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针对高层民用建筑消防登高面设计存在缺陷问题,就实践中改进和补救高层民用建筑的消防登高面,登高场地消防设计等问题作探讨.以期待设计过程中解决消防扑救登高面问题.  相似文献   

金鑫 《城市建设》2010,(5):329-329,331
针对高层民用建筑消防登高面设计存在缺陷问题,就实践中改进和补救高层民用建筑的消防登高面,登高场地消防设计等问题作探讨。以期待设计过程中解决消防扑救登高面问题。  相似文献   

We develop a multiple forest use model to determine the optimal harvest date for a forest stand producing both timber and carbon benefits under a risk of fire. An empirical application is provided for a forest owner producing maritime pine in Southwest of France. Our results indicate that a higher risk of fire will decrease the optimal rotation period. On the contrary, higher carbon prices increase the optimal harvesting age. To investigate the contradictory effects of fire risk and carbon price on forest rotation, we identify the set of carbon prices and fire risks that lead to a given rotation age. We also show that forest owner's willingness to pay for a risk reduction can be substantial (37.33 euros by ha and by year to reduce the annual fire risk from 1.26% to 0.07%).  相似文献   

文章根据公共经济学原理,从公共财政的视角,通过实证分析指出了我国农村卫生事业所存在的财政投入不足、医疗改革过度市场化、卫生资源配置不均衡等问题。在进行相关分析的基础上对新农村卫生事业建设提出了一些政策建议必须从医疗卫生产品的特殊性质出发,通过有效的体制构建以及合理的管理制度安排,提供成本效果好的医疗卫生服务,提高投入绩效,以满足广大人民群众基本医疗需求,从而实现构建和谐社会的目标。  相似文献   

We provide a model with sector-specific debt-collateral constraints to analyze how asymmetric financing conditions across sectors affect the aggregate investment, credit and output composition. In our model, investments in the construction sector allow for higher leverage than investments in the non-durable consumption goods sector. When borrowing constraints bind in both sectors, unit returns in the construction sector are lower due to a positive pledgeability premium, and changes in interest rates have a non-monotonic effect in the sectoral composition of investment. Specifically, a fall in interest rates triggers a relative rise in investment in the consumption goods sector when rates are relatively high, whereas the opposite effect obtains when rates are sufficiently low. We argue that this prediction of the model, which depends critically on the asymmetries of financing conditions across sectors, is consistent with the evidence for a number of OECD countries during the decade before the 2007/2008 crisis  相似文献   

市场经济的行为准则是提倡买卖公平,实现利益最大化。市场行为与道德存在一定程度的冲突,只有以市场经济为基础,积极削弱与克服负面效应,才能把道德和利益之间的可能的冲突转变为和解。市场经济的道德构建必须以法制为基础、要坚持以人为本,诚信是市场经济道德构建的核心。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of money and search where bargaining determines prices and the quality of goods is private information. It studies how a lemons problem affects the purchasing power of money. There are multiple, Pareto-ranked equilibria. The superior equilibrium, where no lemons are produced, exists even if information about quality is relatively scarce. In other equilibria, there is price dispersion, and uninformed buyers pay higher prices than informed buyers for all goods. Taxing money balances (a proxy for inflation) makes buyers less selective, thus reducing the average quality of supply and the premium paid for known quality.  相似文献   

Government policies and actions in transitional economies have far-reaching consequences for technology progress. Many studies suggest the important role of governments in providing policies and finance to facilitate technology innovations. The Chinese government has often been seen to exemplify this. This article probes government actions in practice, the way it is conducted and the negative consequences for innovation. We focus on one of China's most important and successful sectors – construction. An analytical framework based on ‘complex systems industry’ is used and a causal map developed to examine the role of the Chinese government acting as client, regulator and administrator of industrial and professional bodies and their impact on innovation in the construction sector. This paper confirms that innovation is industry specific and social and economic context dependent. While recognising the powerful role of the Chinese government, it argues that in reality the ‘Chinese government’ is not a uniform entity, but rather consists of various entities acting in accordance with their varied vested interests at a specific time and under particular circumstances.  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,风险社会已经逐步到来.环境问题成为全社会关注的热点,环境公益已经在许多国家的法律中得到了确认.环境公益诉讼是维护社会公共利益的诉讼,西方发达国家已经建立了成熟的环境公益诉讼制度.在我国,随着生态环境恶化以及公民环保意识的增强,开展环境公益诉讼具有重大现实意义,但现行法律的规定严重阻碍了公益诉讼的理论和司法实践.所以,对症下药解决我国环境公益诉讼立法和司法中的问题,构建行之有效的环境公益诉讼制度,对预防风险社会中的环境危机都是大有裨益的.  相似文献   

改革开放后,随着我国市场化进程的深入,西方企业文化的概念和作用开始为我国企业所接受和关注,企业文化建设也日益受到重视.从趋势来看,在全球范围内的资源配置成为可能的条件下,企业与企业的竞争必然加剧,企业要想融入国际化取得竞争优势,一个重要方面就是加强企业文化建设,迅速提升人力资本效率,提高企业国际竞争力.  相似文献   

高职院校专业文化是校园文化与企业文化交流、渗透和融通的结果,在校园文化生态系统中占有重要的地位.本文旨在校企文化融合的背景下,厘清专业文化与校园文化、与行业文化、企业文化等的关系,剖析高职院校专业文化建设的缺位及影响,提出专业文化需通过环境营造、注重内化、注重合作和加强融通等手段开展建设工作.  相似文献   

智库是国家软实力的重要象征,在加强中国特色新型智库建设、建立健全决策咨询制度的新时期,高校新型智库建设独具优势,主要表现为具有系统性、稳定性、完整性、多样性和灵活性等特征,是中国智库的重要组成和补充,但是,现实中高校智库建设面临影响力不足、咨询效力不足和协同攻关能力不足等困境。在协同创新理论指导下,从制度协同、机构协同和人力资源协同3个方面破解现实困境,是发挥高校智库优势,完善智库功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

韩云洁  张海峰 《经济研究导刊》2011,(17):215-216,233
知识经济时代背景下,我国现有的高校教育体系不仅缺乏对大学生创意思维和技能的培养,而且创意教育受重视程度也很低。对此,我国高校大学生创意教育模式的建立可以从创建合理的创意教育体系和培养创意教育师资队伍两方面进行努力。  相似文献   

This article presents a strategic model of liability and litigationunder court errors. Our framework allows for endogenous choiceof level of care and endogenous likelihood of filing and disputes.We derive sufficient conditions for a unique universally divinemixed-strategy perfect Bayesian equilibrium under low courterrors. In this equilibrium, some defendants choose to be grosslynegligent; some cases are filed; and some lawsuits are dropped,some are resolved out of court, and some go to trial. We findthat court errors in the size of the award, as well as damagecaps and split awards, reduce the likelihood of trial but increasefiling and reduce the deterrence effect of punitive damages.We derive conditions under which the adoption of the Englishrule for allocating legal costs reduces filing.  相似文献   

人才是推动事业单位创新发展的重要力量,更是促进事业单位快速高效地完成体制机制改革的关键点,各事业单位都应充分重视人才队伍建设的紧迫性。基于此,本文首先对事业单位人才队伍建设存在的问题进行分析,然后从管理观念、选聘机制和管理机制等方面提出切实可行的改进建议。  相似文献   

杨陶 《铜陵学院学报》2011,10(6):102-103
基于厨房火灾的特点及危险性,文章论述了商用厨房应设置厨房设备灭火装置的必要性,并结合国内厨房设备灭火装置的发展,介绍了厨房设备灭火装置的工作原理及分类。  相似文献   

China's labor-intensive industries are characterized by low technology and high competition. The massive inflow of FDI in China's labor intensive industries is inconsistent with the conventional wisdom that FDI should be more prevalent in technology-intensive and low competition industries. To explain this puzzle, we offer a “fire sale” hypothesis: facing severe financial constraints, Chinese private firms give up their equity to form joint ventures with foreign firms in order to obtain financing. Using the garment industry as an example, we find that among domestic firms, the financial constraint index is highest for private firms and lowest for state-owned firms. We further estimate a probit model of joint-venture decisions by private firms. Our results suggest that those private firms with greater financial constraints are more likely to seek foreign joint ownership. The effect of financial constraints on joint venture decision is both statistically and economically significant.  相似文献   

董娜  卢泗化  熊峰 《技术经济》2021,40(8):25-32
建筑工程项目决策阶段信息量少,精准高效的造价预测是科学决策的关键.为了提高项目前期工程造价预测的精度,探讨如何利用历史项目大数据及机器学习进行新建建筑工程项目的造价预测至关重要.本文首先通过文献研究确定了建筑工程决策阶段造价的主要影响因素,然后利用人工蜂群算法(ABC)对支持向量机(SVM)参数即惩罚因子C和核函数参数g进行优化计算,最终构建了基于ABC-SVM的建筑工程造价预测模型.最后以某工程造价数据平台上的84个建筑工程项目为数据源进行模型验证,结果显示,与GRID-SVM模型和BP神经网络模型相比,本文所提的ABC-SVM模型的预测精度更高,具有更好的适用性.  相似文献   

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