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文章首次基于不同产权视角,研究企业的高管政治关联对企业现金持有行为影响机制的差异.以我国上市公司为样本研究发现,地方国企高管的政治关联分别对企业现金持有水平及其市场价值有显著的正向和负向作用,支持了高管政治关联的“掠夺”假说;民企高管的政治关联对企业现金持有水平及其价值均有显著的负向影响,支持了“扶持”假说;而央企高管的政治关联对企业现金持有水平及其价值均无显著影响.企业的产权性质会显著影响高管政治关联对企业现金持有行为的作用机制,这一结论对于企业财务领域的研究与实务具有较强的启示意义.  相似文献   

本文以我国地方控股国有上市公司为研究样本,实证研究检验了公司与政府之间的政治关联对公司董事会结构和公司治理效率的影响。研究发现我国国有公司的政治关联水平对董事会结构存在显著的负面影响,政治关联主要通过影响地方控股国有上市公司董事会的"人文结构"特征而弱化公司治理的效率。  相似文献   

杨舜清 《消费导刊》2011,(10):67-68
近年来,公司财务学与政治关联的跨领域交叉研究已成为企业财经领域研究的一大热点问题。本文从政治关联、审计意见和公司价值的多维角度出发,分析了国内学者对有关方面的探索及其所忽略的问题,力求呈现政治关联、审计意见与公司价值三者之间的有机联系。  相似文献   

近年来,全球银行业大规模的并购浪潮引发了各国学者、政策制定者对银行业集中、竞争与稳定性关系进行了大量的理论推演与实证研究。归纳起来,分为"竞争脆弱"假说,"竞争稳定"假说,"竞争稳定U型相关"假说,"竞争稳定无关"假说四大类。大多学者的研究焦点集中在"竞争稳定"假说,"竞争脆弱"假说,"竞争稳定U型"假说,由于研究样本的差异,银行业竞争、稳定性等变量度量方面的差异,实证模型可能存在的偏差,导致实证结论呈现出明显的多元化特征。  相似文献   

近年来政治关联与公司的财务行为及企业价值成为研究热点,且众多研究发现政治关联影响企业的财务行为及企业价值.本文在分析政治关联的界定及影响因素的基础上,梳理政治关联对企业财务行为、企业价值影响的国内外研究成果,以期为该领域的深入研究进行理论铺垫.  相似文献   

以2007—2012年间因信息披露违规行为被证监会处罚的81家上市家族企业及其配对公司为研究对象,运用Logistic回归模型,并采用赋值法和虚拟变量法两种方法对企业政治关联进行衡量,研究上市家族企业的政治关联和信息违规披露之间的关系。结果表明:上市家族企业的政治关联对企业信息披露质量有负面影响,并且政治关联的程度越复杂,影响越深。另外,扩充了信息披露研究的内容,为各大监管部门的进一步的监管措施提供经验证据。  相似文献   

张泽南 《财经论丛》2016,(10):67-75
本文选用创业板上市公司2009-2014年数据,实证检验高管政治关联、过度自信对成本粘性的作用机理与运行机制。研究结果表明:拥有政治关联的公司,成本粘性显著增强;高管过度自信程度越高,成本粘性增强的趋势越明显。进一步的研究显示,政治关联与过度自信的交互作用对成本粘性具有较强地正向放大作用,即过度自信且具有政治资源优势的高管将推进成本粘性的提升。本文将制度环境和管理者背景特征紧密结合,揭示了高管政治关联与过度自信对创业板上市公司成本性态的影响,对于深化认识创业企业成本管控模式与策略、识别高管情绪及其产生的行为后果具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

关联交易是广泛存在于我国和世界各国公司的一个共性问题,各国证券监管部门一直致力于该问题的研究与解决。本文在介绍关联交易基本概念及其特性的基础上,对上市公司关联交易现状进行分析,提出相应的规范建议。  相似文献   

历史上很多国家的集权政治或分权政治的规则及其执行手段,通常是与特定的经济和文化相关联的,这种关联也出现在经济领域的制度安排之中.经济学关于制度安排的分析和研究,一方面,给人们研究政治、经济和文化的某些交融现象提供了分析范式;另一方面.也给人们从道德、伦理、习俗、惯例等来解说经济因素与文化因素的互动提供了分析路径.公司治理作为一项制度安排,有着政治、经济和文化的特定规定,这些规定的不同程度的交叉会决定公司治理结构的特定内涵;从政治、经济和文化的融合来考察公司治理结构,可以帮助我们在更宽泛的层面上理解我国体制转轨时期的公司治理的特定格局,而对这些特定的内涵、规定和格局的研究,可以帮助我们拓宽对我国公司治理的认识,从而产生一些新的理论认知.  相似文献   

由于我国特殊的政治、经济等环境,很多上市公司都存在着大股东通过关联交易活动来转移上市公司资源、侵占中小股东利益的现象,严重干扰了上市公司的正常运营,导致公司质量不高,影响投资者的信心.本文对我国第一大股东关联交易的总体状况以及第一大股东关联交易的主要类型进行分析,并选择2010-2012年深圳交易所发生关联交易的上市公司为样本数据,对第一大股东的关联交易与上市公司绩效进行回归分析,从实证方面证明第一大股东对上市公司的侵占行为,并得出相应结论.  相似文献   

We examine whether firms' political connection affects their corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagements and how the effects vary with different political ties, namely symbolic and material connections. These ties reflect different degrees of political embeddedness, interest alignment, network size, and monitoring with the government, and therefore impart divergent effects on managerial incentives for CSR practices. Our analysis indicates that CSR in firms with symbolic connection is much more associated with agency cost than CSR in firms with material connection. We also find that large firms with symbolic connection exhibit lower CSR performance than those with material connection, probably because the former group tends to substitute the prestige of their political capital for the goodwill associated with CSR engagement. These results show that accounting for the effects of different types of political connection on managerial incentives contributes some clarity to the debate about the compatibility of CSR with primary corporate mandates.  相似文献   

管理者政治关联在强化企业竞争优势的同时,也会弱化公司治理机制的有效性.本文基于公司违规行为发生及管理者被迫离职两个方面,利用Bivariate Probit模型和Logit模型研究管理者政治关联对公司治理有效性的影响.研究发现,拥有政治关联的管理者所在企业更加倾向发生违规行为,尤其是民营企业;管理者的政治关联能够降低其违规行为被稽查处理的可能性,尤其是国有企业.政治关联有助于管理者建立职位壕沟,降低管理者被迫离职的概率;而企业违规行为被稽查后,管理者被迫离职的可能性将显著提高.文章的研究结果证明,管理者政治关联会弱化企业发生违规行为的事前监管,同时也会降低企业违规行为的稽查在事后监管中的公司治理效果.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - The state plays a major role in corporate social responsibility (CSR) in emerging and transitional economies and often influences firms through political connection,...  相似文献   

Through an analysis of survey data gathered from private firms in China, this study examines the impact of employee protection on corporate innovation ability. The results indicate that firms with more advanced employee protection have stronger innovation ability. Furthermore, the positive relationship between employee protection and corporate innovation ability is more pronounced in those enterprises with labor unions. Finally, a firm’s political connections strengthen the influence of employee protection on corporate innovation. These empirical findings highlight the positive consolidating effects of labor unions and political connections and will be of value to policy makers in emerging markets in gauging the important drivers of corporate innovation ability.  相似文献   

近年来,政治关联这一概念正在被民营企业广泛重视,并分别产生了直接参与型、物质刺激型、引导政策型和积极沟通型等若干类型。作为民营企业,选择任何一种类型都是有利无害的,关键是应当结合企业自身状况、发展战略以及行业特点和所在地区特点选择适当的政治关联类型,力求做到成本最小、收益最大。通过运用相关性分析和回归分析,进一步表明,直接参与型可促进企业会计盈余上升;物质刺激型可扩大企业会计盈余;引导政策型和积极沟通型能提高企业会计盈余。  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate political activities are complementary, and the coordinated management of corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities may lead to better firm performance. However, corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities should be aligned carefully to utilize this complementarity. Strategic flexibility, which is the ability of a firm to adapt to changes in the external environment and make necessary organizational modifications quickly, can help firms to align their corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities. This paper empirically investigates the political dimension and the interactive dimension which describes interactions between corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities together with strategic flexibility and their effects on firm performance through a study of 142 firms in Turkey using moderated multiple regression methods. The results show that, while the political dimension had an inverted U‐shaped effect on firm performance, indicating that only a moderate level of corporate political activities may improve financial performance, the interactive dimension had positive but limited implications for performance. Finally, it was found strategic flexibility plays a positive moderating role on the relationships between the interactive dimension and firm performance. It is concluded that complementarity between corporate social responsibility and corporate political activities which may result in better performance is contingent on strategic flexibility.  相似文献   

随着移动互联技术与虚拟经济的高速发展,虚拟品牌社区成为消费者参与企业活动,与企业沟通的重要窗口,并在品牌营销中发挥着日益重要的作用,成为企业与消费者建立持久、和谐关系联结的重要工具以及企业品牌资产提升的重要载体和手段。依据风格特征视角,虚拟品牌社区中的顾客参与可以划分为任务型参与、社交型参与和贡献型参与,三种风格的顾客参与是企业品牌资产形成和提升的重要前置因素,并通过关系联结的中介机制影响企业品牌资产。顾客任务型参与、社交型参与和贡献型参与能够正向影响企业的品牌知名度、顾客感知质量和顾客忠诚度;关系联结在顾客参与风格和企业品牌资产的关系中起中介作用,在顾客任务型参与和品牌资产的关系中起完全中介作用,在顾客社交型参与/贡献型参与和品牌资产的关系中起部分中介作用;社区意识在不同顾客参与风格和关系联结关系中发挥的调节作用不同,正向调节顾客任务型/社交型参与对财务联结的正向影响,正向调节顾客社交型/贡献型参与对社会联结的正向影响;竞争强度负向调节关系联结对品牌资产的影响作用,即当行业竞争强度提高时,关系联结对品牌资产的正向影响受到削弱。因此,企业应通过虚拟品牌社区平台,积极引导、掌控和规范不同风格顾客参与,拓展企业价值提升的组织外途径。  相似文献   

Governments and ownership structures can both facilitate and constrain organizational value creation. Firm-level political strategy is a frequent response to protect or promote organizational interests. When effectively configured and implemented, these political strategies can become capabilities. This inductive study examines the antecedents of political capabilities in European airlines within the context of cross-border market deregulation. Our central contribution is an understanding of how management teams from non-state and state airlines organize and develop divergent corporate political capabilities in this context. While managers’ actions in response to specific public policy processes can create political capabilities, the outcome is moderated by the nature of corporate ownership and the relative influence of public and private stakeholders on capability formation. Our theoretical contribution is to extend the study of organizational capabilities into the non-market context through analyzing how European flag carrier airlines organized their political capabilities in anticipation of a changing transnational policy context.  相似文献   

While political risk methods have been used extensively for the last two decades, little has been done to test any of their projections against actual losses. This study compares the 1986 projections of The Economist, Political Risk Services, and BERI against losses incurred in the 1987–1992 period. Discussion focuses on how to determine the extent of losses by foreign investors and on pinpointing the source of those losses. It stresses the connection between theory and profit/loss consequences for businesses and the impact of poorly tested methods on corporate strategic planning.  相似文献   

Motivated by contemporary debates concerning whether directors inappropriately deploy corporate funds for corporate political donations and the limited research into managerial influence on corporate political donations, we examine the impact of director influences from a network perspective. Using a sample of large listed Australian corporations and their political party donation activity during 2000–2007, we find that both the professional and non-professional networks of directors influence corporate political donations. We observe these influences in relation to donations at the federal and state levels, and with respect to the choice of recipient political parties.  相似文献   

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