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Drawing on survey evidence, this paper explores the quality of information and consultation at European works councils and developments in the support infrastructure available to representatives. The paper highlights that European works councils are an institution in process. As such, wide‐ranging developments have been implemented to improve their performance, but many of these will have to be extended in coverage if European work councils are to be exploited to better effect by labour.  相似文献   

HR and analytics: why HR is set to fail the big data challenge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The HR world is abuzz with talk of big data and the transformative potential of HR analytics. This article takes issue with optimistic accounts, which hail HR analytics as a ‘must have’ capability that will ensure HR's future as a strategic management function while transforming organisational performance for the better. It argues that unless the HR profession wises up to both the potential and drawbacks of this emerging field and engages operationally and strategically to develop better methods and approaches, it is unlikely that existing practices of HR analytics will deliver transformational change. Indeed, it is possible that current trends will seal the exclusion of HR from strategic, board‐level influence while doing little to benefit organisations and actively damaging the interests of employees.  相似文献   

Overdue by nine years, contested by employers and awaited by trade unions, a review of the European works council Directive 94/45/EC finally became reality in 2009. This article presents background information about the positions of the European social partners and other institutional EU actors in order to understand the outcome of the events of 2008–09. Focus is directed towards providing a general overview of the new elements in the recast directive on European works councils (EWCs). Keeping the different views on EWCs of the social partners in perspective, the article argues that the recast directive, despite its shortcomings, represents progress rather than superficial cosmetic surgery.  相似文献   

This article outlines a concept for analysing practices of European works councils. Much previous research has focused its attention merely on a single institution or actor, for instance the European works council, transnational agreements or trade union federations. However, previous research in the field suggests that transnational labour relations often involve many actors on different levels inside and outside an MNC who interact, refer to different cultural patterns and draw power to act from various sources. To cover those processes, a structuration theory framework is developed that models different ‘action fields’, which actors refer to in their social practices of cross‐border employee representation. The framework is illustrated with case studies of Toyota and General Motors. The benefits and limitations of the new perspective are discussed with reference to previous accounts.  相似文献   

This article investigates trust and organisational justice as antecedents of works council (WC) effectiveness perceptions and the moderating role of industrial relations climate on this relationship. A 2‐year longitudinal study of WC participants in two UK organisations (a housing association and a professional services firm) was undertaken. Results show positive significant relationships between both trust and organisational justice, and WC outcomes of WC performance, WC usefulness and outcome satisfaction. Industrial relations climate is found to moderate the relationship between justice and WC performance, WC usefulness, and outcome satisfaction.  相似文献   

The effects of employee ownership, broadly defined, are estimated for a sample of Polish producer co-operatives in three industries during 1976-8, i.e. when Poland was a centrally planned economy. The results indicate that, in general, increasing either worker participation in control and/or in economic returns provides positive effects on productivity. The pattern of the different effects of employee ownership varies significantly across sectors. This new evidence strongly suggests that workers within Soviet-type economies are responsive to economic incentives. Together with existing theoretical and empirical evidence for both Eastern and Western European firms, the findings suggest a larger role for employee ownership than typically either currently exists or that is under serious consideration in most restructuring economies.  相似文献   

Employees of a certain rank are motivated by the pay gap between them and the levels above (upward comparison), and the pay gap between them and the levels below (downward comparison). In some cases, employees face multiple upward comparisons such as immediate and subsequent upward comparisons. We hypothesise that upward comparison matters more than downward comparison, and in the case of multiple upward comparisons, the immediate one matters more than the subsequent ones. We also hypothesise that the pay gap effect resulting from the upward/downward comparison ought to be non‐linear in that performance increases with pay gap size at a decreasing rate. The results from two empirical studies, namely, a longitudinal field study and a laboratory experiment, largely support our hypotheses.  相似文献   

通过深化ERP系统的应用,离散型制造企业可以将传统的物料领用方式改变为配送方式,并建立起高效的物料配送体系。  相似文献   

We examine employees' experiences of exercising voice in a large non‐union US multinational plant. We find that a majority of those who took action to address a problem reported an unsatisfactory outcome and that experiencing problems at work and taking action are associated with more positive employee attitudes to unions.  相似文献   

The impact of economic and monetary union on the structures, processes and agenda of collective bargaining at sector and company levels is explored. Drawing on cross–national evidence from two sectors, considerable differences between sectors within national boundaries are identified, but also some striking parallels within sectors across national boundaries. Convergence and greater diversity are simultaneously evident.  相似文献   

We estimate a sequential model of schooling to assess the major contributing factors to the large gender imbalance in educational attainment within racial groups. First, we find that differences between males and females in measures of early behavior account for the majority of the gender gap for each racial group. Second, we show that black males have the largest response to improvements in family background characteristics, such that equalizing the distribution of family background characteristics for black and white youths reduces the gender gap in college enrollment among black youth by 50%.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of the EU on Portugal’s economy, how the EU rules and regulations have affected the country’s policy-making style, and the impact of EU’s transfer of resources. It shows that Portugal has greatly benefitted from joining the EU: the rapid exposure to foreign competition has forced modernization of many sectors; there was a retreat of the state from direct involvement in economic activities and the creation of a number of new export-oriented sectors, and EU transfers were effectively applied in modernizing the country’s infrastructure. However, increased productivity has not improved equity from both an income distribution point of view and from regional income concentration.  相似文献   

Employees' roles as organizational members often do not end immediately after they have made the decision to leave or it has been made for them. Instead, this decision serves as a turning point initiating an exit transition process. The purpose of this article is to consolidate prior scholarship in order to gain an understanding of the state of the science, as it pertains to exit transitions. Our literature review yielded almost 200 articles that have directly or indirectly studied the exit transition process. In organizing the insights from these studies, four categories of exit transition scholarship emerged—exit transitions in the context of voluntary turnover, involuntary turnover, temporary transitions, and top management exits. Moreover, our review indicated that exit transitions are shaped by three critical forces—the permanence of the transition, the magnitude of the identity change associated with the exit, and the organizational impact of the exit. We review research on each of the four categories and show how each type of transition is shaped by these forces. Finally, we turn our focus to the future of work and discuss how changes in the way that work is structured may alter the study of employee exit transitions in the future.  相似文献   

This paper provides a first attempt at conceptualizing and operationalizing the notion of commitment to customer service (CCS) as part of a broader concern to explore the determinants of key aspects of service quality and of individual-level performance in service organizations. Based on an explicitly behavioral definition of commitment to customer service, we first set out a model of the antecedents of CCS. We then test it using data from a representative sample of 717 employees of a major food-retailing organization in the UK. The results suggest that commitment to customer service is primarily a non-calculative phenomenon driven above all by affective. normative altruistic concerns, rather than by overtly instrumental considerations. Additional significant determinants of CCS were job pressure, job routinization. job competence and employees' understanding of customer service requirements. Research and policy implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The last 30 years have witnessed the emergence of a new pattern of urban development in France, called the periurban belt. It is defined as a belt outside the city occupied both by households and farmers. We develop a residential model in which households commuting to an employment center may choose to live with farmers in this mixed belt because they value the rural amenities created by farming activities. Both types of agents compete on the land market and the equilibrium conditions allow us to obtain an analytical solution and to provide some insights about the robustness of the periurban form against decreases in commuting costs. Finally, the model is calibrated on French data.  相似文献   

In the current career climate characterized by change and turbulence, employees may demonstrate limited psychological attachment to their employers. Rousseau (1998) suggested that organizations can elicit psychological attachment from employees by reinforcing perceptions of organizational membership and demonstrating care and support for them. The effectiveness of these strategies, however, may depend on individuals' personality traits. In this study, we examined the moderating effect of locus of control in the relationship among four valued aspects of the work environment—information sharing, job significance, opportunity for learning, and availability of rewards for performance—and employees' intentions to stay. In two empirical studies, we found that information sharing, job significance, and locus of control interacted to positively affect intentions to stay and that opportunity for learning, availability of rewards for performance, and locus of control also interacted to increase intentions to stay. Implications of these results for theory building and practice are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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