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当前,网络采购已经成为跨国企业采购的重要途径和方式,我国企业必须适应网络经济时代的变化。在分析主要网络采购模式和我国企业网络采购发展现状的基础上,提出了我国企业网络采购的优选模式。  相似文献   

基于超效率CCR-DEA模型的我国物流上市公司效率评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
超效率CCR-DEA模型解决了传统DEA评价无法对有效率单元(效率值1)再排序的弊端,可以对技术效率达到有效前沿面的物流企业进行进一步评价。运用超效率CCR-DEA模型对我国24家物流上市公司的效率进行评价,研究表明:我国物流上市公司技术效率高的企业约占50%,与港口类物流上市公司相比,运输类物流上市公司的技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率值更高;对于技术无效的公司,其技术效率低下的主要原因在于纯技术效率的低下;在技术有效的公司中,中海海盛的超效率值在2006年、2007年都居于首位,其余公司两年的超效率排名多呈现一定变化;物流上市公司效率受区域经济因素影响,经济发达地区物流上市公司超效率更高。  相似文献   

张炎  田力威 《中国市场》2008,(41):58-59
本文认为物流行业的诚信危机严重影响了我国TPL的发展。非正规TPL的诚信问题是影响物流行业健康发展的主要问题,已经成了TPL发展的瓶颈。文中提出TPL信息集成化实施方案、信息集成条件下政府对TPL的诚信监管形式和解决行业诚信问题的具体办法。  相似文献   

Organizations differ in the range of e-procurement functionalities they use (breadth of use) and in how much they rely on e-procurement (depth of use). Nonetheless, factors affecting the breadth and the depth of e-procurement use have never been studied in a single context. Therefore, it is unclear whether the differences between the effects discovered in past studies are due to the difference between the breadth and the depth of use, or to the difference between contexts. We test the effects of factors potentially affecting the breadth and the depth of e-procurement use in a single context, using data from 151 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector in New Zealand. The results indicate that the breadth and the depth of use of e-procurement in business organizations are influenced by different factors. Perceived relative advantage of using e-procurement, plus external pressure from suppliers and competitors to use e-procurement, result in the use of a broader range of e-procurement functionalities – in a greater breadth of e-procurement use. However, the extent of an organization’s reliance on e-procurement in organizational purchasing (i.e., depth of e-procurement use) is driven by compatibility of e-procurement with organizational values, practices, technology infrastructure, and strategy. Arguing that in order to benefit fully from e-procurement, an organization needs to integrate it deeply into its operations, we conclude that managers evaluating new e-procurement technologies should consider their compatibility with organizational norms and practices.  相似文献   

刘雷 《中国市场》2008,(36):62-63
本文从房地产物流企业的角度出发,通过分析房地产物流企业绩效评价因素指标,分析应用DEA方法的原理于企业物流系统绩效评价的可行性与优越性,提出运用DEA方法,通过构建模型,从横向和纵向两个方面评价企业物流系统的相对有效性。  相似文献   

The use of reverse logistics systems is becoming more common as firms realize the value that can be reclaimed from returned goods. This study investigates the influence of information systems (IS) support activity on reverse logistics performance, as well as the moderating effects of relationship commitment within reverse logistics arrangements. In a survey of CEOs of U.S. catalog sales electronics companies, information systems support is found to moderately affect two separate performance constructs related to reverse logistics programs. The research also indicates relationship commitment is critical to more fully realizing the value of IS support in reverse logistics arrangements.  相似文献   

邢立新 《商业研究》2006,(5):170-172
计算机局域网和广域网在物流交换系统中得到广泛应用。广域网在信息交换方式上可分为三种模型,即直接信息交换模型,索取信息交换模型和网站平台信息交换模型。这三种模型在信息交换方式上各有优劣,它们适用的规模和范围也各有差异。制造业物流、商业流通物流和第三方物流企业在选择信息交换方式上应根据本企业自身的物流业务类型、特点、规模、经济实力情况,选择更适合、更合理的信息交换方式。  相似文献   

When companies develop and apply more accurate forecasts in their planning and management activities, they have the potential to improve performance throughout their organization and across the supply chain. To realize these improvements, however, companies must (1) implement techniques and practices that improve forecast accuracy, and (2) integrate the more accurate forecasts into their planning and management activities. While much research has focused on accomplishing the first of these requirements, few studies have investigated the important role that user's play in the application of forecasts for logistics planning and management. This article establishes a connection between forecast performance, user perceptions of the quality of forecasts they receive, the extent that they use the forecasts and the resulting impact on logistics performance.  相似文献   

法律渊源理论和约束假说为企业双重上市行为的研究提供了新的视角。本文通过对中国双重上市公司和仅在境内证券市场上市的同类匹配公司的对比研究,分析了双重上市对公司治理与公司绩效关系的影响。虽然总体上双重上市公司报告的公司治理指标优于同类匹配公司,但是两组公司的绩效差异不显著,双重上市对公司治理与公司绩效关系的调节作用不显著。投资者应正确认识双重上市公司的投资价值.而政府管理部门应继续完善相关的监管制度。  相似文献   

食品应急物流体系建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国食品应急物流的特点与现状,探讨了如何建立食品应急物流体系,解决突发事件中受灾人员维持生命所必需的食品供应问题。提出应建立包括食品筹措体系、配送体系、指挥系统、信息系统、反馈评价体系的应急物流系统以及相应的保障机制。食品应急物流体系的建立将使我国应急食品以更加快速、更高质量满足突发事件中的需求。  相似文献   

徐亚名 《中国市场》2007,(49):64-65
物流业是一个新兴业态。在现行税收征管制度下,物流企业总揽分包运输和仓储等业务,存在着事实上的营业税重复纳税问题。物流公司纳税问题成了国家一大问题,为了使一个纳税物流公司了解和掌握物流公司纳税的形式以及政策、正确履行纳税义务,本文对物流公司纳税问题进行了归纳和深入探讨。  相似文献   

To date, integration research has paid little attention to defining and exploring the interface between purchasing and logistics. This research seeks to catalog the set of joint activities that define this interface, and to analyze the way in which this interface is structured, in terms of how companies assign collective responsibility across the activity set. A cluster analysis of a set of 15 boundary‐spanning activities reveals a preliminary taxonomy of three purchasing‐logistics interface structures: (a) Purchasing‐Dominant; (b) Segregated; and (c) Logistics‐Dominant. The analysis also reveals limited evidence that the choice of purchasing‐logistic interface structure has an influence on supply base performance. In addition, the choice of purchasing‐logistics interface structure appears to be influenced by firm size.  相似文献   

流通业的物流模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕延昌 《商业研究》2006,(15):185-188
物流在流通业的表现决定了流通业服务水平的高低和商品的最终价格。目前中国流通业的物流尚存在一些问题,物流在流通业中有四种模式,即:自营物流、外包物流、共同化配送、供应商配送,商业企业在什么情况下采取自营物流或外包物流是需认真选择的。所以未来流通业的物流将朝着电子商务、专业物流、供应链优化和优化采购环节等方向发展。  相似文献   

欧盟作为中国国企海外直接投资的重要阵地,其企业并购制度一直是学术界和实业界的关注焦点。虽然实践中欧委会对涉及中国国企的并购申报几乎都通过了,但是在认定“单一经济体”过程中,除了确认能源行业的所有国企被视为单一经济体之外,对于其他行业,欧委会采用回避态度,以“最坏情形”方式判断,其结论均对国企不利,给国企在欧盟投资的前景投下了阴影。另外,对于特别敏感和具有战略意义的交易,还可能会遭到欧委会基于公众利益和其他政治因素的投资审查。因此,国企应充分准备好实质性证据,证明其在商业决策中有足够的自主权,来反驳在合并评估中可能遭受的反不正当竞争的质疑,应对欧委会对中国国企参与并购交易的系统性歧视。  相似文献   

多年来,我国家电企业的竞争以价格战为主,试图通过降低成本来提高竞争力.随着"家电下乡"政策的普及和深入,家电产品无论采用连锁销售模式还是区域销售模式进行分销,都会导致物流成本较高,且难以快速响应市场需求.而家电企业将物流业务外包,也仅仅是把物流成本及风险间接转嫁到了第三方物流服务提供商、下游渠道商及最终顾客身上,不能从根本上解决问题.因此,可借鉴物流价值链思想,由第三方物流企业、家电企业、家电分销企业与客户共同构成物流价值链联盟,将价值链管理方法导入家电物流活动进行价值创造活动.使顾客从最终产品消费中得到物流价值链各环节各项活动所创造价值的有机和,同时物流价值链各环节从创造物流价值这一终极层面,用统揽全局的思想促使物流效率与效果达到最优,使家电产品物流链条上的每个部分都实现价值增值,形成多方共赢的局面.  相似文献   

刘畅 《中国市场》2008,(15):18-19
随着经济的快速发展,人力资源在物流企业总资产中所占的比例越来越大,对人力资源价值评估的要求也越来越多。从价值工程的角度出发,对人的能力与成本进行测定和比较,实现对人力资源价值的综合评估。基于价值工程的人力资源价值评估方法能更客观地将人事管理职能建立在成本核算的基础上,有利于物流企业人力资源的全面开发和优化。  相似文献   

While many companies outsource their logistics functions, creating a collaborative relationship with third‐party logistics service providers remains a challenge. The current study explores the effects of often overlooked human factors in this context. Data on buyer perspectives were collected in China. The analysis results suggest that buying firm's top management championship, supplier firm's designated employees, and the buyer‐seller personal relationships (i.e. Guanxi) at different levels, all have significant impacts on inter‐firm collaboration, which in turn enhances the buying firm's logistics performance.  相似文献   

发展第三方物流,提高物流企业核心竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋之苓 《中国市场》2007,(28):29-31
目前我国第三方物流发展的实际十分落后和缓慢,与越来越多的企业物流外包的物流需求发展极不适应,发展第三方物流成为我国物流发展的必然趋势。本文从我国第三方物流业发展中存在的问题出发,有针对性地提出了规范化地发展现代物流、加强物流企业流程改造、加大物流信息化建设力度、开展电子商务物流、发展综合物流代理业务和培育大型物流企业、壮大企业规模的第三方物流发展对策。  相似文献   

在股权集中条件下,大股东实施隧道行为侵占公司及其他股东的权益是公司治理面临的主要问题。在分析我国资本市场制度背景的基础上,联系上市公司实际,深入解析隧道行为的产生机理,并依据产生机理将其分类为控制权优势型、信息优势型、制度缺陷诱发型隧道行为。在治理隧道行为时,应根据各类隧道行为产生机理的特点,采取相机治理的措施,政府主导下的制度建设对各类隧道行为的治理都非常重要。  相似文献   

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