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A semi-empirical turbulence enhancement model accounting for the particle-wake effect was incorporated into the second-order moment two-phase turbulence model and employed to simulate gas-particle flows in a swirling sudden-expansion chamber. The simulated results for two-phases mean velocities and fluctuation velocities coincide well with the experiment ones, which demonstrates that this model, in comparison with the turbulence model not accounting for the wake effect, leads to higher calculating accuracy.  相似文献   

A new turbulence enhancement model was incorporated into the second-order moment two-phase turbulence model and was used to simulate gas-particle flows in swirling chambers and channels with different wall roughness. The results show that compared with the turbulence modification model not accounting for the wake effect,this model,together with the conventional particle source term,gives simulation results in better agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The USM-θ model of power law fluid for dense two-phase turbulent flow was developed, which combines the unified second-order moment model for two-phase turbulence with the particle kinetic theory for the inter-particle collision. This model was used to simulate the turbulent flow of power law fluid single-phase in pipe. It is shown that the USM ? θ model has better prediction result than the k f ? ε f?kp?εp?θ model. The USM ? θ model was then used to simulate the dense two-phase turbulent up flow of power law fluid with particles. With the increase of the flow exponent, the velocities of power law fluid and particles increase near the pipe centre. Comparison between the two-phase flow of power law fluid-particle and of liquid-particle indicates that the axial fluctuation velocity of fluid phase and particle phase in liquid-particle two-phase flow is smaller than that in the power law fluid two-phase flow, but the two-phase velocities of power law fluid-particle and liquid-particle are close to each other.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONOnce peoplebrokethroughthelimitationoftraditionalecologytostudyonthestaticrelationshipbetweenbiologyanditsenvironmentandcameabouttostudythemechanismoftheirinteractioninviewofbiochemistryandenvironmentdynamics,ecosys temdynamicsgainedwide…  相似文献   


Simulation of particle turbulent transport in present mathematical models of two-phase turbulent flows is algebraic model based on local following theory. The predicted results bythese models are not consistent with that of experiments available. The motion of two-phase flowis described by a unified model of multi-fluid in this paper. The two-fluid turbulent model oftwo-phase flow based on k-e equations for particles and fluid, and corresponding numerical thch-nique are both developed. The proposed model and the numerical technique are successfully em-ployed to numerical modelling for oil-water two-phase turbulent recirculating flow.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation on 2-D open channel turbulence using the two-equationturbulent model(k-e model) is made.The diseretization equations of depth-averaged 2-D differ-ential equation are obtained by the control-volume formulation.Some examples including theflows in straight open channel,symmetry sudden expansion and one-side sudden expansion arecalculated by using the SIMPLE algorithm.The distributions of the flow velocity u,the kineticturbulent energy k,and the turbulent viscosity μ,etc.are obtained.The numerical calculationsindicate a good agreement with experimental data and other turbulent models calulations.  相似文献   


A multigrid-assisted solver for the three-dimensional time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on graded Cartesian meshes is developed. The spatial accuracy is third-order for the convective terms and fourth-order for the viscous terms, and a fractional-step strategy ensures second-order time accuracy. To achieve good time-wise efficiency a multigrid technique is used to solve the highly time-consuming pressure-Poisson equation that requires to be solved at every time step. The speed-up achieved by multigrid is shown in tabular form. The performance and accuracy of the code are first ascertained by computing the flow in a single-sided lid-driven cubic cavity with good grid-economy and comparing the results available in the literature. The code, thus validated, is then applied to a new test problem we propose and various transient and asymptotically obtained steady-state results are presented. Given the care taken to establish the credibility of the code and the good spatio-temporal accuracy of the discretization, these results are accurate and may be used for ascertaining the performance of any computational algorithm applied to this test problem.  相似文献   

1.mThonvrmNTurbulencemodelshavefoundtheirwideapplicationsinscienceandtechnolOgyrelaedtofiuidflOw.UptonowvariouskindsOfturbulencemedelsaredeveloPedincludingtheone-equatbomodel(Bradshaw,P.etal.,1967),thetwo-equatbomedel(SPalding,l969),themuliple-equationmodel(Davidov,1961),thealgebraicstressmodl(Launder,etal.,1972)andsoon.Amongthesemodels,thetwo-equationkBmodeliswidelytestedandued.Thealgebraicstressmodelsareintermediatebetweensecond-ordercforuerschemesusingtranSPOrtequatbosfortheindividual…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONThesteppedspillwayhadbeenusedatthebeginningoftwentycentury[1 ] .In 1 971 ,Esseryetal.[2 ] conductedamodeltestforthedesignof  相似文献   

The modified QUICK scheme on unstructured grid was used to improve the advection flux approximation, and the depth-averaged turbulence model with the scheme based on FVM by SIMPLE series algorithm was established and applied to spur-dike flow computation. In this model, the over-relaxed approach was adopted to estimate the diffusion flux in view of its advantages in reducing errors and sustaining numerical stability usually encountered in non-orthogonal meshes. Two spur-dike cases with different defection angles (90oand 135o) were analyzed to validate the model. Computed results show that the predicted velocities and recirculation lengths are in good agreement with the observed data. Moreover, the computations on structured and unstructured grids were compared in terms of the approximately equivalent grid numbers. It can be concluded that the precision with unstructured grids is higher than that with structured grids in spite that the CPU time required is slightly more with unstructured grids. Thus, it is significant to apply the method to numerical simulation of practical hydraulic engineering.  相似文献   

In this paper, the κ-ε two-equation turbulence model was used to simulate the three-dimensional turbulent flow of the stepped spillway at the Yubeishan reservoir. In order to solve the curved free water surface and to handle the complex boundary conditions, the fractional Volume Of Fluid (VOF) model that is applicable to the solution of the stratified two-phase flow was intorduced to the κ-ε turbulence model and the unstructured grid was used for the discretization of the irregular simulation domain. By these methods, the turbulent flow field of the stepped spillway was simulated successfully.The location of the free surface along the spillway, the magnitude and distribution of the velocity, the pressure distribution on the step surface, the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate were obtained by simulation. The changes and distributions of these characteristics along the width of the spillway were also obtained. The energy dissipation ratio of the stepped spillway was calculated according to the upstream and downstream water depth and velocities.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheapplicationofthesteppedspillwayhashadalonghistory .The physicalmodelteststudyofthesteppedspillwayhasbeen perform  相似文献   



Based on the Preissmann implicit scheme for the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equation, the mathematical model for one-dimensional river networks and canal networks was developed and the key issues on the model were expatiated particularly in this article. This model applies the method of three-steps solution for channel-junction-channel to simulate the river networks, and the Gauss elimination method was used to calculate the sparse matrix. This model was applied to simulate the tree-type irrigation canal networks, complex looped channel networks and the Lower Columbia Slough networks. The results of water level and discharge agree with the data from the Adlul and field data. The model is proved to be robust for simulating unsteady flows in river networks with various degrees of complex structure. The calculated results show that this model is useful for engineering applications in complicated river networks. Future research was recommended to focus on setting up ecological numerical model of water quality in river networks and canal networks.  相似文献   

基于开关控制策略的厂内经济运行模型及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过划分机组的约束限制条件为安全运行区和非安全运行区,提出了一 种基于开关控制策略的厂内经济运行模型。该模型有效地反映了机组的运行状态,并且保证 了设备的可利用率,较好地解决了影响水轮机效率、使用寿命、甚至可能危及电站运行安全 的机组不可运行区等约束限制问题。算例表明,该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

A two dimensional vertical mathematical model is proposed in this paper for simulating the equilibrium profile of local scour around submarine pipelines. The current model is composed of a new k-ε turbulence model, fitting moving boundary with pre-meshed grid lines and incipient criterion of shear stress for sediments. Employing the proposed model, an instance is carried out numerically and compared with experiments. The calculation results agree well with the experiments. It shows that the improved two equation turbulence model, adopted in this paper is appropriate to simulating the turbulent flow ficld around submarine pipelines, fitting moving boundary with pre-mcshed grid lines method is efficient for moving boundary problems in a multiply connected domain and the stability evaluation method for seabed with critical shear stress based on log-wall law is a reliable choice.  相似文献   

本文以青铜峡大坝变形观测资料为例 ,依据模糊控制理论 ,研究了用模糊聚类分析法建立复杂结构混凝土坝变形的预测模型。这对综合分析和评价复杂结构混凝土坝的变形性态具有较大的实用价值  相似文献   

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