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Modern financial economic theory suggest that changes in speculative prices should follow simple ‘fair game’ processes in an informationally efficient capital market. The observation that changes in speculative prices follow simple time series processes both supports this theoretical proposition and suggest restrictions on the transfer functions of structural econometric models in which speculative prices appear as output variables. The simplicity of the time series processes for observed changes in speculative prices are shown to impose strong restrictions on potential equilibrium models of asset pricing, informational disequilibrium models of financial markets, and many monetary and macroeconomic models as well.  相似文献   

Demand and supply sources of output movement are distinguished and the effects of shocks on stock prices are analysed. The real economy has a more pronounced effect on the stock market than vice versa and the influence from the real economy to the stock market is less important than shocks that are peculiar to the market itself. Supply and demand shocks have a greater impact on stock prices than they do on real economy variables and the sensitivity of real stock prices to supply fluctuations has waned while the sensitivity of real stock prices to demand-driven output fluctuations has increased.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of bounded speculative storage, storage bounded from below at zero and above at a capacity, on commodity prices. Binding capacity mirrors the non-negativity constraint on storage and leads to negative price spiking and higher volatility when the market is in deep contango, i.e. low current prices at high stock levels. With bounded storage there is no need to restrict storage to be costly to ensure a rational expectations equilibrium. This allows the model to cover a wide range of storage technologies, including free and productive storage. We also provide an alternative expression for speculative prices that highlights the key role of the storage boundaries. The competitive equilibrium price is the sum of discounted future probability weighted boundary prices. The boundary prices can be viewed as dividends on commodities in storage reflecting the realization of economic profits from storage.  相似文献   

Using an event study methodology, the authors examine whether human resource reputation announcements in the business press (such as companies being cited as the “best for women”) affect the share prices of these companies. They find partial support for the assertion that favorable HR reputation signals have a positive effect on share prices. One signal, being named as a “best company for working mothers,” was associated with a positive return around the announcement date indicating that this signal affects estimates of the future earnings of the company. Explanations for these findings and implications for research and practice are discussed. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Building on realized variance and bipower variation measures constructed from high-frequency financial prices, we propose a simple reduced form framework for effectively incorporating intraday data into the modeling of daily return volatility. We decompose the total daily return variability into the continuous sample path variance, the variation arising from discontinuous jumps that occur during the trading day, as well as the overnight return variance. Our empirical results, based on long samples of high-frequency equity and bond futures returns, suggest that the dynamic dependencies in the daily continuous sample path variability are well described by an approximate long-memory HAR–GARCH model, while the overnight returns may be modeled by an augmented GARCH type structure. The dynamic dependencies in the non-parametrically identified significant jumps appear to be well described by the combination of an ACH model for the time-varying jump intensities coupled with a relatively simple log-linear structure for the jump sizes. Finally, we discuss how the resulting reduced form model structure for each of the three components may be used in the construction of out-of-sample forecasts for the total return volatility.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of real oil prices and their uncertainty on investment decisions. Making use of plant‐level data, we estimate dynamic, discrete‐choice models that allow modeling investment inaction, under different assumptions related to initial conditions and unobserved heterogeneity. We find that increases in real oil price changes and in real oil price uncertainty significantly reduce the likelihood of investment action, in line with the predictions of irreversible investment theory. We also document that investment decisions exhibit strong, pure state dependence and are also significantly affected by initial conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The informational value of credit ratings is a subject of continuing debate. This research examines whether reaction to small market credit rating announcements is different from large markets, due to limited information, liquidity premia, and analyst neglect factors. Unlike U.S. and Australian studies that find a significant reaction to only bad news, a significant positive reaction to both positive placements and upgrades is found in the New Zealand market. Further, significant market reaction largely accrues to firms not cross-listed in U.S. markets. This evidence suggests credit rating agencies act as substitute information providers for firms followed by relatively few analysts. A substantial portion of this research was completed while author Meyer was affiliated with Massey University, Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, we decompose the log price‐dividend ratio into a market fundamentals component and a bubble component. The market fundamentals component depends on expectations of future dividend growth and required returns, while the bubble component is assumed to follow a Markov switching model that allows for the possibility of exploding and collapsing regimes. If prior beliefs allow for the possibility of persistent shocks to dividend growth and/or required returns, the posterior distribution suggests the bubble component contributes virtually nothing to the stock price movements over our sample. On the other hand, if one's priors rule out the possibility of persistent shocks to dividend growth and required returns, the bubble component can have a much larger role to play in stock price movements. However, the regime switching behavior of the bubble bears little resemblance to infrequent switching from an exploding bubble regime to a collapsing or dormant bubble regime. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper tests commercial bank underwriting for the existence of a conflict of interest versus a certification role. Our tests compare samples of equity IPOs underwritten by both commercial and investment banks. We examine the degree of asymmetric information present in the market for these issues by examining their microstructure trading characteristics. Our results show that greater information asymmetry is present in the after-market when a commercial bank acts as underwriter. The asymmetry resolves itself as the market learns more about each issue, deciding which ones may have involved a conflict. This is consistent with greater uncertainty about the value of commercial-bank-underwritten IPOs, and is also consistent with the market perceiving a possible conflict of interest on the part of commercial banks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the endogenous choice of prices versus quantities by taking into account patent licensing where the patent holder, which is itself a producer within the industry, licenses its cost-reducing innovation to the rival firm through a two-part tariff contract. For substitute products we find that both Cournot and mixed price-quantity competition may constitute the equilibrium outcomes, depending on the innovation size. Contrary to the results in Fauli-Oller and Sandonis (2002), we show that the optimal licensing contract definitely leads to an increase in social welfare. Our result reinforces the positive welfare effect of patent licensing.  相似文献   

根据中国城市地价动态监测系统对全国重点地区和主要城市监测结果的分析,2007年第一季度我国主要城市地价状况如下——  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2007,31(3):292-310
This paper investigates the OPEC quota share system and whether there is any pattern to “cheating”. Using threshold cointegration methods, we examine each OPEC member's cheating behavior in periods of rising and falling real oil prices. Most OPEC members behave differently in response to rising oil prices than falling oil prices. For shocks of typical historical size, most members overproduce their quotas regardless of the direction of the real oil prices in the medium to long run. However, in response to large real oil price shocks, most members conform to a “public finance argument” whereby they underproduce their quotas in response to rising oil prices and overproduce in response to falling real oil prices. In an extended model with cheating by Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members, we find no statistically significant relationship between Saudi Arabian cheating and other cheating. The impulse response functions reveal that for typical shocks, neither Saudi Arabia nor other OPEC members absorb cheating by the other party. However, when there is a large incidence of cheating by other OPEC members, Saudi Arabia responds in kind: this forceful response is in line with a tit-for-tat strategy when there is “too much” cheating.  相似文献   

This study estimates a hedonic price function using a semi-parametric regression and compares the price prediction performance with conventional parametric models. This study utilizes a large data set representing 2595 single-family residential home sales between July 2000 and June 2002 from Pitt County, North Carolina. Data from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are incorporated to account for locational attributes of the houses. The results show that the semi-parametric regression outperforms the parametric counterparts in both in-sample and out-of-sample price predictions, indicating that the semi-parametric model can be useful for measurement and prediction of housing sales prices.  相似文献   

Numerous studies document stock return anomalies as they relate to firm size, earnings-price ratios, and share price. The causes of these anomalies have not been adequately explained. This study provides additional information in this area by examining the relationships among the anomalies for NASDAQ traded stocks and those for NYSE and AMEX stocks. The results suggest that the relationships among the anomalies are not constant across the two groups of stocks. The anomalies are different for NASDAQ stocks than for NYSE and AMEX stocks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide empirical evidence regarding deficits and their effects on stock prices. We investigate whether changes in deficits cause changes in stock prices and if so, in what direction. We use Granger causality tests and impulse response analysis of vector autoregressive models to assess the relationship between budget deficits and stock prices in several industrialized nations. The evidence from impulse response analysis and Granger causality tests shows that only in the U.S. deficit reductions have an inverse effect on equity returns.  相似文献   

2008年是我国土地市场和房地产市场深度变化与调整的一年.地价在房价等多重因素的共同作用下,表现出平稳的态势.……  相似文献   

The paper investigates how aging will affect house prices. It uses for the first time a house price dataset covering 22 advanced economies. The analysis finds that demography did and will affect real house prices significantly. The results suggest that a major shift is taking place. In the past 40 years, on average demography increased advanced economy real house prices by around 30 basis points per annum, while in the next 40 years aging will decrease them on average by around 80 basis points per annum compared to neutral demographics. The shift from demographic tailwinds to headwinds might also be relevant when thinking about financial asset prices.  相似文献   

Using the most recent financial crisis as a natural experiment, we examine firm valuation, capital structure adjustment, and takeover deterrence as motives for share repurchases. We find that both overvalued firms and low levered firms are more likely to announce share repurchase programs and buy back more shares following the repurchase announcements. Potential target firms are more likely to announce larger share repurchase programs, but there is no significantly positive relation between the takeover probability and the completion rate. We also find that the decision to announce share repurchase and the decision to actually buy back shares following the repurchase announcement are separate to some extent.  相似文献   

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