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大学生就业诚信缺失及对策的质性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏德山  曹文雯 《价值工程》2010,29(33):81-81
以质性研究的范式,对当代大学生就业过程中诚信缺失的表现及对策进行深入的探索。运用扎根理论,采用深度访谈的方法收集资料,导入NVivo8.0软件进行编码并寻找概念。结果建立了两个理论模型:大学生就业诚信缺失的表现和对策;采用"三角检验法"(triangulation)、反馈法和信度评估对模型和研究结果进行检验,一致性程度较好,说明有较好的信效度。  相似文献   

常用采购方式及评比方法辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖松  胡顺华 《物流科技》2009,32(5):137-138
文章主要对采购实际工作中常用的五种采购方式进行了详细的介绍,并从适用范围、程序、优点、不足、适用的评比方法五个方面对五种采购方式进行了辨析,旨在为广大的采购工作者选择恰当采购方式、方法提供一个参考。  相似文献   

Despite the evident rise in the number of qualitative studies that are published in leading journals, I argue that the rich tradition and hallmark of qualitative research is under pressure. In recent years qualitative papers are increasingly being fashioned in the image of quantitative research, so much so that papers adopt ‘factor‐analytic’ styles of theorizing that have typically been the preserve of quantitative methods. This is a worrying trend as it leads to certain types of explanations dominating our field and at the expense of other viable forms of explanation. It also narrows the remit of qualitative research in general by channelling the theoretical contribution of qualitative studies in the direction of factor‐analytic propositional or variance models. In this article, I discuss the differences between the distinct types of theoretical explanations that are associated with quantitative and qualitative methods, survey the trend towards a quantitative ‘restyling’ of qualitative research, and elaborate its negative implications for our body of knowledge and for the state of management and organization theory.  相似文献   

This research aims to validate a structural equation modeling (SEM) model for measuring warehouse performance using data from an international company in Australia (company G). Moreover, a methodological triangulation method was also adopted to test whether different methodological approaches produce convergent findings about warehouse performance measurement (WPM). These three different methods are the SEM model, the multiple case research study, and validation of the SEM model using data from 80 companies in Thailand and a company in Australia. With the results from the triangulation method, it is obvious that the SEM model can be used to measure the performance of warehouses in Thailand and Australia. Since the SEM model consists only of significant indicators, it is more appropriate than company G's scorecard. Furthermore, the SEM model can overcome the limitations of traditional models by allowing companies to compare their performance over time.  相似文献   

Corporate governance (CG) research has typically been studied from rather disparate disciplinary approaches, thereby offering myopic and often conflicting rationales. We develop an institutional configurational approach to integrate this ‘siloed’ field and explain CG patterns around the world. To do so, we draw on an inductive, theory‐building methodology based on fuzzy‐set logic to uncover the configurations across institutional actor‐centred domains and their impact on CG patterns. Empirically, we explore the necessary and sufficient causal conditions leading to different features of codes of good governance across 32 OECD countries. We generate propositions linking configurational institutional domains to code features. Our results show that a single institutional domain by itself is not sufficient to explain CG outcomes, and that these domains need to be considered in conjunction, leading, in turn, to the identification of four distinct configurational governance prototypes. Our study offers a comprehensive account of drivers of cross‐national differences in CG and yields useful insights for managing and regulating governance.  相似文献   

在我国,公民身份号码是公民的身份标识,组织机构代码是组织机构的统一身份标识。文章对两者的异同之处进行了比较分析和研究。两者分属不同领域,既存在差异,也有许多相似之处,作为国家信息化工作中的最基本数据,在现代管理体系中同处于重要的基础性地位。  相似文献   

吴聪 《价值工程》2015,(10):277-279
农用地定级是国土资源管理的一项重要工作,全面掌握山区农用地质量状况,特别是在更好精度尺度上评价得出针对具体耕地质量状况的有关农用地级别差异显得尤为重要而迫切。以云南省山区X县为例,着重探究了因素法农用地定级单元划分和因素选取以及定级指数计算还有级别划分的方法,并与修正法比较,从定级特点、原则、成本等方面论证了因素法在山区农用地定级中的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

张军  耿雅妮 《价值工程》2011,30(29):187-187
从课程授课的回顾、引入、讲授、总结所用时间和讲授方法各方面,对宝鸡文理学院青年教师授课竞赛案例进行质化研究,确定各环节授课时间和讲授方法在课程教学中的作用。  相似文献   

定性分析和定量分析是经济学研究的两种基本手段。前者是对经济事物本质及其属性的分析;后者是对经济事物进行量的考察。学术界对两者存在较严重的分歧,以致形成不同学派的论战;文章就定量分析与定性分析的发展及其发展过程中的争论和融合进行研究,得出结论:经济学的科学性和人文性决定了经济学研究方法必须做到定性分析和定量分析相结合。  相似文献   

Previous research has highlighted the importance of subjective well-being and the expatriate's supportive personal environment for the success of an international assignment. As studies focusing on work-life balance of expatriates are still very rare, and research dealing with this topic from a gender perspective seems to be almost non-existent, this study emphasizes the work-life balance situation of female expatriates on foreign assignments. After having interviewed 10 female expatriates, results clearly support the existing state of the art in this field. Thereby work intrusion into family life, for example, has proven to have stronger impact on an expatriate's life than vice versa. Furthermore, several issues so far neglected in the literature have been revealed that influence women's work-life balance abroad. The importance of leisure time, social networks, sports and personal confidence can be determined. Additionally, as work-life balance has an individual meaning, support measures offered by companies are thus also required to be tailored individually. This paper reports on narrative interviews with female expatriates and provides more insight into the subject of work-life balance of international women managers. It begins by reviewing the literature on work-life balance and expatriation before analysing the specific matters of work-life balance of female expatriates and asking how women deal with the additional stress and pressure arising on an international assignment. Then, the underlying Grounded Theory Method is discussed before presenting the findings and discussing their implications in terms of future research.  相似文献   

随着金融危机、疫情危机等带来的商业环境剧烈变化,企业危机话题越来越受到国内外学者的关注。基于文献计量方法,统计分析了CSSCI库与SSCI库中2005—2019年的相关文献,梳理并比较国内外企业危机话题的演化趋势、研究现状与发展前沿。研究发现,国内外企业危机研究基本在第一阶段都普遍关注公司治理与财务管理问题,第二阶段关注金融危机对企业造成的影响,第三阶段则主要关注产品伤害危机相关问题,但在本阶段国内外研究呈现一定的分化。从研究内容来看,国内外企业危机研究基本从危机的形式、应对及预警三个方面展开,其中在危机应对角度上国内研究主要是基于已有理论框架论述危机管理策略,国外研究则强调利用实证数据推导特定危机问题下的特定危机应对方法。最后,在未来趋势方面,国内趋于关注“社会化媒体”“溢出效应”及“品牌危机”等话题,而国外研究则更关注“企业社会责任”话题。  相似文献   

This paper suggests a new algorithm for selecting the input–output (IO) coefficients of a Leontief matrix in order of importance, so providing an analytical method for decomposing an IO matrix. It avoids the choice of arbitrary thresholds for eliminating flows or coefficients, and allows for circular relationships. For this purpose, a simple inverse-important criterion has been chosen, which is consistent with the logic of the Leontief model. A procedure that greatly reduces the computational burden is then devised. This method permits new comparisons of IO structures of different countries or regions, for identifying their different degree of internal integration and their reciprocal influence through the exchange of intermediate goods. An application to an IO model for seven European Community countries for 1980 is then presented.  相似文献   

An important stream of the organizational failure literature has proposed process models to describe how firms fail. Despite much progress, this stream is currently at a crossroads. Previous process models try to capture how failure unfolds in singular models that describe organizational failure as the result of either inertia or extremism or as a mixture of both. However, it remains unclear how these competing explanations are related and what underlying mechanisms explain why organizational failure processes unfold as they do. We address these issues by examining failure processes using a qualitative meta‐analysis research design. The qualitative meta‐analysis allows us to analyse and synthesize the wealth of previously published single‐case studies in order to develop process models of organizational failure. The most salient finding of our analysis is that failure processes converge around four distinct process archetypes, which we name imperialist, laggard, villain, and politicized. Each process archetype can be explained by the interplay of distinct rigidity and conflict mechanisms. Differentiating the four process archetypes and explaining the underlying mechanisms helps to resolve some contradictions in the previous failure process literature.  相似文献   

This article describes multi-method triangulation as a means to enhance the internal validity in a qualitative study on language teachers' practical knowledge. Teachers' practical knowledge is viewed as a multi-dimensional concept, requiring multiple instruments for its exploration. In the triangulation procedure, data collected with three instruments were analysed and related to each other. Three steps of analysis, preceded by a pre-analysis step, were used to combine these data. The triangulation procedure culminated in a fairly comprehensive understanding of teachers' practical knowledge with respect to the teaching of reading comprehension to 16- to 18-year-old students. It was concluded that multi-method triangulation is a worthwhile procedure to enhance the internal validity in qualitative studies on a complex topic such as teachers' practical knowledge.  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association Task Force recommended that researchers always report and interpret effect sizes for quantitative data. However, no such recommendation was made for qualitative data. Thus, the first objective of the present paper is to provide a rationale for reporting and interpreting effect sizes in qualitative research. Arguments are presented that effect sizes enhance the process of verstehen/hermeneutics advocated by interpretive researchers. The second objective of this paper is to provide a typology of effect sizes in qualitative research. Examples are given illustrating various applications of effect sizes. For instance, when conducting typological analyses, qualitative analysts only identify emergent themes; yet, these themes can be quantitized to ascertain the hierarchical structure of emergent themes. The final objective is to illustrate how inferential statistics can be utilized in qualitative data analyses. This can be accomplished by treating words arising from individuals, or observations emerging from a particular setting, as sample units of data that represent the total number of words/observations existing from that sample member/context. Heuristic examples are provided to demonstrate how inferential statistics can be used to provide more complex levels of verstehen than is presently undertaken in qualitative research.  相似文献   

用因次分析法对阿拉山口口岸和霍尔果斯口岸的贸易优势进行对比分析,结果显示:目前阿拉山口口岸的贸易形势优于霍尔果斯口岸,但随着霍尔果斯口岸铁路的贯通、西气东输二期管线的完成,其贸易优势将优于阿拉山口口岸。  相似文献   

煤矿物流信息系统综合评价是考核和提升物流信息系统运行效果的重要方法,综合评价中至为关键的因素之一是准确可靠地确定定性指标的评价值。为进一步提高定性指标的评估值的准确性,本文建立了加权集值统计数学模型,并经实测运用证明加权集值统计所得评估值比传统的集值统计法更加准确,从而证明了加权集值统计的有效性。同时也为定性指标的量化提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

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