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"职工之家"建设是工会的一项系统工程,对发挥职工凝聚力、执行力和向心力有着重要的作用。近年来,中国人民银行朔州市中心支行高度重视职工之家建设,抽取骨干力量,开展大量活动,深入走访调查,有力促进了基层央行各项工作的顺利开展。但如何形成职工之家建设长效机制,仍是基层央行工会亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

这几年我们西安土门办事处工会,认真整顿基层工会组织,建设“职工之家”,带领广大职工,围绕银行各个时期的工作中心,努力工作,取得了一些成绩。去年经西安市金融工会按建设“职工之家”的六  相似文献   

“职工之家”是工会基层组织建设合格化的别称,是全面加强基层工会建设,提高工会工作水平,增强工会组织凝聚力和号召力的有效形式,如何以开拓创新的精神把工会各项主要工作纳入建家范围,与时俱进地抓好“职工之家”的建设,笔者从以下几个方面谈谈想法。  相似文献   

工行湖北省分行营业部江南支行是营业部龙头大行,在营业部考核排名一直保持领先地位,利润、经济增加值和人均中间业务收入三大指标连续多年在营业部排名第一,先后获得“总行模范职工之家”“武汉市五一劳动奖状”“省创建文明行业先进单位”“武汉市文明单位”“省分行先进单位”和“先进基层党组织”“营业部先进单位”和“先进基层党组织”等荣誉称号。2011年10月,在营业部竞争力提升改革后,江南支行经充实重组更名为新的武昌支行,成为总行重点支行,作为营业部规模最大的一级支行,新武昌支行坚持以建设“五心”职工之家为抓手,使支行职工之家成为员工“共同的家”“温暖的家”“文化的家”“心灵的家”和“创优的家”,构建了和谐的发展环境,创造了良好的经营业绩。  相似文献   

日前,省分行党委副书记、副行长谢利克一行到太和县支行进行工作调研,对该行长期注重“职工之家”建设,充分调动员工积极性的做法给予了肯定,并就进一步推广做好“职工之家”建设,加强全行企业文化建设等方面的工作提出了要求:一要进一步在总结“民主型、温馨型、学习型、娱乐型、爱心型”职工之家建设的基础上,突出重点,将“五型”职工之家建设在全行发扬光大。工作中坚持职代会制度,切实发挥工会的“民主监督、民主管理、职工教育、维护职工权益”四项基本职能。疏通领导和员工间的渠道,保持“言路”畅通。二要进一步提升“职工之家”的层次。在实施过程中注意形成一种积极向上的企业文化,让“把农业银行建设的更加美好”成为全体员工的共同愿景,推动工作长足发展。要加强合规文化建设、加强尽责文化建设、加强执行力文化建设。不同阶段有不同的主题,当前全行上下必须要把加强执行力文化建设做为工作重点来抓。三要进一步加强“职工之家”建设,在环节上和解决职工困难上下功夫。能为职工谋利益的事要早做、多做,一时不能做的要向员工解释好。要办实事,不空谈。让广大员工深刻体会到上级的关怀,使员工对农行的前景更加有信心,对工作能尽心,在和谐的氛围中工作更顺心。[编者按]  相似文献   

自中华全国总工会提出整顿基层工会组织,建设"职工之家"活动以来,辖区各级工会在各级党委(党组)的正确领导下,以江泽民总书记"三个代表"重要思想为指导,紧密结合人民银行的工作实际,发动和依靠广大干部职工始终把建设"职工之家"活动作为工会一项重要的、长期的工作来抓,不断为"建家"活动赋予新的内容,注入新的活力,使建设"职工之家"活动持续、健康、深入地开展,据初步统计,几年来天津分行辖区荣获全国级"模范职工之家"称号7个;获省(市、自治区)级合格、先进"模范职工之家"称号105个;获地(市、盟)级合格、先进"职工之家"称号137个.  相似文献   

随着形势的发展,基层央行"职工之家"建设面临着许多新情况、新问题。如何才能使职工之家常建常新,使职工之家被广大职工所接受,是当前基层央行工会工作应着力思考和探索的问题。  相似文献   

工行内蒙古通辽分行设二级分行工会委员会1个,工会办公室1个,一级支行工会组织8个。多年来,该行工会紧紧围绕业务经营,狠抓工会工作规范化建设,积极参与经营管理,切实发挥职能作用,维护广大会员的合法权益,为改革和发展做出了重要贡献。全行先后被内蒙总工会和总行工会命名为“模范职工之家”2个,被中华总工会命名“模范职工之家”1个,被内蒙分行命名“先进职工之家”4个,“合格职工之家”1个,被全国妇联命名“巾帼文明岗”1个,全国“工人先锋号”1个。  相似文献   

随着金融体制改革的不断深入,基层农行职工家工作面临着许多新情况,也遇到一些新问题。如何以“三个代表”为指导方针,在新形势下抓好“职工之家”建设、发挥工会组织应有的作用,是农行工会干部在实际工作中必须面对和研究的重要课题。作者通过多年的工作实践和学习,联系罗田农行工建家的实际,对当前基层农行职工建家存在的困难和问题进行分析,并提出一些建议,与各位领导和同仁商榷。  相似文献   

工行临清支行工会委员会狠抓规范化建设,多层次提高员工素质、改善工作环境、参与经营管理、维护会员权益,在全行营造了“小集体,大家庭”的和谐氛围。先后被中国金融工委和山东省总工会命名为“模范职工之家”,被山东省总211会命名为“山东省女职工先进集体”。股改上市以来,他们进一步强化“职工之家”建设活动,投入资金10余万元,进行改扩建并扎实开展各项活动,建家环境明显改善,工会工作进一步活跃,“职工之家”焕发出新的生机和活力。  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco announced its intention to discontinue the three Eleventh District Weighted Average Cost of Funds...  相似文献   

We study the effect of collateralized lending and securitization on international capital flows and welfare in a two-country general equilibrium model with idiosyncratic investment risk. The low-margin country (Home) endogenously supplies more safe assets and enables more risk sharing. Upon financial integration, capital flows from Foreign (high-margin country) to Home, leading to lower interest rates and a larger global supply of safe assets. Unlike in standard models with partial equity issuance, in our model, Home can lose from financial integration due to the endogenous reduction in risk sharing and aggregate shocks can generate large gross capital flows.  相似文献   

We examine the real effects of changes in bank mortgage loan underwriting standards by combining responses to the Federal Reserve’s Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey, application information from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, and local housing market measures over 1990 to 2013. Tightened standards are associated with a 1 percentage point increase in denial rates and a 5% fall in loan issuance, controlling for applicant pool changes, but no change for predominantly-securitizing banks. In areas with more exposure to banks that have tightened standards, mortgage delinquency rates, house prices, new home sales, and residential construction employment fall substantially.  相似文献   

本文以经典罗伯特.C.希金斯的可持续增长模型作为理论基础,对我国信息技术上市公司可持续增长进行实证研究。研究发现:我国信息技术上市公司的实际增长率超过可持续增长率,并且可持续增长率逐年下滑,存在财务上的增长过快现象。进一步从财务角度分析可持续增长率逐年下滑的成因,并提出几点参考建议。  相似文献   

Statement no.134 a proposal for privatization of the Federal Home Loan Bank systemMay 6, 1996  相似文献   

This paper examines the relief provided by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), a New Deal program that purchased and refinanced over 1 million distressed residential mortgages. I document that the HOLC paid relatively high prices for its mortgages, most likely in an effort to encourage lender participation and stimulate the housing market. The consequence was that lenders were able to remove poorly performing assets from their balance sheets at attractive prices. While this meant the HOLC’s ability to seek principal reductions was somewhat limited, borrowers still received significant relief through the terms of the HOLC’s more modern and forgiving mortgage contracts.  相似文献   

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 amended the lending authority of the Federal Home Loan Banks to include advances secured by small enterprise loans of community financial institutions. Three reasons for the extension of this selective credit subsidy to community banks and thrifts are examined, including the possible need to: subsidize community depository institutions, stabilize the Federal Home Loan Banks, and address a market failure in rural markets for small enterprise loans. We empirically investigate whether funding constraints impact the small-business lending decision by rural community banks. We estimate static and dynamic models of small-business lending by community banks. The data reject the hypothesis that access to increased funds will increase the amount of small-business loans made by community banks.  相似文献   

在破坏力巨大的“5·12”汶川特大地震面前,灾区的工行人没有丝毫的退缩,而是勇敢地挺起了脊梁,奋不顾身地战斗在抗震救灾的第一线。他们有的在危急时刻挺身而出,保护了客户和同事的安全;有的全然不顾余震的威胁,奋勇保护客户的财产和工行的资金;有的连续作战、不眠不休,只为了尽快恢复营业,让灾区的群众早点安心;  相似文献   

Craving for Coaching: A case study from Kwik-Fit Insurance Services   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Staff retention is an industry-wide issue for call centres. It costs hundreds of thousands of pounds to recruit and train staff each year and, for reasons of customer service, productivity and profitability, it has become increasingly important to identify ways of keeping and further developing existing staff. This paper focuses on the success of the introduction of a personal development programme for staff at Kwik-Fit Insurance Services (KFIS). Craving for Coaching, a programme which enables individuals to realise how they can improve on their own performance and help achieve business goals, was introduced almost three years ago.  相似文献   

This study investigates the economic underpinnings of the Fama and French three-factor (FF3) model. We evaluate the impact of surprises in 23 different types of macroeconomic announcements on stock returns in the framework of the CAPM and the FF3 model. The relative merit of the FF3 model is demonstrated whenever macroeconomic surprises have a smaller impact on the returns within an FF3 model versus their impact within the CAPM. In general, there is strong evidence to suggest that the FF3 model outperforms the CAPM. The relative merit of the FF3 model is highlighted by its ability to capture information related to Personal Consumption, Retail Sales, CPI, PPI, Factory Orders, Leading Indicators, Construction Spending, Housing Starts, and New Home Sales. An attribution analysis of the relative performance of SMB and HML equity factors indicate that both factors, in isolation, equally account for macroeconomic surprises. Lastly, there is evidence that the FF3 model can be marginally improved by incorporating credit variables.  相似文献   

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