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2006年,苏州市新增了5件全国驰名商标,12个中国名牌产品,为全市实施名牌战略以来企业创品牌最快最多的一年。近日,该市隆重表彰2006年度获得国家名牌、驰名商标和免检产品称号的企业。其  相似文献   

2007年,江苏常熟海虞镇纺织服装行业品牌建设再创佳绩。一年里,该镇又有5家服装企业获得中国驰名商标,这对于一个乡镇级的行政区域来说并不多见。这些拥有中国驰名商标的服装企业,采用全新的企业管理模式,创新营销策略、实施品牌远景规划,带动着该镇越来越多的服装企业提升发展质量,海虞服装产业的发展正在悄然"提速升级"。  相似文献   

近日,江苏迎阳无纺机械有限公司迎阳品牌被认定为中国驰名商标。据悉,这是无纺机械行业获得的首个中国驰名商标,填补了行业空白。江苏迎阳无纺机械有限公司作为非织造(无纺)设备专业制造企业,已积累了十几年  相似文献   

薛振荣 《中华商标》2005,(11):19-19
为进一步提高企业商标意识,鼓励、引导企业实施商标战略,力争有更多的品牌获得中国驰名商标和山东省著名商标,10月20日,中国·淄博(2005)商标战略高层论坛在山东省淄博市鲁中宾馆举行。原国家工商行政管理总局商标局助理巡视员董葆霖和海尔集团工贸公司经理李传亮等知识产权专家和企业家,为到会的300多家淄博企业讲解了实施商标战略的有关问题,传授了争创驰名商标、打造企业品牌的经验。副市长吴明君介绍了淄博市商标战略的实施情况。  相似文献   

张建涛 《中国纺织》2010,(2):114-115
近日,在国家工商总局新认定的一批中国驰名商标中.梦舒雅品牌榜上有名,成为河南省迄今为止45件中国驰名商标之一。至此,郑州领秀服饰有限公司成为河南省第一家获此殊荣的服装企业。为2010年服装行业的崭新画卷添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   

杨小林 《汽车观察》2010,(7):100-102
前言 现代市场经济商品竞争逐渐发展转变为商标和品牌的竞争。有研究表明商标作为企业竞争力最重要的识别标志,在市场份额中,20%的强势品牌能占到80%的市场份额,20%的拥有驰名商标的企业能为社会提供80%的经济贡献。  相似文献   

刘淮 《中华商标》2008,(6):21-22
一、事件概述 万科企业股份有限公司成立于1984年5月,是目前中国最大的专业住宅开发企业。在其长达二十几年的发展过程中,万科商标也作为其品牌的载体,随着企业一起成长,成为全国消费者公认的顶级商标之一。2005年6月23日,“万科”被国家工商行政管理总局正式认定为驰名商标,成为中国房地产界第一个国家认定的驰名商标。  相似文献   

正江苏红豆集团一直注重品牌建设,从成立之初就把实施商标战略作为打响红豆品牌的重要一环。1997年,红豆就成为中国服装行业首批获得中国驰名商标的企业;2010年5月,又被国家工商总局认定为全国首批服装行业和江苏省唯一一家国家商标战略实施示范企业。他们的主要经验  相似文献   

近日,在国家工商总局认定的新一批中国驰名商标中,梦舒雅品牌榜上有名,成为河南省迄今为止45件中国驰名商标之一。这彰显了梦舒雅作为女裤行业乃至全服装行业领军品牌的实力和地位,与梦舒  相似文献   

耿浩 《中华商标》2008,(2):75-75
日前,在小家电行业潜心修炼了二十一年的广东浩特电器首次被司法认定为中国驰名商标。业内人士认为,中国驰名商标的认定一方面表明浩特电器的发展将获得更多政策支持,另一方面对浩特品牌声誉起到强化作用。浩特总经理梁宏胜表示,此项殊荣充分证实社会对浩特20多年的企业发展实力和品牌形象的认可。  相似文献   

Store brands are the only brands for which the retailer is responsible not onlyfor promotion, shelf placement, and pricing, but also for positioning the brandin product space. We argue that retailers strongly value control over store brandpositioning because they will be unable to source a national brand with theirdesired product positioning. This is because retailers have an incentive to positionstore brands as close substitutes to leading national brands – a location in productspace which other national brand manufacturers would not find profitable. We presentempirical evidence that is consistent with the results of our model.  相似文献   

中国汽车市场在快速成长的过程中也演化成为最复杂的市场之一,众多的品牌被引入或诞生于这一市场上。研究针对于此,以实证研究对中国汽车市场上的品牌定位进行量化研究。首先基于多维尺度法对国内汽车市场的上代表性品牌的定位进行框架分析,继而采用贝尔模型对典型汽车品牌进行多维度比较分析,梳理出了不同汽车品牌在市场上的定位差异和不同品牌维度上的比较差距。相关结论可为汽车厂商的营销活动提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

As the importance of B2B branding increases, literature has received considerable attention in the recent years. An underexplored area in B2B branding revolves around brand positioning and its antecedents. Towards this end, this study links market orientation (proactive and responsive) with the various positioning strategies. Specifically, we extend the extant literature by (1) exploring the possible connections (and alignments thereof) between market orientation types and brand positioning, and (2) examining the effects of these positioning strategies on brand performance. Based on data collected from individuals responsible for managing B2B brands in various industries, this study finds that both proactive and responsive market orientation types support the development of specific positioning strategies. These positioning strategies, in turn, mediate the relationship between market orientation types and brand performance. Implications for researchers and practitioners are provided.  相似文献   

本文通过深入调研,比较分析国内外服装品牌的成功运营案例,探讨适合国内服装企业品牌发展的运营模式,为服装品牌的建设与实现提供一定的理论参考。并指出服装企业应该结合自身的发展形势和市场需求状况,制定合理的策略、步骤,不断建设、提升自身品牌。  相似文献   

在市场经济高度发展的西方,品牌战略已发展到十分纯熟的地步。而在中国,随着国际奢侈品集团军和国外极具实力的二三线商务休闲男装品牌进驻中国市场,给国内商务休闲男装品牌市场带来了极大的影响。中国商务休闲男装品牌想要脱颖而出,必须走差异化的品牌经营战略。在对国内商务休闲男装品牌市场进行调研后,总结出商务休闲男装品牌可在市场定位、产品风格和营销策略上实施品牌形象差异化策略。  相似文献   

互联网的出现使得企业所面临的品牌危机呈现出新的特点。同时也为企业借助互联网建立品牌提供了契机。因此,互联网时代品牌危机研究具有一定的理论与实践意义。文章阐述了互联网时代品牌危机的内涵,指出了互联网时代品牌危机的特点。结合品牌危机的特点进行危机成因分析。提出了品牌危机的预防、处理和形象重塑对策。  相似文献   

Product innovation is vital to ongoing brand equity and has been responsible for revitalizing many brands, including Apple, Dunlop Volley, Mini, and Gucci. While several scholars have noted the relationship between a brand's position and the form of innovation available to a firm, surprisingly no study has sought to bridge this gap. This study aims to address this issue by, first, building a typology of the innovation practices underpinning differently positioned brands and, second, exploring the strategic and tactical implications of different brand‐related innovation efforts. In so doing, this study addresses a critical question: How do differently positioned brands organize their innovation efforts? A multiple case‐study approach was used in this paper. Cases were sampled from a number of industries and across a range of different countries with a focus on business‐to‐consumer brands. Thirty‐five interviews were conducted across 12 cases. The brands studied differed in their approach to innovation (incremental vs. radical) and in their relationship to the marketplace (market‐driven and driving markets). These two dimensions result in four alternative ways of organizing the innovation effort to effectively reinforce the brand: (1) incremental and market driven (follower brands); (2) radical and market driven (category leader brands); (3) incremental and driving market (craft‐design‐driven brands); and (4) radical and driving markets (product leader brands). For follower brands, new product success is contingent upon the quality of the firm's marketing information systems and speed to market. Category leaders seek to dominate and appeal to the mass market with bold product initiatives. Craft‐designer‐driven brands aim to maintain an aura of authenticity, downplaying the commercial realities of their innovation efforts, while product leader brands seek to reaffirm their status as industry pioneers. This research contributes to the branding and new product development literature in several ways. It illustrates that differently positioned brands require the deployment of different firm capabilities and resources and a unique organizational philosophy to achieve new product success. The findings also enrich the brand extension literature through an examination of alternate bases, beyond that of product category, by which brand fit can be established. Finally, this research demonstrates how brand positioning can pose limitations on an industry leader's ability to respond to disruptive technologies. This study identifies that failed new products or brand extensions are driven by a mismatch between desired strategy and the capabilities necessary for achieving success (suggesting brand extensions are not as low risk as previously thought). As such, managers should carefully attend to brand perceptions when developing innovation strategies, particularly in relation to brand extensions.  相似文献   

服装广告是服装企业为宣传自己的品牌、服装产品、营销方式等而进行的一系列的宣传性活动,广告在服装品牌的创建与发展中发挥了重要的传播作用。本文详细分析了我国品牌服装广告的现状,并从媒体组合、公共关系和终端展示三个方面对服装广告的发展策略进行了论述,希望给中国的服装企业提供参考。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,随着武汉经济的快速崛起,各类武汉本地的优质商品逐步走进全国的市场,同时武汉地区的服装也随之进入国内市场,由此武汉本土的品牌服装消费意识才开始萌芽。本文通过对武汉地区服装市场的消费趋势进行调研,从三个方面即:多元化消费,快时尚消费,以及网络消费入手分析武汉地区区域服装消费的特点以期为武汉地区整体知名服装品牌提出理论参考,为推动武汉市打造商业品牌之都而助力。  相似文献   

结合实例,具体阐述了企业应如何实施全面质量管理,只有注重细节管理、发挥领导作用、全员参与、拥有自己的独特技术和文化、科学调配人力资源、打造自己的技术团队、树立企业品牌、创造名牌产品,才能使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

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