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This paper examines the impact of firms' conduct on market structure. It studies the evolution of concentration in UK manufacturing following the abolition of cartels using a theoretical framework based on Sutton's theory of market structure and a panel data set of four-digit industries over 1958–1977. The econometric results suggest that the intensity of price competition has a positive effect on concentration in exogenous sunk cost industries as well as in advertising-intensive and R&D-intensive industries. The concentration-market size relationship, while negative in exogenous sunk cost industries, breaks down in industries with high advertising or R&D intensity.  相似文献   

In a model with endogenous number of innovating firms, we show that whether patent protection increases R&D investment is ambiguous, and depends on the market demand function and the cost of R&D. If the market size increases with number of firms, patent protection reduces R&D investment if the cost of R&D is sufficiently high, and higher product differentiation increases the possibility of lower R&D investment under patent protection. If the market size does not increase with number of firms, patent protection never reduces R&D investment. We find that welfare is lower under patent protection than under no patent protection.  相似文献   

民营企业金字塔结构与产品市场竞争   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
理论界普遍认为,金字塔结构建立存在利益攫取行为和融资优势两种理论解释,但两者孰轻孰重,难有定论。本文采用中国民营制造业上市公司2004—2010年共7年的非平衡面板数据,利用"行业间竞争"、"行业内竞争"两个维度的产品市场竞争变量和金字塔结构层级和复杂度两个衡量指标,实证考察了中国民营制造业上市公司金字塔结构与产品市场竞争之间的相互关系和变化规律,并揭示了金字塔结构产生的主要根源。实证结果显示,对于中国民营制造业上市公司来说,产品市场竞争程度与金字塔结构层级和复杂度呈显著的负相关关系,表明金字塔结构的建立更偏好于控股股东利益攫取行为。在进一步考虑公司利益攫取和融资约束分类的情况下,高利益攫取公司和低融资约束公司表现为显著的利益攫取动机;低利益攫取公司和高融资约束公司则表现为显著的融资优势效应,进一步验证了金字塔结构建立的两种理论学说。这些研究结论不仅丰富和补充了中国民营企业集团金字塔结构建立根源的相关研究,也为企业正确有效利用金字塔结构和健康发展提供了实践支持。  相似文献   

国内外润滑油公司的实力较量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国石油润滑油专业公司和即将成立的中国石化润滑油专业公司具有自身的优势,同时也面临着巨大的困难。今后两大公司润滑油的发展方向是大力改善产品结构和提高产品质量,生产环保、节能、长效的抗磨产品,而不仅是扩大生产能力;外国石油公司凭借其品牌和销售网络等在中国的润滑油市场占有很大优势,但其高成本等劣势也不容忽视。在未来中国润滑油市场上,中国石油和中国石化之间,国内两大公司和外国石油公司之间都存在着异常激烈的竞争。  相似文献   

研发与市场结构:基于成本视角的分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文从成本入手,探讨了研发与市场结构的关系。通过对平均成本、固定成本及知识特性的综合分析,认为由于技术复杂度的不断提高及研发带来的规模经济,在多数产业研发会导致市场集中度逐渐提高。通过对研发沉没成本的分析表明,在专利保护与许可证制度下,当研发导致的沉没成本比较小时,厂商数量较多的竞争性市场的福利好于寡占或垄断市场,因为其研发速度更快;反之,寡占或垄断市场的福利更好,因为研发的沉没成本得到了节约。在理论分析的基础上,本文就如何通过优化市场结构,提升我国企业研发能力,应对经济全球化的挑战,提出了三点对策。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how market shares for brandname drugs are affected by generic competition. The analysis is based onmicro data for twelve different original drugs, which are all subject togeneric competition. For five of these drugs, we find that the price of theoriginal relative to the average price of the generic substitutessignificantly affects the market share of the original drug. In addition,the introduction of a so called ``reference price' system appears to havehad a significant impact on the market shares of five original drugs.  相似文献   

利用信息论和熵原理构建市场结构熵模型,测度了完全竞争、垄断竞争、寡头垄断和完全垄断4种市场结构熵,并比较了这四种市场结构熵。认为竞争条件下,寡头垄断市场结构熵最小,而完全垄断市场结构熵大于或小于寡头垄断市场结构熵,是市场调节失灵的市场结构。从较长的时间跨度和动态竞争角度来看,提出寡头垄断市场结构运行效率要高于其他类型的市场结构。  相似文献   

以大规模零售商为主导的"商厂"合作竞争模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着零售业的组织形式和生存业态的不断创新和发展 ,连锁超市、连锁便利店、仓储式商场等零售商在整个零售业的销售额中所占比重不断上升 ,零售业的行业集中度不断提高 ,以大规模零售为主体的销售生产经销方式已经形成 ,并逐步取代了传统的以大厂商为主体的生产销售经销模式 ,出现了商业资本主导产业资本的状况。如国内国美家电公司 ,通过面向国内外厂商进行大规模的采购招标方式 ,苏宁公司通过与 TCL、春兰、飞歌等厂商进行的销售佣金捆绑方式等经销模式 ,和三联公司形成了家电行业的三巨头 ,占据了国内家电市场近 1 5%的市场份额 ,并在…  相似文献   

本文介绍了三一集团、中联重科、山河智能等湖南工程机械企业的国际化概况,与卡特彼勒、小松、CNH等国外跨国巨头的国际化情况进行对比,并设计国际化能力的评价指标,采用主成分分析法,将三一重工、中联重科、山河智能等湖南工程机械企业与卡特彼勒、小松、CNH等国外跨国巨头及徐工、柳工、龙工等国内企业的国际化能力得分进行比较,加以分析,在进一步分析湖南工程机械企业国际化的弱势与瓶颈的基础上,提出湖南工程机械企业国际化竞争与合作的对策.  相似文献   

多种条件约束决定了真实经济世界的资源配置效率必然偏离古典微观经济学完全竞争均衡模型关于效率问题的推演逻辑。短期边际成本定价趋势与固定成本长期补偿之间的矛盾决定了完全竞争均衡结构内生着不稳定性。“产品竞争度周期假说”在一定程度上证伪了传统的市场结构进化理论。寡头结构有寡头垄断均衡和寡头竞争均衡之别,后者作为市场结构自然演化的结果,能够增进组织绩效和提高行业效率,并实现市场稳定。因此,市场行为基础上自然演进的行业集中度提高是有益的。市场从竞争到垄断都不惠顾社会公平问题。市场结构、组织效率与经济稳定之关系研究无论对产业组织理论创新还是对产业政策制定来讲都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

During the last months, the discussion on feed-in tariffs (FiT) for photovoltaic (PV) installations in Germany has gained new momentum. On the one hand, the issue of over-subsidisation due to the fact that module prices have been decreasing faster than feed-in tariffs was discussed. On the other hand, increasing costs to the consumers of power were put on the agenda after the unprecedented increase in new PV capacity in Germany in 2009. After the general election in September 2009 this discussion lead to different proposals for adjusting the FiT scheme. In summer 2010 a bill was passed amending the current FiT. Both, in the discussion and in the bill, an important aspect has been neglected so far: the impact of the massively increasing PV capacities on the economics of conventional power plants. The present study fills this gap. In the first part, it is qualitatively shown how the power price and the equilibrium quantity on the power exchange change with increasing PV capacities. These findings can be directly translated into shrinking revenues for operators of conventional power plants. In the second part, a quantitative analysis of the German power market is provided. The effects of different PV scenarios on the wholesale power price and the total revenues (i.e., price multiplied by quantity) of all conventional power plants are calculated. For an incumbent operator of a coal-fired power plant, the contribution margin may decrease by more than 25% and for a new, yet to build gas-fired combined cycle power plant it may drop by more than 30%. The study concludes that the PV support scheme can be understood as the accelerator pedal for the structural change in the German power sector. Implementing the changes in the feed-in tariffs as presented in the bill will require more and faster changes in the overall design of the power market to provide sufficient incentives for backup capacities when the sun is not shining. It would also be accompanied by additional acceleration costs. Absolute caps on the added capacity, rather than further cuts in the tariffs, could buy some time for a careful redesign of the market and may reduce resistance from incumbent operators.  相似文献   

关系资本、组织学习与研发联盟绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研发联盟是企业获取竞争优势的重要途径。但是大量研究发现,参加研发联盟的企业的绩效却不尽如人意。对此,本文结合交易成本理论、关系资本理论和组织学习理论,利用142家企业调查数据对该问题进行了探索性的研究,并得出如下结论:关系资本和组织学习是提升研发联盟企业绩效的关键因素;关系资本构建的途径包括契约治理和关系治理,其中关系资本与契约治理具有倒U型的非线性关系,与关系治理具有线性的正相关关系;企业开展的组织学习不仅受到自身学习意图的影响,而且还受到关系资本的影响。  相似文献   

产品差别化对市场结构的形成有很大的作用,经典的豪特林模型只得出了产品差别最小化和最大化原则,由此模型得到的市场结构为完全竞争市场和寡头垄断市场,但垄断竞争市场却无法得到。文章在豪特林模型的基础上构造出统一框架,不但分析产品最大和最小差别情况,而且提出中间程度差别化的分析模型。得出所时应的三种市场结构。尤其是中间程度的差别化对应的垄断竞争市场。对这三种市场结构进行社会福利分析,得出在消费者不同质时,相对于完全竞争市场,垄断竞争市场是相对较好的选择。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effect of increasedcompetition on employment inunionised andnon-unionised firms. We model product and labourmarket imperfections, and their interactions, in Nashequilibrium. The model predicts that employment lossin unionised firms in the face of increasedcompetition will be lower compared with non-unionisedfirms. This paradoxical outcome results from anoffsetting beneficial employment effect ofcompetition, which eliminates wage mark-ups inunionised firms. We find empirical support for thetheoretical prediction using U.K. firm level data overthe period 1985–1989.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact which foreign competition, investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and investment in capital goods other than ICT-related have on the demand for heterogeneous labor. A dynamic interrelated factor demands model serves as the theoretical framework and is estimated by an ordered probit model. Cross-sectional data from a business survey in the service sector are used in the empirical analysis.It turns out that skill-biased technological change is adeterminant of the recent decline in relative demand for lowskilled labor in the business-related services sector.Expected foreign competition positively affects the demandfor unskilled workers and for workers with completed vocationaltraining, while it leaves the demand for the other skill groupsunchanged.  相似文献   

据有关资料,全球消费品的软包装市场高达300亿美元。随着消费品生产的全球化,包装基材供应的国际化已经不再是新概念。但包装加工集团的全球化相对而言仍是一个全新的现象。  相似文献   

Competition is fierce today. Businesses are feeling extreme pressure to innovate and do so quickly. If they take too long in bringing a product to market or make a mistake along the way, they can be preempted by a faster moving competitor. One technique gaining popularity to help companies compete is establishing learning teams—teams that create and use knowledge rapidly and effectively. But how do teams learn? By studying the learning practices of 95 new product teams, we have uncovered several factors that improve a new product team’s ability to learn, innovate faster, and be more successful. These factors include thoroughly reviewing project information, having stable project goals, and following a rigorous new product development process.  相似文献   

The Market Structure of Broadband Telecommunications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The recent growth of the Internet is creating markets for broadband telecommunications networks. In the past, virtually all such 'infrastructure' networks have been subject to government regulation. Two reasons advanced for this market intervention are (i) such networks constitute a natural monopoly, and (ii) to achieve 'universal service', in which all citizens have access to services. In this paper, we develop a model and estimate it using engineering data which tests if these two hypotheses are likely to obtain for broadband networks. We find that oligopolistic competition is likely to emerge for demand levels approaching that of today's cable television.  相似文献   

The notion of total productivity can be employed in evaluating the performance of monopolistic public enterprises in a transitional period. This study comparatively analyzes the efficiency change of Korea Telecom (KT) once the biggest telecommunications service provider in Korea but now facing both domestic and foreign competition. Dichotomizing the reference period into before-competition and after-competition and using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), we measure the technical efficiency, the allocative efficiency and the overall efficiency and highlight the differences between two periods. It is observed that the overall efficiency has been significantly improved mainly due to the enhancement of the allocative efficiency but the technical efficiency has been slightly improved. The major cause of insignificant improvement of technical efficiency is due to hothouse competition and excessive regulation on management of KT. Monopolistic firms in transition can respond to the external competition by reducing input cost and excessive capital. There may exist a considerable time lag, however, in achieving the improvement of technical efficiency.  相似文献   

国际区域能源合作是一个具有主体多元化、关系复杂化和结构层次化等性质的复杂系统,是市场机制客观作用与国家需求意愿相互作用、融合统一的结果,因此,呈现出动态性、非线性和不确定性的特征.运用结构原理与解释结构模型建立了包括37个要素的国际区域能源合作结构模型,37个要素分布于9个层次.结构模型中的“合作意愿——合作习惯——合作主体关系结构——合作强度”子结构是国际区域能源合作的核心关系链,决定了国际区域能源合作的实现与可持续.要素分布的9个层级基本包涵了国际区域能源合作研究的关键问题.围绕核心要素与外部环境形成的4个关系链,每个关系链上要素的相互作用、互为协调机理,为国际区域能源合作稳定性实现机制构建提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

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