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景岗山很早就会开汽车。他说:”大约1988年,我就会开车。刚开始时,开了辆‘126P’,那时候也没什么钱,就只好来这么一辆车先将就着。”要说景岗山刚开车时还真有点危险,因为他从没真正进驾校学过开车,还自称自己是”实践出真知”,整个一个”老非”司机开车,他笑谈自己还有过不短的无照驾驶的经历。其实,在北京正式出现驾校之前,”老非”驾车四处转悠的事儿实在太多了。当然,景岗山现在是一位持有驾照并有多年驾龄的老司机了。  相似文献   

作为中华民族的世纪梦想,2008年北京奥运会不仅是炎黄子孙一大盛事,更是中国传媒业界千载难逢的发展机遇。9月6日.中国领先的互联网门户新浪在北京召开奥运战略发布会.首次向媒体和公众披露了新浪奥运报道规划以及新浪奥运营销策略。[第一段]  相似文献   

2008年的北京奥运,不仅是体育赛事的主场,也是营销的主场。随着互联网的风生水起,让人印象深刻的是,腾讯网作为主流媒体平台之一在2008年奥运战场上异彩纷呈。2012年伦敦奥运日期渐近。四年后的新媒体早已不新,互联网产品与技术革新速度加快,网络媒体的社交、移动、碎片  相似文献   

张凯锋 《创业家》2009,(9):62-63
"对不起,券商希望我沉默3个月,以后再联系。"8月6日晚,我收到同济同捷董事长雷雨成的短信。在连续被3家创业板申报企业拒绝之后,这个最后的希望似乎也要破灭了。看来上海真不是我的福地啊。和被空投在祖国各地的同事们交流了一下,似乎大家的进展都不太顺利,我不禁没心没肺地安慰了一下自己。  相似文献   

中国重汽,一个浓缩了中国重型汽车工业发展的名字,从小到大,由大至强。四十余载的风雨历程中,中国重汽从借鉴开发,到引进、消化、吸收国外先进技术,再到自主开发,完成了全新技术体系建设;从引进一个项目,铸造一个企业,带动整个行业,到扛起复兴民族汽车工业大旗,书写着一段历史,探索出具有中国特色的重卡工业发展模式。  相似文献   

根据国外多方信息与报道,将近期世界船用设备市场和技术发展的若干重要侧面汇合于此。一、船用设备第一生产大国——日本的产销情况长期以来,日本既是世界第一造船大国,也是世界船用设备第一生产大国。日本船用设备工业协会  相似文献   

2001年世界宏观经济形势较2000年发生了急剧的变化,美欧日等主要发达国家的经济增长同时减速。根据国际货币基金组织的数据,2001年世界经济增长率仅为2.4%,大大低于2000年的4.7%。作为世界经济火车头的美国经济在2001年下半年  相似文献   

Health policy in the United States is best understood as a policy of incrementalism with major interventions occurring only in response to crisis, as in the case of the Medicare legislation that profoundly altered our historic financing of health care. The characteristically minor, unplanned, adjustments that are made often have major unanticipated consequences, and these serve to explain the radical transformation of the nation's health system in the half-century since World War II. The main elements in this change--the evolution of employment-tied private insurance for the majority of the population, the predominance of specialism and superspecialism in medical practice, the expansion of the voluntary hospital system with capital liberally raised through tax-exempt bond issues, advancing technology and medical capability are reviewed. The major persistent policy issues--uncontrolled expenditures and the increasing numbers of uninsured--will ultimately precipitate change, perhaps by the end of the decade, very likely a minimum benefit, universal federal-state insurance system, supplemented by the private market--hardly radical systemic reform.  相似文献   

We will have to wait to see how good our present forecasting methodologies are, but we can test futurologists of earlier times. The author has checked a selection of Fortune's forecasts as far back as 1933. Examination reveals that predictions were on target in three areas-technology, general trends, and structural change in the economy. They fell far short of the mark, however, in the areas of legal, political, and international constraints; the personal impact of economic factors; and the personal impact of various innovations. But the failures were often not too far off and the correct ones, if heeded, could have saved us time and money. Unfortunately, the people problems that plagued the Fortune forecasts are still unsolved today.  相似文献   

The Gatt Uruguay Round was finally brought to a conclusion in April following long-drawn-out negotiations. What changes are contained in the new agreements? How should we rate these changes? How important will the future World Trade Organization (WTO) be?  相似文献   

Following the prolonged upswing in the world economy during the eighties, the subsequent downturn is proving to be more persistent than expected. It looks as if the USA is now at last on the road to recovery but Japan and Western Europe are still having a tangible dampening effect at the turn of the year. Are there prospects for an improvement in the world economy for 1993?  相似文献   

林杰 《大经贸》2002,(9):52-55
广东的投资软环境到底怎样?从本期开始,本刊将陆续刊登各国驻广州总领事对广东投资软环境的看法。"在商言商,应实事求是。家和地区。所以,国家与国家之间可以有不同的意见,但最好不要对企业界施加任何影响,这是中国  相似文献   

这是一个创造“奇迹”的团队。2006年,他们逆势出击“抢滩”太阳能热水器国际市场,凭借对集团既有轮胎国际市场超强的渠道整合能力,让福格(Fullgreen)在短时间内成为知名品牌。  相似文献   

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