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Whistleblowing: A Restrictive Definition and Interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whistleblowing has been defined often and in differing ways in the literature. This paper has as its main purposes to clarify the meaning of whistleblowing and to speak for a narrow interpretation of it. A restrictive, general purpose definition is provided which contains six necessary elements: act of disclosure, actor, disclosure subject, target, disclosure recipient, and outcome.Whistleblowing is characterised as a dissenting act of public accusation against an organisation which necessitates being disloyal to that organisation. The definition differs from others in many ways but especially by its emphasis on dissent, by being based on the ethical dilemma of conflicting loyalties, and by the strict way that dilemma is formulated in terms of confidentiality and proprietary rights over information. These features result in a definition in which motive has no part, and which requires a free choice decision to make disclosure to an external party.  相似文献   

供应链竞争力内涵与模型构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,供应链竞争力是某-供应链相对于竞争对手表现出来的更能适应市场需求和变化的各种生存与发展能力的总和,这种能力是供应链成员企业内外部资源优化配置与核心能力充分整合的结果,能使供应链最终获得高水平的客户满意度,并为成员企业带来超额利润.供应链竞争力并非存在于单个企业内部,它是供应链系统的整体竞争优势,对于供应链竞争力,需要基于系统论的观点加以认识.本文建立的供应链竞争力模型深入揭示了构成供应链竞争力的关键能力.文章指出,供应链竞争力的形成受供应链核心能力(决定力)、供应链运作机制(助力)、供应链竞争力评价(维持力)等三方面力量的影响,三者依照一定的逻辑关系形成供应链竞争力.其中,供应链核心能力是供应链竞争力的直接来源,是供应链竞争力的决定性因素.而供应链组织能力、运营能力与整合能力是供应链核心能力的三大组成部分,三大能力决定了供应链竞争力的高低,而三大能力的高低取决于与之相关的供应链基本业务管理水平.在供应链竞争实践中,需要企业从每一项供应链基本业务活动中挖掘和培育供应链竞争优势.  相似文献   

倾销与反倾销:理论界定与现实思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,倾销与反倾销是国际贸易中的重要问题,由于不同的动机,倾销有不同的形式,其效果也不尽相同;反倾销则是进口国通过征收反倾销税等方式所实施的产业损害救济措施。国外对我国出口产品实施反倾销诉讼的特点,一是提起反倾销诉讼的数量急剧上升,涉案产品的范围不断扩大;二是对倾销的确定带有很强的主观性和随意性;三是征收的反倾销税率普遍较高,存在歧视性;四是反倾销投诉的国家继续增加,同一产品在多国受到投诉。文章提出要利用反倾销手段实施产业保护的对策,积极应诉,建立反倾销应诉机制,建立产业预警机制,积极展开产业损害调查。  相似文献   

倾销概念的发展及其经济理论基础分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章把倾销概念的发展分为三个阶段,通过对三阶段的经济理论基础分析,我们认为,经过演化发展了的倾销概念几乎失去了合理的经济理论支撑,成为一个纯法律的术语和贸易保护主义者的一个美丽谎言。因此,在面临这种无端的指控时,积极寻求政治、法律和技术上的对策,是维护我们应得国际利益的最好的方式。  相似文献   

The organisation of business transactions in the preindustrial period, once a central concern in scholarly debates about the rise of capitalism, currently plays only a marginal role in the literature on long-run economic development. Our survey of the contents of five top-tier business and economic history journals published in the United Kingdom and the United States from 2000 to 2016 finds that only 20 per cent of the articles concern the entire period before 1800 and that, among those articles, most are national or regional in scope, with a disproportionate focus on Europe, and on England in particular. At the same time, our survey suggests that a strong theoretical foundation and rich empirical data exist on the basis of which we can develop a comparative business history of the preindustrial world. We identify four areas of enquiry that are especially conducive to further comparisons within and beyond Europe: the corporation, the family firms, the economic role of women, and the funding of private businesses.  相似文献   

More than 20 years ago, Andreasen suggested the importance of studying life status changes for understanding a consumer’s likelihood of changing his or her preferences, attitudes and behaviours. The present study attempts to further advance this approach by providing a conceptual framework within which future research can be conducted. It also suggests the utilization of newly developed statistical techniques congenial to studying changes in behaviours and preferences over time. Cross‐sectional and longitudinal data are used to fill gaps in previous research and demonstrate the value of this approach. While Andreasen’s data revealed a significant negative relationship between stress due to life status changes and brand preference changes when subjected to conventional analysis, the two‐way transitional event history analysis of our data yielded a significant positive relationship between the two variables. The results suggest that when a consumer experiences high levels of stress, he or she is likely to engage in subsequent consumption‐coping behaviours which include changes in brand preferences.  相似文献   

Today's consumers are empowered with online shopper reviews which are mostly written and posted by buyers, customers, users, or visitors at a website. Shopper reviews will become more popular and ubiquitous in e-tailing in the near future. However, the marketing literature is still limited when it comes to knowledge of how shoppers perceive and use online reviews in their purchase decisions. Hence, this study explored shoppers’ predispositions toward positive or negative reviews and examined the impact of consumers’ attitudes and usage patterns on their perceived helpfulness and credibility of online shopper/peer reviews. One interesting finding from our study of 342 online shoppers was that consumers who would pay greater attention to positive reviews gave reviews more credible and usefulness ratings than their counterparts who would focus on the negative reviews.  相似文献   

在以波斯纳为首的主流法经济学的效用函数中,效率完全可以替代公平正义成为唯一的自变量;第二代主流法经济学者卡普洛和萨维尔主张用福利替代效率构建法经济学效用函数;非主流法经济学者马洛伊则进一步追问了效率和福利的决定,从而以符号学为哲学基础建立了复合的法经济学效用函数。沿着马洛伊这一思路,本文认为以行为经济学的公平偏好理论建立复合的法经济学效用函数更符合学科发展的逻辑。  相似文献   

我国“入世”以来外贸发展势头迅猛,进出口规模逐年扩大,到2005年外贸总额已经突破万亿大关,成为仅次于美国和德国的世界第三大贸易国。同时,国内的贸易商及生产企业面临的内外贸市场环境也发生了很大变化,两个市场之间的界限逐渐模糊,很多国内企业在进行国内贸易时日益倾向于使用标准的国际贸易术语,如FOB、CFR和CIF等,这不仅给国际贸易术语的国内应用提出了特殊的要求,也引起在新的贸易形势下如何界定国际贸易与国内贸易的区别的问题。甚至在美国这样的贸易强国,也有学者惊呼,“真正的跨境贸易(Cross-border Trade)正在减少甚至消失”。面对国际贸易领域这一新现象,文章将通过案例分析,从实务与法律的双重视角来探讨该问题。  相似文献   

本文在回顾了OECD各国的养老金发展情况之后发现,欧债危机的重灾区国家都是私营养老金资产很少的国家,只能依靠公共养老金,从而加剧了债务危机.根据中国三支柱养老金的现状,本文对中国发展养老金融的基本框架给出了初步的理论界定,即中国养老金融的核心是大力促进个人账户养老金、企业年金、职业年金进入资本市场,一方面解决养老金的保值增值问题,另一方面为资本市场引入长期稳定的机构投资者,实现中国养老金融长期稳定、可持续发展.社会统筹养老金可发行特种国债,其余支柱养老金可通过投资资本市场、基础设施信托产品、住房反向抵押产品等养老金融创新,以丰富中国的金融产品,促进金融发展.在监管领域,借鉴国际上金融业综合监管的理念来对未来的养老金融进行有效监管,以防范养老金投资风险,促进未来养老金融的稳健发展.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on the aggregation of infinite utility streams by social welfare functions. We analyze the possibility of combining Pareto‐efficiency and Hammond Equity principles when the feasible utilities for each generation are [0, 1] and the natural numbers. In the latter case, the Hammond Equity ethics can be combined with non‐trivial specifications of the Pareto postulate, even through anonymous social welfare functions. As a consequence, any evaluation of infinite utility streams that verifies a mild specification of the Paretian axiom must exert some interference on the affairs of particular generations.  相似文献   

We consider simple models of financial markets with regular traders and insiders possessing some extra information hidden in a random variable that is accessible to the regular trader only at the end of the trading interval. The problems we focus on are the calculation of the additional utility of the insider and a study of his free lunch possibilities. The information drift—that is, the drift to eliminate in order to preserve the martingale property in the insider's filtration—turns out to be the crucial quantity needed to answer these questions. It is most elegantly described by the logarithmic Malliavin trace of the conditional laws of the insider information with respect to the filtration of the regular trader. Several examples are given to illustrate additional utility and free lunch possibilities. In particular, if the insider has advance knowledge of the maximal stock price process, given by a regular diffusion, arbitrage opportunities exist.  相似文献   

This paper extends work which integrates misinformation into consumer utility theory. It provides a framework for measuring the cost of misinformation or the value of improved information. If automobile purchases are based on imperfect gasoline mileage information, a discrepancy results between consumers' expected and actual fuel expenditures. Based on a survey of new car buyers, the empirical analysis yields estimates of the private and social cost of inaccuracies in automobile buyers' pre-purchase gasoline mileage estimates. The reliability of mileage information varied from different sources, but many consumers found the EPA fuel-economy ratings relatively unreliable.  相似文献   

边际效用分段递增的效用函数与预防性储蓄行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析中国居民消费行为特征的基础上提出边际效用分段递增的效用函数假说,从内因的角度研究了中国居民的预防性储蓄行为;从外因的角度研究了居民消费面临的不确定性特征。指出我国居民在转轨经济和消费升级过程中客观上会存在预防性储蓄行为,并基于边际效用分段递增的效用函数假说讨论了减弱居民预防性储蓄的措施。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(8):1384-1385

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