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During the last decade, advertising has emerged as a most important promotion medium for the banks. The competitive pressures within the personal savings markets have become more intense. The banks have become noticeable by their aggressive promotion, through increased advertising expenditure, radical changes in style and forms of advertising, and their increasing use of television. In 1971, the joint stock banks spent M£2.5on advertising and only 4 per cent of this was directed through television. By the end of 1981, expenditure had increased to M£22.6 with over 50 per cent directed through television.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the degree and determinants of banks' market power in 13 MENA countries for the years 2000 to 2018, with a special focus on customers' switching costs and banks' cost efficiency. We find that MENA banks enjoy a substantial degree of market power on the loan market, while their customers have to face remarkable costs in case of switching to other banks. Banking market power increases with the level of switching costs and is higher when credit institutions are more cost efficient, focus on the traditional intermediation activity, are smaller in size, and operate in countries where stock markets are less developed, banking markets are more concentrated, the inflation rate is lower, and GDP growth is poor. Our results are robust to alternative specifications and estimation techniques.  相似文献   

In the past years central banks of major Western industrialised countries have repeatedly attempted to change the trend of the US-Dollar rate by means of intervention in the foreign exchange markets. Our authors analyse the objectives, effects and chances of success of such exchange market interventions.  相似文献   

As Mira Wilkins has argued, there is a curious disconnect betweenbusiness and financial history (Wilkins 2004). Whereas businesshistory literature has rediscovered the importance of familybusiness in many countries and in many sectors of contemporarycommercial life, for example, little has been written aboutfamily banking as an alternative to joint-stock, management-runfinancial institutions. This lacuna is odd for many reasons.First, family banking is one of the best-known examples of familybusiness in history. Second, family banks once played a muchgreater role in international investment banking than it doestoday. Third, some family financial institutions are still active(dominant) in certain market segments and countries. This paperwill focus on how, when and why family banking lost its positionin international (multinational) banking during the first fewdecades of the twentieth century. Although political upheavaland a widespread movement to reduce the power of private financialinstitutions undermined their businesses, family banks suffered,too, from America's maturing as a financial center. I will arguethat this shift is connected with the increased importance ofAmerican markets and financial regulations, which, in the 1930s,deliberately steered financial transactions away from privatedealings and toward transparent impersonal exchanges and capitalmarkets with new forms of aggregated capital and individualinvestors, in which private banks were ill-suited to manageor at the least for which they had no special competitive edge.Using concepts drawn from an earlier paper on family businessesand relying mostly on secondary sources, this paper will furtherargue that in markets or market segments, such as LeveragedBuyouts, where uncertainty forms a greater part of the transactionalenvironment, family banking still plays a significant role.  相似文献   

Driven by globalization and increased financial integration, the last decade has seen many foreign banks entering developing countries. Although the majority of these banks are from high-income countries, recently banks from developing countries have followed suit. This paper looks at this phenomenon, by examining the differences and similarities between developing and high-income country foreign banks. Using a large dataset on banking sector FDI in developing countries, we find that 27% of all foreign banks in developing countries are owned by a bank from another developing country, while these banks hold 5%of the foreign assets. The importance of developing country foreign banks is much larger in low-income countries (both in number of banks and in terms of assets) and this type of foreign banking is strongly regionally concentrated. Although foreign bank entry by both developing country as well as high-income country banks seems to be driven by economic integration, common language and proximity, banks from developing countries are more likely to invest in small developing countries with weak institutions where high-income country banks are reluctant to go. This result seems to suggest that developing country banks have a competitive advantage dealing with countries with a weak institutional climate. Furthermore, our results indicate that developing country foreign banks have a higher interest margin and are less profitable than foreign banks from high-income countries.  相似文献   

The volatility of financial markets has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. However, while particular episodes, such as the bond market turbulence in 1994 and considerable exchange rate movements in 1995, may give the impression that markets have become more volatile, there appears to have been no systematic increase in volatility over the last 20 years in major industrialised countries.  相似文献   

The global banking industry has seen dramatic changes in the past 40 years. Most recently, the financial liberalization of emerging markets and the global financial crisis have significantly impacted the market share of banks worldwide. This article investigates the impact of the 2007–2008 financial crisis on cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the banking sector and emphasizes the role of emerging‐market banks in the postcrisis consolidation trend. Using M&A data and concentration data over the period 2000–2013, our analysis indicates that the financial crisis had a significant impact on worldwide M&As, especially on the direction of the transactions. Emerging‐market banks appear to be major acquirers in the postcrisis period, targeting both neighboring countries and developed economies in Europe. We also observe an increase in bank concentration in developed markets most hit by the financial crisis, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom, whereas bank concentration decreased in emerging markets. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We provide the first evidence that African banks with greater market power in lending and deposit markets earn more from non-traditional activities. This is consistent with dominant banks' ability to identify better non-traditional opportunities and utilize their greater bargaining capacity in contract creation. Non-African-owned banks are found to exploit non-traditional banking and earn higher non-interest income. In contrast, African banks in other African countries focus more on traditional financial intermediation. Our findings are important to other emerging markets because their banks are traditionally focused on financial intermediation and regulations and supervision in relation to non-traditional activities are relatively less developed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the incentives of banks to merge when competing in differentiated markets. Localized competition effects and spatial competition variables can play a key role in defining the patterns of consolidation in this sector. We consider a model where banks compete in distinct spaces of depositor's characteristics. Regional merger is the outcome of the merger game if the spatial scope of demand is low and/or accessibility of services is not costly outside the home region. Otherwise, cross-regional merger is the outcome of the game. The results are consistent with the recent evolution of banking systems in many developed countries.  相似文献   

The countries that together make up the euro area are undergoing a process of far-reaching change, with established national financial markets merging into one new European market accompanied by deregulation, cross-border consolidation, and increased competition within the euro area. These developments will help to increase longterm economic growth and will have a strong bearing on the international competitiveness of the European financial sector, leading to innovation and modernisation. This paper presents the underlying rationale of financial integration and increased competitiveness of European financial markets and provides a snapshot of where financial integration has been successful and where work is ongoing. It also notes important historical experiences of U.S. financial integration. It concludes by highlighting the role and recent activities of the European Central Bank and the Eurosystem in promoting and enhancing further financial integration. JEL Classification F15, G15  相似文献   

This paper examines the spillover effects of the Mexican financial crisis to emerging financial markets. As of November 1994, the financial markets were not anticipating a change in exchange rate regime in Mexico. Coincident with the peso devaluation on 20, December 1994, Mexican Brady bond prices declined significantly and continued to experience significant decline during the subsequent three months. Emerging market assets reacted differently to the Mexican crisis. Latin America as a region was more exposed to the Mexican crisis than emerging markets from other regions. The ratio of liquid monetary assets to international reserves and the ratio of current account to GDP were the most influential variables in explaining variation in CARs across countries. Trade competition with third markets was the most significant transmission channel during the Mexican crisis.  相似文献   

Previous studies on international marketing have typically asked the question: “how is the demand characterized across countries?” Such analysis is then used to provide guidelines for firms to enter new markets and/or to allocate marketing resources across countries. To provide such normative guidelines, however, one also needs to analyze the supply-side of the problem, i.e., ask: “what is the likely market power that firms will be able to command in different countries?” Building on the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) framework, recent research in marketing provides marketers with a variety of models to explore competitive interactions among firms in the context of a single market. The goal of this paper is to extend this literature to a multimarket/multinational context to help international marketers assess the likely market power they face when entering new countries. We illustrate the proposed method on the mobile telecommunications industry, using price and quantity data from 10 countries around the world, estimating firms' market power as a function of a number of country characteristics.The results indicate that, while the simple presence of competition diminishes firms' market power, it does not lead to perfect competition. Interestingly, a higher number of competitors in a country does not seem to have significant incremental effect on market power. In contrast, the country's commitment to a severe antitrust policy has a significant negative effect, while the monopolist's lead-time before competition is allowed has a significant positive effect on market power. These findings, together with a change in price elasticities as a result of competition, suggest that market power in different countries may originate from two sources: (i) collusive pricing among cellular operators and (ii) consumers' switching costs across service providers. For international marketers, the findings imply that the attractiveness of wealthier countries (with usually faster diffusion rates and larger market potential) may be mitigated by higher levels of competition (as a result of developed antitrust regulation and more consumer exposure to competitive marketing practices). From a policy point of view, it suggests that (in contrast to the conventional wisdom) simple deregulation may not be enough to reduce prices to competitive levels. In addition, a severe antitrust policy is crucial to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

New and Small Firms in Expanding Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent expansion of markets and increased standardization has not, as might be expected, been associated with an expansion of the role of larger firms. Recent data on new and small firms has indicated a substantial and expanding role for new and small firms in the global economy. There appear to be substantial differences between sectors, as competitive advantage is some is achieved through aggregation (upsizing) and in others thorough disaggregation (downsizing) of the productive process. New data is providing new knowledge on the role of firm size and age on economic growth. The advanced economices of the future will not be dominated by old, large firms.  相似文献   

Empirical regularities in buying behavior observed in mostly consumer markets have been linked into a comprehensive model, the Dirichlet. No attempt has yet been made to see if this model applies to services in general or to business-to-business services in particular. In this paper, we examine the purchasing behavior of large multinational corporations from four countries who purchase foreign exchange contracts from the major banks. We highlight similarities to the patterns of buying behavior observed in consumer markets. Implications for the management of business-to-business services firms are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the dividend policy behavior of Islamic and conventional banks operating in Arab markets. These banks operate in an environment of Sharia law and low levels of investor protection. Our results support the substitution agency model of dividends for Islamic banks, and Islamic banks use the dividend policy as a substitute mechanism for alleviating relatively more significant agency problems and higher risks of expropriation by insiders. In these markets, conventional banks operate in a more competitive environment and experience relatively less significant agency problems. In contrast to Islamic banks, conventional banks follow the outcome agency model of dividends.  相似文献   

Public interest theory has argued that lack of trust in companies may reduce support for free markets. The literature did not address, however, the underlying causes of lack of trust and support of free markets in customer’s perceptions of virtuousness in economic actors. Combining public interest theory with virtue theory and stakeholder trust theory of organizations, we surmise that if customers perceive that employees of companies have insufficient due care for customers’ interests, the perceived trustworthiness of those companies will be low. Customers will then be more inclined to support government regulation in that particular sector or industry. In this paper, we test the relevance of these relationships for the banking sector using a representative sample of 5844 respondents in the Netherlands. We find that if bankers are perceived as persistent in their due care for customers, this encourages a perception that banks are trustworthy, which in turn induces support for free markets in banking and reduces the call for government regulation. An important management implication of our research is that banks should foster due care by means of employee-virtue training programs to enhance trust, thus generating more support for free market operations in the banking sector.  相似文献   

Extensive changes in the organization of world trade over the last two decades have renewed concerns about countries’ ability to compete in export markets. The impact could be especially large in industries that participate in global value chains (GVCs). This study assesses the recent export performance of 56 countries in five industries associated with GVCs using an index of normalised revealed comparative advantage (RCA) that can be compared across industries and countries and new data on the domestic value added in exports from the OECD's Trade in Value‐added database. For a number of the GVC industries, countries identified as the most competitive based on gross exports are often found to be less competitive when evaluated in terms of domestic value added. Business services are an important exception; several countries appear more competitive on a value‐added basis than based on conventional measures of gross exports. Despite concerns about hollowing out, a number of major industrial countries remain highly competitive in one or more GVC industries, even from the perspective of domestic value added. A value‐added approach to RCA provides insights that are not apparent from an exclusive focus on gross exports.  相似文献   

The inward-oriented wave of regionalisation in the mid-sixties in the so-called developing countries was judged, twenty years later, to have been a failure almost everywhere. Since the beginning of the nineties a new trend towards regionalisation has been emerging, this time more strongly oriented towards world markets. Do the new regional integration agreements complement the economic and development policy effects aimed at by the structural adjustment programmes of the international financial institutions? What effects do they have on the economic development and the industrialisation of the countries involved?  相似文献   

Based on a novel dataset that combined syndicated loans originated in the emerging market economies with greenhouse gas emission intensity data of borrowers, this study examines whether and to what extent banks in these emerging markets have factored in climate transition risk in their lending decisions. On loan pricing, our results suggest that banks in these emerging markets have started to price-in climate transition risk for loans to emissions-intensive sector since the Paris Agreement. This could reflect their increased awareness of a climate-transition risk towards such firms. The extent of the transition risk premium is also found to be dependent on the environmental attitude of banks. Specifically, green banks are found to charge a higher loan spread than other banks, when lending to the same brown firm after the Paris Agreement. Apart from pricing a transition risk premium in the loan spread, we find evidence that banks may also consider imposing more stringent non-pricing contractual terms, such as shortening loan tenor and imposing collateral requirement, on brown firms especially when the associated credit risk impacts on these firms are more uncertain.  相似文献   

Cyborg products are already available on today's market. They are a potentially large market offering extraordinary opportunities and challenges for businesses. Becoming a cyborg involves many ethical aspects that can be explored from a consumer behavior perspective. However, while these ethical variables have been used in several market analyses, none has examined their potential use for market segmentation in disruptive markets such as the one for cyborg products. We use the Composite Multidimensional Ethics Scale (Composite MES) to explore ethical judgments regarding cyborg products in a sample of 1563 university students in seven countries. Our findings show that all ethical judgment dimensions contribute in the same way and with similar intensity to cyborg market segmentation. We identify three potential market segments. These segments exhibit different characteristics with regard not only to their willingness to become a cyborg but also to their technology acceptance analysis dimensions. We make recommendations for the ethical exploration of this emerging market.  相似文献   

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