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<正> 1998年,我国中央银行管理体制进行了重大改革,借鉴国际内审监督的有益经验,中国人民银行组建了内审部门。内审部门的建立标志着我国中央银行开始重视内部监督和行业自律。近五年来的内审运作情况表明,人民银行内审工作在树立良好的银行管理者形象、提高中央银行声誉、保证中央银行公正有效地履行职责、防范工作中的道德风险等方面都发挥了积极而深远的作用。但囿于现行人民银行行政管理体制的某些限制以及在内部审计职责定位方面的某些分歧,我国中央银行内审的职能作用尚未充分发挥出来。目前,人民银行正处于职能调整的重要转折时期,内审部门应积极面对人民银行职能调整后的新形势,借鉴国外银行内部审计的先进经验,从组织体系、职能定位、审计内容、审计运作等多方面努力构建一个高效的中央银行内部审计体系。  相似文献   

张君 《黑龙江金融》2003,(12):38-39
强化中央银行内审职能,是发挥中央银行宏观调控作用的重要前提,而加强内审人员的职业道德规范,提高执法水平,是做好内审工作的根本保证。内审人员的职业道德就是审计职业界各成员应当遵守的行为规范。《内部审计人员职业道德规范》从一定意义上说,对内审人员的定位很高,要求很严,约束很多,对多型化人才的需求很大。冷静思考,认真思忖,反复对照,理论上的规范化要求与现实操作有一定的差距。一、审计质量有差别审计质量是审计工作的生命线,有质量才有生命力,提高内审工作质量与效率是内审机制良性运行的重要保障。《内部审计人员职业道德规范…  相似文献   

胡晓农 《金融会计》2004,(10):49-50
中央银行自一九九八年成立内审部门以来,内审部门始终把中央银行财务会计作为审计的重中之重,查错纠弊,堵塞漏洞,消除隐患,在确保中央银行资金安全、高效、稳健运行方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,取得了可喜的成绩。但由于近几年中央银行特别是基层中央银行把审计的重  相似文献   

吕春仁 《云南金融》2011,(6Z):131-132
<正>内部审计作为基层人行自我约束机制的重要组成部分,其重要性不言而喻。但是,目前基层央行内审工作存在的一些问题,影响了内审效用的发挥。因此,基层央行内审如何改革现状,从合规性监督为主,转向强化内部控制、内部管理,更好地发挥内审的服务职能,提高中央银行内审工作的有效性,是当前央行内部审计发展值得探讨的一个重要课题。一、主要问题  相似文献   

随着中央银行职能调整,中央银行内部审计已超出传统财务资金审计的范围,并扩大到中央银行所有业务。为避免和控制内审风险,更好地开展审计工作,内审部门需进一步加强内审风险的判断和控制能力,笔者就此谈点粗浅认识。一、中央银行内审及其职责中央银行内部审计是由专门的机构和  相似文献   

<正>内部审计作为基层人行自我约束机制的重要组成部分,其重要性不言而喻。但是,目前基层央行内审工作存在的一些问题,影响了内审效用的发挥。因此,基层央行内审如何改革现状,从合规性监督为主,转向强化内部控制、内部管理,更好地发挥内审的服务职能,提高中央银行内审工作的有效性,是当前央行内部审计发展值得探讨的一个重要课题。一、主要问题  相似文献   

目前,虽然中央银行内审工作起步时间不长,但从基层行情况看,发展态势十分迅猛:内审覆盖面已涵盖了金融服务、金融监管等人民银行业务的主要方面,同时,已逐步从单纯对业务的审计发展到了对人的行为的审计,现在还逐步探索开展了信息技术审计.但与此不相适应的是,内审部门对自身内审质量的监督、检查、评价体系建设还不够规范和健全,这在一定程度上已严重制约了基层内审工作的进一步发展.因此,如何建立健全较为完善的内审质量保证程序,提高内审工作质量,是规范基层中央银行内审工作亟待解决的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

中央银行内审部门各级内审人员,围绕中央银行的中心工作,认真履行审计职责,经过七年多的辛勤工作和审计实践,在防范金融风险,加强中央银行内部控制与内部管理等方面,发挥了较好的作用.但是由于种种因素的制约,内部审计的作用发挥的还不够充分.  相似文献   

中央银行内部审计部门自成立以来。有效发挥内审再监督作用,保证了中央银行业务公正有效开展。但与国外先进的内审工作相比,由于开展内部审计时间较晚,在很多方面需要不断完善,应借鉴国外内部审计在组织体系建设、内审职能定位、审计工作的连续性、审计人员的素质要求等方面的先进经验。[第一段]  相似文献   

中央银行实施风险导向审计的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险导向审计是对传统审计方式的突破和创新,在国外,已进行了广泛应用,在我国中央银行引入风险导向审计不但可以有效控制内部审计风险,而且还可以提高审计质量和效率,促进中央银行内控机制建设,并有助于提高内审人员的综合素质。  相似文献   

朱剑飞 《济南金融》2012,(11):39-42
央行资产负债表的状况是公众评价货币政策效果和形成政策预期的重要渠道。资产负债表的真实性和健康性越来越受到公众的关注,央行的资产负债表健康性审计也逐渐成为央行内审工作的重要内容。本文结合开展央行资产负债表健康性审计的意义,着眼于基层央行的实际情况,提出了基层央行资产负债表健康性的三项标准,明确了基层央行资产负债表健康性审计的主要内容、审计方法,初步构建了资产负债表审计框架。  相似文献   

Bagehot (1873) states that to prevent bank panics a central bank should provide liquidity at a "very high rate of interest." In contrast, most of the theoretical literature on liquidity provision suggests that central banks should lend at an interest rate of zero. This is broadly consistent with the Federal Reserve's behavior in the days following September 11, 2001. This paper shows that both policies can be reconciled. With commodity money, as in Bagehot's time, liquidity is scarce and a high price allows banks to self-select. In contrast, the Fed has a virtually unlimited ability to temporarily expand the money supply so self-selection is unnecessary.  相似文献   

人民银行内部审计由传统型转向现代管理型符合内部审计的发展潮流。济南分行营业管理部为适应这一潮流,组织开展了对济南市征信管理工作的绩效审计工作。作者通过对审计实践的观察发现了人民银行绩效审计发展所取得的进步和存在的问题。本文在总结经验、分析发现的问题基础上,对可供选择的三种方案进行评价,提出了人民银行系统中心支行以上内审部门发展绩效审计的建议。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the current government auditing system in China and the proposal to move it from the control of the executive body (the State Council) to the control of the legislature (the National People's Congress). Interviews with government auditors, government and people's congress officials, and leading academics identify the problems caused by lack of audit independence. Although audit independence can be increased by moving the control of government auditing to the legislature, many of our interviewees considered such a move as infeasible in the current political climate. To smooth the reform toward a legislature-led audit system, we propose a “Dual-Track System” in which the different audit responsibilities currently undertaken by the government auditing system are separated. The responsibility for auditing the use and control of fiscal budgets by the central and regional governments would be under the control of the legislature as this area of government auditing has a clear need for audit independence. Other audit functions including economic responsibility auditing, special purpose funds auditing, financial service auditing and state-owned enterprise auditing would remain under the control of the government. This dual track approach would, we argue, be a politically acceptable compromise as it would strengthen audit independence where it is most needed but also enable the government to maintain strong economic control.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ability of auditing regulation to protect bank shareholders’ wealth during the time of normal growth and during the 2007–2009 global financial crises. The study uses the bank regulation database available at the World Bank website. We select a sample of 2467 banks from 107 countries for the years 1999–2009. We perform multivariate regression analyses and find that while auditing regulations enhance bank equity prices in normal growth periods, there is no evidence that auditing regulations are associated with bank share prices during the period of financial crisis. We observe similar results for both developed and emerging countries and for the common and code law countries. Our results suggest an immediate need to strengthen audit regulations so that investor confidence is more likely to persist during periods of financial downturn.  相似文献   

全球经济危机袭来,各国在推出巨额经济刺激计划的同时,其央行也采取了激进的政策措施,实施了降息甚至零利率的货币政策,美联储等还采取了购买长期国债的非常规手段.本文分析了金融危机中货币政策选择人的困局,指出货币政策的首要作用是提供流动性和稳定金融体系,并可以通过量化宽松、征收持有货币税等操作改变投资者预期、降低长期利率甚至突破零利率的限制,从而进一步发挥货币政策的作用.最后,本文分析了制约货币政策手段生效的因素,得出其对我国货币政策选择的若干启示.  相似文献   

审计委员会:本原性质与作用机理   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
本文研究审计委员会的本原性质和其在公司治理中的作用机理,并剖析以美国为代表的现行审计委员会制度安排。本文分析指出,审计委员会的本原性质在于,它是代表股东利益直接负责企业外部会计事务,并享有企业内部会计事务的消极权力,从而确保注册会计师对经理人的独立性,以降低企业治理成本。审计委员会的作用机理则需基础于其本原性质而设计。而以美国为代表的现行制度安排下的审计委员会不是符合本原性质的审计委员会,其性质是经理人为履行自身向股东等诚实报告之受托责任而专设的职能管理机构。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether former auditors on the audit committee constrain earnings management through loan loss provisions. Based on an analysis of the annual reports of 82 African listed banks over the period 2011–2016, findings show that the presence of former auditors on an audit committee is associated with lower earnings management. This result suggests that audit committee members with auditing expertise and background contribute to effective monitoring of management’s accounting practices. Furthermore, results reveal that the reducing effect on earnings management of former auditors is strongest for directors who are unaffiliated with the bank’s current external auditor.  相似文献   

We study how financial market participants process news from four major central banks—the Bank of England (BoE), the Bank of Japan (BoJ), the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Federal Reserve (Fed)—using a novel survey of 195 financial market participants from around the world. Our results indicate that, first, respondents rely more on media reports of central bank events than they do on self-monitoring. The only exceptions are interest rate decisions in the respondent’s home region. In general, the Fed is watched most closely, followed by the ECB, the BoJ, and the BoE. Second, ordered probit estimations reveal that the perceived reliability of media coverage is negatively associated with degree of self-monitoring and positively related to the probability of using media reports, particularly in the case of asset managers. The perceived importance of central bank events is positively related to the degree of self-monitoring in the case of traders. Finally, portfolio managers tend to self-monitor their home central bank significantly more often than other central banks.  相似文献   

审计署2008至2012年审计工作发展规划提出要全面推进绩效审计,提高财政资金和公共资源配置、使用、利用的经济性、效率性和效果性。到2012年,每年所有的审计项目都开展绩效审计。可见,政府绩效审计是在财政财务收支审计发展到一定阶段推出的又一新的审计领域,对推动政府审计工作、建立节约性政府、创建和谐社会具有很好的现实意义。本文着力论述了政府绩效审计的必要性,对经济性、效率性、效果性的内涵做了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

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