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The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transforming Economies: Empirical Evidence from Hungary and China. — This paper analyzes what factors best explain foreign capital inflows into Hungary and China during the period 1978–92. The size of the host-country markets is found to play a positive role, while the cost-of-capital variables and political instability are negatively correlated with investment inflows. It supports the hypothesis that low-cost labour and currency depreciation is an important factor in explaining how much foreign capital flows into a particular country. There is little evidence to support classical hypotheses concerning tariff barriers and import variables. The OECD growth rates show significant positive correlation with FDI in Hungary.  相似文献   

The life insurance industry in developing Asian economies is under‐developed compared with global standards. The low market penetration is attributed to full or partial government ownership and entry restrictions on foreign insurers. Regulatory changes and adoption of liberal policies have aided the growth of the life insurance industry in the past decade. At the same time, economic and social factors were expected to promote insurance awareness and consumption. In this context, the paper analyses the factors explaining life insurance demand in 12 Asian economies, including economies from the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and Association of Southeast Asian Nations regions, as well as China. The results suggest that income, financial depth, inflation, the real interest rate, and the youth dependency ratio are significant determinants of life insurance consumption. Foreign ownership and improved regulations may foster growth. But urbanisation and the literacy rate are among the few determinants found not to have the impact observed in previous studies. The research highlights the limitations of studies using macrodata and contributes to understanding of the growing insurance industry in the region.  相似文献   

This study overcomes the analytic shortcomings of the linear investment models and applies a Panel Smooth Transition Regression model to examine the investment ratios of 519 non-financial listed firms in six Asian countries over the period of 1991–2004. We find that investment-cash flow sensitivities vary across firms in the sample countries. Additionally, our findings also show that investment-cash flow sensitivity has also been affected by the business cycle in these countries. Furthermore, we find new evidence that tangible assets play a significant role in explaining the increase (decrease) in the investment-cash flow sensitivities for South and East Asian countries. These results imply that possession of the tangible assets increases debt capacity, which in turn reduces under-investment. These new findings have significant implications for financing and investment choices of the firms in the sample countries.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature suggests that office‐motivated politicians manipulate fiscal policy instruments to enhance their reelection prospects. This article directly examines the impact of fiscal policy on incumbents’ reelection prospects by focusing on the impact of public investment. This impact is estimated using a panel of 20 countries belonging in Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development over the period 1972–1999. We find that the level of public investment in the earlier years of an incumbent's term in office improves their reelection prospects, whereas election year manipulation of public investment is neither rewarded nor punished. Our evidence also suggests that, after controlling for the level of deficit and public investment, the level of government revenue both in the election and nonelection years does not seem to affect reelection prospects. Moreover, we find that deficit creation during elections and in nonelection years are not rewarded by voters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ausl?ndische Direktinvestitionen und Industrialisierung in ASEAN-L?ndern. - Der Beitrag analysiert die wirtschaftlichen Wirkungen von ausl?ndischen Direkt-investitionen in den ASEAN-L?ndern (ohne Singapur) in den siebziger und frühen achtziger Jahren. Sowohl die branchenm?\ige Zusammensetzung von Direktinvestitionen als auch die Vermarktungsstrategien von deutschen, japanischen und amerikanischen Konzernen weisen in dieser Region deutliche Unterschiede auf. Gleichwohl scheint sich der Einflu\ von Direktinvestitionen aus unterschiedlichen Herkunftsl?ndern auf Industrialisierung und Exportausweitung im Laufe der Zeit angen?hert zu haben. Au\erdem ergibt die Untersuchung Anhaltspunkte dafür, da\ das Entstehen international wettbewerbsf?higer Industriezweige in ASEAN-L?ndern mehr durch den mit Direktinvestitionen verbundenen Technologietransfer gef?rdert worden ist als durch eine Pionierrolle von ausl?ndischen Tochterunternehmen beim Export von Industrieprodukten.
Résumé Investissement étranger direct (IED) et industrialisation dans les pays ANASE.- L’auteur donne une évaluation de TIED dans les quatre pays ANASE (excepté Singapore) dans les années soixante-dix et les années matinales quatre-vingt. La composition sectorielle de PIED et les stratégies de ?marketing? appliquées par les entreprises transnationales allemandes, japonaises et américaines étaient substantiellement différentes dans la région mais les effets de l’IED sur l’industrialisation et l’expansion des exportations semblent à converger sur temps. De plus, il y a des signes que le transfert de technologie a contribué plus au développement des industries internationalement compétitives dans les pays ANASE que la directe participation des établissements étrangers dans les exportations manufacturières.

Resumen Inversión extranjera directa (IED) e industrialización en los países de la ASEAN. - Este trabajo presenta una evaluación de la IED en el ?grupo de los otros cuatro? de la ASEAN en los a?os setenta y comienzos de los a?os ochenta. La composición sectorial de la IED y las estrategias de mercadotecnia de empresas transnacionales de Alemania Federal, el Japón y los EEUU han diferido substancialmente en la region, mas el impacto de la IED sobre la industrialización y la expansión de exportaciones parece haber convergido en el tiempo. Además hay indicaciones de que la transferencia de tecnología ha contribuído más a la apariciíon de industrias competitivas internacionalmente en los países de la ASEAN que la participación directa de subsidiarias de empresas extranjeras en las exportaciones manufactureras.

Effects of farmer support programmes (FSPs) of the Development Bank of Southern Africa on consumption and investment are determined by utilising cross‐sectional survey data from the Mashamba and Khakhu areas of the Venda homeland in South Africa. Income elasticities indicate that the demand for goods (staple food) produced by households increases less than the demand for purchased goods. A discriminant analysis of surplus versus deficit producers indicates that surplus production is associated with farmers who participate in the FSP (ie farmers using chemical fertilizers and purchasing inputs on credit). The existence of soil erosion, availability of ploughing services, expenditure on transport education, medical and personal items, and the existence of a savings account also play important roles in explaining the difference in production performance between surplus and deficit food‐producing households.  相似文献   

Trade and Convergence Between Rich and Developing Countries: Some Empirical Evidence on Macrodeterminants of Specialization. —A case study is proposed considering trade of Italy with many groups of partners belonging to the EU, to the G-7, to the newly industrializing countries and to the newly exporting countries. Using panel estimation data, they reach the conclusion that standard of living convergence does not favour intraindustry trade among rich countries but it is IIT-biased when considering emerging countries like the NICs. A much more important role is played by country-relative size and price differentials and/or vertical differentiation.  相似文献   

Economic and political determinants of foreign direct investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four models explaining the flow of foreign direct investment in 80 less developed countries are econometrically estimated and compared by ex post forecasts. A politico-economic model which simultaneously includes economic and political determinants performs best. The higher the real per capita GNP and the lower the balance of payments deficit are, the more foreign direct investment is attracted. Among the political determinants the amount of bilateral aid coming from Western countries and multilateral aid has a stimulating effect, while help from communist countries has a negative effect. Political instability significantly reduces the inflow of foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

Recent Evidence on Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade. — This paper provides recent evidence on determinants of intra-industry trade for the United States. Results do not support the role of scale economies in explaining intra-industry trade. Product differentiation and degree of standardization, categorical aggregation, non-tariff barriers, and international transportation costs are important determinants of intra-industry trade. The overall explanatory power of the estimated model is shown to increase over time, stressing the importance of using recent trade flow data to test propositions concerning determinants of intra-industry trade.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility that certain structural factors make some developing countries more likely to incur government budget deficits than others. Empirical evidence is provided to support the hypotheses that developing countries are likely to have larger government budget deficits the lower their level of economic development, the greater the degree of government participation in the economy, and the less control exercised over government expenditures. Less convincing support is given for the hypothesis that revenue instability contributes to government budget deficits. An unexpected result of the study is that growth of government revenues is positively related to budget deficits, which leads the author to consider the possibility of a ‘Please effect’.  相似文献   

This paper presents detailed information on the financing patterns and profit performance of a sample of multinational and other manufacturing firms in India and Columbia. It finds that local borrowing patterns of MNCs do not differ significantly from those of other firms, that MNC affiliates tend to pay lower interest rates abroad, that multinationality as such does not exercise a significant influence on profitability, and that local advertising and borrowing patterns have some effects on profitability.  相似文献   

Banks’ stability can be affected by economic fluctuations, banks’ risk-taking behavior, connections among banks and countries’ financial system structure. At the same time, banking regulation and supervision were designed to protect banks from failure, but a large number of banking crises were not prevented recently. Using binary response models for panel data and focusing on OECD countries, this paper studies the main determinants of banking crises over a period of 21 years. Results suggest a bank’s high debt and a country’s low GDP growth rate as the major determinants of banking crises. There is also evidence of contagion across countries from the same geographical region and from G7 to other countries, and that bank-based financial systems are less prone to borderline banking crises. Regulatory and supervision practices are found not to have been relevant in bankruptcy prevention.  相似文献   

The article contains a study of the consumption of alcohol in European countries. It contains an analysis of prices and taxes. The rate of excise duties for alcohol collection of the total tax revenues and GDP by European countries has been estimated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Bestimmungsgründe für koreanische direkte Auslandsinvestitionen in der Verarbeitenden Industrie. - Der Autor liefert eine empirische Analyse der Bestimmungsgründe für die direkten Auslandsinvestitionen koreanischer Finnen in der Verarbeitenden Industrie und benutzt dabei firmenbezogene Daten. Es zeigt sich, da? es ?u?erst unterschiedliche Motive für diese Direktinvestitionen gibt, je nachdem, ob sie in entwickelten oder in weniger entwickelten L?ndern stattfinden. Einerseits sind die Auslandsinvestitionen ein Weg, um die Produktionskosten zu minimieren, die sich aus nichttarif?ren Handelsschranken entwickelter L?nder ergeben, andererseits dienen sie dazu, die niedrigen Arbeitskosten in Entwicklungsl?ndern zu nutzen.
Résumé Les facteurs déterminants des investissments directs étrangers coréens dans l’industrie manufacturière. - En utilisant des données du niveau de l’entreprise, cette étude donne une analyse empirique des facteurs déterminants des investissements directs étrangers coréens en ce qui concerne les industries manufacturières. L’auteur prouve qu’il y assez de motivations différentes pour les investissements directs coréens dans des activités de production qui sont basées dans deux régions différentes, c’est à dire dans les pays développés et moins développés. Il trouve que les investissements directs étrangers coréens sont une méthode de minimiser les co?ts de production qui sont les résultats des barrières de commerce non-tarifaires établies par des pays développés ou une méthode d'exploiter la main d’œuvre bon marché dans des pays moins développés.

Resumen Las determinantes de la inversión extranjera directa coreana en la industria manufacturera. - En este trabajo se provee un análisis empírico de las determinantes de la inversión extranjera directa de empresas coreanas en la industria manufacturera utilizando datos a nivel de empresa. Se provee evidencia en favor de que las inversiones directas de industrials coreanos en actividades manufactureras en dos regiones, en los países desarrollados y en los en desarrollo, responden a motivaciones muy diversas. Se encuentra que la inversion extranjera directa coreana es una manera de minimizar el costo de productión, ya sea evitando las barreras no arancelarias al comercio exterior en los países desarrollados o explotando la mano de obra barata en los países en desarrollo.

This study assessed the link between ease of doing business (EBD) and investment among 11 selected countries in West Africa covering 2006–2020. The study used the fixed-effects estimator, the random-effects estimator, the augmented mean-group method, and the Half-Panel Jackknife Wald-type test. The study found a bidirectional relationship between the EBD and foreign direct investment (FDI) and a unidirectional relationship running from EBD to domestic investment. The findings further revealed that the EBD and national income have a strong influence in determining the level of domestic investment and FDI inflows, and that some indicators of EBD, such as the procedure for starting a business, access to credit facilities, tax, and security threats, discourage domestic investment and FDI inflows, in contrast to the influence of obtaining electricity and national income on investment. The study suggests that West African governments reduce taxes, ease the procedures and costs of starting a business and dealing with construction permits, and increase the availability of credit facilities at lower interest rates to promote investment in the region.  相似文献   

The Balassa-Samuelson effect is often seen as the prime explanation of the continuous real appreciation of Central and East European (CEE) transition countries' currencies against their western counterparts. A simple model shows that productivity shocks work not only through a Balassa-type supply channel but also through an investment demand channel. Therefore, empirical evidence apparently in favour of Balassa-Samuelson effects may require a re-interpretation. The model is estimated for a panel of CEE countries. The results are consistent with the model palusibly explain the observed real appreciation and support the existence of the proposed investment demand channel. JEL no. F31, F41, C33 The paper represents the author's personal opinions and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Deutsche Bundesbank.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Anreize und Hemmnisse für ausl?ndische Direktinvestitionen in Entwicklungsl?ndern. — Dieser Aufsatz analysiert, wie sich die Politik von Entwicklungsl?ndern auf den ZufluΒ ausl?ndischer Direktinvestitionen und deren Wirksamkeit auswirkt. Eine gewisse Stütze findet die Hypothese, daΒ sowohl das AusmaΒ als auch die Wirksamkeit ausl?ndischer Direktinvestitionen in den L?ndern mit einer Exportf?rderungsstrategie h?her sind als in L?ndern, die mit der Importsubstitutionsstrategie die Industrialisierung f?rdern wollen. Die Arbeit untersucht auch den EinfluΒ der protektionistischen Politik auf die Wahl der Techniken, die ausl?ndische Firmen in den Entwicklungsl?ndern anwenden. Der letzte Teil gibt einen kurzen überblick über Vorteile und Kosten verschiedener MaΒnahmen der Entwicklungsl?nder, die den Zweck haben, die Bet?tigung ausl?ndischer Firmen zu regulieren.
Résumé Incitations et désincitations pour l’investissement direct étranger dans les pays en voie de développement. — Cet article analyse les effets des politiques des PVD sur les influx des investissements directs étrangers et son efficacité. L’auteur trouve quelque support pour l’hypothèse que la dimension des influx des investissements directs étrangers et l’efficacité de tels investissements sont plus considérables dans les pays qui appliquent une stratégie de la promotion d’exportations que dans ceux qui suivent une stratégie de la substitution d’importation. L’article examine aussi les conséquences des politiques protectionnistes pour la choix des techniques appliquées par les entreprises étrangères dans les PVD. La part finale de l’article donne une revue brève des bénéfices et coüts des politiques différentes des PVD désignées pour régulariser les opérations des entreprises étrangères.

Resumen Incentivos y desincentivos para inversiones extranjeras directas en pafses en desarrollo. — En este artfculo se analiza el impacto de las polfticas de los paises en desarrollo sobre los influjos de inversion extranjera directa y su eficacia. Se encuentra algün apoyo para la hipotesis que tanto la magnitud de los influjos de inversiones extranjeras y su eficacia tienden a ser mayores en pafses que persiguen la estrategia de promotion de exportaciones en relación a aquéllos que persiguen una estrategia de industrializaci?n sustitutiva de importaciones. También examina el impacto de politicas proteccionistas sobre la elección de tecnologfa de empresas extranjeras en paises en desarrollo. La ültima secci?n del artfculo proporci?na un breve recuento de los costos y beneficios de las distintas politicas de los paises en desarrollo disenadas para regular la operaci?n de firmas extranjeras.

This paper examines the relationship between foreign aid (AID), foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic investment (DI) and its effects on economic growth in 41 African countries. Annual panel data from 1990 to 2016 are examined using fixed‐effects (FE) and system‐GMM estimators. We test the existence of nonlinearities and complementarities in the relationship between AID–FDI, AID–DI, FDI–DI, and AID–FDI–DI. Empirical results confirm the existence of a nonlinear relationship between AID, FDI, DI, and economic growth. Besides, the results show that AID and FDI have a significant positive complementing effect on economic growth. It is shown also that FDI complements DI, while the coupled effect of AID and DI remains weak in catalyzing growth. Moreover, the results indicate that the complementarity between AID–FDI–DI positively influence economic growth, revealing that AID and FDI work as a complement factor to DI and enhance its effectiveness in promoting economic growth. These insights have important policy implications. Policy‐makers in African countries are well advised to implement concrete policy measures suitable for building on the growth momentum created by foreign capital inflows, like FDI, AID as well as remittance.  相似文献   

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