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A stochastic frontier production function model is applied to Indian manufacturing industries, to decompose the sources of total factor productivity growth into technical progress, technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and allocative efficiency. Empirical results based on data from 2000 to 2006 suggest that increased investment needs time to deliver increased productivity and efficiency, because new technology combined with fresh investment requires higher numbers of skilled workers, better managerial practices and an advanced input mix, all of which generally take time to develop. Thus, the Indian economy must boost technical efficiency by providing skilled workers and high quality managers to further economic reform.  相似文献   

本文引入Malmquist-Luenberger生产率指数,对比分析环境约束和无约束情形下的2001-2008年中国制造业28个细分行业生产率增长状况。进一步的,本文分别将行业全要素生产率指数、技术进步指数及技术效率指数作为生产率增长指标,选取资本深化、行业规模、科技投入、环境污染和行业属性作为解释变量,利用面板数据回归模型分析环境约束下生产率增长影响因素。研究发现,忽略环境约束会低估制造业技术效率水平及其指数,但会高估技术进步指数和全要素生产率指数;分析结果表明影响因素对生产率增长均有显著影响。  相似文献   

Using firm-level data from the 1986 Census of Manufactures of Taiwan, we examine the links between technical efficiency and firm investments in technology and exports. Stochastic production frontier techniques are used to estimate the technical efficiency of firms by investments in technology as well as by export orientation. Our results indicate that accounting for firm investments in technology is critical in explaining the strong export-productivity link in the extant literature. For the group of large, high technology firms, the differences in the mean efficiencies between exporters and non-exporters are not significantly different than zero in all nine industries under study. However, for the large number of small firms that make no formal investments in technology. exporters are significantly closer to the production frontier than their counterparts that sell in the domestic market.  相似文献   

金融摩擦会导致企业间的资本误配,进而降低全要素生产率。本文基于Midrigan&Xu(2014)的分析框架,结合我国1998-2007年制造业企业微观数据,对由金融摩擦引起的生产效率损失分行业进行了估算。结果显示,资本误配造成了我国制造业18%-33%左右的生产效率损失,且在2003年后,随着外部融资环境的恶化,效率损失大幅增加。进一步研究发现,金融摩擦通过扭曲企业的进入和退出机制,进而加剧资本误配,抑制行业生产效率的改进。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the effects of liberalization in increasing returns to scale industries. It determines the optimal regulation of an incumbent competing with an unregulated strategic competitor, when public funds are costly. The model reveals the trade‐off between productive and allocative efficiency. Moreover, the welfare gains from liberalization, as compared with regulated monopoly, are a nonmonotonic function of the cost of public funds. Finally, in the case of severe governmental cash constraints, incomplete regulation may dominate the full regulation of duopoly.  相似文献   

产业政策是否有效已成为当下学术界的热点话题.文章聚焦2005年中国汽车工业国产化政策,并结合同时期的税收减免政策,利用2002-2007年中国汽车零部件和整车制造业的微观数据,实证分析其对企业全要素生产率的影响.研究发现:(1)整车厂商对零部件厂商的纵向技术溢出效应是国产化政策提升零部件企业全要素生产率的主要机制,但市场规模的扩张和短期内市场垄断程度的上升也使零部件企业产生了技术改进的惰性;(2)国产化政策对企业生产率的影响在不同所有制企业之间存在差异:内资企业、非国有企业更多地从整车厂商的技术溢出中获益,外资企业则更多地从市场规模的扩大中获益,国有企业生产率受该政策影响不显著;(3)国产化政策与同一时期税收减免政策之间的关系存在两面性.国产化政策下,受税收减免的FDI向本土零部件企业发生了更多的技术转移,受税收减免的企业本身却缺乏效率改进的动力.上述结论带给新一轮中国工业改革的启示是:国产化政策在一定范围内仍然是有效的,特别是对高端装备制造业等战略新兴产业,政策导向有利于为新产业主体建设打下基础;但是产业政策同样不应被过度使用,制定政策应该重视政策工具在不同阶段的有机组合,取长补短,使各产业政策形成合力进而保证企业效率的提升.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether Hong Kong manufacturers have been upgrading technology level in the midst of rapid manufacturing relocation. In a translog total factor productivity framework which expresses the growth of manufacturing output in terms of the growth of material inputs, labour, factory space, utilities, and capital, it is found that manufacturing TFP declined in 1984-1993. Given the same amount of inputs, the manufacturing sector could produce in 1993 only 87 percent of the output in 1984. Relaxing the constant-returns-to-scale assumption only reduces the extent of technology decline.  相似文献   

Based upon an adjusted Crepon–Duguet–Mairesse (CDM) model, this paper analyzes the relationship between investment intensity, public financial support, innovation, and total factor productivity (TFP) for a sample of manufacturing firms of Peru with data obtained from the 2004 survey of science, technology, and innovation (STI) activities. The estimation of the model indicates that large firms are more likely to invest in STI activities and firms' size increases the probability of producing technological inovation (TI) and non‐technological innovation (NTI). STI firms' investment intensity and public financial support have also helped manufacturing firms to increase the probability of producing TI outcomes. Further, such support may have increased firms' investment on STI activities. The innovation effects on TFP, however, were statistically not clear or robust. Thus, whereas investment intensity did increase firms' TPF in low‐tech manufacturing firms, this is not the case for high‐tech firms. For this group of firms, relatively high capital–labor ratio and the availability of a high level of human capital seem to promote higher levels of TFP.  相似文献   

本文基于2000~2007年中国工业企业数据和海关数据,采用A-C-F方法测度制造业企业全要素生产率,进而探讨进口中间品质量对企业全要素生产率的影响,研究发现:进口高质量中间品有助于企业通过"学习效应"机制、研发与进口中间品质量的"互补效应"机制,提高全要素生产率。这两种机制在考虑了企业贸易方式、出口状态、所有制类型、进口来源地差异后皆稳健。在全球价值链环境下,提升中国贸易利得的一个有效途径是进口高质量中间品。  相似文献   

高新技术产业是现代产业体系的高端组成部分,其高质量发展关键是提升全要素生产率。基于2009-2016年31个省市区的面板数据测算中国高新技术产业的Malmquist生产率指数,结果显示:中国高新技术产业全要素生产率总体呈下降态势,下降的主要诱因在于技术进步的衰退。回归结果显示:高新技术企业平均资产规模和研发经费支出对全要素生产率增速有显著制约作用,而平均收入规模、区位熵、有效专利数量对全要素生产率增速有显著促进作用。促进高新技术产业全要素生产率增长的关键在于提升技术创新效率,突破高新技术产业发展的技术瓶颈;培育特色化高新技术产业集群,注重发挥产业集群的正向外溢效应;扶持中小企业和培育龙头企业并举,建设规模庞大、结构合理、和谐共生的高新技术企业体系。  相似文献   

This Paper examines the relationship between trade liberalization and productivity growth for Australian manufacturing. An imperfect competition, non-CRS, smooth transition empirical framework is employed for analysis. GMM estimates of the logistic smooth transition model imply that trade reform impacts take approximately four years to complete, but do not occur over the same time period for all industries. In response to trade reforms, for most industries a significant improvement in productivity is estimated, these improvements are associated with lower mark-ups and falling scale parameters. A minority of industries however, experienced no change or falling productivity growth in response to reforms, these industries tended to have the highest absolute protection levels. [D24, F12, C52, L60]  相似文献   

本文测算了1979—2007年中国三次产业历年全要素生产率(TFP)增长率,并对三次产业间全要素生产率变动质量进行比较分析,发现三次产业TFP存在差异。并通过资源再配置效率(TRE)模型测算历年来产业结构变动的效率,分析中国产业间要素流动对经济增长的影响。研究结果表明,现阶段中国服务业全要素生产率较高,资源配置效率趋势为正,应把服务业作为中国产业结构调整和经济增长方式转变的重点。  相似文献   

Abstract. From a model by Hopenhayn, three hypotheses can be derived: (H1) Firms that exit in year t were less productive in t− 1 than firms that continue to produce in t. (H2) Firms that enter in year t are less productive than incumbent firms in year t. (H3) Surviving firms from an entry cohort were more productive than non-surviving firms from this cohort in the start year. This paper uses unique newly available panel datasets for all manufacturing plants from Germany (1995–2002) to test these hypotheses. All three hypotheses are supported empirically for West and East Germany.  相似文献   

基于2007—2017年专利密集型产业面板数据,运用GML指数模型测度专利密集型产业8个行业的绿色全要素生产率,并对其进行收敛性分析。研究发现,专利密集型产业绿色全要素生产率整体水平较高,与传统全要素生产率相比,“波特假说”初步显现;总体上,专利密集型产业绿色全要素生产率呈上升趋势,技术进步贡献最大,不同行业的绿色全要素生产率增长水平和动态趋势不尽相同;整体行业、强专利密集型行业和弱专利密集型行业绿色全要素生产率内部差距仍然较大,整体行业与强专利密集型行业趋向共同稳态和自身稳态收敛,弱专利密集型行业仅趋向自身稳态收敛;行业集中度、行业规模对行业整体和弱专利密集型行业绿色全要素生产率具有正向作用,研发投入对强专利密集型行业绿色全要素生产率具有显著正向作用。  相似文献   

笔者研究了我国地区要素集聚以及由此导致的地区间全要素生产率的差异.通过计算各省就业密度和就业集中度指数发现,在我国的确存在地区劳动力集聚的情况.通过计算各地区的劳均资本存量的绝对差距指数和相对差距指数以及运用马尔可夫转换矩阵的分析,发现我国资本存量在省际间具有明显的两极化趋势.根据面板数据模型估算的结果发现不同地区要素集聚的规模弹性效应差异很大,并且中、西部地区的规模弹性效应对全要素生产率增长的贡献高于东部地区,表明东部地区已经出现要素集聚过度的特征.  相似文献   

工资、出口贸易与全要素生产率:1979-2009   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章使用DEA方法测算了中国1979-2009年各省份的全要素生产率,结果发现全要素生产率的增长偏离工资的增长,这与Madsen和Damania(2001)等人的研究相矛盾。为此,结合中国实际情况,文章从需求引致创新角度对此问题进行了理论分析。在理论分析的基础上,文章利用两步系统广义矩(Two-step system GMM)估计方法控制全要素生产率对工资可能产生的影响后进行了经验分析。结果表明,1979-1997年,工资与全要素生产率的增长基本一致;工资、出口均显著促进全要素生产率的提升;1998-2009年,全要素生产率的增长偏离工资的增长,主要因为我国出口额大幅增加抵消了工资上涨给企业带来的压力,降低了企业的创新动力。  相似文献   

This paper uses panel cointegration and causality techniques to examine the long-run relationship between refuge immigration and total factor productivity (TFP), a relationship that has not yet been examined in the literature. It is found that refugee immigration has, on average, a positive long-run effect on TFP, suggesting that refuge immigration increases the diversity of skills and ideas available to society as a whole, which in turn promotes specialization and innovation. It is also found that causality is unidirectional from refugee immigration to TFP, suggesting that refugees are primarily motivated by the push factor of persecution in the source country rather than by productivity (and hence welfare) gains as a potential pull factor in the destination country.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of tariff reduction following China's World Trade Organization (WTO) entry on the productivity of Chinese manufacturing firms using a firm‐level panel database that comprises all of China's manufacturing firms with an annual turnover above 5 million yuan and that spans the period of 2000–2006. An instrumental variable estimator is used to account for the endogeneity of the tariff reduction. The results indicate that China's trade liberalization in the five years following its WTO entry has led to a 0.94% annual increase in total factor productivity for Chinese manufacturing firms. However, the overall productivity gain from the tariff reduction is a net result of a productivity depressing effect of output tariff reduction and a productivity enhancing effect of input tariff reduction. Both effects have diminished in magnitude over the years after China joined the WTO. Firm heterogeneity and turnover plays an important role in generating gains from trade liberalization. The surviving firms have managed to cope with and take advantage of lower tariffs. The extent to which the tariff reduction affects Chinese firms' productivity is also dependent on the ownership structure of the firms with foreign‐invested firms being the clear winner.  相似文献   

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