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正直到最近,政府仍控制、资助和管理主要的遗产景点。但目前很多政府面临越来越大的经济压力,人们对政府管理这些景点的信任度也有所削弱。社区更多地参与这些景区可持续发展的规划和管理,社区参与旨在不断寻求政府监管缩小与信任差距扩大之间的平衡①。人们越来越关注管理遗产的新方法,以协助社区参与景区管理。在如何对待管理结构和被管理的景区方面,复杂系统方法(complex systems approach)提供了一个独特的切入点②③。复杂系统从生态学、社会学、心理学、政治学、经济学等多个方面研究管理问题。复杂系统理论将分析的对象视为  相似文献   

激发内生动力、推进乡村振兴,关系着民族复兴的进展和成效。为了探讨民族地区社区增权对居民旅游参与意愿的影响关系,文章从增权理论视角出发,引入社区增权、旅游支持态度等变量来构建居民旅游参与意愿的形成机理模型,选择了湖南凤凰、湖北恩施和重庆云阳等旅游目的地进行实证分析。研究发现:第一,社区增权是驱动居民旅游参与意愿的关键因素;第二,心理增权对社区增权的影响效果最为显著,社会增权和政治增权次之;第三,社区增权能强化居民旅游支持态度,但旅游支持态度和参与意愿之间并没有直接和必然的联系。管理者应重视社区增权在民族旅游发展中的重要作用,培育居民的主人翁精神,使其积极参与当地旅游开发,实现民族地区旅游健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

南岭国家森林公园旅游企业主导的社区参与模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区是生态旅游利益相关者的关键角色之一.本文在有关社区参与生态旅游的理论研究和文献综述的基础上,针对我国生态旅游社区参与的实残,选取具有代表性的南岭国家森林公园为案例,通过对当地社区、旅游企业及政府等相关利益主体及其相互关系的研究,提出了"旅游企业主导的社区参与模式",并探讨了该模式可持续运作的关键环节和优化模式.因子分析的结果进一步表明,社区主人翁意识、公共福利、教育培训机会以及经济收益等,是影响社区参与生态旅游的自主性和可持续性的重要因素.研究结果丰富了生态旅游社区参与的理论,并对我国生态旅游的社区实践具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

郭文  黄震方 《旅游学刊》2011,26(12):83-92
文章在田野调查的基础上,通过问卷形式对云南西双版纳傣族园和香格里拉雨崩社区两种不同开发模式下社区参与旅游发展中的经济、政治、心理、社会、制度和信息权能情况进行了研究。结果发现:(1)不同开发模式的介入导致了权能建设的先后次序,也是居民认可总体呈现“高认可高趋向”、“中认可高反差”和“低认可低趋向”三个层次的直接原因;(2)社区旅游权能的实际效果存在结构性差异,旅游经济权能促进其他权能建设的推动力度有待增强;(3)社区旅游开发与社区整体发展是一个协同系统,权能建设的最终实现有待模式的适度调适。基于此,文章认为寻找合理的开发方式是促进旅游权能与社区整体权能建设的有效途径,并在体制机制、集约化开发、利益分配、建设能力等方面提出建议。把权能建设通过社会合力引入社区旅游可持续发展分析之中,将为探索在社区参与中如何实现有效的社会重构提供一个全新的理论视角和突破口,对推动旅游社区转型升级和新农村建设具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

乡村居民作为乡村旅游资源的重要载体和乡村旅游开发的核心利益主体,其参与旅游发展的态度、参与程度不仅关系到乡村居民自身利益,对于提高旅游者体验质量,开拓乡村旅游市场,促进乡村旅游地可持续发展等都有着重要的现实意义。本文在文献研究和实地调研的基础上,从实证经济学角度出发,以贵州安顺天龙屯堡乡村旅游发展模式为个案,对乡村居民参与旅游发展的实践进行分析,进一步探索和揭示乡村社区居民参与旅游发展的意义,并对社区居民参与旅游发展中的潜在问题提出完善建议。  相似文献   

国家公园科学保护与生态旅游高质量发展是国家公园体制建设面临的重大实践需求和重要科学议题。在阐释国家公园高质量发展特征的基础上,围绕国家公园的生态保护、生态旅游、特许经营、保护模式、解说系统、生态产业、社区参与、管理体制等理论与实践问题进行思考与跨学科对话。分析认为:(1)科研支撑是国家公园科学保护与生态旅游高质量发展的基石;(2)生态旅游是国家公园生态产品价值实现的重要方式,其必要条件是要素支撑体系、特许经营制度和关键政策突破;(3)特许权和特许经营制度是保护机制,从旅游特许经营走向社区特许经营、生物科技特许经营、基础设施特许经营、区域联合特许经营等是未来发展的必然趋势;(4)社区参与是国家公园高质量发展的基础保障,渠道拓展、能力提升、共建共享是提升社区参与质量的重要方式;(5)文化服务是国家公园多元功能的重要组成部分,构建科学的解说系统、建设实体平台和虚拟平台,有利于促进文化服务的供给及其社会文化价值的实现。  相似文献   

关于社区参与旅游发展的若干理论思考   总被引:188,自引:13,他引:175  
刘纬华 《旅游学刊》2000,15(1):47-52
实施可持续发展战略是中国旅游业发展的必然选择。除了包含经济的发展、环境的保护、社会的进步等内容外,可持续发展更需要一种发展理念和评判依据。社区参与旅游发展就是旅游可持续发展宏观系统中不可或缺的机制。本文试从这一角度出发,在提出社区参与的概念的基础上,探讨参与所涉及的不同层面及参与的内在机理,并针对目前中国实施社区参与旅游发展存在的问题提出实现社区参与旅游发展的方法和措施,旨在为旅游发展方针、政策的制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

杨晓红 《旅游学刊》2011,26(3):9-10
社区参与旅游发展,是指社区作为旅游发展的主体进入旅游开发、规划、管理、决策、监督等涉及旅游发展重大事宜的活动中,以便在保证旅游可持续发展的前提下实现社区的全面发展。社区参与旅游发展提出的根据主要是旅游发展对目的地社区的消极影响,如资源过度使用、环境破坏、文化变迁,旅游飞地现象、旅游孤岛现象。  相似文献   

我国旅游业带来的经济效益在国民经济中的比重越来越大,发展乡村社区旅游也越来越成为助推社区经济增长、保护生态环境、完善社区基础设施建设、增强社区居民参与感和提高社区居民综合素质的有力途径。本文在社区增权视角下,主要以田野调查的方式对宁夏中卫南长滩村的旅游发展进行了研究,参考国内外社区参与和社区增权理论的发展现状,从经济增权、政治增权、社会增权以及心理增权四个方面对南长滩村进行了深入分析,对其存在的问题分别从各级政府、社区主体两个方面给出了具体对策,实现南长滩村从社区参与到社区增权的转变,促进南长滩村社区旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

旅游目的地"社区参与"的三种典型模式比较研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
张波 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):69-74
本文在分析研究国内外相关文献、理论并实地考察国内许多旅游目的地"社区参与"案例的基础上,从中选取3个典型(案例)的社区参与模式进行了比较分析,试图从实证的角度更深入地探索和解析旅游目的地"社区参与"的内在本质、特点、内容或方式,进而探索和寻求旅游目的地"社区参与"更有效的途径与方式.  相似文献   

Considering the complications of collecting empirical data on community participation, this study proposes a new methodological approach that departs from the current literature. For the first time, an experimental procedure is adopted to conduct a direct comparison between participatory and non-participatory decision-making in the context of heritage tourism planning. Contrary to previous work, this is the first ex-ante assessment of community participation at a destination with no such prior experience. The analysis relies on behavioural data on choices, deliberation and conflict studied in the context of a controlled collaborative environment. The findings suggest that choices and deliberation between participatory and non-participatory groups exhibit no statistically significant differences although participatory groups were more susceptible to conflict. However, interestingly, conflict was constructive as it increased provisions for heritage goods. Furthermore, intra-group heterogeneity did not always affect collective decisions negatively whereas trust and institutional credibility played a major role in influencing both individual and collective preferences. These findings have important implications for research and policy, opening a novel avenue for the systematic study of participation dynamics to inform the instigation of participatory endeavours.  相似文献   

在城市化快速发展的过程中,出现了许多"城中村"所特有的经济和社会问题,这些经济与社会问题的主要根源在于集体所有制的产权制度安排及其固有弊端。江苏无锡市等地的村级股份合作制改革的实践为解决这些问题提供了一种可行的途径。文章在分析改革前"城中村"集体产权界定的局限性及其在城市化中所面临问题的基础上,对江苏无锡等地的"城中村"集体产权制度改革的路径选择及其内在机理进行了总结,认为村级股份合作制改革能有效地保护城市化中村集体成员的利益,是解决"城中村"出现的经济与社会问题的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

We review tourism decision-making paradigms. We conclude that the literature is dominated by ‘variance’ studies of tourists’ decisions by causal analysis of independent variables explaining choices by tourists. This ‘choice set’ approach is in consonance with the need to understand important issues such as destination attractiveness and marketing. We argue that this approach does not incorporate an ontology of decision-making as a process, a deeper understanding of which may only be generated through studies that involve narrating emergent actions and activities through which individual or collective endeavours unfold. From this base we review the tourism decision-making literature and argue for the development of process studies as an important adjunct to the current body of knowledge.  相似文献   

农户参与乡村旅游经营活动的意愿及从业角色选择是农户基于利益最大化做出的理性经济决策行为,了解脱贫地区农户的乡村旅游从业角色参与意愿及其影响因素,是新时期巩固旅游扶贫成果,促进乡村旅游高质量发展、精准助力乡村振兴分类推进的重要议题。以贵州省茶园村为例,采用二元Logistic回归分析方法,从农户微观视角进行实证分析,发现:(1)81.98%的农户希望参与乡村旅游经营活动,村域旅游资源禀赋、旅游能人带动和家庭经济实力是影响农户参与意愿的关键因素。(2)农户从业角色选择意愿强烈程度依次为农家乐经营者(41.75%)>被雇佣者(35.71%)>其他配套产业生产者(20.88%)>经营投资者(4.95%);(3)各从业角色选择意愿的影响因素差异显著,其中,资源禀赋是农家乐经营和其他配套产业从业角色选择的先决条件;家庭经济实力是农家乐经营和景区投资等经营角色选择的重要驱动力;乡村旅游服务岗位从业选择存在明显的就业路径依赖特性;而能人带动的作用出现分化,一方面对带动农户选择旅游服务就业具有积极作用,另一方面因竞争关系,对农户开展农家乐经营意愿具有一定抑制作用。  相似文献   

In this contribution, a generalized picture is given of the history of leisure research in Europe. It is based on a comparative study of the history of leisure research in six European countries: Spain, Poland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (Mommaas, Van der Poel, Bramham, & Henry, 1996a). Across Europe, leisure research has been dominated by sociological perspectives and concerns. Sociology has very much acted as a mediator of collective, public concerns, dealing with issues of enlightenment/civilization and cultural participation/welfare. However, from the late 1970s onward, the collective, educational project of free time has lost much of its former significance. On one side, there is now much more academic attention to issues of time, consumption, play, and pleasure. However, at the same time, these issues have become disconnected from former collective concerns of leisure and/or free time. This leads to two interrelated questions: Are leisure studies still in need of a unifying project of leisure? and If so, what should such a project look like?  相似文献   

This article purports to explore the impact of the four types of experiences - education, entertainment, escapism, and aesthetics - proposed by Pine and Gilmore (1999) on the collective experience across a range of interactive technologies in a leading technology-empowered tourist destination – la Cité du Vin in Bordeaux. The findings reveal that passive and active technologies have different impacts on the visitor's social experience. Technologies that require visitors' active participation afford opportunities for verbal and physical interactions with other visitors. By contrast, passive technologies, providing recreational and artistic content to visitors without them having to interact with the technology, tend to preclude social interactions. This research contributes to the literature addressing the social experience phenomenon in a cultural tourism context. It also provides important implications for managers involved in the design and management of technology-empowered tourism experiences.  相似文献   

Little research has been published on the evolution of markets, but markets, like destinations, should evolve over time. A market's collective travel behavior should change as residents become more experienced international tourists. Market evolution may be triggered by rapid economic development. As Tourists become more experienced, their destination choice, travel patterns and package tour propensity should change. This paper compares the international travel patterns of similar source markets at different stages of their travel life cycles. Hong Kong can be considered as an established source market, whereas Macau is a rapidly emerging source market. The study identifies significant differences in destination choice, package tour propensity, long-haul travel propensity, motivations and behavior within destinations. The authors conclude the paper by offering a number of propositions about market evolution.  相似文献   

Young people have been identified as a key target group for whom participation in sport and physical activity could have important benefits to health and well-being and consequently have been the focus of several government policies to increase participation in the UK. Lifestyle sports represent one such strategy for encouraging and sustaining new engagements in sport and physical activity in youth groups, however, there is at present a lack of understanding of the use of these activities within policy contexts. This paper presents findings from a government initiative which sought to increase participation in sport for young people through provision of facilities for mountain biking in a forest in south-east England. Findings from qualitative research with 40 young people who participated in mountain biking at the case study location highlight the importance of non-traditional sports as a means to experience the natural environments through forms of consumption which are healthy, active and appeal to their identities. In addition, however, the paper raises questions over the accessibility of schemes for some individuals and social groups, and the ability to incorporate sports which are inherently participant-led into state-managed schemes. Lifestyle sports such as mountain biking involve distinct forms of participation which present a challenge for policy-makers who seek to create and maintain sustainable communities of youth participants.  相似文献   

Using a new type of discrete–continuous choice model, this paper simultaneously models two interrelated tourist choices, namely, tourism participation and tourism expenditure. For the analysis, we employ a scobit model, which includes a skewness parameter to relax the assumption that sensitivity to changes in the explanatory variables is highest among individuals with indifferent preferences concerning participation and non-participation in tourism. We undertake the empirical analysis using data collected in Japan. The results confirm the interdependency between tourism participation and tourism expenditure and that the scobit model is superior to the logit model in modelling these tourism-related decisions. We also discuss the main factors influencing both tourism participation and expenditure.  相似文献   

This paper uses a McFadden choice model to measure the importance of destination, household and seasonal characteristics to the tourism destination choices of Irish households. The analysis is based on quarterly survey data of Irish households' travel destinations between 2000 and 2006. In total, some 55,000 holiday trips were observed. Destination characteristics such as temperature, GDP and coastline are found to positively influence choice probabilities, while population density and distance have a negative effect on choice. Household-specific characteristics such as the number of children and people over 60 in a household are found to be important. We also identify differences in preferences across seasons and a change over time of the effect of destination country GDP on Irish holiday destination choices.  相似文献   

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