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We examine the interrelationship between export and domestic sales. Our expectation is that they are simultaneously determined, and as such should not be examined in isolation. We also investigate how firm factors—such as R & D and advertising investments—and external factors—such as market growth and exchange rate changes—impact export and domestic sales. Using a non‐recursive system of equations, we test our arguments on a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms between 1990 and 1997. We find significant interrelationships between export and domestic sales with striking differences between Spanish‐owned firms and foreign‐owned firms operating in Spain. For Spanish‐owned firms, domestic and export sales are complements. These firms appear to focus on the domestic market and strength in the domestic market drives their export sales. In contrast, domestic and export sales are substitutes for foreign‐owned firms. These firms' export strategies appear subsumed under strategies of managing a multinational network in which the focus is sales outside of Spain. We discuss the importance of these findings for understanding and managing export strategies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment,Imports and Innovations in the Service Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper analyses for the first time empirically the impact of foreign competition due to inward foreign direct investment and imports on the innovation activities using data of German service firms. Based on the hypothesis that foreign competition has a disciplining effect on domestic markets derived from the manufacturing sector, a positive impact can be expected on innovation in the service sector, while other theoretical considerations do not absolutely support this optimistic view. In the empirical analysis, variants of two probit models are estimated for a sample of 2,019 service firms to explain their product and process innovation activities. The results show that both foreign direct investment and imports have highly significant positive effects on product and process innovations. Vice versa, the export and foreign production activities of domestic firms support innovations, too.  相似文献   

This paper examines three factors influencing the export performances of Japanese manufacturing firms: R&D spending, domestic competitive position, and firm size. Export sales are positively associated with (1) R&D expenditures, (2) size of a firm, and (3) average R&D intensity of an industry. A firm's export ratio is related to the size of the firm, but not to the firm's and the industry's R&D intensities. Follower firms are characterized by higher export ratios than market leaders. The results indicate a relationship between the patterns of domestic competition and the international competitiveness of Japanese firms.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of firm cost and market size asymmetries on merger decisions. I consider a model where a small and a large country compete in a third (world) market. Each of the two countries has two firms (with potentially different costs) that supply the domestic market and export to the third market. Merger decisions in the two countries are modeled as a simultaneously move game. The paper finds that firms in the large country have more incentives to merge than firms in the small country. In contrast, the government of the large country has more incentives to block a merger than the government of the small country. Thus, the model predicts that conflicts of interest between governments and firms concerning national mergers are more likely in large countries than in small ones.  相似文献   

While most advocate that foreign firms should utilize managerial ties to conduct business in China, recent literature cautions that such ties may offer only conditional value. This study examines three sources of heterogeneity that may condition the value of ties: firm ownership (foreign vs. domestic), competition, and structural uncertainty. Results from a survey of 280 firms in China indicate that though foreign and domestic firms utilize ties at a similar level, their performance gains from tie utilization differ. Managerial ties have a monotonic, positive effect on performance for domestic firms, whereas the effect is curvilinear (i.e., inverted U-shaped) for foreign firms. Therefore, compared with domestic firms, foreign firms have a competitive disadvantage from tie utilization. Furthermore, managerial ties are less effective for fostering performance when competition becomes more intense. However, ties lead to higher levels of firm performance when structural uncertainty increases. Overall, these results support the contingency view of managerial ties and caution companies about the unconditional use of ties as the market becomes more heterogeneous. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the critical role of knowledge in generating organizational advantage has been increasingly recognized in the strategic management field, there is little research examining firm-specific foreign knowledge, the construct itself, its determinants, and impact on export performance. This study seeks to extend the foreign market knowledge literature in three ways. First, the current study develops a conceptual model of determinants of foreign market knowledge, based on the social capital theory. It explains how structural and relational social capital affects the creation of foreign market knowledge. Second, this study substantiates the theoretical link between foreign market knowledge and export intensity, which has been put forward by the internationalization process model with empirical evidence. Third, to expand the generalizability of the present foreign market knowledge model, this study tests the model using firms from different industrial types and product categories in a newly developing country, that is, the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of advertising intensity at the firm level by focusing on the role of foreign entry. In a monopolistically competitive market with heterogeneous firms, we show that foreign entry affects the expected advertising intensity of domestic firms through its impact on the cost of resources, brand image, and productivity spillovers and its impact on firms’ exit behaviour. Then, using comprehensive firm-level data from China’s manufacturing sector between 2005 and 2007, we test this hypothesis and find that foreign entry significantly affects advertising intensity.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of intra-firm foreign trade on domestic concentration ratios and the interchangeability of trade-adjusted concentration ratios in structure-performance studies. Due to data limitations, previous efforts to adjust domestic concentration ratios have not incorporated the possibility that the largest domestic producers could also be importing the product into the domestic market. Foreign trade adjustments, both intra-firm trade by the leading firms and foreign trade in general, had a relatively small effect upon concentration in the majority of industries; however, approximately 20 industries were identified where foreign, trade is a potentially important competitive factor. Concerning the interchangeability of the estimated concent cation ratios, the results suggested that the measures were interchangeable in linear models, but were not interchangeable in log-linear models.  相似文献   

An inverted U‐shaped relationship is thought to exist between the number of firms entrenched in a market and the rate of new entrants. This study examined early and late entry by foreign and U.S. banks into the California market following a deregulation in the banking industry in the early 1980s. The study was designed to elucidate the competitive interactions between foreign and domestic banks. Specifically, what response did the entry of foreign banks elicit from domestic banks and what influence did the entry of domestic banks exert on the evolution of the foreign banks in the market. Data covering the period from 1979 to 1988 demonstrate that the density of foreign banks operating in the market had a U‐shaped relationship with the rate of entry of U.S. banks, supporting the argument that foreign investment can encourage the expansion of domestic banks. Although foreign banks were not an obstacle to domestic bank entries, the presence of domestic banks deterred the entry of foreign banks. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Firms competing in foreign markets can choose to make no changes to the physical product and packaging, called a product standardization policy, which keeps costs low. The main drawback of such a policy is that the product might not satisfy customers. Conversely, firms may choose to modify, or to adapt, the physical characteristics or attributes of a product and its packaging to fit the needs and desires of consumers in different countries better, but this increases development, manufacturing, marketing, packaging, and distribution costs. Though product adaptation is a core aspect of customizing an export market offering, little research has investigated modifying the physical product and packaging. To be successful, an adapted product must add sufficient incremental revenue (through increased sales due to better satisfying customer needs and wants relative to competitive product offerings) such that the additional manufacturing and marketing costs that result from adapting the product are recovered. In this article, a model of the product adaptation process is developed. Using mail surveys, information is gathered from managers in 239 U.S. organizations and 302 South Korean organizations, all of which export products. The goal was to understand better the motivation of firms to adapt their products for export markets as well as the performance implications of adapting products. Furthermore, the model was tested in these two countries to determine if the model is robust and to uncover differences between the United States and South Korea. Using structural equation modeling to analyze the data, a positive association was found between the level of product adaptation and profitability at the project level. Second, U.S. firms appear to be more reactive when adapting products for export markets, doing so when laws and regulations in the export market mandate changes relative to the U.S. market. Conversely, South Korean firms appear to be more proactive and to adapt products even when not required by the governments of export markets. Third, greater international product adaptation is linked to a more responsive marketing organization with customer‐focused practices. Fourth, while a positive link was expected between business unit experience and the extent of international product adaptation, inconsistent results were found between the two country samples. For U.S. firms, it was found that greater experience in international business and product design capability is linked to a higher level of international product adaptation. For South Korean firms, however, a negative relationship was found. Greater international product adaptation occurred with less international business and product design experience. These findings are discussed, and areas for future research are noted.  相似文献   

I argue that subsidiaries of foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) enjoy an advantage of foreignness in innovation, that is, they are more innovative than domestic firms. To explain this, I present the subsidy and the incentive arguments. The subsidy argument proposes that subsidiaries are subsidized in their innovation effort by the MNE, which results in subsidiaries having more innovations than domestic firms, because they belong to a foreign MNE. The incentive argument posits that subsidiaries are subject to two sets of unique and converging pressures, one at the MNE level in the corporate factor market and another at the host country level in the consumer market. These pressures drive subsidiaries to become more successful at transforming their research and development investments into innovations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between domestic market performance and export performance. We employ data on production and trade in the Danish chocolate and confectionery industry to obtain estimates of domestic ‘product appeal’ (reflecting non-price factors of domestic performance). Domestic product appeal is influenced not only by inherent characteristics of the product, but also by the tastes and preferences of domestic consumers. For many consumer goods, tastes depend on customs, culture etc. A product’s domestic appeal is therefore an imperfect predictor of foreign demand (and hence of export performance), especially in destinations where tastes differ substantially from domestic tastes. We combine estimates of domestic product appeal with information on destination-specific exports and a novel measure of differences in tastes across countries to confirm this hypothesis. Results are consistent across both a Tobit model with destination-specific censoring point and the BLP estimator, which additionally reveals substantial heterogeneity in tastes for product appeal within countries across consumers.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the foreign purchase behavior of small and medium-sized industrial firms in a small European country, and is guided by three main research issues: (1) to what extent are small and medium-sized firms involved in international sourcing; (2) how do small and medium-sized firms initially make contact with foreign suppliers, and what are their motives for choosing a supplier; and (3) how do small and medium-sized firms perceive relationships with foreign suppliers in terms of perceived problems and cooperation? Through a survey administered in Denmark, the results show that small and medium-sized industrial firms are highly involved in international purchasing both within the European Union and abroad. Surprisingly, this involvement does not appear to be significantly driven by lack of domestic availability. Instead, the primary drivers for choosing a foreign supplier are price and quality. Finally, product adaptation appears to be a significant element of relationship formation between importers and their suppliers. The paper concludes with a discussion of results, implications, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

由于人民币持续升值、金融危机影响、外贸竞争加剧等原因,我国诸多外贸型服装企业启动了内销战略,但面对越来越成熟、竞争同样激烈的服装内销市场,从外销进军内销是希望与风险并存。涉足内销的外贸型服装企业,应该突破传统的渠道模式,以渠道扁平化为基点,挺进国内市场。  相似文献   

要素价格扭曲与中国工业企业出口行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"对内改革"是"对外开放"的国内背景;中国"对内改革"渐进性诱发的要素市场扭曲是中国"对外开放"面临的独特约束。基于这一判断,本文从要素价格扭曲视角,利用1999—2007年中国微观企业数据,重新审视中国企业出口行为。结论认为:中国工业企业要素价格存在严重负向扭曲并有增加趋势;东部地区、外资、港澳台资和私营企业扭曲程度最高;总体上看,要素价格负向扭曲促进了中国企业出口。这意味着,中国出口奇迹离不开要素价格负向扭曲;中国企业将国内"生产要素应得"通过低价出口形式转移给了国外消费者;贸易规模扩大、贸易结构优化的同时,更应注意贸易利益分配。  相似文献   

Much past research on ownership policy has dealt with foreign subsidiaries. In this paper, we study the ownership relationship between Japanese firms and their publicly-traded domestic subsidiaries. Using a transaction cost framework, we find that benefiting from high subsidiary profitability is not the sole motivation behind parent firms' decisions regarding equity control of their subsidiaries. Our results indicate that different policies are adopted by Japanese firms with respect to domestic and foreign subsidiaries.  相似文献   

Prior literature on foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers has mainly focused on how the presence of FDI affects the productivity of domestic firms. In this study, we advance the literature by examining the effect of the diversity of FDI country origins on the productivity of domestic firms. We propose that the diversity of FDI country origins can facilitate FDI spillovers by increasing the variety of technologies and management practices brought by foreign firms, to which domestic firms are exposed and that they can potentially utilize. Further, the extent to which domestic firms can utilize these technologies and practices depends upon their absorptive capacity. Using panel data on Chinese manufacturing firms during the period 1998–2003, our results support these propositions. We find that the diversity of FDI country origins in an industry has a positive relationship with the productivity of domestic firms in the industry. This positive relationship is stronger when domestic firms are larger, and when the technology gap between FDI and the domestic firms is intermediate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From an international business setting, this paper investigates how importers determine new product adoptions and how exporters diffuse new products to offshore markets through importers. Using the technology–environment–organization framework, we examine the effect of innovative characteristics of selected new products, importer-specific organizational capability, and exporter-specific environmental factors, on the adoption of new products by importers. Our sample included 585 new products from 152 local import firms nested in 34 foreign export firms. The results indicate that product meaningfulness, product superiority, and customer familiarity facilitate importer success in new product adoption. Importer host-market experience enhances new product adoption and moderates the relationship between adoption and sales performance. Exporter influence of market reputation in the host market and product-innovation capability is beneficial in promoting new products for enhanced sales performance. Instead of a single focus on new product adoption, we used a cross-level model to test the factors that foster new product adoption by importers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how managers' export experience can affect the change in product design following changes in perceived past performance. Using data from 519 Portuguese exporters, we find that performance improvement will encourage safe decision making in which firms either will not change the product design or will change it in a way that makes it more similar across the product range. However, when managers' export experience is greater, they encourage change in ways that could support product differentiation. The abilities of experienced managers to read the market, i.e. to interpret changes in performance and translate them into product specifications, help explain these findings. We contribute to the literature in two ways. First, we explore the relationship among past export performance change, product design, and managers' export experience. Second, we identify specific kinds of design changes that firms adopt in response to changes in different dimensions of organizational performance. Based on our findings, we would recommend to new product development managers to consider both managers' export experience and the dimension used to measure performance when evaluating calls for standardizing the design by export managers. Our findings suggest that such calls could be driven by short‐term gains in export performance. Furthermore, we would also emphasize the need to routinely capture information from experienced export managers to ensure that it is considered in future decisions about design changes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how firms in different technological and market share positions use foreign R&D to augment their technological capabilities. Technology transfer issues and absorptive capacity arguments are examined to analyze the different technological capabilities of leading and lagging firms. In addition, a new strategic rationale (in terms of non‐dominant market share firms) that has not been considered in prior studies analyzing knowledge‐seeking FDI is offered. From a panel dataset which includes information on all foreign R&D investments made by publicly traded Japanese manufacturing firms (from 1974 to 1994), I show that Japanese firms investing in foreign R&D tend to be the non‐dominant market share firms, but also the technologically leading firms across fairly diverse industries. By considering both the technological and market share positions of firms, this study reveals important characteristics that influence when firms use foreign R&D as part of a strategy to augment their technological capabilities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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