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This article examines the importance of basic income in supporting development and economic security in remote Australian Indigenous communities. Specifically we draw on the case of the Community Development Employment Programme (CDEP) and examine its significant basic income features: it provided economic security, flexible definitions of work, community control and a means to establish community development initiatives. We find that CDEP suited the economic and cultural circumstances of remote-living Aboriginal people whose livelihoods depend on a hybrid form of economy inclusive of customary (non-market) practices rather than market capitalism. We then trace shifts in Indigenous policy in recent times which saw the dismantling of CDEP in the name of ‘real’ employment, and we examine the consequences of this for Aboriginal people. We end by proposing the reinstatement of a more complete basic income scheme, initially for people in remote Indigenous communities in Australia who are in deepest poverty.  相似文献   

The New US Farm Bill: Lessons from a Complete Ideological Turnaround The United States recently dopted a new farm law which represents a complete ideological turnaround from the 1996 FAIR Act. This turnaround is paradoxical when compared to the positions taken by the US government in international trade negotiations, particularly at the WTO. A political economy approach can be used to explain this paradox. For various reasons the US budget constraint was not very binding during the policy making process. This gave an opportunity to the supporters of various agricultural interest groups in Congress to forge a coalition in support of a “generous” farm bill which turned out to be politically very difficult to oppose in an election year. As a result it appears that the main economic concern behind the new law has been the instability of prices on international markets, little concern being expressed for the impact on trading partners. Consequently, the credibility of the US government in WTO agricultural trade negotiations will be damaged, but the very broad coalition pushing for liberalisation of agricultural policies in OECD countries will not be significantly weakened. The European Union, therefore, will find it very difficult to resist pressures for concessions on market access and the elimination of export subsidies. La nouvelle loi agricole aux Etats‐Unis: les leçons d'une volte‐face idéologique Les Etats‐Unis viennent d'adopter une nouvelle loi agricole qui marque un changement radical d'orientation par rapport à la loi passée en 1996. Ce revirement idéologique est paradoxal lorsqu'on le rapproche des positions prises par les représentants américains dans les négociations agricoles à l'OMC. Il peut cependant s'expliquer assez facilement si l'on adopte une perspective d‘économie politique. Pour des raisons diverses, la contrainte budgétaire ne s'est pas faite sentir trop fort durant la période d’élaboration de la loi, de sorte que les groupes de pression agricoles n'ont pas eu trop de mal à obtenir au congrès une coalition favorable à une législation “généreuse”à laquelle il eut été difficile de s'opposer en année électorate. En conséquence, le législateur américain a pu manifester son inquiétude vis‐à‐vis de l'instabilité des prix sur les marchés internationaux, et on peut se demander dans quelle mesure cela ne va pas ruiner la crédibilité des positions libérales prises par le gouvernement américain dans les négociations commerciales internationales. Cependant, il convient de noter que la coalition des pays membres qui ant intérêt à la libéralisation des politiques agricoles des pays riches est très large, et ne sera sans doute pas affaiblie de façon significative par cet événement. Il restera done très difficile à l'Union Européenne de résister aux pressions d'autres pays en faveur de l'accès au marché et contre les subventions à l'exportation. Das neue US‐Landwirtschaftsgesetz: Lehren aus einer absoluten ideologischen Kehrtwendung In den Vereinigten Staaten wurde vor kurzem eine neue Agrargesetzgebung verabschiedet, die im Vergleich zum FAIR‐Gesetz aus dem Jahre 1996 eine absolute ideologische Kehrtwendung darstellt. Diese Kehrtwendung steht im Widerspruch zu den Standpunkten, welche die US‐Regierung in Welthandelsfragen vertritt, insbesondere bei der WTO. Dieses Paradoxon kann mit Hilfe eines politökonomischen Ansatzes aufgelöst werden. Zu der Zeit, in der dieses Gesetz entstand, musste die Restriktion des US‐Staatshaushalts aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht strikt eingehalten werden. Dies ermöglichte den Anhängern verschiedener landwirtschaftlicher Interessenverbände, im Kongress eine Koalition zu Gunsten eines “großzügigen” Landwirtschaftsgesetzes zu bilden, welchem gerade in einem Wahljahr politisch nur wenig entgegen zu setzen war. Daher erweckt es den Anschein, dass im Hinblick auf die Wirtschaft die Preisinstabilität auf den internationalen Märkten das zentrale Anliegen des neuen Gesetzes ist, wobei den Auswirkungen auf die Handelspartner nur wenig Beachtung geschenkt wird. Aus diesem Grunde sinkt die Glaubwürdigkeit der US‐Regierung bei den WTO‐Verhandlungen hinsichtlich des Agrarhandels. Die breite Koalition, welche die Liberalisierung der Agrarpolitik in den OECD‐Ländern anstrebt, wird jedoch nicht wesentlich geschwächt. Daher dürfte es der Europäischen Union schwer fallen, dem Druck hinsichtlich der Zugeständnisse beim Marktzugang und der Abschaffung von Exportsubventionen standzuhalten.  相似文献   

Brazil is trying to identify ways to ally economic growth with climate change mitigation. Productivity gains in livestock have been pointed out as a promising alternative to achieve that goal. Thus, this paper analyses the economic impacts of a policy of productivity gains in the Brazilian livestock. Besides, we evaluate if the policy may conciliate agricultural growth and deforestation control, bearing in mind the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land-use changes. The analysis was carried out through a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, tailored to represent land-use changes, GHG emissions and removals. Besides, it made progress modeling the heterogeneity of climate, soils, and emissions in inter-regional models with many regions. The results show that productivity gains can effectively “save” land and thus avoid deforestation, especially in the Amazon and Cerrado (savannah) biomes. The policy also may boost the economic growth, spreading it to other regions of Brazil, like Centre-West and North, and increasing income and consumption in those places. However, as a climate policy, focused on the reduction of GHG emissions, the results may be counterproductive. The net amount issued may increase, as a result of the positive stimulus of the policy on the economy, and GHG emissions are directly related to the economic growth.  相似文献   

近年来,随着西部大开发战略的实施和上海合作组织经济合作职能的进一步加强,新疆充分利用其地缘、资源等方面的优势积极开展对外贸易,出口贸易的快速增长有力地推动了国民经济的发展.本文通过对新疆进出口增长率、外贸依存度、贸易竞争力指数和显性比较优势指数等指标进行测算和分析,试图对新疆出口贸易竞争力情况作一个比较切合实际的描述,并力争得出有价值的结论.  相似文献   

运用基于VAR模型的动态经济计量分析方法,对新疆1985年~2009年进口贸易与居民消费性支出之间的关系进行实证研究。实证的结果发现:新疆进口贸易与居民消费之间存在着长期稳定的均衡关系,并且这种均衡关系具有反向修正机制。  相似文献   

Land use change modeling and simulation is a popular tool in land use planning and policy formulation. However, the outputs of land use change simulation are not always accompanied with information on uncertainty. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the inherent uncertainty in sprawl simulation, which is attributable to error in the input parameters and to limitations in our understanding of land use systems. To reach this goal, the paper determines sprawl simulation accuracy and uncertainty for a small US metropolitan region as produced by the CLUE-S modeling framework. The model simulates sprawl location in the region accurately, but the certainty of sprawl location projections decreases with time. This uncertainty in the simulation suggests that modelers should report uncertainty with their output over all time horizons so that, on the one hand, land use planners and decision makers do not place too much confidence in any single sprawl simulation (which could lead to unwarranted and expensive urban growth management policies) and, on the other hand, do not place too little confidence in sprawl models (which could have severe socioeconomic and environmental consequences). Thus, reporting uncertainty with simulation output provides planners and decision makers with a platform for more informed land use policy.  相似文献   

Carbon offset programs, such as that overseen by the California Air Resources Board (CA ARB), have emerged as a strategy for climate change mitigation. Offset projects sequestering carbon earn credits that can be traded on the Cap-and-Trade market to compensate for carbon emissions. The carbon stock embodied in harvested wood products can make up a substantial portion of the sequestered carbon in forest offset projects. In this paper we investigate the sensitivity of the calculations for the number of credits allocated to a forest offset project in the California system. We also examine how alternative models for the decay of harvested wood products might better reflect the dynamics of both the lifetime and cascade chain progression of the products and how this might change the amount of credits earned. The results suggest improved data collection and refinement in methodology would help to improve accuracy and reduce uncertainty in a large and important carbon stock. We conclude with offering suggestions on how an understanding of the dependence of harvested wood product stocks on life cycle parameters might affect the economics of offset programs and assist targeted mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

我国农产品对外贸易的现状、问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文实证分析了我国农产品的世界地位、对外贸易规模、进出口产品结构以及市场集中度的现状,并分别从农业产业水平、农产品竞争力、农产品贸易壁垒等角度分析了农产品对外贸易中存在的问题,并针对问题提出应加大政府支持力度、提高农产品附加值、逐步化解发达国家的非关税壁垒等建议。  相似文献   

We develop a water allocation and irrigation technology adoption model under the prior appropriation doctrine with asymmetric information among heterogeneous farmers and between farmers and water authorities. We find that adverse selection reduces the adoption of modern irrigation technology. We also show that even with asymmetric information, incentives for water trade exist and lead to additional technology adoption with gains to all parties. This suggests that under asymmetric information, a thin secondary market improves the allocation of water resources and induces additional adoption of modern irrigation technologies.  相似文献   

A residual demand model is developed to predict the likely effects of an antidumping duty in the presence of trade diversion. A key insight is that the ability of an AD duty to increase the welfare of producers in the country imposing the duty hinges on the import supply elasticity for product from non‐named sources. The only instance in which this is not true is when supply for product from the named source is perfectly elastic. In this case, the welfare gain to domestic producers is maximised irrespective of the supply elasticity for imports from non‐named sources. A comparison of the residual demand model with the Armington model suggests the latter significantly understates both trade diversion and domestic producer gains from the duty.  相似文献   

We present an econometric investigation of the trade effect produced by the elimination of tariffs in 18 food sectors for a large sample of developing and developed countries. The standard CES monopolistic competition trade model and the gravity equation were used to estimate trade substitution elasticities, exploring their sensitivity to different estimation methods. Using these elasticities, we simulate the trade effect of the elimination of tariffs, dealing with the problem of uncertainty in the estimated values. Results point to a significant variation in the elasticities estimated by different econometric methods, suggesting that the Poisson pseudo‐maximum‐likelihood estimator significantly inflates their magnitude. Simulation results indicate that trade liberalisation will strongly increase food exports especially from high income and emerging countries, leading to a general loss of market share by developing countries. The simulated trade flows obtained from the econometric approach are quite close to current evidence based on computable general equilibrium models.  相似文献   

我国农产品产业内贸易的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入世以来我国农产品贸易在国际市场上受到很大冲击,究其原因,是因为我国一直是按比较优势原理来发展农产品对外贸易的,而我国大多数农产品相对许多发达国家而言并没有比较优势.本文运用实证研究方法,分析了1998~2005年我国农业产业内贸易的整体水平、各类和各章农产品的Grubel-Lloyd指数分析,结果表明我国农产品贸易整体上以产业内贸易为主,且产业内贸易水平不断提高,农产品贸易的增长仍是以比较优势为基础的产业间贸易为主,但产业内贸易的作用越来越大.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether reframing an issue related to sustainable consumption can influence citizens' attitude towards that issue. Our investigation focuses on the case of Fair Trade in Flanders, Belgium. Fair Trade contributes to sustainable development by offering better conditions to marginalized producers in the South. Using an internet-based experimental setup, 1617 individuals were exposed to an NGO-based frame, a retailer-based frame, an experimental frame or no frame. Statistical analysis then indicated whether the experimental frame performed better than the control group and the other frames in shifting people's attitudes. Our results suggest that a brief exposure to a combination of tone, messenger, value and metaphor that signals the systemic aspects of Fair Trade may be successful in shifting the attitude and opinion of Flemish consumers/citizens in favour of Fair Trade. Our analysis suggests that the foundations metaphor that has been developed in the context of the environmental impact of food production can also be applied in the context of the social impact of food production.  相似文献   

本文在恒定市场份额分析方法的理论基础上,把中国出口到日本市场上的蔬菜分为七大类,通过计算1988年~2001年、2001~2002年、2002年~2005年三个时期中国对日蔬菜出口的市场规模效应、分配效应、竞争效应,剖析近年来中国对日蔬菜出口波动的原因,从理论的角度澄清其内在机理.计算结果表明:规模效应是中国蔬菜对日出口量产生波动的主要原因,竞争效应在三个时期均对出口量的增加均起推动作用,分配效应则在一定程度上抑制了蔬菜出口的增加.  相似文献   

In highly urbanised Australia many cities and towns demand may have exceeded existing water supply. In peri-urban areas this can lead to conflict over access to supplies with priority often given to urban users. In an effort to resolve potential conflicts, water management planning often seeks to engage ‘community stakeholders’ in an attempt to produce a ‘harmonised’ strategic plan. In this paper we focus on the process of developing one such plan for sustainable water management in a peri-urban area with complex and conflicting stakeholder interests. We subject data from a series of planning meetings and ‘stakeholder’ workshops to a critical review and analysis against the project's stated aims for this stage of the process of: engaging key stakeholders, developing a common vision, and deciding research priorities. We conclude that the approach was unable to achieve these strategic outcomes. In discussion we explore how this analysis reflects barriers in the engagement process, which highlight more general concerns about this widely accepted model for stakeholder engagement in resource issues.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of a unique organizational structure and marketing/managerial orientation developed by the Mondragon Cooperatives in the Basque province of Spain. This approach focuses attention on the "whole person," where improving productivity is accomplished by an incentive structure rather than elaborate job controls. The study examines the strategy Mondragon Cooperatives practice, as perceived by the workers, in order to isolate those factors which have led to their marketing success. A mail survey was conducted on a sample of 400 cooperative and 400 private enterprise workers, with a fifty-two percent (52%) response rate. The results of the survey are presented and strategic marketing implications are provided as a concluding focus of this effort.  相似文献   

Local participation has evolved as a strategy in the conservation and maintenance of biological and cultural values in cultural landscapes. The meaning(s) of the concept, however, are fuzzy, and conditions for fruitful implementation have only been investigated to a limited extent. In this article, a couple of Swedish cases serve as points of departure for a better understanding of the prerequisites and critical aspects as regards an increased local involvement in landscape management. A review of research on community participation reveals some essential aspects; power relations, participants, the institutional framework, organisation, communication, knowledge building, monitoring and contextual factors. These aspects have formed the structure for the analysis of two cases within which local involvement is considered successful; Southern Öland, where community involvement in seminatural grassland management has been experienced in LIFE-projects and in the process of becoming a UNESCO World heritage site, and Mälarhagar, an integrated restoration and beef production project carried out in close collaboration with farmers. The results are discussed in terms of successful ingredients, counterproductive aspects and operational difficulties. The findings show that trust, communication and local influence are vital ingredients in a participatory approach. Communication and co-management are pointed out as central areas of competence for executives working with landscape management and planning. There are, however, collisions between directives concerning nature conservation and directives concerning public participation. For successful local involvement, the subject for collaboration has to be broadly defined. Furthermore, the strong emphasis on collaboration in participatory approaches demands that democratic aspects have to be considered.  相似文献   

Spanish accession to the European Comminity (EC) will lead to many changes in Spain's agricultural sector. Predicting the nature of these changes is difficult because the new policy regime differs significantly from historic Spanish policies. In this paper, conventional econometric models of the Spanish rice sector are constrated with a model designed specifically to reflect the pervasive impact of Spanish rice policies. This policy model predicts the historical evolution of production, consumption and trade more accurately than the conventional models. However, the policy model cannot be used to predict the impact of the radical policy changes in Spain resulting from the introduction of the EC rice regime because the historical relationships no longer hold. It is argued that alternative approaches relying more on institutional analysis and expert opinion need to be developed to understand the future of the Spanish rice sector.  相似文献   

作为贸易形式发展的高级阶段,期货贸易对产业的发展具有重要的意义。林业产业引进期货贸易不仅有多年的历史,而且有多个国家及地区进行了相应的实践,但效果并不理想。主要障碍来自林业产业自身的特殊性,即同质性的产品市场容量有限限制了相应期货市场必要的交易量,产业纵向一体化结构降低了相关企业的避险需求。我国营林业经营主体的分散以及木材加工业的快速发展提升了引进期货贸易的可能性。  相似文献   

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