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Cause‐related marketing is being increasingly used for forging strong relation between the brand and the customer. It is primarily being used by the well‐established brands to further strengthen their position in the market as it leads to a positive image of the brand, and customers are more receptive towards such brands because they tend to provide them with tangible as well as intangible benefits. This study tends to identify the effectiveness of cause‐related marketing as a marketing tool for newly launched products in developing market of India, which has so far remained a less explored area. A sample of 150 consumers was taken, and case studies were undertaken for validating these findings. The findings suggest that cause‐related marketing campaigns, even at early stages of brand development, can lead to customer trial and differential positioning thus providing these new entrants with an opportunity to interact with the customers. The proposed framework can provide useful insights to brand managers to design cause‐related marketing campaigns for newly launched brands. The results and findings have been deduced from real‐time market research, and it can help in furthering research in the field of cause‐related marketing in India and other developing economies with similar market conditions.  相似文献   

浅谈在国际化营销中塑造知名品牌的方法及策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化、市场国际化的营销环境中,产品竞争,企业的竞争,最终体现在品牌的竞争上。用先进的品牌营销策略与品牌管理技术,适应国际潮流,营造品牌优势,实施品牌战略,已成为企业参与国内外市场竞争的一项重要举措。为了塑造知名品牌,我们通过借鉴国际著名品牌的创立发展,探究和找出塑造企业品牌的方法和策略,实现企业品牌的名牌化、国际化,从而在更大的范围和更高的层次上迎接来自全球化的挑战和机遇,提升国际竞争力。  相似文献   

我国市场经济逐步进入了品牌时代,建筑企业品牌经营更凸显其重要性。针对当前我国建筑企业品牌建设及经营中存在的问题,如缺乏品牌经营战略意识、在品牌认识上存在着误区、品牌经营缺乏战略规划等,要更新观念,重视品牌建设;做好品牌建设规划工作;以质量铸就品牌;以企业文化建设推动品牌建设;以人为本全面推进品牌建设及提高建筑企业品牌运营水平等,才能推动企业品牌经营策略的实现,并最终形成建筑企业的优秀和强势品牌。  相似文献   

品牌形象通过各种联想与记忆中的品牌相联系。只有通过有效的营销,将顾客脑中丰富的联想形成良好且牢固的联想,企业才能提高顾客对品牌忠诚度。国外对品牌联想的研究早、成果多;但国内对于品牌联想的研究才刚刚起步,关于如何测量和描绘的研究更是几乎为零。结合国外最新的品牌联想测量工具——品牌概念地图,对新光饰品的品牌联想进行实证研究。通过描绘新光品牌的品牌联想结构,指出该品牌现有不足之处,并给出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

农产品的品牌营销对提升我国农产品的国内外竞争力具有很重要的意义。文中首先探讨了对农产品进行品牌营销的重要意义,然后通过分析我国农产品品牌营销的现状,提出几点农产品品牌营销的策略。  相似文献   

品牌延伸作为品牌资产撬动与增值的有效方式,近10年来成为学界和商界的热点。本文从品牌宽度与定位维度,研究其延伸能力及反馈效应,以国人熟悉的中华老字号为刺激物进行不同宽度与定位品牌远近延伸的2×3组间实验,通过ANOVA方差和通径分析,得出品类单一且声望高品牌以产品契合度高的近延伸、品类多而功能强的品牌以产品契合度低的远延伸为品牌复兴佳径,各类横向品牌延伸方式都直接与间接交替影响着品牌,品牌延伸是品牌复兴及发展的重要途径等结论。  相似文献   

杨杨 《企业科技与发展》2009,(10):223-224,230
近年来,广西工业品牌的培育工作初见成效,获得全区名牌产品和中国名牌产品的广西工业品牌数量显著增加。但是,我们也看到诸如品牌产品生产企业的规模偏小,产品市场占有率偏低,传统、资源型产品多,高新产业品牌实力薄弱等问题。文章从品牌文化的角度对广西工业品牌现状进行了分析,针对存在的问题提出了可操作性的建议,希望对广西企业的工业品牌建设有所借鉴。  相似文献   

中华老字号品牌是我国商业文化中的重要组成部分,它们具有鲜明的民族特色。但目前有些老字号的生存和发展都存在着许多问题,如品牌形象中庸、品牌定位模糊、价值分化严重、区域特点过于明显、管理模式相对保守等。本文通过分析老字号品牌的现状及发展中存在的问题,探讨品牌发展的前景和对策,以供这些企业作为借鉴。  相似文献   


Brand architecture may be understood in reference to an integrated approach of a firm directed towards the design and management of its brand portfolio. Broadly, brand architecture is concerned with the pedigree of brands of a firm, role of specific brands and the relationship between sub-brands. In particular, brand architecture may be considered as the way a company organizes, manages, and markets their brands. Different business strategies require different brand architectures. The paper discusses the relevance of hierarchy of brands, and the role of brand audit to manage the brand portfolio of a firm. The discussion in the paper also delineates the steps involved in architecting a brand in a firm from the managerial perspective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships and the effectiveness of cause‐ related or social marketing on consumer perceptions, perceived brand motivations, and the direct and indirect effects that these factors have on brand alliance, attitude, and purchase intentions. A total of 425 participated who are users of soap and oil in the fast‐moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Advertisements of three per brands are taken up for study. Dove soap, Parachute hair oil, and Dettol Soap (social marketing) and Fiama Di Wells beauty soap, Vatika hair oil, and Nihar hair oil (cause marketing) are selected for study. Both social and cause‐related marketing motivate the consumer to purchase products from the same company and likewise recommend to others. The present study findings clearly suggest that compared with social cause‐related marketing, social marketing is more preferred. People like watching advertisements incorporating social marketing more compared with cause‐related marketing. Both social and cause‐related marketing motivate the consumer to purchase products from the same company and also recommend to others. The takeaway from this study is how social and cause‐related marketing differ on brand alliance and subsequent effect on brand image, brand recommendation, brand loyalty, consumer perceptions, and purchase behaviour.  相似文献   

魏师 《价值工程》2010,29(36):25-25
中国入世后,面临强大的国际和国内的市场压力。树立正确的营销观念,以市场为导向,以客户为中心。而品牌是符号,是浓缩着企业各种信息的符号。把企业的信誉,文化,产品,质量,科技,潜力等重要信息凝练成一个品牌符号,着力塑造广泛社会知名度和美誉度,烙印到大众心里,使产品随品牌符号走到消费者心理,从而达到一定效果的营销策略。  相似文献   

品牌是会计师事务所核心价值与整体价值的综合体现,注册会计师审计是高风险行业,要想生存、发展,必须有作为注册会计师行业的“品牌”。执业质量是注册会计师的生命钱,会计师事务所更是以执业质量为支撑点。品牌是无形资产,具有无形资产的一般特徵,同样也是注册会计师行业品牌的特徵,其品牌价值就是注册会计师的一种服务、会计师事务所的一种识别标志或名称给其带来的附加值。当前,中国会计师事务所品牌经营面临困难,需要根据会计市场需求和自身发展能力创建品牌;同时,需要研究品牌竞争策略。  相似文献   

品牌社群是一种由消费者、企业、品牌和产品等一系列要素组成的社会关系网络,它对社群成员态度和行为方式有着深刻的影响。当前品牌社群研究的主要内容是品牌社群对品牌忠诚的作用机理。本文以社会资本理论和消费体验理论为基础,从品牌忠诚的行为忠诚和态度忠诚两个角度出发,构建品牌忠诚培育的作用机理模型,并从创新培育独特的品牌社群、提供优质的品牌社群社会资本、提升品牌社群的消费体验等方面,探讨了品牌忠诚培育的思路和策略。  相似文献   

基于消费者评价的品牌整合策略选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌整合是一种品牌资源优化配置的方式,其核心是构建强势旗舰品牌,并通过旗舰品牌和一般品牌关联的建立将旗舰品牌资产共享给一般品牌.目前关于品牌整合的研究很少,而且大多集中在品牌整合的内涵和方式上,这与品牌整合在实践中的盛行有较大的落差.因此本研究从品牌整合策略入手,通过分析品牌整合的诱因、目的、作用机理,以及品牌整合策略的分类和目标分析,构建一个较为完备品牌整合体系,并通过消费者评价,筛选影响企业品牌整合策略选择的关键因素.本研究发现,企业选择品牌整合策略主要受四个因素的影响,分别是旗舰品牌感知质量、旗舰品牌与一般品牌形象契合、产品契合以及产品涉入度.其中旗舰品牌感知质量对企业进行品牌整合策略选择有显著影响;旗舰品牌与一般品牌形象契合以及产品契合对企业进行品牌整合策略选择的影响不显著,但是在旗舰品牌感知质量因素的调节下,会对企业选择品牌整合策略产生一定的影响;而产品涉入度作为调节因子对以上因素的调节作用并不明显.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors apply simple econometric techniques to market share models for brand products in the British breakfast cereals market. Brand product price and advertising coefficients, as estimated by regression equations, are explored in the context of assumed profit and market share maximization, and an attempt is made to evaluate empirically firms' actual marketing strategies.  相似文献   

4月23日,第十二届北京国际车展盛大开幕,全球商用车第一品牌北京福田汽车以"世界品牌、北京创造"为主题,携10大品牌18辆展车、数款发动机及新能源电池等产品参展,以北京福田汽车历史上"最多展车、最大面积、最全系列"的参展规模撼动全场。多款高端车型展示近年来转型成果,覆盖商用车全领域的各品牌阵容悉数参展,凸显并肩戴姆勒的国际化福田实力。  相似文献   

当前,从内、外多方面因素来看,品牌塑造已经成为山寨产品的必然选择。品牌塑造是一个长期的过程,对山寨产品来说,应当遵循品牌运作的规律,在不同阶段采取不同的营销策略;政府则应在政策、资金、技术等方面给予扶持和引导。  相似文献   

在线渠道日益成为厂商重点渠道之一,越来越多的消费者选择在网上购物。传统营销方式正逐渐发生变化,在线渠道不仅扩展了线下属性,同时,也展现了新的特征。因此,研究网络属性对消费者重购品牌选择具有重要的意义。本文以手机作为研究对象,构建多元Logit模型研究线下品牌属性和在线营销组合变量对消费者下次选择的购买意愿的影响程度,分析在线渠道下影响消费者品牌选择的机理。研究发现,产品属性和网络属性对消费者重购品牌选择产生影响;虽然网络属性会显著地改变品牌选择方式,但传统的产品属性在品牌选择中仍然起到关键性的作用。最后本文还得出了在线手机品牌的消费者心理市场份额。  相似文献   

Some charity organisations are turning to charity brand status, not only in terms of a name and logo but more importantly in terms of communicating value and meaning to their stakeholders. Brand orientation is described in this paper as the extent to which charity organisations regard themselves as brands, an indication of how much (or how little) organisations accept the theory and practice of branding. Through literature‐based and field‐based research, this paper examines the nature of brand orientation in the charity sector. A conceptual framework of brand orientation is proposed with antecedent factors which may augment or diminish levels of brand orientation and consequences which may follow its adoption. A number of research propositions are put forward which constitute both a framework for discussion and a research agenda for the charity sector. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

品牌联盟是一种普遍应用的营销战略,但其理论研究却相对滞后,集中在有效性验证和影响因素分析方面。品牌联盟概念模型是对品牌联盟课题进行系统研究的基础。参考现有的概念模型,构建了一个较为完整的品牌联盟评价模型,相对已有模型,增加验证了顾客感知利益、延伸适应度及品牌脆弱性对品牌联盟评价的影响以及它们之间的交互影响。数据分析结果显示,顾客感知利益、延伸适应度及品牌脆弱性主要通过品牌态度对品牌联盟评价产生影响,同时,由于与顾客感知利益间存在交互影响,产品适应度对品牌联盟评价的直接影响并不显著。  相似文献   

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