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随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,景区游客接待量逐年上升.在旅游规模不断扩大的同时,景区游客的有序化管理显得格外重要.景区的有序化管理不仅能提高旅游景区服务质量,还有助于排除重大安全隐患.景区游客游览系统秩序度量是景区有序化管理的关键环节.因此,文章针对信息化建设欠完善景区,提出了一种基于语言变量的景区游客游览系统秩序度量方法.该方法通过采集景区管理人员对各个景点负荷的语言描述数据,考虑管理者的层级,在综合集成景区游客游览系统的负荷率以及系统负荷均衡程度的基础上,提出了游客游览系统含参度量秩序的度量模型.该模型可通过管理者角色参数ω的选取来实现各层及管理者对游客游览系统秩序的度量.最后,以九寨沟风景名胜区某些景点构成的游客游览系统为例来说明该方法的可操作性及可行性.  相似文献   

最近,学者黄羊山在多篇文章中对我国一些标准和规范里的旅游空间容量算法进行了一些探讨,并做出了重要改进。但是,其提出的"取小法"虽然能够保证了游客数不超过景点的容量限制,却没有考虑景点之间距离对容量的影响,且推导过程比较复杂难懂。文章以游客在景区中的移动行为为出发点,将景区旅游线路类比为旅游生产线,利用旅游生产线的平行移动特征,推导出在景区日开放时间内能够准入的游客批数和接待量模型。然后,利用景区内景点游览时间的最大公约数进行景点分解,按照分解后的子景点设置进入批量,从而分别给出了有游览顺序和无游览顺序的旅游高峰期的最大容量计算模型。最后实例计算表明,该方法确实可以在旅游高峰期尽量减少景点闲置提高接待量。  相似文献   

近几年旅游业呈现快速发展的良好态势,旅游项目投资、游客接待量、旅游总收入都处于快速增长状态,旅游业的发展对拉动地方经济也起到了积极的贡献。为了有效推进旅游业的健康、有序发展,景区及政府管理部门必须精准监控游客流量、了解游客分布,通过对整体趋势的把握为产业发展提供决策依据,找到一种有效方式实现游客流量监控是基础诉求。文章首先通过闸机客流监控、视频客流监控和基于运营商信令数据的客流监控等方式的横向对比,充分肯定了运营商信令数据在旅游行业的客流监控中的优势。其次通过阐述游客模型在区域人群类型区分中的运作原理,对基于运营商信令数据的客流监控方式系统性地作了介绍。然后结合湖州全域旅游平台的实际应用案例,对运营商信令数据在客流监控的应用价值进行了实例验证。最后针对在应用中出现的问题发起探讨并提出了优化思路。  相似文献   

近年来旅游人数直线增长,而旅游交通及景点的拥挤程度直接影响游客的出游体验。做好流量控制及大客流的预案极为重要。本文基于道路交通与景区接待能力提出景区客流预警。首先分析景区的主要道路交通构成,并测算每种道路交通量转换成客流量的数值,并结合景区的接待能力瓶颈提出景区需要作出限流工作的预警值。  相似文献   

淡旺季游客数量波动是困扰景区平稳健康发展的一大难题.尽管门票价格作为一种调节旅游需求的工具,已被证明可以有效控制游客数量,但如何定价,以兼顾景区经济收益和社会公平性问题仍是学术界的研究热点.为此,文章提出一种基于多阶段博弈的景区门票分时定价策略,为了达到平稳客流的目的,在设计景区效用函数的时候加入了游客数量波动带来的损失.分时定价博弈模型数值模拟结果显示,景区门票分时定价策略,可以在不降低景区总利润的前提下,保持游客数量平稳,游客总量增加.  相似文献   

旅游者在西安地区的空间活动特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游目的地区域游客的空间运行方式是指游客在旅游目的地区域内旅游线路及景点的选择行为方式,主要体现在目的地区域内旅游客流的流向与流量.本文通过对游客在西安地区的空间流向以及各著名景点流量的研究,揭示游客在旅游目的地区域内的空间运行特征,为优化西安地区旅游空间结构提供依据.  相似文献   

本文以西安曲江唐文化主题景区形象为实证研究对象,从景区共生形象角度选取了曲江唐文化主题景区内大雁塔和大唐芙蓉园为景区形象生成基础,关联研究了共生景区形象对游客重游意愿及口碑效应的影响,研究结果显示:主题景区旅游形象生成主要受景区内共生景点中历史遗存类景点旅游形象的影响,新建同一主题文化公园对主题景区旅游形象生成也有明显影响,但不如历史遗存类景点旅游形象对主题景区旅游形象生成的影响大;旅游景区共生形象和游客后续行为意图中的重游意愿和口碑效应之间有着正向关系;景区内同一主题共生景点旅游形象对游客重游意愿存在正向的关系,和游客口碑效应(WOM)没有明显的关系。该结果说明了主题景区整体旅游形象是导致游客重返景区和口碑宣传景区的主要原因。  相似文献   

景区游憩行为计算机仿真系统是从景区游客游憩行为入手研究游憩使用与游憩环境如何相互作用、相互影响进而解决它们之间平衡、和谐发展问题的一种方法。文章深层剖析景区游憩行为仿真系统发展的内外因及由此导致的模型分类,然后以景区游憩行为计算机仿真系统的理论与方法支撑、工作过程、应用为视角,详细分析国外有代表性的景区游憩行为计算机仿真系统,以期为国内景区游憩行为计算机仿真系统研究提供理论、方法、操作上的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

在景区千方百计提高游客数量的同时,人数超载带来的不可逆转的破坏成为一颗隐性毒瘤,威胁着景区发展的明天。每年“五一”、“十一”黄金周一过,各景区就开始大盘点了。有意思的是,在形容游客众多的时候,景点的总结报告几乎无一例外的用了“爆满”“爆棚”等字眼,喜悦之情溢于言表,甚至能想象得出  相似文献   

日前,山西省人民政府推出以A级景区景点门票优惠为主的"美丽山西休闲游"若干措施。每年3月1日至11月30日,全省国有及国有控股A级景区景点对国内外所有游客实行头道门票八折优惠;每年12月1日至次年2月底,全省国有及国有控股A级景区景点对国内外所有游客实行头道门票六折优惠;全省国有及国有控股A级景区景点对国内外年满60周岁的老年人(凭居民身份证、护照等有效证件)、残疾人(凭残疾人证)实行免头道门票优惠;鼓励省内集体、民营及集体、民营控股的A级景区景点执行上述优惠政策。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the differences between visitor motivations and satisfaction between first-time visitors and return visitors to a recreation wellness tourist attraction site in South Korea. Data were collected using a questionnaire at a national arboretum and 573 samples were used for analysis. The study discovered that first-time visitor motivations were composed of four factors: “relaxation and rest”, “novelty”, “self-exploration”, and “accessibility”. The return visitor motivations were “sightseeing and experience”, “convenience for touring”, “self-exploration”, and “accessibility”. The desired outcomes motivating the visitation and level of satisfaction were different between first-time and return visitors. The results contribute practical information to managers and marketers not only of the arboretum, but also of wellness tourist attractions to improve strategic visitor management in Korea and beyond. The study strategically applies the arboretum as a competitive resource in a wellness tourism industry with strategic segmentation of visitors.  相似文献   

Stonehenge is the UK's major prehistoric tourism attraction, with almost 1 million annual visitors, one of the top 10 UK visitor attractions since the early 1990s and an international icon used in tourism marketing. However, Stonehenge is controversial; major issues are access, authenticity and interpretation, with the actual visitor experience being criticised and termed ‘a national disgrace’ by British Members of Parliament (MPs). This paper reports on research conducted at Stonehenge in late summer and early autumn 2004. This involved a questionnaire survey that asked about motivations, visitor impacts and satisfaction levels. Results reveal educational factors to be major motivators and that Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site was also an important motivation. The results reveal a variety of views, and a more complex picture than is apparent from much rhetoric concerning Stonehenge as a visitor attraction. Overseas visitors were more positive in their reaction than British visitors, first time visitors more satisfied than repeat visitors and female visitors somewhat more positive in their reaction than men. In terms of their experience, and largely contradicting the UK Government committee claims, the majority of visitors indicated that Stonehenge has good interpretation, a fair entrance charge, provides good value for money and, overall, is an enjoyable experience.  相似文献   

游客满意度是衡量城市旅游发展的重要指标之一,掌握和控制游客满意度的影响因素对城市旅游发展和管理越来越关键。国内外研究综述表明,城市旅游的游客满意度影响因素及其关系的定量研究尚不多见,尤其对城市特征因素的研究。城市特征是城市旅游的必要组成,作为客观因素对游客满意度的影响不言而喻。文章运用文献分析法、问卷调查法和二元Probit离散选择模型计量法,以长沙市477名游客的现场调查数据为基础,对城市特征、个人特征和旅游动机三大变量下10个影响因素与游客满意度之间的假设关系进行检验。研究结果显示,修正后的游客满意度影响因素Probit模型具有统计学意义,6个研究假设得到验证;研究结论表明,城市社会发展水平、城市绿化水平、环境保护水平、旅游资源丰富程度、游客月收入、游客是否主动到访等因素对城市旅游的游客满意度产生显著的正面影响,其中,游客主动到访因素对游客满意度的影响作用最大,城市社会发展水平影响作用最小。研究结论一定程度上有利于促使城市管理者更多关注城市发展与旅游质量,最后,从满意度改善系统、城市要素建设、城市旅游资源开发和游客营销引导等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the tourism industry are well illustrated by the case of New Zealand's tourism development over the last decade. The number of international tourists visiting New Zealand has doubled in the last ten years to approximately 1.5 million annual visitors. Associated with this growth has been a significant shift in patterns of tourist demand. No longer do most tourists simply comply with established tourist routes linking the high profile scenic attractions. Rather tourists have demonstrated a preference for more independent and dispersed patterns of travel, including an increase in demand for settings that offer subjective qualities of wilderness experience. This poses a complex but intriguing management challenge. If wilderness recreation involves pristine natural settings in the complete absence of facility development and visitor management, then these resources are more prone to degradation so than any other natural tourism resources. This paper suggests that an understanding of tourist perceptions of wilderness is crucial to the management of wilderness tourism, and considers the application of the perceptual approach to wilderness tourism as a means of sustaining wilderness values while promoting the satisfaction of visitor expectations.  相似文献   

旅游者中位年龄的几个市场指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年龄是旅游市场细分理论中一个重要的社会—人口学变量,不同的年龄结构对细分市场的旅游行为有着重要的影响。然而,在刻画旅游者年龄结构时,无论是在业界实践还是学界研究中,被普遍采用但标准各异的旅游者年龄"上中下"分组模式却不可避免地制约了相关研究成果之间纵向或横向的比较与验证,需要发展一条可以沟通联系的纽带。文章试图将中位年龄作为这种可能的纽带引入我国旅游市场研究领域,基于国家旅游局公开发布的旅游者年龄统计数据,提出了旅游市场类型的中位年龄划分标准,并在此基础上进一步探讨了旅游者中位年龄在指示市场结构类型、市场环境波动和市场发展分化方面的后效价值,以期为旅游市场营销与管理提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of micro-mobility patterns and service blueprints in visitor management planning. It argues that such planning approaches can improve management outcomes as well as visitor experiences whilst adding efficiency to the relevant management processes. The paper is based on the findings of visitor research on visitor flows and perceptions of visitor management in a nature-based tourism attraction in Wellington, New Zealand. These findings are used to adapt a service blueprint for the overall attraction to separately reflect visitor experiences of international visitors and New Zealanders. The paper posits that it is thus possible to identify and subsequently address the visitor management requirements of different visitor groups. Implications are discussed at three levels; first, for the case study attraction; second, for tourism attractions more broadly; third, conceptual implications for visitor management research are considered. Specific findings include the differences in micro-mobilities found across different market sectors, the need to improve signposting to offer distance and time guidance, the importance of topography, the potential to spread usage pressures across sites and the future potential to use mobile GPS units to obtain more detailed information.  相似文献   

Protected natural area managers are challenged to provide high quality recreation opportunities and ensure the protection of resources from impacts associated with visitation. Development of visitor use facilities and application of site hardening practices are commonly applied tools for achieving these competing management objectives. This study applies stated choice analysis to examine visitor opinions on acceptability when they are asked to make tradeoffs among competing social, resource and management attributes in backcountry and frontcountry settings of Acadia National Park. This study demonstrates that asking visitors about recreation setting attributes uni-dimensionally, a common approach, can yield less informative responses. Analyses that considered direct tradeoffs revealed more divergent opinions on acceptability for setting attributes than a unidimensional approach. Findings revealed that visitors to an accessible and popular attraction feature supported trail development options to protect resource conditions with unrestricted visitor access. In contrast, visitors to a remote undeveloped island expressed stronger support for no or limited trail development and access restrictions to protect resource conditions.  相似文献   


National parks in Canada operate under the dual mandate of conservation and visitor use, which involves balancing ecological integrity and nature-based tourism activities. Climate-induced environmental change may increase the existing tension between conservation and visitor use as major tourism resources located in protected areas (PAs) are projected to undergo large-scale changes. This study draws upon the behavioural approach, scenario planning, and landscape visualizations to examine the relationship between climate change impacts, visitor perceptions, and visitor experience management at the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park, Canada. Four tourism development scenarios defined by two management drivers (ecological integrity and visitor demand) with corresponding storylines and visualizations were developed for 2050. The visualized scenarios were presented to visitors (n?=?304) in a survey to understand potential implications on visitor satisfaction. The results suggest that park managers need to find a balance between ecological integrity and visitor use in a way that ensures commercialized tourism development is limited, educational material is prioritized, and ecological integrity is maintained. While understanding the behaviour of future tourists is complex, it is a critical component of climate change adaptation planning and decision-making processes that needs to be prioritized by policymakers and PAs managers.  相似文献   

This study examined the theoretical relationships between consumers’ perceived benefits, place attachment and future visit intentions (FVI) at nature-based recreation and tourism areas, utilizing importance and performance concepts. The desired benefits and perceived attained benefits of consumers were treated as an antecedent to place attachment and FVI in structural models. Results of two separate structural models tests using responses from 934 visitors at the Ocala National Forest in Florida, USA, confirmed that place attachment fully mediates the relationship between benefits desired and FVI, while place attachment partially mediates the relationship between benefits attained and FVI. The former verifies the significant role of place attachment, and the latter validates the importance of place attachment as well as recreation benefit attainment in predicting visitors’ FVI. These findings suggest that both benefits desired and benefits attained are important predictors of place attachment and behavioral intentions. Accordingly, tourism and recreation planners and managers need to provide visitors with recreation opportunities, which maximize visitors’ ability to attain recreation benefits, such as nature exploration, physical fitness and escape. These managerial initiatives would result in increasing visitors’ emotional attachments and intentions to revisit.  相似文献   

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