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Popular press suggests that diversified firms are more aggressive in managing earnings than non-diversified firms. We examine this claim in the seasoned equity offering (SEO) setting, where firms have been shown to have the incentive to manage earnings upwards. Using the cross-sectional modified Jones [(1991) J Accounting Res 29:193–228] model to measure discretionary current accruals, we find that discretionary current accruals are higher among diversified firms than in non-diversified ones. Our evidence is consistent with the view that the extent of firm diversification is directly related to the degree of earnings management. We further show that diversified issuers with high discretionary accruals underperformed other SEO firms.
David K. DingEmail:

Using a sample of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs), this paper examines the association between the choice of financial intermediary and earnings management. We contend that with more stringent standards for certification and intense monitoring, highly prestigious underwriters restrict firms’ incentives for earnings management to protect their reputation and to avoid potential litigation risks, while firms with greater incentives for earnings management avoid strict monitoring by choosing low-quality underwriters. Consistent with our predictions, we find an inverse association between underwriter quality and issuers’ earnings management. In addition, we find that underwriter quality is positively related to SEOs’ post-issue performance, even after controlling for the effect of earnings management. We also find that firms with low-underwriter prestige and high levels of earnings management under-perform the most. However, the effect of underwriter choice on post-issue performance does not last long.
Myung Seok ParkEmail:

This article examines the role of media in seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) price and market reactions on SEO announcements. Using a sample of SEO deals in UK, we find that media coverage is significantly and negatively related to SEO price discounts and market returns around SEO announcements. Moreover, we document that more pessimistic media sentiment predicts larger SEO price discounts and more negative market reactions to SEO announcements. In summary, both media coverage and media sentiment influence investor decisions in SEOs, but through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Using a sample of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs), we examine the eleventh-hour information carried by the final offer-share adjustment. We argue that if market participants interpret the final offer-share adjustment as a new information signal regarding the demand for the stocks issued, a greater final offer-share adjustment will affect the offer-day return positively (demand information hypothesis). Alternatively, if investors interpret the final offer-share adjustment as increasing the supply of stocks issued and/or as diluting the value of existing shares, a greater final offer-share adjustment will affect the offer-day returns negatively (price-pressure and dilution hypothesis). We provide empirical evidence that the offer-day returns are positively related to the final offer-share adjustment after controlling for confounding factors, supporting the demand information hypothesis. Our results also remain intact even after controlling for the endogeneity. Overall, our findings suggest that the final offer-share adjustment is another important determinant of offer-day returns, in addition to the final offer-price adjustment that Altinkiliç and Hansen [J Financ Econ 69(2):285–323 (2003)] report.  相似文献   

We study the choice and valuation effects of alternative flotation methods using a sample of Chinese firms that must meet the return on equity (ROE) thresholds set by the government to raise equity capital. The ROE requirement, although changed over time, seems to play an important role on the valuation and performance of seasoned equity offerings. The analysis of 219 rights and 75 underwritten offerings between 2000 and 2004 shows that Chinese firms that are not qualified for the flotation method with a higher ROE requirement suffer the most at announcement and experience significantly lower buy-and-hold abnormal returns than those that are qualified. Our results suggest that the freedom to choose their preferred flotation method may be valuable to firms that meet the higher ROE requirement. Finally, our probit models identify several determinants of the choice of flotation methods.  相似文献   

We document the frequent use of lockup agreements in seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) and examine the determinants of their use, duration, and early release. We find that the likelihood of an SEO lockup and its duration are positively related to issuer information asymmetry measures. Lockup duration is negatively related to underwriter spreads and underpricing, indicating that lockups lower expected flotation costs. Lockups are frequently released early following share prices rises. We conclude that lockups represent a contracting solution to asymmetric information and agency problems that plague equity issues by helping to insure SEO quality and deter opportunistic insider trading.  相似文献   

We examine the effect on expected flotation costs of including co-managers in the underwriting syndicate. We consider five components of SEO flotation costs: announcement returns, underpricing, the probability of withdrawals, offering delays, and underwriting spreads. The results show that the characteristics of co-managers participating in syndicates have significant effects on flotation costs, while the effect of the number of co-managers is largely insignificant. Our results are consistent with the notion that highly reputable underwriters and commercial banks serving as co-managers serve a certification role, reducing information asymmetries and, as a result, lowering SEO flotation costs.  相似文献   

We investigate what stock return synchronicity reflects in terms of price informativeness by examining its effect on the pricing of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Based on 5,087 SEOs from 1984 to 2007, we find a significantly negative relation between stock return synchronicity (estimated as the logit transformation of the R-squared statistic from a two-factor regression) and SEO discounts (the percentage differences between pre-offer day closing prices and offer prices). The negative relation is strongest when there is no analyst coverage, and it declines as analyst coverage increases. This shows that stock price is more informative when stock return synchronicity is higher and also that information asymmetry can be mitigated by analyst coverage. We further decompose stock return synchronicity into the market comovement and industry comovement components and find that both components are equally important in affecting SEO discounts.  相似文献   

The corporate distress literature to date has largely focused on the predictive power of accounting variables ( Altman, 2001 ). Following previous literature, this study examines the relevance of abnormal stock returns in discriminating between failed and non‐failed firms (e.g. Clark and Weinstein, 1983; Shumway, 2001). Our results confirm the findings of previous literature that investors in failed firms typically incur substantial negative stock returns leading up to failure announcements. However, in contrast to prior research we do not find evidence of an announcement effect (i.e. negative stock returns on the event day itself or the day preceding). We also document evidence that the bid‐ask spreads of failed firms widen substantially up to 7 months prior to failure, indicating the likelihood of significant information asymmetries across investors in failed firms.  相似文献   

We find that PIPE issues that do not provide any protections to investors convey positive information about the firm and result in positive announcement period returns. However, PIPE issues that provide protections do not convey any new information about the firm and hence do not result in significant positive or negative announcement period returns. PIPE issuers that offer no protections to investors outperform their matched portfolios for up to 9 months after the issue. PIPE issuers that offer protections underperform their matched portfolios for 18 to 36 months after the issue.  相似文献   

史永东  杨瑞杰 《金融研究》2018,460(10):189-206
股价下行作为资本市场的普遍现象,在极端情况下会对投资者财富和公司声誉造成巨大冲击,因此受到学界、业界和监管层的高度关注。本文选取2007-2016年我国A股上市公司股票为样本,研究了不同信息对股价下行风险的影响,在此基础上考察了过度自信和损失厌恶两种不同的投资者行为是否会影响信息与股价下行风险之间的关系。研究发现:(1)有形信息显著降低了股价下行风险,而无形信息对股价下行风险的影响并不显著;(2)投资者的过度自信水平越高,有形信息与股价下行风险的负向关系越弱;(3)投资者的损失厌恶程度越高,有形信息与股价下行风险的负向关系越强。本文的研究不仅为投资者的投资决策提供了一个良好的风险管理思路,也为监管层的政策制定提供了相关的理论依据。  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of various forms of capital in financing investments by Korean firms. Our results from the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) method indicate that, unlike U.S. firms, Korean firms rely substantially on cash holdings to finance investments. These results also suggest that Korean firms use long‐term debt more actively than equity issuance to finance investments. Subgroup analyses show that large firms and Chaebol‐affiliated firms use more long‐term debt but less equity issuance than comparison firms do, suggesting that debt capacity allows firms to reduce the use of equity issuance. However, there is little evidence that financing decisions are driven by information asymmetry. The results from the quantile regression (QR) method suggest that Korean firms tend to use debt capital more than they do equity capital at low and medium levels of investments, while their reliance on equity capital increases at high levels of investments.  相似文献   

Recent empirical work shows evidence for higher valuation of firms in countries with a better legal environment. We investigate whether differences in the quality of firm‐level corporate governance also help to explain firm performance in a cross‐section of companies within a single jurisdiction. Constructing a broad corporate governance rating (CGR) for German public firms, we document a positive relationship between governance practices and firm valuation. There is also evidence that expected stock returns are negatively correlated with firm‐level corporate governance, if dividend yields are used as proxies for the cost of capital. An investment strategy that bought high‐CGR firms and shorted low‐CGR firms earned abnormal returns of around 12% on an annual basis during the sample period.  相似文献   

Using six prominent metal commodities, we provide evidence on the out-of-sample forecasting of stock returns for the market indices of the G7 countries, for which there is little prior evidence in this context. We find precious metals (gold and silver) can improve forecast accuracy relative to the benchmark and performs well compared to forecast combinations. From an economic gains perspective, forecasting returns provides certainty equivalent gains in a market timing strategy for the G7 countries. These certainty equivalent gains are large enough to make active portfolio management attractive, even for individual investors. Gains remain after considering reasonable transaction costs.  相似文献   

Stock Market Valuation of Deferred Tax Assets: Evidence from Internet Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:   We use the provisions of SFAS No. 109 , Accounting for Income Taxes , to examine the extent to which stock prices of Internet firms were associated with expectations of future profitability before versus after the 'market correction' in early 2000. We find that the valuation of deferred tax assets of firms with business models reliant on the level of web site traffic was significantly greater after the market correction. In our view, this evidence is consistent with pre‐correction mispricing.  相似文献   

In this study, we take advantage of the gradual lifting of the short-selling ban in China and find that firms affected by the lifting of the ban experience a lower cost of equity. In addition, the affected firms also incur less earnings management, higher market liquidity and higher investment efficiency. Further evidence shows that firms’ cost of equity increases after their stocks are no longer eligible for short selling. Our inferences are robust to alternative measures of cost of equity, and to using a propensity score-matched sample. Our study contributes to the literature by providing evidence that short sellers play a monitoring role in the Chinese stock markets and sheds light on the benefits of short selling in emerging markets.  相似文献   

Using the implementation of the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system from 1993 to 1996 as a shock to information dissemination technologies, we examine how a significant reduction in disclosure processing costs affects the real economy. We find that the EDGAR implementation leads to an increase in corporate investment and that this effect is concentrated in value firms. We provide evidence that improved equity financing and enhanced managerial incentives are likely the underlying mechanisms. Specifically, the EDGAR implementation leads to an increase in a firm's stock liquidity, a decrease in the cost of equity capital, and an increase in the level of equity financing. Consistent with the monitoring effect of broad information dissemination, the EDGAR implementation leads to an increase in a firm's operating performance. Our findings suggest that it is important to consider information dissemination beyond information production when examining the real effects of corporate disclosures.  相似文献   

We employ data of 6194 firm-year observations for 1058 listed companies in the period 2006–2013 to investigate the interaction between stock liquidity and enterprise innovation in China and confirm that an increase in stock liquidity raises the number of patents granted, R&D investment, and the innovation efficiency of state-owned enterprises, while it decreases innovation significantly in private firms. These findings are also supported by quasi-natural experiments under the split-share structure policy reform and the adjustment of the stamp duty rate using propensity score matching and difference-in-difference methods. We then identify two possible mechanisms through which liquidity increases innovation: the entry of long-term and strategic institutional investors and the gradual privatization of SOEs. Several policy implications are provided in accordance with our findings.  相似文献   

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