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互动教学模式中主客体关系的哲学阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜秀君 《中国市场》2008,(13):142-143
互动教学模式被誉为近十几年来最重要和最成功的教学改革。以哲学的观点来阐释、研究"互动"教学过程中教师与学生的主体与客体关系,旨在调动双方的积极性,提高我们的教学质量。只有将主体与客体融合起来,才能保证"互动"教学模式中的主客体地位的实现。  相似文献   

管理活动本身是管理的主客体辩证关系的统一。《淮南子》中关于君臣的论述,十分详尽地描述了管理主客体的辩证关系。即管理主体决定客体,客体服从和反作用于管理主体,违背了这种关系必然带来管理上的混乱。乘势、执术即管理主体凭借着上位的权势或掌握的对己有利的管理形势,去统帅驾御管理客体且管理方法得当,君臣异道的上下级分工原则即管理主体在具体管理活动中,应了解全局后再下结论。这三种管理方式是维持正常管理主客体关系的必要条件。  相似文献   

本文由价值的主体性、客体性与主客体关系起,探讨顾客价值的内涵,其包括关系价值、交易价值、价值观的一致性。  相似文献   

学生学业水平评价改革是高等教育课程改革的一个重要组成部分,通过改革传统的学生水平评价模式,形成以教师与学生的双核心评价主体,注重过程性、多元化的学生学业水平评价模式。通过在健康保险学课程中评价模式的教学改革,实现了将课程目标与专业人才培养目标相融合;建立了多元化学生学业水平评价体系和发展性学生学业水平评价的多元化主体;从注重知识的掌握程度到注重学生综合能力的提升。同时也了发现了一些在教学改革实践中存在的问题,为进一步的课程改革和优化指明了方向、提供了思路。  相似文献   

本文首先概括介绍了西方消费理论的三个层次,并分析了在这一消费实践中的主客体关系以及主体自我认同的途径。继而运用主客体范畴分析了后现代社会中符号价值消费的实质。  相似文献   

徐晶 《中国报业》2023,(6):186-187
在课程思政背景下,怀化学院网络新闻写作课程教学改革以强化德育渗透、优化教学设计、注重能力提升为目标,遵循“思政引导、知识重构、项目主线、学生主体”的教学改革总体思路,创造学生主动参与、自主协作、探索创新的项目化教学模式,引导学生深入社会、了解国情,提升学生的新闻采写能力,完成自我德育教育,为培养融媒体时代所需的新闻传播人才做出了积极探索。  相似文献   

地方高校非财会专业财会类专业基础课在人才培养中具有十分重要的地位,在设置时应满足"职业导向+融合发展+本土服务"的培养目标。但是财会类基础课程供给侧,却存在着供给侧因素分析观念长期缺失、供给主客体关系混乱、供给内容缺乏针对性、供给方式杂乱等问题。因此,地方高校财会类专业基础课程进行供给侧改革十分必要,特别应在供给主体、供给客体、供给内容、供给渠道、供给环境等方面探索新的改革路径。  相似文献   

教育的根本任务是立德树人,如何将立德树人思想融入基础工程课程教学中,落实立德树人的根本任务,是基础工程课程教学改革需要思考的问题.本文从教学主体、教学内容、教学方式、考核方法、持续改进五个方面系统阐述了基于"立德树人"教育理念的基础工程课程教学改革,对高等学校基础工程课程教学改革提出了建设性意见.  相似文献   

推行课程思政教学改革对于高校落实立德树人目标具有重要作用。在市场营销学课程教学改革过程中,既要注重对学生专业理论的知识传授,又要注重对学生职业道德的价值引领。对市场营销学课程思政教学改革中存在的教师课程思政素养不高、思政元素融合程度不足、思政教学评价体系欠缺等问题进行了深入分析,提出了具体的课程思政教学改革建议,旨在提升课程思政教学效果,引导学生树立正确的价值观。  相似文献   

使用Bicomb及SPSS软件对中国知网中2000-2018年的689篇文献绘制了慕课研究的热点知识图谱。研究结果表明,我国慕课研究主要围绕:MOOC与高校课程改革、MOOC与高等教育各主体、MOOC与教学改革、MOOC与微课、SPOC等相近概念关系四个领域展开研究。展望未来,我国慕课领域还需注重实效,加强慕课质量的优化研究;多维视角,开展综合立体的慕课研究;综合施力,增进慕课的协作机制研究。  相似文献   

文章分析了改革中职学校家具专业室内人体工程学课程的必要性,阐述了课程培养目标和课程设计的基本思路。从课程的内容设计,课程的教学组织和课程考核方案等方面阐述了课程开发和实践的具体做法和思路,以便进一步提高教学效率,增强教学效果,使教学内容、方法、手段也能与时俱进。  相似文献   

《西方经济学》教改需要处理好几个关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卫华 《北方经贸》2010,(6):136-138
《西方经济学》是本科经济管理类专业的核心课程,传统的教学方法已不完全适应新形势的要求,教学改革势在必行。在教学改革中,关键要处理好夯实基础与提高学生能力的关系,基础理论教学与案例教学的关系等。  相似文献   

愿景型领导行为与下属绩效的关系越来越受到研究者重视。基于积极情绪的拓展-建构理论,构建“领导行为→下属情绪→下属行为→绩效”的研究框架,结果发现愿景型领导行为正向影响下属积极情绪和绩效,下属积极情绪在愿景型领导行为和愿景整合的关系中起中介作用,下属积极情绪和愿景整合在愿景型领导行为和下属绩效之间起链式中介作用,但下属积极情绪或愿景整合在愿景型领导行为和绩效之间的单独中介作用不显著。研究拓展了愿景型领导行为领域的作用机制研究,验证了愿景实施过程中下属中心地位的重要性,为愿景型领导行为如何提高下属绩效提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

Professional development is the key to curriculum‐based reform, yet there is little empirical evidence upon which to base decisions of design or implementation of training and development programmes. This study examined the training and development needs of Ghana's polytechnic teachers in an existing curriculum reform scenario as they became involved in curriculum design. Forty‐four teachers and four heads of mechanical engineering departments and representatives of the leadership of four polytechnics granted comprehensive interviews and responded to questionnaires. Findings revealed that updating subject knowledge through industrial attachments was a major training and development need for teachers. Teachers indicated that they were keen to get more involved in curriculum design and argued for their subject knowledge to be improved to give them the confidence to do so. The results of the study suggest higher education teachers have training and development needs in relation to effective curriculum design and implementation. It is proposed that polytechnic–industry links are strengthened and that teachers should draw on teamwork to plan and undertake industrial attachments.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this research was to explore Saudi Arabian female consumer's attitude towards the concept of using three dimensional (3D) body scanners and the commercial application in the Saudi Arabian apparel market. The questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample of 220 female college students. Findings indicated that participants were overwhelmingly positive about willingness to use 3D body scanner to get body measurements. Moreover, no significant relationship exists between religiosity and social liberty and interest in using 3D body scanner. However, significant positive relationships exist between respondents' clothing involvement and uniqueness and interest in using 3D body scanner.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempt to explain the divergent results found in the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and employee work outcomes. Specifically, we propose that the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and participatory management, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment are mediated by job satisfaction. Based on the data collected from a sample of 196 employees of three local manufacturing firms in Zhejiang Province, China, we found that job satisfaction fully mediated the effects of supervisor–subordinate guanxi on participatory management and intentions to leave, but partially mediated the relationship between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and organizational commitment. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本文选取湖南商学院三个具有典型代表意义的电子商务专业班级,通过对学生的抽样调查和数据分析认为,电子商务专业课程内容体系改革主要受到课程总体因子、课程比重因子、双语课程因子和课程实训因子四个方面的影响。因此,文章最后从这几个层面提出了相应的课程内容体系改革的建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine divestment of clothing and its relationship to psychological characteristics (body image and self‐esteem) and demographic characteristics (gender and age) of the consumer. The relationship between frequencies in closet cleaning to categories selected for body image (Appearance Orientation, Appearance Evaluation, Body Areas Satisfaction, Subjective Weight, and Weight Preoccupation) were calculated using Pearson's Correlation and Analysis of Variance. Frequencies in closet cleaning were also compared to the overall score from responses to the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale. The relationship between disposal frequency and Appearance Orientation was statistically significant for both gender groups, particularly among groups 18–25 years. Individuals with a higher Appearance Orientation tended to dispose clothing more frequently than others. When comparing men to women, body image accounted for garment disposal more among men, suggesting women have more varied reasons to dispose of clothing. Self‐esteem measures were not related to disposal frequency among all groups. The findings contribute to knowledge and have implications related to self‐concept and consumption behavior post purchasing. For example, results were similar between young men and women suggesting men may have similar clothing and appearance oriented behavior to women. In another example, those with high appearance orientation could be targeted for campaigns related to sustainable disposal strategies.  相似文献   

Designing educational sequences that enhance the cognitive, behavioral, and critical skills of a diverse learning community seeking global competencies, requires mindfulness of different international educational models, a tailored curriculum designed to build different types of awareness learning, and clarity in targeted outputs keeping in mind a range of potential occupations and life situations in which such skills will be used. This article outlines conceptual frameworks for global awareness sequences in international management programs, building on existing cross-cultural research, training literature, and comparative analysis of different higher education models. It updates global competence learning frameworks to include recent advances in cultural intelligence, critical reflexivity, and post-colonial perspectives on management education. It calls attention to changing student demographics as a catalyst for moderate curriculum reform, especially a rehabilitation of core global awareness knowledge components eclipsed by cross-cultural courses and humanities requirements. A curriculum for business students with a sequential and/or simultaneous implementation of three pedagogical dispositions (knowledge, behavior, and critical acculturation) is discussed.  相似文献   

To clarify the relation between the curriculum system and the understanding of nutrition terms, 944 students aged 8–12 years living in Japan, the USA and the UK, were asked about the recognition, medium for recognition, and understanding of nutrition terms. The effect of nutrition education from an early stage in elementary schools in the UK and the USA was confirmed. These results suggest the possibility of beginning nutrition education earlier in the elementary school in Japan. American students had paid attention to food labels. These results showed that a learning and teaching strategy founded on comprehensively based subjects in the USA had influenced good behaviour for dietary life. On the other hand, there was not a relationship between an understanding of nutrition terms and a developmental stage. Many students in three countries were influenced by television commercials to buy candy or soda. We think that it is important to develop a curriculum that includes practical learning and ensures hours of teaching for the purpose of acquirement of nutritional knowledge. It is also necessary to encourage critical thinking skills to evaluate television commercial messages through school lessons.  相似文献   

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