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我国的传统家庭养老模式,蕴含着我国传统养老文化的精髓,而文化转型,必定导致家庭养老模式发生变革。针对文化转型下家庭养老模式面临的诸多问题,我们主张以家庭、社区、社会为核心构建混合型社会养老模式,并提出了完善社会养老新模式的若干建议。  相似文献   

随着老龄化的日趋严重,传统的家庭养老模式已经不足以支撑老年人有质量的晚年生活,社会养老保障机制发展的不完善也无法完全解决老年人的养老问题。因此,"以房养老"制度应运而生,对进一步缓解家庭养老压力和政府养老压力起到积极作用。本文针对我国"以房养老"目前存在的问题提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

在我国人口老龄化不断加剧的大背景下,河北省的养老问题更是不容乐观,且贫困老年人口众多是一个突出特点。长期以来家庭养老是国人选择的主要模式,但是随着经济社会飞速发展,人们生活观念不断转变,这一模式显得越来越不能满足当下人们的养老需求。因此探索出切实可行并能取得良好成效的养老模式成了当务之急。河北省财政部门加大资金投入,政策支持,动员各方资源,确保更快更好实现河北养老服务事业的多元化,促进河北养老事业蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

李浩  崔卓琳 《工程经济》2022,(11):48-54
政府和社会资本通过PPP模式合作养老项目建设,是我国机构养老建设的一种主要模式。对社会资本而言,科学有效地评估项目的投资价值是首要解决的问题。本文基于实物期权理论,考虑了PPP养老项目建设运营期间的延迟期权和扩张期权,建立二叉树期权模型计算项目的投资价值。结合案例分析,表明该模型具有较好的适用性和有效性,可为PPP养老机构项目的投资价值评估提供参考。  相似文献   

联合国在2004年国际家庭年不仅确立了“资源、责任、和谐、共享”的主题,也进一步明确了家庭养老的社会责任,指明了家庭养老是一种可行的方式。本文拟就我国现阶段养老方式作一粗浅探讨。一、家庭是现阶段养老的主要场所家庭养老是养老的方式之一。所谓家庭养老是指家庭成员对退出劳动岗位(也包括不能劳动的)老人经济上赡养、生活上照顾和情感上交流,满足老年人生存发展享受上的需求,确保老年人能有一定程度的自我实现,以体验完整的生命意义。家庭养老是一个历史性范畴,它以家庭存在为必要社会历史条件,随着社会历史条件的变化,养老的方式也会发生变化。当前和今后较长一个时期,家庭仍然是养老的主要场所。(1)家庭养老是由社会生产力水平所决定的。“生活方式是在一定历史时期,人们以自身的活动维持生命体存在和种族延续的过程中,所形成的社会劳动活动之外的消费活动的典型模式。这个典型模式是在一定的生产方式基础上形成的。”现阶段家庭养老这种生活方式就是在当前的生产方式基础上形成的,也就是说,当前人们获取物质资料的生产方式和社会生产力发展的水平决定了只能选择家庭养老。具体来说,是以下三组数据决定了我们只能选择家庭养老。一是国民经济总量和人均占有量。我国的国...  相似文献   

近年来,我国各省市相继步入老龄化社会,加之大力推行的独生子女政策,催生出了大量的老年家庭。创造人性化的养老模式已成为噬待解决的问题。本文以“社区居家养老的新模式对居住区设计产生的影响及要求”为切入点,对居华里,时代奥城两个小区进行了实地调研,通过调查问卷、与小区中老年居民直接对话的形式,了解了他们对小区生活保障和休闲娱乐设施及服务的满意程度和对小区发展的希冀。同时,也研究了美国太阳城养老社区的“社区居家养老模式”,试图对现有小区存在的一些问题进行再设计。笔者认为,在未来居住区的规划设计中,应充分考虑老年人的养老需求,分析新养老模式对住区空间及功能产生的影响,从优秀案例中汲取经验,并不断发现、应对随社会发展产生的新问题,使居住区设计向着人性化的方向不断发展。  相似文献   

媒体都在讲2013年是"中国养老地产的元年",意思大概是说从今年起养老地产开始真正引起政府包括市场的热切关注,在我看来我们对养老危机的到来是有些猝不及防的,无论是思想上还是行动上我们都没有准备好。根据国家要求,2015年要实现"9073"养老服务格局。即90%由家庭自我照顾、7%接受社区照料养老、3%入住机构养老。现实情况是,当前3%的机构养老刚刚做到了2.5%。这里涵盖的老人基本都是建国前出生的,他们受传统观念、文化素质、消费能力等等因素的制约,让他们很难走出家门。一方面有需求,另一方面建国前出生的老人仍然是消费市场的坚冰,很难撬动。  相似文献   

我国养老保障方式选择与体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国人口老龄化趋势严重并持续加剧,建立和完善社会养老保障体系刻不容缓.文章通过实证分析研究表明,适应当前城乡经济社会发展状况,应该选择社区养老为基础、社会机构养老为补充的养老保障方式.国家应该建立和完善养老保障的社会化体系、服务体系、制度体系、金融支持体系以及适时调整计划生育政策.  相似文献   

家庭养老问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国传统的家庭养老,实际上是家庭内部成员之间抚养与赡养关系构成的网络,即通常所说的“反哺模式”。传统的家庭养老实际上也就是建立在血缘关系上的亲情养老。家庭养老作为优良的传统被世代继承,但随着经济的发展和社会的进步,家庭养老观念应当被赋予新的内涵,使之...  相似文献   

单九龙 《中国石化》2015,(3):108-109
<正>文化养老体现在尊敬老人、关爱老人,注重对老人的精神赡养。作为新兴的养老模式,文化养老是一种能体现传统文化与当代人文关怀的养老方式。它为老年人提供良好的文化环境,建立积极的养老理念,搭建情感交流平台,是对物质养老的延伸和升华。文化养老面临的形势据中国社会科学院2013年12月26日发布的《社会蓝皮书》指出,未来若干年里,中国劳动力人口将在波动中趋于下降,出现负增长趋势,人口老龄化开始加速,将带来更加多层次、多样化的养老服务需求。  相似文献   

Residential Immobility of the Elderly: An Empirical Investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the reasons for the substantially lower residential mobility rates among the elderly than the non-elderly. Households with low propensities to move are posited to be those that face few benefits from moving—that is, they are near equilibrium with respect to their housing consumption and tenure choice—or those that face large costs to moving. Using household data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, measures of housing disequilibrium and tenure disequilibrium were constructed. Elderly renters were found to be largely in equilibrium and would benefit little from moving. In contrast, elderly homeowners are more likely to be in substantial disequilibrium than their younger counterparts. Conclusions as to which costs to moving are most salient could not be made.  相似文献   

This paper studies banks' competitive behavior on the deposit side of the Italian retail banking industry. We use a structural model to estimate demand for deposit services and test several supply models. We find that both the competitive, differentiated product Bertrand and the perfectly collusive models are rejected against partially collusive models with coalitions based on the participants' market contact. In the best fitting collusive model, the coalition includes 8 banks with at least 19 overlapped regions. Banks with extensive multi-market contacts tend to be less competitive and behave as if they were maximizing their profit jointly, taking into account the competitive fringe of smaller banks.  相似文献   

Engineers commonly use rules, theories and models that lack scientific justification. Examples include rules of thumb based on experience, but also models based on obsolete science or folk theories. Centrifugal forces, heat and cold as substances, and sucking vacuum all belong to the latter group. These models contradict scientific knowledge, but are useful for prediction in limited contexts and they are used for this when convenient. Engineers’ work is a common prototype for the pupils’ work with product development and systematic problem solving during technology lessons. Therefore pupils should be allowed to use the engineers’ non-scientific models as well as scientific ones when doing design work in school technology. The acceptance of the non-scientific models for action guidance could be experienced as contradictory by pupils and teachers alike: a model that is allowed, or even encouraged in technology class is considered wrong when doing science. To account for this, different epistemological frameworks must be used in science and technology. Technology is first and foremost what leads to useful results, not about finding the truth or generally applicable laws. This could cause pedagogical problems, but also provide useful examples to explain the limitations of models, the relation between model and reality, and the differences between science and technology.  相似文献   

This article models the riskiness of structured securitization deals. The deals are put together by “banks,” which can exercise strategic options over the risk put into the deals. The banks face a trade‐off between the benefits of risk‐taking now and future franchise benefits if the deal pays off. The key insight is a convex relationship between the value of the bank's equity position and the risk in the deal. Although there is a continuum of possible risk, banks choose either the highest or lowest levels of risk open to them. Changes in strategy are discontinuous and unpredictable; a history of low risk‐taking may be a prelude to increased risk‐taking later. Competition, to the extent of reducing franchise value, can lead to more risk‐taking, as can more information in the market. The model provides insights into the risk‐taking that led up to the Great Recession and to institutions that are “Too Big to Fail.”  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of proximity in designing business models that work for those at the BoP. BoP markets represent an extreme setting where actors struggle to access and organise limited resources and develop appropriate socio-economic-political practices. Drawing on Boschma's (2005) concept of proximity, we analyse three historical cases of business at the BoP to uncover the spatial-temporal dimensions of business model design in practice. Findings suggest that 1) business model design practices iteratively structure connections with markets and open up new spaces for market activity. This means that business models are necessarily understood as plastic and continuously in-the-making; 2) by taking into account the stability and change of proximity dimensions and the dynamics between them as they relate to business activities, managers are better equipped to identity opportunities that create, shape and connect with markets; and 3) the spatial-temporal dynamic of the business model proximities framework reveals that some proximities strengthen others through time, with negative and positive consequences.  相似文献   

This article explores the adoption of new technology in organisations that provide senior citizen care. Inspired by Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory, we study how technology reduces complexity by identifying client needs and ensuring predictability in service delivery. However, how technologies are adopted in practice is not determined by technology since it is also structured by care-workers' continuous decision-making. Against this backdrop, we explore how technologies alter the conditions for decision-making in two settings of elderly care, and we describe how care workers seek to adapt technologies to their practical needs as well as conception of care ethics. Developing a systems theory approach, the article eschews a priori assumptions of technological constraint on care-workers’ professional autonomy, offering a more open-ended exploration of diversified strategies for coping with new technology. Our case studies show that employees develop diversified strategies for technology adoption, including both non-usage, heated resistance, excessive embrace, and creative adaption.  相似文献   

失业保险制度是应对失业风险的重要机制,但至今失地农民尚未纳入失业保险制度覆盖范围.随着城市化的不断发展,城郊地区农民面临着失地又失业的风险.对失地农民失业保险参保意愿、自我保障能力和家庭保障能力以及就业状况方面的实证分析表明,失地农民对失业保险制度的需求较高.二元Logistic回归分析进一步表明,年龄、性别、受教育水平对失地现象的认知是影响失地农民失业保险参保意愿的重要因素.在统筹城乡社会保障体系发展背景下,将失地农民纳入城镇失业保险制度框架,同时结合失地农民特点提供失业保险参保方案是发展失地农民失业保险制度的总体思路.  相似文献   

Our survey of the investor-owned electric utility companies and utility commissions indicates that the use of asset pricing models for estimating the cost of equity is limited in this industry. The respondents cite unfamiliarity with the arbitrage-pricing model as a main reason for not using it. Use of the capital asset pricing model is also less than one would expect. However, deregulation of the industry could create a need for more-precise quantification of risk. In the new environment, utility companies may find asset-pricing models more useful.  相似文献   

The ineffectiveness of a quality accreditation mechanism can be attributed to the inability of the accreditation status to provide consumers with information they do not already possess. I present a structural model of demand allowing consumers to infer quality from both accreditation status and firm reputation. I then estimate this model to assess the effectiveness and the impact of the national accreditation system for childcare centers on consumer welfare. My results suggest that disregarding the endogeneity of firms' accreditation choices significantly underestimates the effectiveness of the accreditation system. However, on average consumers do not gain much information beyond what they have inferred from a firm's reputation. The estimates of structural parameters are then used to quantify the value of this information to consumers.  相似文献   

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