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Accounting for Stability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is no consensus about the causes of the reduction in businesscycle volatility seen in many major economies over the lastdecade. Using stylised models of the economies of the US, Euroarea, UK and Japan, we argue that economic stability has beenfostered by improved monetary policy and by associated changesin the behaviour of inflation, which has itself led to a reductionin the volatility of economic shocks. Our projections suggestthat a number of major economies could continue to enjoy anunusual degree of stability, granted average luck and currentinstitutions. (JEL E3, E52, F01)  相似文献   

The Macroeconomic Implications of the New Basel Accord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper assesses the macroeconomic implications of BaselII in light of recent development in the literature. It arguesthat although Basel II is likely to strengthen banks' incentivesto control their risk-taking, it may reduce credit supply tocertain borrowers, such as small- and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) and firms based in developing countries. Furthermore,Basel II may increase procyclical fluctuation of bank loanswhile weakening the monetary transmission mechanism during recessions.A widespread adoption of the "through-the-cycle" risk modelsmay mitigate these problems, but not completely eliminate them.This paper also considers whether monetary policy can be usedto counter effectively the procyclicality problem inherent inBasel II. (JEL E52, G21, G28)  相似文献   

Erik Lindahl's approach to macroeconomics focused on the non-neutralityof monetary policy (in the short and the long run) and on thedenial of the existence of natural rates of interest and unemployment.From the 1920s until his death in 1960, Lindahl advocated theuse of norms for monetary policy to fight inflation and deflationprecisely because he would not rely on the market system's returnto natural rates. Making use of hitherto unexplored material,this paper analyses the development of Lindahl's thinking aboutprice level changes, investment and employment from the 1920sto the 1950s.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the empirical performance of commonlyused empirical specifications of the baseline New Keynesianmodel for the US and the euro area. We estimate standard specificationsof the model and extended specifications also including non-standarddeterminants of aggregate supply and demand. The results suggestthat based on the standard specifications it is often not possibleto establish a significant link between the monetary policyinstrument and output and inflation. Based on the extended specificationsof the model, which take into account the significant effectof commodity prices on inflation and of house prices on theoutput gap, we are generally able to restore a significant monetarytransmission channel. (JEL E3, E52, C22)  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of recent papers which use estimatedNew Keynesian models to study the extent to which fiscal policycan be used to stabilize the economy. We use a variety of differentNew Keynesian models, estimated on data for both the US andfor the Euro area, and highlight the diverse transmission channelsthrough which fiscal policy acts in these models. Although wefind that fiscal policy can provide a useful complement to monetarypolicy, especially in models where consumers have finite horizons,there are important limitations to the value added of fiscalpolicy. (JEL E58, E62, E63)  相似文献   

The present paper describes recent research on two central themesof Keynes' General Theory: (i) the social waste associated withrecessions, and (ii) the effectiveness of fiscal policy as astabilization tool. The paper also discusses some evidence onthe extent to which fiscal policy has been used as a stabilizingtool in industrial economies over the past two decades. (JELE32, E63)  相似文献   

Received evidence suggests that changes in appointer- and overseer-preferencesinfluence monetary policy (i.e., partisan heritage matters).Evidence presented here, on the other hand, is consistent withchanges in the cost of pursuing a common preference influencingpolicy. I draw this evidence from a panel of Federal Open MarketCommittee (FOMC) votes and find support for the following conclusions:(1) Federal Reserve Board (FRB) governors who were nominatedand confirmed by the same party (Republican or Democrat) prefersignificantly looser policy than do other FOMC members. (2)Monetary policy is significantly looser when either party controlsthe oversight mechanism (i.e., the presidency and Senate) thanwhen control is split. (3) Oversight acts less forcefully ondistrict bank presidents than on FRB governors. In short, thepresent evidence suggests that political agents from both partiesprefer loose money and pursue this preference more efficientlywhen their parties are aligned.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that tax and welfare reforms that aim atenhancing efficiency may come at the cost of cyclical stabilisation.Reducing the generosity of welfare systems and lowering taxesmay boost efficiency and output, and improve market adjustmentto shocks. But, by reducing the size of automatic stabilisers,it may also imply less cyclical smoothing. This would be unwelcomein EMU given the loss of national monetary autonomy and thewell-known pitfalls of active fiscal management. This paperargues that the alleged trade-off between efficiency/flexibilityand stabilisation may not exist. We show that, if the initiallevel of the tax burden is high, reducing it may lead to higheroutput stabilisation in the event of a supply shock and higherinflation stabilisation in the event of a demand shock. Simulationsshow that European countries - especially small ones - mighthave a tax burden close to or even higher than the thresholdlevel. (JEL E52, E61, F42)  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the concept of the natural yield curve and how to measure it. The natural yield curve extends the idea of the natural rate of interest defined at a single maturity to one defined for all maturities. If the actual real yield curve matches the natural yield curve, the output gap will converge to zero. An empirical analysis using data for Japan shows that past monetary easing programs expanded the gap between the actual real yield curve and the natural yield curve mainly for short and medium maturities and led to accommodative financial conditions. By contrast, the quantitative and qualitative monetary easing policy has expanded the gap for long maturities as well as short and medium maturities. The natural yield curve is expected to provide a useful benchmark in the conduct of both conventional monetary policy and unconventional monetary policy aiming to influence the entire yield curve.  相似文献   

Is there a credit channel for monetary policy? Has the deregulation of financial markets had any temporary or permanent effects on the monetary transmission mechanism? We present empirical evidence on these issues for Norway by estimating a dynamic system of money, credit, real income and inflation. We find that the deregulation process has not caused any permanent shifts in the long‐run demand functions. Within a small simultaneous dynamic model, there is some evidence for the credit view of the monetary transmission mechanism, as both credit and money exhibit strong and stable effects on aggregate demand. JEL classification: E50; E44; C51  相似文献   


The conventional monetary policy rule describes a simple linear relationship between the domestic interest rate, inflation rate and output gap. An important extension to this rule is to incorporate the forward-looking behaviour of central banks, where it is assumed that they target an expected level of inflation instead of its current realised value. Using quarterly observations for the period 1993:1-2018:2, this paper investigates whether the conduct of monetary policy in Australia can be described by a forward-looking linear monetary policy rule, or by a nonlinear forward-looking monetary policy rule. In particular, the nonlinear forward-looking monetary policy rule is analysed in a regime-switching framework using a smooth logistic transition regression model. While the results show that the conventional forward-looking linear monetary policy rule describes the application of monetary policy in Australia reasonably well, the interest rate setting behaviour of the RBA is best described by a nonlinear forward-looking monetary policy rule.  相似文献   

This paper builds on the papers published by HM Treasury in2003 alongside the UK Government's assessment of the case forEMU entry. The paper considers the potential for fiscal policyto play a greater role in stabilisation policy if the UK wereinside EMU. The paper considers: the scope for strengtheningthe automatic stabilisers and the possible trade-offs; how institutionalchanges could increase the effectiveness of discretionary fiscalpolicy; which fiscal instruments might be most effective; andto what extent stabilisation might be promoted in other ways,such as through enhanced risk sharing by financial markets.(JEL E62, E63)  相似文献   

The natural rate of interest plays a key role in Wicksell's‘cumulative process’ as well as in modern monetaryequilibrium models of the business cycle. It constitutes a usefulconcept for the theoretical analysis of the interdependenceof monetary policy and economic fluctuations. However, the usefulnessof this concept for the practice of monetary policy is limited—especiallyowing to the fact that the natural real rate of interest andits law of motion cannot be measured with satisfying precision.  相似文献   

In 1994, the Federal Reserve System moved to a more transparent reporting of monetary policy. This article assesses the impact of monetary policy transparency on uncertainty about future monetary policy using T-bill rate forecast dispersions and ex post forecast errors from the Survey of Professional Forecasters as a proxy for monetary policy uncertainty. The empirical findings confirm that Federal Reserve transparency has reduced the uncertainty about future monetary policy.  相似文献   

We use a dynamic general‐equilibrium optimizing two‐country model to analyze how the formation of exchange rate expectations shapes the effects of a monetary policy shock in an open economy. We also provide empirical evidence on how traders in foreign exchange markets form exchange rate expectations. Our model implies that the short‐run output effect of a permanent monetary policy shock diminishes if “technical traders” form the type of regressive exchange rate expectations we find in our empirical analysis. If the influence of technical traders is strong enough, a permanent expansionary monetary policy shock can result in a temporary decline of the output in the country in which it takes place. The output effect of a temporary monetary policy shock is magnified when technical traders form regressive exchange rate expectations.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of U.S. short- and long-term monetary policy under both flexible and managed floating systems, using the new CANDIDE Model 2.0. We have also examined the role of domestic monetary policy in the Canadian economy under both fixed and flexible exchange rate systems. The following are some of the important findings of our study:
  1. Our results support the traditional view that under the fixed exchange rate regime, monetary authorities cannot successfully pursue an independent monetary policy from its trading partners — an effort to increase money supply will be almost offset by increases in the balance of payments deficit. In contrast, in the flexible exchange rate regime, monetary policy is more effective in producing an increased growth in output and employment. However the increased output growth comes at the cost of higher prices induced by increased wages and a depreciation of the Canadian dollar.
  2. Our results suggest that the impact of U.S. interest rates on investment, GNE, employment, productivity, and government debt is less severe in a pure floating exchange rate regime, compared to the managed floating system. However, the impact of U.S. interest rate policy on the Canadian inflation rate is worse in the case of flexible exchange rate regime. Even though real income and inflation are less favourable in both cases, our results indicate a trade-off between output growth and inflation.
  3. Our results imply that under a pure floating monetary authorities can determine the long-run rate of inflation in Canada independent of others. However, the United States and Canadian economies are interrelated during the adjustment process, even under the flexible exchange rates, through the terms of trade and the wage-price spiral channels.


The role of the exchange rates in emerging market economies that have adopted inflation targeting (IT) is a critical and contentious issue in the relevant literature. This article investigates whether an exchange rate-augmented Taylor rule describes the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey’s (CBRT) monetary policy. Covering the period from 2002:1 to 2017:8 it also explores possible nonlinearities in the reaction function of the CBRT by employing a Threshold Vector Autoregressive (TVAR) model. The linear estimation of the model highlighted the importance of the exchange rate in monetary policy under IT. The results of the nonlinear model indicate that the stance of monetary policy was asymmetric with respect to exchange rate movements during the conventional IT period. However, the asymmetric monetary policy stance disappeared in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. Increasing considerations of financial stability undermined the asymmetric policy stance of the CBRT in the post-crisis period.  相似文献   

Hicks was never tired of saying that monetary theory is in history.What he meant was that monetary theory is intrinsically relatedto real events, and more importantly that monetary issues needto be analysed in a dynamic sequential context in which timeplays an essential part. He went on developing a particularsequential analysis: the study of what happens within a singleperiod (‘single-period theory’) and the study ofthe linkages between a succession of those periods (‘continuationtheory’). It is suggested that this distinction providesa useful lesson for modern endogenous money theorists.  相似文献   

The present paper uses Japanese firm‐level data to investigate the effects of monetary policy on stock. The main purpose of this paper is to examine whether monetary policy has heterogeneous effects on stock returns and whether such heterogeneity can be explained by existing theories of monetary transmission mechanisms. We find little evidence that the demand sides of the interest rate and balance sheet channels explain the heterogeneous effects of monetary policy. However, there is evidence that the supply sides of the interest rate and balance sheet channels, when measured by capital intensity, financial leverage and interest payment burden, can explain its heterogeneous effects.  相似文献   

The role of the state and the hierarchy of money   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper uses Minsky's definition of money as a two-sidedbalance sheet phenomenon to challenge many common positionson the nature, evolution and role of money. His definition isapplied to two opposing theories in the history of monetarydebates, and it is shown that the Chartalists (as opposed tothe Metallists) developed a general theory of money that canbe applied equally convincingly to the entire era of state money.This theory is then used to show that the state's power to makeand enforce tax laws renders its money the most acceptable formof debt within what can be considered a 'hierarchy' of monies.This leads to some important policy implications as well asa strengthening of the endogenous money position.  相似文献   

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