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"十二五"对施工行业的影响来说,首先,按照适度超前原则,国家将继续推进运输通道建设,"十二五"基本建成国家快速铁路网和高速公路网,尤其是高速铁路规模会在高位运行;其次,城镇化战略会产生持续的基础建设需求;再次,城市集群战略将给公路、地铁、轻轨尤其是城际轨道交通带来旺盛的需求i另外,国家“加快实施‘走出去’战略”,鼓励“发展海外工程承包”,有良好的海外承揽业务的政策环境。  相似文献   

核心竞争力是企业管理,尤其是战略管理研究的理论和实践发展的新阶段;是企业持续有效地优化整合各种资源,以适应日益复杂多变的内部和外部环境的独特能力;是企业所独有的、以创造超额价值来保持市场竞争优势的、处于核心地位的关键能力和资源。  相似文献   

企业人力资源管理与企业文化建设的目标所在是让我们全员共建企业的"心理契约",也是培育企业文化,形成团队凝聚力一个关键因素。本文从如何共建企业"心理契约",以及如何在今后的工作中维持好等方面,深入研究和分析了企业内部潜在的心理契约对企业发展的影响,并进一步探讨改进和完善心理契约,防止影响企业凝聚力的反向力或破坏力的出现。  相似文献   

核心竞争力是企业管理,尤其是战略管理研究的理论和实践发展的新阶段;是企业持续有效地优化整合各种资源,以适应日益复杂多变的内部和外部环境的独特能力;是企业所独有的、以创造超额价值来保持市场竞争优势的、处于核心地位的关键能力和资源.  相似文献   

知识型经济业态日渐成型,在这种新经济环境下企业如何应用核心竞争力理论构建企业发展战略是当前管理理论需要研究的主题之一.研究发现,企业核心竞争力理论难以被企业采纳或应用的问题主要表现在:1)对资源、能力等概念以及相互作用机制界定不清楚;2)企业核心竞争力与公司战略两种理论存在彼此脱节的现象.为此,本文对已有相关研究成果分析的基础上,把企业资源和能力分为9种基本资源要素和12种基本能力要素,并且对全部要素之间的需求和影响关系进行较深入分析;之后创新性地提出企业建立战略的3种途径.  相似文献   

创名牌之路探索党秀丽经济学中有一条基本理论,那就是:"生产决定消费,消费影响生产"。我认为:在落后的卖方市场的情况下是"生产决定消费";在发达的买方市场的情况下是"消费决定生产"。明确这个概念,对于我们今天的服装生产领域实现创名牌战略,意义尤为重要。...  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,市场开放已成趋势,世界各国尤其是发达国家的大型企业都注重走出国门,在更大范围内优化配置能源资源。我国国家电网和南方电网两大电网企业积极响应国家"走出去"战略,从国家能源发展战略和全球资源配置的高度谋划电网发展,立足自主科技创新,加快智能电网和特高压技术的研发与应用,迅速占领国际电网技术的制高点,在国际电力合作领域抢得先机,"走出去"、"电力出海"、"网联天下"的格局已初具规模。  相似文献   

企业核心竞争力理论认为,企业是一个特殊的能力体,企业核心竞争力是企业拥有的最重要的资源,企业只有在核心领域中保持领先地位,才能拥有牢固的基础,维持其主导产品始终在市场竞争中处于优势。在知识经济时代,核心竞争力的培育显得尤其紧迫。  相似文献   

迄今为止,我国证券市场战略投资者屡屡违规违约,除了基础制度缺陷外,监管不力也是主因。在法规完善之前,监管部门应加强对战略投资者之契约管理,比如可以实行战略投资者承诺备案制度,一旦违背承诺,可依据备案规则进行处罚  相似文献   

宝钢资源有限公司(以下简称"宝钢资源")是从事大宗钢铁原材料进口及海外矿产投资的企业,其中汇率尤其是美元汇率对投资成本、贸易损益有较大影响。随着中国外汇市场管制的逐步放宽,研究汇率的走势、选择相应的风险敞口策略,汇差利差的综合考虑以及合适的融资结构在很大程度上决定着大宗商品贸易企业的竞争能力和经营业绩。近年来,宝钢资源公司利用境内外双重平台进行利差、汇差套利操作,增强了融资能力,大幅降低了财务成本,取得了较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

In the resource‐based view of strategy and in evolutionary economics, complementary assets play a crucial role in explaining sustainable competitive advantages and innovations. Despite the apparent importance of complementary assets for the understanding of corporate strategy, their creation and the associated managerial problems have been much less discussed. We believe this to be a major weakness in the strategic theory of the firm. Interestingly, problems of coordination and cooperation are center stage in the contract‐based theories of the firm, and we try to integrate some of their insights into a resource‐based perspective. Specifically, we show how complementary assets raise the need for strategic direction by a firm's top management. Moreover, complementary assets magnify internal incentive problems, and their management has an impact on the innovativeness of a firm. Lastly, complementary assets play a crucial role in the internal appropriation of innovative rents. We demonstrate the fruitfulness of our integrated framework by relating some of our findings to the literature on corporate strategy, industry evolution, and organizational structures. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The logical foundations shaping three prominent streams of strategic management thought are summarized and then compared and contrasted. The intent is to determine whether these research streams are restatements of a single core logic using different terms to describe the same phenomena and relationships, or whether they provide alternate, and potentially competing, explanations for effective strategic action. Analysis reveals some concordant assertions, some similarities across pairs of frameworks, and some fundamental contradictions among the various logic sets. Since key elements in the fundamental premises of each research stream present logical contradictions with each of the other two, a strategy derived from an integration of these perspectives creates inconsistencies in a firm’s enacted context, its assumptions about strategy making, and its administrative arrangements. As circumstances change, a firm may be required to undergo a ‘core logic shift’ to maintain consistency between its strategy and its strategic context. When a shift becomes necessary, a firm needs to overcome structural inertia, competitive inertia, organizational momentum, and its current management logic to maintain internal consistency. Additional implications of the comparison of these three logics for both theory and practice are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diversification has emerged as a central topic of research in strategic management. Although this topic has been widely and intensively studied by scholars from other areas such as industrial organization economics, financial economics, organization theory, and marketing, a synthesis of these diverse streams of research is lacking. This paper attempts such a synthesis with a view to fostering further strategic management research in this area by taking a multi-disciplinary perspective on diversification. A wide-ranging search of the literature led to the development of an overarching research framework that facilitates the classification of a vast body of literature. Proceeding from the framework, a critique of the literature is performed with a particular emphasis on studies by strategic management researchers. Five key conceptual and methodological problems are identified and discussed. Suggestions are offered for future research on diversification.  相似文献   

Using evidence from exporting firms in China, this research aims to determine the conditions that foster manufacturing flexibility and the way in which firms support it. The contingency perspective and the competence and capability theory are utilized to develop a framework to enhance the knowledge of internal competence, external flexibility, and manufacturing performance, and the understanding of the moderating roles of strategic and organizational choice on the competence-flexibility and flexibility-performance relationships. Empirical evidence from a sample of 222 export product/market ventures confirmed the main effect that manufacturing, assembly outsourcing, and marketing competencies support a firm's manufacturing flexibility and in turn enhance manufacturing performance. Several notable moderating effects were also identified. Although a strategic emphasis on low-cost manufacturing and long-term contracting weakens a firm's transformation of core competencies into flexible capabilities, specific organizational choices regarding private ownership and direct exporting strengthen the conversion of manufacturing flexibility to superior manufacturing performance.  相似文献   

This study responds to the view that the crucial problem in strategic management (research) is firm heterogeneity—why firms adopt different strategies and structures, why heterogeneity persists, and why competitors perform differently. The present study applies complexity theory tenets and a “neo-configurational perspective” in proposing firms' complex antecedent conditions affecting firms' complex outcome conditions. The complex outcome conditions include firms with high financial performances in declining markets and firms with low financial performances in growing markets—the study focuses on seemingly paradoxical firm-market outcomes. Based on an analysis of firm strategies and outcomes for separate samples of cross sectional data of 1120 Finish and Hungarian manufacturing firms, this study bridges theory and practice in strategic management of complex firm-orientation configurations and complex firm-performance-capabilities. The study contributes by showing how executives can use “computing-with-words” (CWW) (Zadeh, 1966) for achieving requisite variety in explaining and predicting paradoxical firm performance outcomes.  相似文献   

Research on relationship management has extolled the virtue of sellers creating value for their customers. Indeed, loyal relationships, defined as repeated business exchanges, tend to flourish when firms create and deliver value to their customers. While few argue this premise, questions remain regarding the precise delineation of a firm's value creation competence and the mechanism by which it influences the firm's performance. In the current study, the authors define the value creation competence concept and find empirical evidence for its positive effects on firm sales performance (e.g., new customer leads, close rates, retention, revenue, etc.). Interestingly, the results suggest this effect is mediated by strategic account management and the perception of the relationship held between buyer and seller. Both of these findings have implications in establishing that a firm's value creation competence translates into improved sales performance, mediated by strategic account management and relationship perceptions.  相似文献   

This paper studies how CEO pay and its composition is shaped by strategic factors related to the firm's capacity to generate rents and value, the uncertainty of its resource advantage, and the competitive interaction between firm stakeholders and top management. This is done using an analytical framework in which the CEO and other firm stakeholders interact over the firm's resource surplus as utility‐maximizing claimants based on their relative bargaining power while providing shareholders their market‐based required return. Results from the model yield a number of cogent strategic insights and predictions on the causal interplay between CEO pay, firm growth and risk characteristics, stakeholder management, corporate strategy (e.g., offshoring production), and behavioral biases such as CEO optimism and overconfidence. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research in strategic management has shown that the timing of firm participation in a merger wave matters, as early movers have been shown to outperform later ones. However, while the consequences of the timing of action within a merger wave have been assessed, the causes that drive these timing effects remain unknown. We draw on the competitive dynamics perspective to investigate firm‐level factors that influence the large‐scale strategic behavior of leading or following within industry merger waves. We develop hypotheses based on the competitive dynamics argument that the awareness‐motivation‐capability of firms will influence the timing of competitive action. Consistent with this perspective, we show that a firm's strategic orientation, its structure, and its resource base influence the timing of firm entry in merger waves. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A developing stream of research in the strategy field explores the competitive structure of industries from the perspective of industry participants. This work has demonstrated that managers develop strategic group knowledge structures in order to make sense of their competitive environment. This study extends this line of research by examining the complexity evident in the strategic group knowledge structures developed by firms' top management teams and assessing the relationship between complexity in these knowledge structures and subsequent firm performance. Specifically, we examine the complexity of top managers' knowledge structures regarding their competition using a sample of 76 top management teams from banks in three U.S. cities. Using hierarchical regression, we find a significant relationship between the complexity of cognitive strategic groups and subsequent firm performance. These results suggest that the structure of the cognitive templates that top managers use to understand their environment and the actions of their competitor influence the degree of strategic success of their firm. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The resource-based view of the firm is a recent strategic management theory that seeks to identify the resources that may provide firms with a sustainable competitive advantage. This paper has two purposes. First, the paper relates strategic management arguments to parallel lines of reasoning in industrial organization theory and argues that strategic regulation is a major source of sustainable competitive advantage. The second purpose of the paper is to report the results of an empirical test of the resource-based theory on the basis of a longitudinal data set on the postwar history of the Dutch audit industry. A key determinant of this history proves to be strategic regulation, which stimulates demand for audit services and protects rent-producing resources.  相似文献   

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