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《Global Finance Journal》2006,16(3):281-302
The paper extends and empirically tests the noise trader exchange rate model of Jeanne and Rose (2002). We introduce technical trading in the exchange market as a source of noise and explicitly incorporate monetary and exchange rate policy. With these modifications, it is possible to directly test the model's prediction of an U-shaped relation between exchange trend and volatility. We find strong empirical evidence supporting the implications of the model. As a corollary, we develop a measure of excess exchange rate volatility and categorize exchange rate regimes based on the de facto behavior of the exchange rates.  相似文献   

We model real exchange rate, nominal exchange rate, and relative price volatility using real and nominal factors. We analyze these volatility measures across developing and industrialized countries. We find that the inclusion of nominal factors achieves a sizable reduction in the real exchange rate volatility spread between developing and industrialized countries. In addition, we find that nominal factors matter to real exchange rate volatility in the short run and the long run, and that for developing countries, a higher share of real exchange rate volatility stems from relative price volatility.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework to explain the “exchange rate disconnect puzzle”. Two types of foreign exchange traders, rational traders and noise traders are introduced into a sticky-price general-equilibrium model. The presence of noise traders creates deviations from the uncovered interest parity. Combined with local currency pricing and consumption-smoothing behavior, our model can help to explain the “disconnect puzzle”. The excess exchange rate volatility caused by noise traders can be reduced by the ‘Tobin tax’. However, the effect of the ‘Tobin tax’ depends on the market structure and the interaction between the Tobin tax and other trading costs.  相似文献   

We examine empirically the volatility of four major US dollar spot exchange rates using intraday data over 40 trading days. Using multivariate stochastic volatility models, we investigate the degree of persistence of exchange rate volatility for data sampled at different frequencies and the role of volatility spillovers across exchange rates. We find that the noise component of volatility 'aggregates out' very quickly, being dominated by the more persistent component of volatility for data sampled at 15–minute or lower frequencies. Our results also suggest that exchange rate volatility is very persistent and that cross–currency spillovers are small.  相似文献   

We introduce boundedly-rational expectations into a standard asset-pricing model of the exchange rate, where cross-country interest rate differentials are governed by Taylor-type rules. Agents augment a lagged-information random walk forecast with a term that captures news about Taylor-rule fundamentals. The coefficient on fundamental news is pinned down using the moments of observable data such that the resulting forecast errors are close to white noise. The model generates volatility and persistence that is remarkably similar to that observed in monthly exchange rate data for Canada, Japan, and the U.K. Regressions performed on model-generated data can deliver the well-documented forward premium anomaly.  相似文献   

Range-Based Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We propose using the price range in the estimation of stochastic volatility models. We show theoretically, numerically, and empirically that range-based volatility proxies are not only highly efficient, but also approximately Gaussian and robust to microstructure noise. Hence range-based Gaussian quasi-maximum likelihood estimation produces highly efficient estimates of stochastic volatility models and extractions of latent volatility. We use our method to examine the dynamics of daily exchange rate volatility and find the evidence points strongly toward two-factor models with one highly persistent factor and one quickly mean-reverting factor.  相似文献   

The vast empirical exchange rate literature finds the effect of exchange rate volatility on real activity to be small or insignificant. In contrast, this paper offers empirical evidence that real exchange rate volatility can have a significant impact on productivity growth. However, the effect depends critically on a country's level of financial development. The results appear robust to time window, alternative measures of financial development and exchange rate volatility, and outliers. We also offer a simple monetary growth model in which real exchange rate uncertainty exacerbates the negative investment effects of domestic credit market constraints.  相似文献   

This paper examines how much the central bank should adjust the interest rate in response to real exchange rate fluctuations. The paper first demonstrates, in a two-country Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model, that home bias in consumption is important to replicate the exchange rate volatility and exchange rate disconnect documented in the data. When home bias is high, the shock to Uncovered Interest rate Parity (UIP) can substantially drive up exchange rate volatility while leaving the volatility of real macroeconomic variables, such as GDP, almost untouched. The model predicts that the volatility of the real exchange rate relative to that of GDP increases with the extent of home bias. This relation is supported by the data. A second-order accurate solution method is employed to find the optimal operational monetary policy rule. Our model suggests that the monetary authority should not seek to vigorously stabilize exchange rate fluctuations. In particular, when the central bank does not take a strong stance against the inflation rate, exchange rate stabilization may induce substantial welfare loss. The model does not detect welfare gain from international monetary cooperation, which extends Obstfeld and Rogoff's [Obstfeld, M., Rogoff, K.,2002. Global implications of self-oriented national monetary rules, Quarterly Journal of Economics May, 503–535] findings to a DSGE model.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of the Czech National Bank communication, macroeconomic news and interest rate differential on exchange rate volatility using generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model. Our results suggest that central bank communication has a calming effect on exchange rate volatility. The timing of central bank communication seems to matter, too, as financial markets respond more to the communication before the policy meetings than after them. Next, macroeconomic news releases are found to reduce exchange rate volatility, while interest rate differential seems to increase it.  相似文献   

本文选取影响人民币汇率波动的有关结构变量,分别通过线性MA模型和基于遗传算法改进的GABP神经网络模型,对人民币汇率波动进行模拟和预测。通过比较发现,汇率缺乏弹性时期,逐月MA模型的历史拟合和样本外预测效果最优;随着汇率改革的不断推进和汇率弹性化的增强,GABP神经网络模型在汇率波动的模拟和预测方面均有最优表现,故汇率波动预测模型应随汇率弹性及其波动特性不同因时制宜。同时结果表明,汇率弹性化能够加深汇率波动及其结构变量间的均衡关系,利率市场化改革应与汇率市场化改革协调推进。  相似文献   

This paper develops a direct, explicit model for the role of exchange rate fluctuations in international stock markets and examines how and to what extent volatility and correlations in equity markets are influenced by exchange rate fluctuations. Evidence presented in this paper indicates that a higher foreign exchange rate variability mostly increases local stock market volatility but decreases volatility for the US stock market. The extent to which stock market volatility is influenced by foreign exchange variability is greater for local markets than for the US market, due to the fact that exchange rate changes are more strongly correlated with local equity market returns than the US market returns. We find that a higher exchange rate fluctuation marginally decreases the US/local equity market correlation. While exchange rate fluctuations held a relatively large fraction of the variation in local stock market returns, there was no significant influence on the US/local equity market correlation.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics of volatility transmission between Central European (CE) currencies and the EUR/USD foreign exchange using model-free estimates of daily exchange rate volatility based on intraday data. We formulate a flexible yet parsimonious parametric model in which the daily realized volatility of a given exchange rate depends both on its own lags as well as on the lagged realized volatilities of the other exchange rates. We find evidence of statistically significant intra-regional volatility spillovers among the CE foreign exchange markets. With the exception of the Czech and, prior to the recent turbulent economic events, Polish currencies, we find no significant spillovers running from the EUR/USD to the CE foreign exchange markets. To measure the overall magnitude and evolution of volatility transmission over time, we construct a dynamic version of the Diebold–Yilmaz volatility spillover index and show that volatility spillovers tend to increase in periods characterized by market uncertainty.  相似文献   

文章利用50个国家1997~2015年的年度数据,基于面板门限模型分析了不同资本账户开放度下汇率波动与经济增长之间的非线性效应。研究发现:第一,汇率波动与经济增长之间存在门限效应,具体表现为低汇率波动促进经济增长,高汇率波动抑制经济增长;第二,资本账户开放能够弱化汇率波动对经济增长的不利影响,且不同资本账户开放度存在异质性;第三,不同汇率波动幅度下,汇率波动与资本账户开放度的交互项对经济增长的影响存在门限效应。  相似文献   

The microeconomic structure of foreign exchange markets can cause excessive volatility in flexible exchange rate regimes. The market entry of chartists changes the composition of the foreign exchange market and leads to excessive volatility. Our chartist model predicts a continuum of equilibria and a U-shaped relation between exchange rate volatility and the measured trend, which is supported by the empirical evidence. The data show a positive nonlinear relation between trend and volatility as predicted by the model. In such a situation monetary policy may be able to smooth the exchange rate without changing macroeconomic fundamentals.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(1):109-119
The effect of exchange rate volatility on trade is a controversial issue in international economics. Despite a widespread view that an increase in exchange rates volatility reduces trade, there is no real consensus on the direction or the size of the exchange rate volatility–trade level linkages. This paper investigates the relationship between US trade volume and exchange rate volatility using cointegration and error-correction models. We use conditional variances of the real effective exchange rate (REER) series modeled as a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) process to measure the exchange rate volatility. The cointegration results indicate a significant negative relationship between US export volume and exchange rate volatility. The short-run dynamics of the relationship, however, show that the effects of both real exchange rates and exchange rate volatility are insignificant.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Heath, Jarrow and Morton model (1992) to atwo country setup. In the presence of common shocks and country specificshocks, we retrieve each country's pricing kernel implied by itsterm structure dynamics and show that the pricing kernels impose a constrainton the exchange rate to be the ratio of the pricing kernels. Under therisk neutral measure, the drift of the exchange rate is the interest ratedifferential, and the volatility reflects the forward rate risk-premiumdifferential of the two countries. The result implies that the risk premiumwill enter the currency option pricing model through the volatility term.Under the assumption of non-stochastic forward rate drift and volatility,we are able to derive closed-form solutions for currency options.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of market activity and news on the volatility of returns in the exchange market for Japanese Yen and US dollars. We examine the effects of news on volatility before, during and after news arrival, using three categories of news. Market activity is proxied by quote arrival, separated into a predictable seasonal component and an unexpected component. Results indicate that both components of market activity, as well as news releases, affect volatility levels. We conclude that both private information and news effects are important determinants of exchange rate volatility. Our finding that unexpected quote arrival positively impacts foreign exchange rate volatility is consistent with the interpretation that unexpected quote arrival serves as a measure of informed trading. Corroborating this interpretation is regression analysis, which indicates that spreads increase in the surprise component of the quote arrival rate, but not in the expected component. The estimated impact of a unit increase in unexpected quote arrival and the range of values observed for this variable imply an important volatility conditioning role for informed trading.  相似文献   

We model a country's de jure exchange rate policy as the choice from a multinomial logit response conditioned on the volatility of its bilateral exchange rate, the volatility of its international reserves, and the volatility of its effective exchange rate. The category with the highest predictive probability implied by the logit regressions serves as our de facto exchange rate policy. An empirical investigation into the relationship between the de facto classifications and GDP growth finds that growth is higher under stable currency-value policies. For non-industrialized countries, a more nuanced characterization of exchange rate policy finds that those who exhibit ‘fear of floating’ experience significantly higher growth.  相似文献   

隋建利  刘碧莹 《金融研究》2020,485(11):1-20
随着人民币国际化进程的逐步推进,SDR货币篮子中人民币的国际化定位引人瞩目。本文基于非线性MSBIARCH模型,实时甄别人民币市场与美元市场、英镑市场、日元市场、欧元市场之间的波动传染关系,以及波动传染作用下汇率市场的波动聚类态势,进而识别SDR货币篮子中人民币的国际化定位,旨在为及时防范并规避人民币市场的波动风险提供参考。研究发现,汇率市场经由“经济基本面”“市场情绪”以及“市场预期”对外发挥波动传染作用,人民币市场与美元市场之间存在双向波动传染关系,与英镑市场、欧元市场以及日元市场之间存在单向波动传染关系。不同汇率市场之间的波动传染关系表现出时间区制转移特征,汇率市场的波动聚类态势也呈现时变特征。汇率市场发挥波动传染作用的时间与汇率市场呈现波动聚类态势的时间相匹配,均集中在极端经济事件期、不规则事件期以及政策颁布事件期。国际汇率市场的波动传染作用导致了人民币市场的波动聚类态势,而人民币市场的波动传染作用仅强化了国际汇率市场的波动聚类态势,SDR货币篮子中人民币的国际化程度有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

发挥市场供求对汇率的调节作用,增强人民币汇率双向浮动弹性,是当前我国汇率体制改革的主要方向。本文在泰勒曲线的框架下考察人民币汇率波动对我国宏观经济波动和货币政策实施的影响。通过实证研究发现,1994—2006年通货膨胀波动对人民币汇率波动是不敏感的,人民币汇率传递效应不显著,人民币汇率波动对宏观经济波动没有显著的影响;2007年以后人民币汇率波动推动泰勒曲线向内移动,因此更大的人民币汇率弹性对货币政策传导和货币政策有效性是有利的,逐步扩大的人民币汇率弹性区间对我国宏观经济运行是适宜和可接受的。另外人民币汇率波动也使得泰勒曲线更加陡峭,稳定通货膨胀所导致的产出缺口波动减小了,因而更有利于货币政策当局追求一个低而稳定的通胀目标。  相似文献   

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