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项目管理作为风险投资行业成功运作的关键环节 ,却被国内诸多风险投资企业所忽视。本文以该行业发展较为成熟的美国为比较对象 ,以文化—制度—技术三层面为研究框架 ,分析了中国风险投资产业的软肋———项目管理的特殊性及其存在的问题 ,提出了国内风险投资公司在项目管理中的组织控制和派出监管人员的策略。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine a firm's decision to enter new markets as related to the depth and breadth of its experience and the relative distance of those markets. We situate our discussion and analysis in the context of the venture capital (VC) industry, and examine whether and when US VC firms enter five high‐technology investment markets through first‐ or later‐round investments. This setting allows us to observe both the firms that chose to enter a new market and those that did not, and analyse the antecedents of these decisions. We find that VC firms overall are less likely to enter distant markets; those with broader experience are more likely to make first‐round entries. In addition, VC firms with deeper investment experience are more likely to make first‐round entries in proximate markets and less likely to enter distant markets and make later‐round entries. These results offer interesting implications for the literature on organizational learning and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

李林海 《价值工程》2014,(17):186-188
从全国范围来看,利用风险投资发展现代农业不但有理论研究层面的支撑,而且已在实践上取得了较大的成效。广西在农业资源方面具有明显的优势:产业化日趋成熟,龙头企业发展水平持续提高,加上政府对农业的支持力度不断加大,这些为风险资本进入广西农业提供了较大的机遇。针对风险投资对农业投资的新形势和广西风险投资发展情况,主张从加大对风险投资市场培育的力度和提升农业利用风险投资的能力两个方面来推进广西现代农业的发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the theoretical and empirical literature on the impact of the affiliation of venture capital (VC) firms with a particular focus on the differences between Europe and the US. A main characteristic of VC firms is their high level of involvement in the management of funded firms. However, the VC industry is composed of heterogeneous actors. The literature has studied to a great degree the independent funds that dominate the US market. Yet, there also exist VC funds affiliated with banks or with industrial firm, which can benefit from synergies with their parent corporation. Several studies have highlighted significant differences between these types of VC firms.  相似文献   

吴琨  卢勇 《企业活力》2012,(6):20-23
根据中国加入世界贸易组织的承诺,中国零售业已全面对外资开放,外资在中国开店将不存在数量和地域限制。世界上很多零售业巨头都已顺利地进入了中国市场,并发展的很成功。而中国的零售企业在面临挑战的同时,更应该学习先进的管理经验和理念,充分利用本土优势加快行业整合,建立良好的人才培训和储备体系,明确市场定位,选准战略方向,以此推动中国零售业的整体发展。  相似文献   

This study examines how venture capital (VC) firms terminate investments in an emerging economy context. We contend that due to the weak institutional environment, it is appropriate to draw on insights from power and social relation perspectives for a better understanding of the phenomenon. Specifically, we argue that a termination decision hinges on not only the dependence relationship between a VC firm and its portfolio companies, but also the social relationships among VC firms. Event history analyses of approximately 12,000 VC deals made in China between 2001 and 2012 reveal that when a VC firm has a greater number of investments in an industry, it is more likely to terminate investments on a portfolio company in that industry. Moreover, such effect on termination is moderated by the focal VC's embeddedness with its syndicate partners and collaboration opportunities with other VC firms outside the immediate access of the syndicate partners. Our study sheds light on research on VC decision making in emerging markets by integrating insights from resource dependence relationships and interorganizational network characteristics.  相似文献   

We examined how factors from Indigenous entrepreneurship research (social capital, cultural capital, self-efficacy) help explain the high level of Māori entrepreneurial performance in the mainstream screen industry. Results, based on ten case studies and a one-year series of structured interviews, extend prior research by showing that these Indigenous entrepreneurs benefit jointly from two forms of capital: cultural and social. We found high levels of both forms to increase the desire for emancipation of cultural and community identity – not just individual identity – through entrepreneurship. Self-efficacy and storytelling helped ameliorate discontinuities across Indigenous and mainstream contexts. Our research sheds new light on how Indigenous ventures can pursue mainstream entrepreneurship while maintaining cultural identity. It also makes several distinct contributions to the Indigenous entrepreneurship literature. First, it provides an integrative theoretic review. Second, it illustrates a culturally appropriate methodology for researching Māori entrepreneurs with implications for other Indigenous communities. Third, it proposes cultural capital and social capital as a two-part framework for explaining Indigenous entrepreneurial action. Fourth, it shows how entrepreneurship can be empowering for Indigenous communities. Finally, our paper demonstrates that entrepreneurship is a promising mechanism for preserving and promoting the cultures of Māori and other Indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

资本市场开放后,互联互通机制引进了国际资本和先进治理经验,这既增加境内资本市场信息风险水平,亦带来监督效应,审计费用也发生相应变化。基于2010—2019年中国上市公司数据分析发现:在资本市场开放后,上市公司审计费用显著提高;行业竞争程度负向调节资本市场开放对审计费用的正向影响且这一调节作用在高市场竞争地位的公司中更显著,而市场竞争地位负调节效应主要体现在高竞争行业中。结果表明,行业竞争与市场竞争地位会对资本市场开放与审计费用的关系产生双重调节效应,资本市场开放有助于低竞争行业公司和高竞争行业中的低市场竞争地位公司提高审计质量需求。进一步研究表明,资本市场开放后,非国有企业和内控弱有效企业审计费用显著提高。  相似文献   

European nations substitute between employment protection regulations and labor market expenditures (e.g., unemployment insurance benefits) for providing worker insurance. Employment regulations more directly tax firms making frequent labor adjustments than other labor market insurance mechanisms. Venture capital (VC) investors are especially sensitive to these labor adjustment costs. Nations favoring labor market expenditures as the mechanism for providing worker insurance developed stronger VC markets over 1990–2008, especially in high‐volatility sectors. In this context, policy mechanisms are more important than the overall level of worker insurance.  相似文献   

随着WTO的加入,我国航运企业面临着激烈而残酷的挑战。目前我国已有不少航运企业通过公司上市、金融租赁等融资方式,在国际国内资本市场成功地筹集到所需资金。航运企业作为资本密集型行业,比其他行业更需要拓宽融资渠道,以适应国际市场的发展。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。总结一些外资企业在中国市场上的营销失败也是一种“另类”的学习。在中国市场上,外资企业营销失败存在着五大败因:营销方式不够本土化;营销方式过度本土化;营销歧视,危机公关的反应能力差;难以适应中国市场特殊性;经营短视,存在“过客”的心理等。  相似文献   

研究目标:测算中国八大行业门类研究与试验发展(Research and Development,R&D)资本存量。研究方法:基于SNA2008的GDP核算框架,厘清R&D支出的资本化核算框架;再利用美国BEA方法测算R&D资本存量。研究发现:1990~2015年,中国R&D资本存量不到美国R&D资本存量的1/4;然而,自1994年后,中国R&D资本存量年均增长率达24.79%,而美国仅为4.86%,中美两国R&D资本存量差距呈逐渐缩小趋势;制造业R&D资本存量占全国R&D资本存量的比例呈上升趋势,从1990年的17.41%增长到2015年的68.08%,这与中国加快制造业转型升级的事实相符。研究创新:给出完整的R&D支出资本化核算过程,首次测算中国八大行业门类的R&D资本存量。研究价值:为分析技术进步对经济增长的影响提供了行业层面R&D投资和资本存量数据序列。  相似文献   

制造业是实体经济的重要组成部分,制造业质量的提高对巩固我国的经济基础非常重要。金融业被认为是继“互联网+”概念之后促进制造业高质量发展的另一重要力量,因为资本市场具有分配要素的能力。最近,金融业已被视为制造业的高质量发展。论文分析了数字经济背景下金融业和制造业一体化的现状以及存在的问题,并提出解决方案,力争引导资本更有效地流向制造业。  相似文献   

金融创新是商业银行核心竞争力的重要来源。近年来创业投资行业发展迅猛,但较之美国等创业投资发达的国家,我国商业银行对创业投资的参与相对有限,与创业投资相关的业务创新缺乏。我国商业银行应借鉴美国硅谷银行投贷联动模式,建立健全创业企业信用担保体系、丰富与创业投资公司的合作模式、建立专业行业金融团队、完善增值服务体系,通过金融创新实现商业银行与创业投资的双赢。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the role of equity financing to support entrepreneurship in Asia with a particular focus on venture capital (VC) financing policies of Singapore and Thailand. Although Singapore and Thailand adopt the government intervention approach in VC financing, the analysis has shown that Singapore is more successful due to effective use of innovation financing policies in the catch-up process to develop its economy and strong network linkages with US Silicon Valley. The case of Thailand has shown poor network linkages with redundant organizations/agencies competing on offering similar innovation financing schemes. The study offers effective innovation financing policy recommendations to support the national economic development. The research provides useful insights and lessons for other economies aimed at strengthening the entrepreneurial financing system.  相似文献   

随着我国证券业的发展和证券市场的扩大,证券交易印花税作为国家对资本市场进行调控的重要手段发挥了极其重要的作用。但是,证券交易印花税税率的频繁调整使得我国证券市场具有浓厚的行政干预特点,这与我国市场经济改革是不相适宜的,也不利于我国资本市场的健康发展。笔者认为,应当从全面完善证券税收法律体系、对证券的发行和流通环节分别开征印花税和证券交易税、将征税范围扩展到全部证券交易品种、实行差别税率并开征差异性证券交易税、以资本利得税逐步取代证券交易印花税等方面改进和完善我国证券交易印花税制度。  相似文献   

房地产价格的过快上涨直接影响着居民住房问题的解决,房地产市场的异常火爆,也使我国经济的长期稳定发展潜藏着一定的风险隐患。本文透过近年来我国房价飞涨的表象,从更深的层面剖析了导致我国房地产业畸形发展的根源性因素,进而提出加强房地产宏观调控的政策建议:一是地方政府应进一步增强服务功能,落实好民生问题;二是国家应以培育创新创业体系作为经济增长的切入点,不断提高自主创新能力;三是进一步规范与完善资本市场,合理引导资金流向,拓宽投融资渠道;四是加大对住宅的政策性金融扶持力度,改善住房的供给结构,切实解决中低收入居民购房的资金需求。  相似文献   

通过借鉴中国资本存量已有研究文献的成果,以细分行业差别化的折旧率估算为基础,通过分析投资结构和折旧率的关系,估算出第二、第三产业和总量的时变折旧率,系统地估算出1990~2014年总量、三次产业和细分行业的资本存量。估算结果及分析表明:由于投资结构的变化,总量、第三产业折旧率呈下降趋势,第二产业折旧率呈先上升再下降趋势;目前在我国,“过度投资”和“投资不足”并存,且“过度投资”的是资本效率比较低的行业,“投资不足”的是资本效率比较高的行业。解决“投资不足”问题的关键是打破行业垄断,尤其是行政垄断,引入市场竞争机制。  相似文献   

新能源产业发展代表着我国企业升级转型的方向,具备强大的发展潜力和价值。相关部门需要对新能源产业市场主体建立有效的投资环境和金融支持体系,才能更好地满足新能源产业的金融需求。商业银行作为金融供给的主体,需要不断提高对新能源企业的信贷支持效率,充分发挥多元主体下资本市场的供给和扶持,从而有效深化新能源与金融创新的双方面需求,争取双赢格局。  相似文献   

Spatial approaches to examining entrepreneurship have increasingly built on theories of social capital. However, the nature and extent of local social capital in less successful deprived communities remains under researched and inadequately understood. This article examines the association between social capital and entrepreneurship in a deprived urban neighbourhood in the city of Leeds, UK as a means of contributing to an improved theoretical understanding of how space moderates this association. It is found that social capital has a strong association with patterns of entrepreneurship in deprived urban neighbourhoods, with the potential impacts being both positive and negative. The forms of social capital are found to differ from that found in more affluent localities, with a prevalence of bonding social capital as the key facilitator of entrepreneurship, which may help in the early stages of venture development, but which over time may become a constraint. Also, a lack of the bridging social capital associated with entrepreneurial success is found within the locality. From a policy perspective, it is recommended that policymakers responsible for entrepreneurship in deprived urban neighbourhoods should seek to enhance initiatives for developing social capital which incorporate local businesses, residents and local government agencies.  相似文献   

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