employment Relations Act 1999. During that period the Company voluntarily agreed to the recognition of an independent trade union at the same time as abandoning a pre‐existing employee works council and its replacement by a Japanese‐style company advisory board. The study investigates, inter alia, how far, and to what extent the inpending EU directive establishing mechanisms for employee information and consultation could influence existing trade union representation and organisation.  相似文献   

Despite evidence that the gender gap in the labour market favours men, aggregate findings from correspondence studies show that women are more likely than men to be invited for a job interview. We hypothesize that the predominance of women among recruiters may explain this somewhat puzzling finding; recruiters may favour applicants of their own gender. We use the data from a large-scale correspondence study to test this hypothesis. As expected, we find that female applicants are more likely to receive callbacks for interview. We also see that in our sample the majority of contact persons responsible for the recruitment process are female. More importantly, we find that if recruiter and applicant are of the same gender, then the likelihood that the applicant will be invited for an interview increases. These findings reveal the gender favouritism at the selection stage in the labour market.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of regional trade agreements. The augmented gravity model of international trade is used to test for trade creation and diversion in the context of trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region. The results of the estimated model indicate that trade has increased among the members of AFTA and APTA but not among the AANZFTA members. Differences in the levels of development appear to have a significant impact on trade flows, suggesting that there can be no general presumption about the extent of trade creation and trade diversion.  相似文献   

The nature of data is rapidly changing. Data sets are becoming increasingly large and complex. Modern methodology for analyzing these new types of data are emerging from the fields of Data Base Managment, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, and Data Visualization. So far Statistics as a field has played a minor role. This paper explores some of the reasons for this, and why statisticians should have an interest in participating in the development of new methods for large and complex data sets.  相似文献   

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