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谷成 《财贸经济》2007,(6):76-80
在以中间产品为主的国际贸易商品结构中,有效保护率更为准确地反映了关税对国内产业的保护。入世后,在履行WTO协议的关税调整过程中,我国的关税有效保护结构呈现出优化的倾向,但也存在一些问题。今后,应根据各产业部门在国际贸易中比较利益优势的动态变化对关税结构加以完善,同时防止过度的有效保护,解决资源基础产业的负有效保护问题,避免利用高关税抑制非生活必需消费品进口而导致的效率损失。  相似文献   

<正> 在国际贸易中,各国为了保护国内市场,主要采用关税与非关税两种手段。关税,由于其透明度高,容易引起贸易方的注意,所以各国都尽量避免使用提高关税的行动来保护国内产业。而非关税措施,由于其隐蔽性强,所以被广泛采用。它几乎涉及到发达国家18%的进口额,对发展中国家进口的影响则要大得多。它已成为制约国际贸易发展的主要因素,特别是制约发展中国家贸易增长的严重障碍。因此,研究非关税壁垒问题,寻求相应的对策,对发展我国对外贸易有着极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文在对关税有效保护率进行理论分析的基础上,对我国36个工业贸易部门2006年的关税有效保护水平和结构进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,我国工业部门的关税有效保护率呈现出了从上游产品到下游产品逐渐升高的阶梯型分布,总体结构比较合理,但是与比较优势的动态变化和产业结构调整的方向还存在不相适应的地方。本文就此提出了进一步优化我国关税有效保护结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

关税是世贸组织规则中合法的贸易保护措施。中国作为世贸组织的成员之一,应遵守其“游戏规则”,降低关税、取消非关税壁垒。但我国现行的关税有效保护体系尚存在诸多问题,对国民经济不能产生良好的保护效果。为此,在分析了关税有效保护理论的基础上,针对我国的实际提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,国际贸易中的环境污染转移问题逐渐受到国际社会的广泛重视,越来越多的国家运用环境关税来保护本国环境。征收环境关税既符合污染者付费的原则,又与WTO的目标相一致。环境关税的贸易效应主要包括贸易歧视效应、贸易结构效应和贸易优势效应。当前我国应研究和制定环境关税制度,既要加强环境关税的相关立法工作,也要积极参与制定有关环境关税的国际规范,加强与发展中国家的团结与合作,推动经济发展和社会进步。  相似文献   

鲍文 《商业研究》2011,(5):205-209
通过国际贸易与气候变化的关系,本文审视了碳关税作为贸易领域减缓气候变化措施尚存在的问题,认为即使碳关税为世贸组织所接受,在传统意义上也未必能成为一种有效的保护产业竞争力的手段,在亟需全球合作的时刻反而会适得其反。目前,全球的产业合作协定、技术共享等可能更为有效。从长期看,碳关税成为气候政策的一部分将是必不可少的,它可以成为减缓和适应气候变化的重要措施,中国须未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

传统贸易理论对关税保护政策的分析都假定关税是外生的,而基于贸易政策的政治经学对关税问题的研究强调关税的内生性,侧重分析关税保护政策的形成过程及保护的水平和结构本文对内生关税理论作了简要介绍,并从制度、需求和供给角度对关税保护的水平和结构作了详细分析,最后对关税保护的政治经济学分析的主要观点和结论做出总结和概括.  相似文献   

入世后结构性关税实施策略浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际贸易理论认为:一国某种产品的进口量(额)与该国对其所实施的进口关税水平成反比,即高关税低进口、低关税高进口。中国以关税减让承诺方式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),并以关税减让的实际行动履行入世承诺,此对中国国内产业和产业结构产生一定冲击。而关税又被WTO视为允许成员国使用的保护国内产业的重要政策工具。由此,就引发出一个新课题,如何运用关税有效保护国内产业?本文笔者拟通过理论和实证两方面论述结构性关税在此方面所具有的独特有效性和可实施性,并对其实施过程中的产业选择提出些许具体建议。  相似文献   

关税是世贸组织规则中合法的贸易保护措施。中国作为世贸组织的成员之一,应遵守其“游戏规则”,降低关税、取消非关税壁垒。但我国现行的关税有效保护体系尚存在诸多问题,对国民经济不能产生良好的保护效果。为此,在分析了关税有效保护理论的基础上,针对我国的实际提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

关税政策是市场经济条件下的宏观调控方式,主要通过财政关税政策、产业保护关税政策、自由贸易关税政策的目标确立中得到体现。在我国宏观调控中,要选择和制定关税政策,以充分发挥关税调节手段,就不能忽视关税结构理论,即关税有效保护理论,它具有建立合理关税结构原则、降低总体税率,建立多元化关税结构、严格控制关税减免、完善关税税率结构模式的政策意义  相似文献   

我国农产品进口保护的经济学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国农产品保护的主要措施是关税及关税配额。本文运用图形对这两种进口保护措施进行了经济学分析,指出在国内需求增长的情况下,配额比关税更具贸易保护作用,而且,与绝对配额相比,关税配额更能以较低的社会福利代价获取保护效应。尽管关税配额不失为一种较好的保护手段,但统计结果显示,关税配额并没有起到有效的保护作用。最后分析了在目前条件下我国对农产品进行有效保护的可行途径。  相似文献   

论适度保护关税税率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对日益加速的经济全球化进程,各国仍然在普遍使用关税措施来保护本国产业的发展.在这方面,发展中国家需要解决的问题是设定一个适度的保护关税税率,以让国内产业既有生存和发展的空间,同时又有足够的竞争压力来提高效率.根据国内与国际平均生产成本的差异来确定保护关税的税率是一个可行的办法.进一步削减关税是我国加入WTO后需要承担的义务,应当按照适度保护关税的原则把平均关税的税率稳定在一个合理的水平上,并根据国内不同产业的发展状况,提供必要而有效的保护.  相似文献   

In this paper, we generalise conventional measures of the effective rate of protection by: (i) relaxing their small‐country assumptions; (ii) taking into account multiple stages of production; and (iii) abstracting away from their assumptions on the time‐invariance of the underlying technology using annual IO tables. We apply our new measure to China's structure of tariff protection from 1992 to 2010. When compared to conventional measures, we find its effective rates of protection to be smaller in magnitude and even negative in some sectors. The new measures are also related to industry characteristics in sensible ways, calling into question the applicability of conventional measures in the context of present‐day China.  相似文献   

This paper examines the response of net and gross outputs of tradeable goods to changes in tariff structure in the context of a comprehensive general equilibrium model with interindustry flows and non-traded, as well as imported, intermediate goods. There are two major results. First, the nominal rate of tariffs on a tradeable good is shown to correctly indicate the movements of its net output under most general conditions. Second, the (modified and) generalized Corden index of effective protection for a tradeable good is revealed to be in a close relationship with the behavior of its gross output under certain restrictions on the input substitutability of industries.  相似文献   

The relationship between tariff policy and anti-dumping use is empirically examined. Using a panel dataset of 56 countries over the period of 1995–2007, the effects of tariff liberalization on anti-dumping use are found to vary across world regions. For European countries, as well as developed North American and Latin American countries, a lower tariff rate appears to induce more use of anti-dumping measures, which emerge as a protection tool among trade liberalization regimes. In contrast, a reduction in a tariff rate leads to lower anti-dumping use in developing North American and Latin American countries and in developed Asian, African, and Middle Eastern countries. In terms of initiating anti-dumping action, developed countries are likely to be more sensitive than developing countries to tariff policy change in most regions of the world.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of a model similar to the one developed in Leif Johansen's Multi-sectoral study of economic growth (1964) to the problem of determining general equilibrium responses of the economy to changes in commercial policy. This method amounts essentially to specifying a log-linear approximation to the general equilibrium solution for the economy, and solving the resulting linear equations for changes in endogenous variables as functions of exogenous variable changes. For a 35-sector model of the Chilean economy with labor as the only variable factor of production (to avoid the problem of overdetermination of many commodity price and output shifts when only two factors are considered in constant returns production functions), it is found that (i) the specification of the way in which intermediate inputs enter the production function is numerically important in determining output responses to tariff changes, detracting from the credibility of fixed coefficient effective rate of protection calculations if variable intermediate input coefficients are the rule (as appears likely empirically); (ii) exchange rate elasticities with respect to individual tariff changes are fairly large, so that the usual partial equilibrium assumption of exchange rate insensitivity to ‘small’ tariff revisions is not valid; (iii) employment effects of different tariff revisions are highly variable and in some cases substantial.  相似文献   

关税减让对我国农产品进口的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐倩  詹晶 《国际贸易问题》2006,287(11):17-22
本文运用理论和实证的分析方法,研究了关税减让对我国农产品进口的实际影响。研究结果表明,关税减让与我国农产品的进口之间存在着高度的负相关关系,在影响我国农产品进口行为的诸多因素中,关税起到了主要的作用,但并非唯一因素。同时,关税减让与农产品的进口额、进口结构之间存在密切的关系,最后,还提出几点政策性意见。  相似文献   

对外开放程度度量方法的研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从贸易方面度量开放程度的指标有外贸依存度、关税率、有效保护率和数量限制平均覆盖率、非关税壁垒覆盖率、价格扭曲度等。从金融角度来研究开放的指标有外汇黑市溢价、本国对外投资和吸收外资的流量、存量、增长率以及它们占GDP的比重等。有些学者运用计量方法测算选定指标的理论预测值,通过比较实际值与理论预测值的差异来度量开放程度。国内学者一般选择3至6个分指标的加权平均值来度量我国经济的对外开放程度。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework to derive the optimal dynamic path of tariffs to protect infant industries when a country initiates a process to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). The framework is based on the model of Melitz (2005) in which externalities associated with dynamic learning-by-doing provide a rationale for infant industry protection. Unlike the original model, this paper assumes that there is a time limit for protection: after a fixed number of years, tariffs are required to be constant over time at a low level. This setup reflects the nature of the actual WTO agreement. This model is solved analytically to derive quantitative implications for the optimal tariff path, unlike in Melitz (2005), where only qualitative analyses are undertaken. An interesting result emerges: conventional wisdom is that a country in this situation should reduce the tariff rate gradually over time so that it converges to its long-run rate at the terminal date of protection. By contrast, this paper finds that, in some plausible scenarios, the optimal time path of the tariff can be upward sloping. A numerical analysis applied to the Vietnamese motorcycle industry, a typical infant industry in a country joining the WTO, confirms such a pattern.  相似文献   

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