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正交频分复用(OFDM)系统参数众多,设计灵活,可以根据不同用途、信道环境以及接收机的性能等,设计出很多不同的OFDM系统。针对此问题,提出了一种通用的基于训练序列的OFDM发射机设计方案。从性能的角度出发,设计了OFDM符号结构和传输帧结构,并重点分析了OFDM数字基带调制模块的组成,最终在Xilinx开发板上实现了该方案,并获得了OFDM各模块的仿真时序图、OFDM射频信号频谱和误比特率图。研究结果表明,该方案频谱利用率高,复杂度低,通用性好。  相似文献   

针对现有航电仿真系统中总线驱动软件存在的功能单一、可扩展性差、重复开发严重等问题,结合航电仿真系统数据驱动特点,提出了一种扩展便捷、配置灵活、运行稳定的通用航空总线驱动仿真软件的设计与实现方案。该方案基于面向对象设计思想,采用分层式软件架构与模块化设计,利用可扩展标记语言(XML)格式的灵活配置特性和发布/订阅式数据分发网络的动态性及传输优势进行设计,保证了方案的通用性和灵活性,提高了软件的健壮性和可重用性。基于该方案设计的通用总线驱动软件可显著提高航电仿真场景中多总线数据分发的效率。  相似文献   

Guided by the work of Samiee (1993 Samiee, S.1993. “Retailing and Channel Considerations in Developing Countries: A Review and Research Propositions.” Journal of Business Research27 (2): 103129. doi:10.1016/0148-2963(93)90018-K.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Journal of Business Research, 27 (2): 103–129), Sakarya, Eckman, and Hyllegard (2007 Sakarya, S., M.Eckman, and K.Hyllegard. 2007. “Market Selection for International Expansion.” International Marketing Review24 (2): 208238. doi:10.1108/02651330710741820.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. International Marketing Review, 24 (2): 208–238), and Alexander et al. (2010 Alexander, N., A. M.Doherty, J. M.Carpenter, and M.Moore. 2010. “Consumer Receptiveness to International Retail Market Entry.” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management38 (3): 160172. doi:10.1108/09590551011027104.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38 (3): 160–172), a cross-cultural analysis was undertaken to examine consumer receptiveness to domestic market entry by foreign apparel specialty retailers. More specifically, this study explored differences in consumers' perceptions of the influence of foreign apparel specialty retailers on social, cultural, and economic development across three countries: Spain, Turkey, and the USA. Consumer receptiveness was measured as beliefs about the social and economic influence of foreign retailers and perceptions of retailers' brand characteristics and offerings. An intercept survey of 1233 apparel shoppers was conducted in major metropolitan shopping areas in all three countries. MANOVA revealed that Spanish consumers were least concerned about urban growth associated with foreign retailers and least likely to perceive positive employment/business opportunities and socio-cultural well-being from the presence of foreign retailers. Turkish consumers held the strongest perceptions regarding the influence of foreign retailers on urban growth. Paired sample t-tests revealed that Turkish consumers, when compared with Spanish consumers, evaluated U.S. retailers' offerings more positively and were more receptive to the entry of U.S. retailers into their domestic markets. Results of regression analyses indicated that Spanish and Turkish consumers' beliefs about retail brand characteristics and the socio-cultural and economic influence of foreign retailers positively predicted consumers' receptiveness, whereas age negatively influenced receptiveness. Differences in perceptions among Spanish, Turkish, and U.S. consumers may be attributed to the varying levels of economic development among the three countries as well as to the countries' differing policies concerning foreign retailers. Findings provide a basis for the development of a measure of consumer receptiveness to international retail expansion.  相似文献   

Effectively designed complaint handling systems play a key role in enabling vulnerable consumers to complain and obtain redress. This article examines current research into consumer vulnerability, highlighting its multidimensional and expansive nature. Contemporary understandings of consumer vulnerability recognize that the interaction between a wide range of market and consumer characteristics can combine to place any individual at risk of vulnerability. While this broad definition of consumer vulnerability reflects the complex reality of consumers’ experiences, it poses a key challenge for designers of complaint handling systems: how can they identify and respond to an issue which can potentially affect everyone? Drawing on current research and practice in the United Kingdom and Australia, the article analyses the impact of consumer vulnerability on third party dispute resolution schemes and considers the role these complaint handling organizations can play in supporting their complainants. Third party complaint handling organizations, including a range of Alternative Dispute Resolution services such as ombudsman organizations, can play a key role in increasing access to justice for vulnerable consumer groups and provide specific assistance for individual complainants during the process. It is an opportune time to review whether the needs of consumers at risk of vulnerability are being met within complaint processes and the extent to which third party complaint handlers support those who are most vulnerable to seek redress. Empowering vulnerable consumers to complain presents specific challenges. The article discusses the application of a new model of consumer dispute system design to show how complaint handling organizations can meet the needs of the most vulnerable consumers throughout the process.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(3):459-476
Companies often use aesthetics or salient visual attributes to differentiate their products from those of their competitors and to appeal to customers. However, consumers may make unfavorable inferences about highly aesthetic products due to concerns about the products’ functionality. To address the issue of how retailers can most effectively engage in the deployment and promotion of product aesthetics, the present research proposes that consumers will respond more favorably (i.e., enhanced choice of product, enhanced product and advertisement evaluations, and a heightened willingness to pay) to a highly aesthetic product when they are in an abstract, rather than a concrete, mindset. Five studies using multiple product categories and applying various mindset manipulations provide convergent evidence to support the proposed hypothesis. The findings hold true for utilitarian, but not hedonic, products, and the focus of attention on product functionality accounts for the results. With the insight that the mindset consumers are in is critical in determining their response to highly aesthetics products, retailers can capitalize on selected situations in which to promote product aesthetics.  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化进程的加快,养老模式与路径选择问题日益成为社会关注的主要问题。当前,家庭养老功能弱化,社会养老保障体系尚未完全形成,养老问题面临着新的困境。虽然养老模式开始逐渐趋于社会化和多元化,但家庭养老在我国有着很深的根基和不可替代的优势,在应对老龄化的过程中仍有着重要的支撑作用。家庭养老不仅有利于家庭关系的稳定和人力资本的投资,还能节约公共财政和社会资源。家庭养老的困难和危机不仅源于自身,还产生于社会和国家,政府应加大对家庭养老的支持力度,完善家庭养老保障的相关制度,强化家庭养老的社会关系网络,加大"孝"文化的宣传和教育。  相似文献   

Front-line employee (FLE) attitudes and behaviors while interacting with consumers largely determine the success or failure of service organizations. To better understand how this happens, this research moves beyond the oversimplified argument that managers either must hire or specifically train for workers to be customer oriented and to perform customer-oriented behaviors (COBs). A third path is proposed and empirically explored that suggests managers use work design to influence FLEs at work motivation to perform COBs. Specific work design levers managers can employ – manager support and serial/investiture socialization – are shown to impact FLE organizational commitment and role clarity with customers. Through these individual internal processes service organizations motivate front-line workers to perform desired COBs.  相似文献   

设计费虽然只占工程全部投资的极少部分,但是,工程投资总量中绝大部分的投资由设计决定,工程设计决定着项目的建设投资,因此,做好建筑工程的设计监理工作势在必行.本文从保持设计监理部门的独立性、有效监控设计投资、有效监控设计质量、建立设计监理的激励机制四方面对设计阶段的监理工作进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Consumers' responses to design features involve both conscious and non-conscious information processing. The current research therefore argues that a combination of explicit and implicit measures should be used to assess consumer understanding of service brand meaning conveyed by a service brand's physical elements. However, most methods traditionally used to evaluate design meaning are explicit methods, based on conscious cognitive processes. The current research addresses this gap by documenting how understanding of service brand meaning conveyed by a service brand's physical elements can be tapped by an implicit measure. More specifically, it aims to investigate the extent to which a greater ability to decode meaning conveyed by design features results in differences in implicit understanding of service brand meaning. This research uses a Semantic Priming Task to assess associative strength between brand meaning and a service brand's physical elements. Results (N = 157) show that command of the design language, captured by design acumen and involvement in the product category, results in greater ability to implicitly understand brand meaning conveyed by a service brand's physical elements, and moderates the implicit-explicit relationship. Results suggest that combining implicit and explicit measures may help practitioners in charge of creating brand's physical elements, especially when associations between design types and brand impressions are not constant across product categories.  相似文献   

Historically, product design has most often been considered a process for creating functional differentiation through added features, superior performance, and so forth. However, with the advent of more design-oriented companies, such as Apple, Dyson, and others, design is increasingly being seen as an important strategic tool in creating preference and deeper emotional value for the consumer. In this research, we show how different design elements may be used strategically to create two very different outcome chains from a consumer's perspective. This work shows that certain design elements are more likely to create functional product differentiation and transactional consumer outcomes, while other design strategies tap a more emotional form of value creation. As we show, an emotional focus in value creation is more likely to create desired and powerful outcomes such as loyalty, joy of use, and even passion. Given current business trends towards relationship-based customer management, this emphasis on emotional value creation through product design is particularly relevant. In order to make these ideas actionable, we offer specific product design strategies that managers can use to enhance the transactional and relational value of their customer relationships.  相似文献   

Psychological responses of consumers to specific stages of self-production activities are investigated in four studies. Findings reveal that consumer participation in the realization stage (physical production) enhances affective commitment to the product. However, physical production without opportunity to express choice or creativity during the production process does not change the symbolic meaning of the product (how self-expressive it is) and, therefore, does not result in identification with the product. Participation during the design stage (input-specification) enhances identification, leading to affective commitment, which in turn enhances evaluation of the self-made product. Finally, engaging consumers in both the realization and design stages of the production process does not create value for consumers over and above the main effects created by a high level of participation in either stage.  相似文献   

在有限冲激响应(Finite Impulse Response,FIR)滤波器设计中,如果系统只要求通带或某个频域区间具有线性相位而其他频域区间相位非线性,则系数对称的FIR滤波器设计方法不再适用。为此,提出了一种基于二阶锥规划(Second-Order Cone Programming,SOCP)的通带线性相位FIR滤波器设计方法。该方法使用二阶锥规划实现滤波器设计,其中优化目标为通带最小群延迟,约束条件为全频域振幅误差。实验结果显示,所提方法设计的FIR滤波器有着很好的幅频特性和通带线性相位,通带群延迟误差很小。该方法实现简单,计算复杂度低,可以广泛应用于数字信号处理领域。  相似文献   

This research examines how the typeface design in a charitable appeal affects consumers' evaluations of the ad and, in turn, their willingness to engage in the advertised charitable activities. We propose that the typeface's simulation of a handwritten note creates a sense of connectedness to the information sender (e.g., organization, brand), which subsequently increases consumers' willingness to engage in the advertised charitable activities. Six experiments, including laboratory and field studies, provide support for the typeface effect and further support the underlying process by (1) directly examining connectedness, and (2) manipulating brand attachment, showing that a handwritten typeface creates a more positive effect when the viewer is not strongly connected to the brand (vs. having a strong brand attachment). Our findings provide useful guidelines for brand managers, social marketers and charity fundraisers regarding how and when to use a handwritten typeface design.  相似文献   

We analyze 14 leading real estate websites, seven residential and seven commercial. They exhibit limited demographic and geographic information systems (GIS) data display capability. They exhibit economic data display capability except one, and lack demographic, economic, and GIS data search capability. Real estate web searching is inefficient, time consuming, and inflexible. To overcome these limitations, we use design-science to create three search modes (Sc2, Sc3, and Sc4). Sc2 uses demographic data, Sc3 economic data, and Sc4 GIS data.  相似文献   

根据现在高层结构设计普遍应用的PKPM软件,结合《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》(JGJ 3-2010),对一般高层建筑混凝土结构计算结果进行判别。  相似文献   

为了解决相位编码准连续波雷达的回波遮挡问题,首先引入遮挡率函数和遮挡情况下 的回波主旁瓣比定量分析回波遮挡。在此基础上提出一种基于MAC(Multimode Arbitrary C ode)序列的长短脉冲结合的波形设计方法,并给出了基于此方法的波形设计实例和相 应的仿真分析。仿真结果表明该波形设计方法能够有效解决相位编码准连续波雷达的回波遮 挡问题,实现远近目标的同时探测。  相似文献   

It is well documented that context and physical surroundings impact consumers. However, little is known about how to direct the overall design of an environment to enhance consumer experience. Evidence suggests that design principles that tap into the benefits of response to nature may serve to improve the well-being of people in the environment. While research on the implications of such design for consumer responses is growing, a conceptual framework that delineates these responses and their effects on experience has not been established. The current research develops, proposes, and tests a conceptual framework for consumer responses to environments that incorporate materials, textures, shapes, colors, and patterns that quote nature. It shows that when present in a consumer context, these biophilic design elements elicit what we label the friluftsliv response: a response characterized by a positive connection to place that elicits both drive and contentment-based affective reactions. The results indicate that consumer environments rich in biophilic design elements can positively influence important marketing variables, such as situational consumer anxiety and retailer choice.  相似文献   

平面广告文案版式设计的实验心理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用认知心理学中的移动窗口技术和内隐联想测验方法,从“可读性”和“易读性”两个角度,就中文平面广告文案的版式设计对读者阅读效果和接受偏好的影响进行了实证研究。结果显示,字体有无衬线对阅读效果无显著影响;阴文版式的整体阅读速度略快于阳文版式;采用阴文版式时被试对于文案主题词的阅读速度显著快于阳文版式;字体和版式对阅读的影响未发现交互作用。被试对阳式文案的广告总体表现出明显的接受偏好。本研究结果可为今后平面广告文案的版式设计提供参照。  相似文献   

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