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随着创新驱动战略的深入实施,我国进入产业转型升级的新阶段,国内关于专利运营的研究探索逐渐兴起。但由于我国在专利运营领域起步较晚,企业对于专利运营的主动意识不够以及市场环境等因素,笔者认为城市专利运营体系的建立需要针对不同运营主体采取不同运营模式,充分利用区域内现有资源,文章以苏州市为例进行SWOT分析,构建有针对性的专利运营体系。  相似文献   

李丹彤 《科技和产业》2023,23(17):165-169
基于2010—2021年沪深A股上市公司数据,实证分析企业绿色创新对审计定价的影响,以期为强化审计监督赋能绿色发展提供一定的理论依据与经验参考。研究发现,企业绿色创新能够提升审计定价水平,且企业可持续经营在企业绿色创新与审计定价中发挥着中介效应,是企业绿色创新促进审计定价水平提升的重要路径。进一步分析发现,机构投资者持股能够缓解企业绿色创新与审计定价的正相关关系。异质性检验发现,企业绿色创新与审计定价的正相关关系在民营企业中更显著。  相似文献   

李勇  靳宗振 《科技和产业》2023,23(7):218-229
建设交通强国是建设现代化经济体系的先行领域,智能交通是交通强国的重要方面。智能交通需要靠交通管理领域的技术创新来实现。通过分析1999—2018年的交通管理技术专利数据发现:近20年来,中国在交通管理领域技术创新水平不断提升,专利活跃度与优势度大幅度提升;交通管理专利在扩散能力方面还呈现出一定的问题,有待进一步提升;从专利维持能力来看,中国交通管理技术创新影响力相对于日本、美国还存在巨大差距。在此基础上,提出相应的对策建议,为交通强国建设提供支持。  相似文献   

文章对船舶岸电技术国内外现状进行了深入的专利对比分析,目的在于摸清国内外船舶岸电行业的技术发展状况和趋势,并为船舶岸电技术的顺利实施提供专利策略和专利布局建议。文章对船舶岸电技术的国外来华布局态势、主要申请人、重点专利技术等做了全面的剖析,从中可了解该领域技术的重点公司及其技术,为我国船舶岸电技术专利战略提出发展建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines issues associated with improving the effectiveness of regional-level government using the concept of result-oriented management. Key elements of the concept are the statement of global government objectives at the Federal member level, the building of a suitable governance system with precise centers of responsibility and separation of powers, as well as result-based procedure of resource allocation. Some evidence from the practical application of this instrument in Perm oblast is supplied.  相似文献   


We construct a framework for investigating the effects of knowledge on industry performance. Using Chinese provincial industry data from 2000 to 2012, we decompose total factor productivity (TFP) change into the four components of embodied technical change, disembodied technical change, scale efficiency change, and technical efficiency change. Our results show a considerably stronger positive effect of advanced knowledge on production technology than of basic knowledge. International knowledge spillovers, particularly trade-induced spillovers, are more effective in inducing TFP growth than domestic spillovers. Our analysis further illustrates a discrepancy in TFP growth rates between regions, and we find TFP of the Central and West Region to be catching-up with the East Region. On average, scale efficiency change is the major contributing factor to regional disparities in TFP change. We discuss several policy implications of our results.

Abbreviation: Advanced knowledge (ADV); Share of agriculture (AGR); Basic knowledge (BAS); Chinese Industrial Census (CIC); Data envelopment analysis (DEA); Disembodied technical change (DTC); Embodied technical change (ETC); Foreign direct investment (FDI); Gross domestic product (GDP); Population density (POD); Scale efficiency change (SEC); Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA); International spillovers from foreign countries (SPF); Cross-sectoral external knowledge spillovers within China (SPH); Neutral technical change (TC); Technical efficiency (TE); Technical efficiency change (TEC); Total factor productivity (TFP); International trade (TRD); Degree of urbanization (URB)  相似文献   

张雄化 《特区经济》2014,(10):143-147
按照能量法,典型的农业能源包含电力、农机与灌溉设施、化石燃料、农药和化肥。前两者的能耗量及碳排量构成我国农业能源及其碳排放的主体。运用非期望碳排放的SE-DEA模型和SBM模型对比测算我国农业能源效率,结果显示:农业能源效率总体偏低,省际能源效率均呈上升趋势,省际间的能源效率差距较大,全国和区域的能源效率表征为收敛,高效率的省份集中于东部而低效率的省份集中于西部。这一规律可以为中国改善农业板块的能源结构及其效率提供参考。  相似文献   

区域经济活力的分析和决策及其影响因素区域(或城市或省级)经济活力是区域综合竞争力的重要组成部分。如何抓住关键因素,有效提高区域经济活力,是一个值得研究的课题。文章首先基于官方调查局提供的企业存活个数和常住居民人数数据,从城市经济成长的能力、引进资本和吸引高素质劳动力的能力的角度出发,选取了14个影响经济活力的因素,建立了关系模型。在此关系模型建立的基础上,进一步构建了经济活力指标评价体系,包括人均GDP、企业存活个数、R&D投入经费金额等指标。采用因子分析法建立了综合评价模型,计算了国内19个城市相应的经济活力综合得分。结果表明,2018年最具经济活力的城市为武汉,其次是北京、上海、成都。  相似文献   

We use a panel of 29 Chinese provinces for the period 2003–2011 to estimate the drivers of energy intensity by means of a spatial Durbin error model. We find an inverted U-shaped relationship between energy intensity and income (energy intensity Kuznets curve). Ten provinces, notably the developed east coast provinces, have already passed the turning point of 29,673 RMB. The number of years for the other 19 provinces to reach the turning point ranges between 8.3 (Jilin) and 21.8 (Yunnan). The share of the secondary sector in the own province and in neighboring provinces causes an increase in energy intensity, the capital-labor ratio a decrease. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has a significant negative spatial spillover impact on energy intensity. To improve the sustainability of its energy resources and its environmental conditions, China needs to continue reducing its energy intensity by further developing modern industrial systems to counterbalance the negative effects of its economic growth and energy consumption. An adequate policy handle is investment in research and development and stimulation of their introduction into production processes. For that purpose, market mechanisms can be readily applied, particularly energy prices that adequately reflect energy scarcity and external effects. FDI is also an effective tool to transfer advanced technology to China.  相似文献   

Based on pooled register data from Norway and Sweden, we findthat differences in unemployment duration patterns reflect dissimilaritiesin unemployment insurance (UI) systems in a way that convincinglyestablishes the link between economic incentives and job searchbehaviour. Specifically, UI benefits are relatively more generousfor low-income workers in Sweden than in Norway, leading torelatively longer unemployment spells for low-income workersin Sweden. Based on the between-countries variation in replacementratios, we find that the elasticity of the outflow rate frominsured unemployment with respect to the replacement ratio isapproximately one in Norway and 0.5 in Sweden.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to examine the impact of changes in China's rural land policy on agricultural investments. Dramatic changes occurred in China's rural land policies after 2000, including the extension of rural land contractual period, restriction of land reallocation among villages and villagers groups, elimination of agricultural taxes for responsibility land, and rapid development of rural land rental markets. These changes have given farmers more secure tenure on collectively controlled responsibility land and have strengthened farmers' income rights for responsibility lands, incentivizing them to increase their investments on responsibility lands. A panel data method was used to quantitatively investigate the impact of land policy changes on agricultural investment. We considered the application of organic fertilizer as an indicator for long-term agricultural investment, and compared the use of organic fertilizer between private plots and responsibility lands operated by the same household. The results showed that the difference in organic fertilizer use between private plots and responsibility land for the same household has become smaller from 2000 to 2008. Our findings suggest that recent changes in rural land policies have provided farmers incentives to increase land quality investment on their responsibility lands.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the efficiency gains resulting from the introduction of electronic technologies to monitor and support adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in Guguletu, South Africa. It suggests that the rollout of HAART to such resource-poor communities can be assisted significantly by the introduction of modified cellphones (to provide home based support to people on HAART and improve the management of adherence data) and simple bar-coding and scanning equipment (to manage drug supplies). The cellphones have improved the management of information, and simplified the working lives of therapeutic counsellors, thereby enabling them to spend less time on administration and to devote a constant amount of time per patient even though their case loads have risen threefold. It has helped integrate the local-level primary health service provision of HAART with the kind of centralised data capture and analysis that could potentially support a national HAART rollout.  相似文献   

在剔除三部门重合地理标志农产品后,基于2010—2018年中国30个省份(因数据缺失,未包括西藏和港澳台地区)的面板数据,构建空间杜宾模型和面板门槛回归模型,实证研究地理标志农产品对城乡收入差距影响的空间溢出效应和非线性影响。研究结果显示,城乡收入差距的空间集聚特征明显,且具有显著的正向空间自相关性;地理标志农产品能够抑制本省域及邻近省域城乡收入差距的扩大;随着经济发展水平的提高、交通基础设施水平的提升,地理标志农产品缩小城乡收入差距的作用逐渐增强。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality in China. The main hypothesis to be examined in the study is the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, which postulates an inverse U-shaped relationship between pollutions and income. The empirical analysis uses prefecture level panel data of China over the period 2003–2010, and employs fixed effects model and a sample split method. The empirical results tend to confirm the inverse U-shaped relationship as well as the N-shaped relationship between income and pollution.  相似文献   

电子货币对货币流动性的影响,对于货币当局制定货币政策及进行金融监管有重要的意义。本文选取了1990-2012年的我国的相关数据,以电子货币为因变量,货币流动性为自变量,在平稳性检验,协整检验和格兰杰因果检验后,研究分析电子货币与货币流动性的相关性。结论表明:电子货币通过对流通中现金、狭义货币及广义货币的影响,从而使货币流动性下降。  相似文献   

文章对重庆工商职业学院图书馆馆藏纸质资源利用情况进行统计分析,得出该校读者纸质资源阅读的特点和存在的一些问题,并基于馆藏统计数据提出了阅读推广策略,以期对本校及同类高校图书馆的纸质资源建设和阅读推广工作带来积极影响。  相似文献   

Regional cooperation has become a new direction for China development. Indeed, carbon emission reduction is especially important to combat Climate change. In this paper, we use Direction Distance Function to estimate the overall carbon emission efficiency. We empirically estimate the spatial Moran'I and LISA cluster in China from 2005 to 2016. Our results show carbon emission efficiency presents the spatial pattern of gradually decreasing in “Eastern, Central, Western” and symmetrical distribution in “Southern, Central, Northern” of China. High efficiency spatial cluster areas mainly concentrate on the mid-east coastal provinces, which technical level and policies are better than those of the inland among the factors influencing carbo emission efficiency, energy structure, technology and urbanization have a significant impact. This paper will provide some scientific support to solve cooperation between province to combat carbon emission.  相似文献   

本文采用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据分析2004-2006年间城乡预防保健服务需求状况及其影响因素,以此提出缩小城乡之间与城乡内部预防保健服务差异的政策建议。考虑样本选择性与医疗保险内生性问题,运用probit估计方法,发现城乡居民的预防保健服务需求存在显著差异,但两者差距呈缩小态势;同时,相较于农村内部,城市内部差异更趋于扩大。影响居民的预防保健服务的需求因素中,除预防保健服务费用是否由医疗保险支付这一因素外,在农村主要是供给方因素,如农村的医疗资源供给水平,在城市主要是需求方因素,如个人收入。  相似文献   

文章主要讨论中小型科技企业在开发企业专利管理系统时,在常规的账户管理、文件管理和专利周期管理3个管理模块的基础上,进一步设计专利分析评估模块时应实现的功能。该模块主要包括专利领域分析、行业龙头分析、行业专利分析和竞争对手分析4个子栏目。使用以上专利分析和评估功能有助于企业内部对专利更为合理有效的管理,辅助企业做出更加科学的决策。  相似文献   

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