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基于SVAR模型的中国产出缺口估计与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潜在产出与产出缺口对于宏观经济形势的判断和宏观经济政策的把握非常重要。本文应用结构向量自回归模型估计了1983-2007年中国的潜在产出及产出缺口,结果显示估计的产出缺口能够准确反映中国1983年以来的经济周期变化而且具有较好的稳定性。由此得出结论:(1)当前中国经济以较低的通货膨胀为代价就可以实现较高的经济增长;(2)供给冲击与需求冲击对GDP增长率具有暂时影响,而供给冲击对GDP造成了持久影响,需求冲击对GDP只产生暂时的影响。  相似文献   

中国全要素生产率的估算:1979—2004   总被引:277,自引:8,他引:277  
本文在分析比较了全要素生产率四种估算方法的基础上,估算出我国1979—2004年间的全要素生产率增长率,并对我国全要素生产率增长和经济增长源泉做了简要分析。分析表明(1)1993年以前,我国的全要素生产率增长率总体呈现出涨跌互现的波动情形且波动较为剧烈频繁,1993年以来,则呈现出逐年下降趋势,直到2000年才得以缓解,此后全要素生产率增长率总体呈现出逐年攀升势头;(2)1979—2004年间我国全要素生产率增长率及其对经济增长的贡献率较低,表明我国经济增长主要依赖于要素投入增长,是一种较为典型的投入型增长方式;(3)我国全要素生产率增长率较低的原因在于技术进步率偏低、生产能力没有得到充分利用、技术效率低下和资源配置不尽合理。  相似文献   

潜在产出和产出缺口问题是宏观经济领域的重要议题,也是宏观经济领域的热点和方向,在评估经济增长潜力和判断经济走势中发挥重要作用.特别是在受新冠肺炎疫情影响导致经济大幅波动的背景下,测算潜在经济产出和产出缺口来判断经济走势和发展潜力具有较为重要的理论意义和现实意义.本文基于生产函数法估算了 1978-2020年的潜在经济产...  相似文献   

本文利用1978年至2011年的省级面板数据,通过建立两个面板门限回归模型,来实证分析了以产出缺口代表的经济周期波动对潜在产出增长率和未来三年实际产出平均增长率的影响情况。结果表明,产出缺口对两者都产生了显著的负向的影响,同时存在着显著的非线性的门限效应。当经济处于严重衰退阶段时,产出缺口对两者负向影响的程度是最大的;当经济处于扩张或繁荣阶段时,产出缺口对潜在产出增长率的影响是不显著的,对未来平均增长率的负向影响程度是最小的。政府在面临当前我国经济下行压力时,应该在政策上引导产业升级和技术创新,重视经济系统自身的调节和修复功能,从而使经济长期保持稳定增长。  相似文献   

消费波动小于产出波动吗?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
张耿  胡海鸥 《经济研究》2006,41(11):37-47
我们发现东亚主要经济体普遍存在消费波动大于产出波动的现象,初步分析表明这与各经济体的经济转型有关,我国转型期以来比较剧烈的总消费波动应主要归于居民消费行为的转型:(1)以1990年为界,我国居民总消费自经济转型以来的前一个时间段中波动比较剧烈,之后则趋于平稳。进一步地,由于我国的经济改革先从农村开始,而后推进到城镇,相应地农村和城镇居民消费在两个时间段中的波动幅度也出现了明显差异;(2)消费的剧烈波动往往出现在转型早期,在转型后期大部分东亚经济体的消费序列开始变得平稳;(3)耐用品不能解释我国消费的大部分波动性。  相似文献   

陈杰 《当代财经》2008,(4):17-22
本文基于政策损失函数设计了一个新的模型框架,建立了一个不包含预期通货膨胀的反映产出缺口和通胀缺口之间关系的模型,并使用可变参数模型分析产出缺口与通胀缺口的动态关联性,同时评价了1985—2005年问中国宏观经济调控的执行绩效。研究结果表明:(1)通胀缺口对产出缺口的反应系数除了1985、1986两年为负值外,其余年份均为正值,表明通胀缺口的降低有助于抚平产出缺口;(2)通胀缺口对产出缺口的反应系数呈现“凸型”变动模式,并且已经过了波动的顶峰,出现显著下降并逐渐稳定的趋势,这种稳定的趋势有助于同时实现经济增长目标和稳定物价目标;(3)宏观经济调控执行绩效在1996年前较差,在1996年后得到了明显的改善,并在2000年后得到了进一步优化,实际政策损失逐渐向最小政策损失靠拢。  相似文献   

利用新菲利普斯曲线,本文设定包含通胀与产出的非观测成分模型估计中国的核心通胀率与产出缺口。通过卡尔曼滤波平滑推断程序,季度通胀和产出均被分解为互相独立的趋势成分和周期成分。估计结果表明,二十年来我国的潜在产出变化相对于传统HP滤波结果更为平滑,其近似呈线性增长。这意味着我国产出特征可通过简洁的趋势平稳过程来描述,而Nelson and Plosser(1982)以来普遍采用的单位根过程未必是刻画我国产出的最优模型。核心通胀率推断还表明,1998-2002年间的通货紧缩并非如物价指数下降表现的一样严重。  相似文献   

在估算中国年度潜在产出水平和产出缺口时对状态空间模型方程的设定形式进行了一定的创新改进。首先,用传统柯布—道格拉斯生产函数来决定潜在产出,这样能够更好体现出潜在产出供给方面的含义;其次,生产函数中的技术水平在模型中作为状态变量,同时加入了一些外生变量来解释中国技术水平的变化;第三,模型中不仅考虑了国内的影响因素,同时加入了开放经济条件下对潜在产出可能产生影响的一些变量。  相似文献   

笔者使用可变参数模型揭示了转型时期我国产出-物价菲利普斯曲线的动态变化趋势。研究结果表明:(1)通货膨胀率对经济增长率的反应系数均为正值,表明转型以来我国经济系统的冲击主要来自于总需求方面;(2)通货膨胀率对经济增长率的反应系数呈现凸型变动模式,并且已经过了波动的顶峰,出现显著下降并逐渐稳定的趋势,这种趋势有助于同时实现经济增长目标和稳定物价目标;(3)反映总体价格水平的价格指数不宜再作为判断宏观经济态势的指示器,但国民经济中一些重要领域的价格波动却仍然值得关注。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间潜在增长率已在放缓,根据劳动力、资本及全要素生产率增长变化趋势,预计“十二五”时期年度潜在增长率将进一步放缓至8%左右。2011年产出缺口率说明短期内经济仍面临下行压力,物价涨幅将走低。当前的经济增长放缓有短期需求收缩的影响,但主要是中长期潜在供给条件趋弱的结果。宏观经济决策需要适应和确立“中速”增长预期,宏观调控要立足“稳足”,防止“过度刺激”。在短期政策着重“稳”需求的同时,应更加重视供给政策的中长期效应,注重产业和产品升级,提升潜在产出能力。  相似文献   

Output gaps     
What is the output gap? I discuss three alternative definitions: the deviation of output from its long-run stochastic trend (i.e., the “Beveridge–Nelson cycle”); the deviation of output from the level consistent with current technologies and normal utilization of capital and labor input (i.e., the “production-function approach”); and the deviation of output from “flexible-price” output (i.e., its “natural rate”). Estimates of each concept are presented from a dynamic–stochastic–general-equilibrium (DSGE) model of the U.S. economy used at the Federal Reserve Board. Four points are emphasized: The DSGE model’s estimate of the gap (for each definition) is very similar to gaps from policy institutions, but the model’s estimate of potential growth has a higher variance and substantially different covariance with GDP growth; the change in the Beveridge–Nelson trend covaries negatively with the change in the gap in the DSGE model, providing a structural model estimate of a controversial parameter; in this model, estimates of the natural-rate concept are similar to those based on the Beveridge–Nelson and production function approaches; and the estimate of the output gap, irrespective of definition, is closely related to unemployment fluctuations.  相似文献   

张明  谢家智 《当代经济科学》2012,(3):102-111,128
借鉴开放经济条件下新凯恩斯混合菲利普斯曲线,采用中国省际面板数据,构建一个包含本地区产出缺口、国内其他地区产出缺口和国外产出缺口的三缺口通货膨胀模型,实证分析产出缺口对中国地区通货膨胀的影响,同时分东部和中西部考察区域差异。实证研究结论表明,国内外产出缺口显著影响我国地区通货膨胀。较之中西部地区更多受到国内产出缺口的影响,东部地区则更多受到国外产出缺口的冲击。而且,国内地区间的通货膨胀压力传导在东部地区较中西部更明显。另外,政府的反需求管理措施存在时滞,且政策调控主要降低了本地区产出缺口形成的通货膨胀压力。  相似文献   

Rennison (Comparing alternative output gap estimations: a Monte Carlo approach, 2003) has provided simulation-based evidence showing that the joint use of extended multivariate filters and structural vector autoregression models is optimal for estimating potential output. We use this approach to estimate the two components of potential GDP: the full-employment labour input and trend labour productivity. This decomposition is useful for identifying sources of fluctuations in potential output. It reveals, for example, that the vigorous growth rate of U.S. potential GDP recorded during the second half of the 1990s is attributable to a fall in the structural rate of unemployment and a marked upswing in trend productivity growth.  相似文献   

We evaluate New Zealand's macroeconomic performance over the 1967–1996 period, which witnessed numerous economic reforms. Using both index–number and econometric techniques, we decompose nominal GDP growth and the output gap into contributions from price level changes, productivity growth and changes in factor utilisation. Changes in domestic prices accounted for four–fifths of the growth in nominal GDP, while capital accumulation and employment growth were the most important factors determining real–output growth. Deviations in the domestic price level around its long–run trend contributed most heavily to changes in the nominal output gap. The real gap was influenced in any year variously by deviations of the terms of trade and labour input from their long–run trends, as well as by productivity shocks.  相似文献   

We study how domestic and global output gaps affect CPI inflation. We use a New-Keynesian Phillips curve framework which controls for non-linear exchange rate movements for a panel of 26 advanced and 22 emerging economies covering the 1994Q1−2017Q4 period. We find that both global and domestic output gaps are significant drivers of inflation both in the pre-crisis (1994–2008) and post-crisis (2008–2017) periods. Furthermore, after the crisis, in advanced economies the effect of the domestic output gap declines, while in emerging economies the effect of the global output gap declines. Our results suggest that emerging and advanced economies have become more similar to each other in terms of output gaps as inflation drivers. The paper demonstrates the usefulness of the New Keynesian Phillips curve in identifying the impact of global and domestic output gaps on inflation.  相似文献   

Harald Badinger 《Empirica》2006,33(5):267-284
We investigate the dynamic effects of discretionary fiscal policy in Austria over the period 1983:1 to 2002:4. A structural vector autoregressive (VAR) analysis, using the identification strategy suggested by Blanchard and Perotti (2002, Q J Econ 117(4):1329–1368), suggests that tax shocks have a negative effect on output, consumption, and investment. Spending shocks have a positive effect but are crowded out to a large extent after a few years. We then estimate ARCH models for output growth and inflation with the fiscal shocks included as explanatory variable in the variance equation. In line with recent cross-country studies there is evidence for a destabilizing role of discretionary fiscal policy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to empirically test the validity of Thirlwall’s Law in China during the reform period of 1979–2002. This study finds: (1) that for 1979–2002, the Chinese economy has grown on average as fast as Thirlwall’s Law predicts – the average actual growth rate and predicted growth rate were, respectively, 9.25 and 8.55, which are statistically identical; (2) that the growth of GDP and of exports are cointegrated. Both (1) and (2) provide strong support for Thirlwall’s Law in China during the reform period after 1978. The supportive result of Thirlwall’s Law implies the relevance of a demand‐side approach to the economic growth in China. For time series analyses, a bounds test approach is adopted.  相似文献   

中美学科领域基金资助特征及其与科研产出互动效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面比较中美两国重点学科领域基金资助差异及其与科研产出的动态交互效应,可为我国制定科学合理的学科发展规划提供有益启示。以中美两国2009—2018年在SCI发表的545万篇学术论文为研究对象,系统梳理178个SCI学科基金资助幅度及增幅表现,构建PVAR模型,运用格兰杰因果检验和脉冲响应函数分析法,探究中美基金资助幅度与科研产出之间的互动效应,以及该效应在不同学科领域之间的差异。总体来看,中美两国在学科重点资助方向上存在显著差异:中国更重视生命与地球科学,美国则更重视医药领域。在资助增幅排名上,工程和计算机科学在中美两国均呈上升态势。从基金资助幅度与科研产出之间的互动效应看,两者存在单向格兰杰因果关系,即基金资助幅度是科研产出的格兰杰原因。中国工程领域基金资助幅度对科研产出具有显著正向影响,美国在计算机科学领域这一影响效应最为显著。  相似文献   


Estimates of potential output have been revised downward across countries in the post-crisis period. In India, the debate on potential GDP and output gap has been intensified in the wake of revision in the GDP estimates with change in base year as well as the underlying methodology consistent with international best practices. In light of these, an attempt has been made for the first time in India to estimate potential GDP and output gap on a quarterly basis by using production function approach in addition to revisiting the estimates of potential output by conventional statistical methods for the period 1980Q2–2015Q4. The findings suggest that India’s potential growth, which had accelerated to around 8 % during 2003–2008, decelerated considerably in the aftermath of the global financial crisis to about 7 % during 2009–2015, mainly due to decline in contribution of total factor productivity and deceleration in the growth of capital stocks. The estimates further suggest that output gap, i.e. the percentage deviation of actual output from its potential level, has been negative since Q3 of 2012, though the gap is closing slowly. Key to accelerate growth as well as potential output in India lies with higher level of capital formation as its contribution dominates vis-à-vis the contribution of labour and total factor productivity.


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