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本文使用中国金融市场和原银行信贷登记系统数据及人民银行组织的信用评级等数据资源,在金融工程理论和技术方法创新基础上,借鉴国际信用风险模型中违约模式代表KMV模型原理,实证建立由判别函数和违约强度共同构成的中国金融市场违约预警模型;探索违约预警模型在中国信贷市场、外汇市场、货币市场和债券市场风险管理实务的应用;并在此基础上提出政策性建议.  相似文献   

采用中国金融市场和原银行信贷登记系统数据及中国人民银行组织的信用评级等数据资源,在金融工程理论和技术方法创新基础上,创新建立起国内企业信用等级转移概率矩阵,借鉴国际信用风险模型中盯市模式代表Credit Metrics模型原理、使用蒙特卡罗模拟方法实证建立中国金融市场信用组合计量模型,探索盯市模式信用风险模型在中国信贷市场、外汇市场、货币市场和债券市场风险管理实务的应用,并在此基础上提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

本文主要对现代信用度量的三个模型:KMV模型、CreditMetrics模型和CreditRisk+模型给出介绍,并且分析模型的相同及其不同点。  相似文献   

本文从违约概率衡量上市公司信用风险的角度来看,基于因子分析的Logistic回归模型和KMV模型都能反映上市公司的信用风险状况,但基于因子分析的Logistic回归模型的评级结果比KMV模型较准确。  相似文献   

本文通过对信用担保机构信用风险特性和四大现代信用风险度量模型的全面分析和探讨,结合我国信用担保机构进行信用风险度量时存在的主要障碍,提出了我国信用担保机构信用风险度量模型的选择原则和发展思路。  相似文献   

信用风险是金融市场上最为古老的一种风险,信用风险管理也伴随着它贯穿于商业银行的整个历史发展过程之中。20世纪70年代以来,金融自由化、全球化的趋势锐不可挡,金融创新层出不穷。各国银行业的监管措施、监管力度和商业银行本身的信用风险管  相似文献   

在参考、借鉴国内外现有的银行风险控制和管理理论以及实践方法的基础上,本文针对我国商业银行现状和特点及我国银行实际情况,对信用风险管理进行了深入研究,并结合我国银行实际情况建立信用风险预测模型,最后应用模型进行实证分析,通过实证分析一方面增加对银行风险控制与管理技术的感性认识,另一方面为银行进行操作风险控制与管理提供技术支持.  相似文献   

文章对几种现代信用风险评估模型的思想和方法进行了简要介绍,探讨了各种模型的优点和缺陷、以及在我国的实际应用中存在的局限性,最后从推动现代信用风险评估模型引进和应用的角度出发,提出应尽快建立信用风险基础数据库,完善内部信用评级体系,加快信用风险管理人才队伍建设等建议。  相似文献   

信用衍生产品自问世以来在分散金融机构信用风险、完善信用风险定价机制、提高债券市场流动性等方面发挥了积极的作用。该文介绍了信用衍生产品的主要功能及其在本次金融危机前、中、后三个时期的发展特点,肯定了基础信用衍生产品对金融市场的重要作用,指出中国应推动金融创新,建立有中国特色的信用衍生产品市场。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis dramatically transformed the market conditions in the banking industry. We construct a theoretical model of spatial competition that considers the differential information between lenders and loan applicants to explore how changes in the market structure affect the lending behaviour of banks and their incentives to invest in screening and how this, in turn, affects the level of credit risk in the economy. Our findings reveal that enhanced competition reduces lending cost thus encouraging the entry of new customers in credit markets. Also, that the transportation cost that loan applicants are required to pay to reach the bank of their interest shrinks with respect to the degree of competition. We further lend support to the view that stiffer competition has an increasing impact on the level of credit risk. Notably, we find that competition strengthens the incentives of banks to engage in screening activity and that screening serves as a protection mechanism that can provide banks with a shield against bad loans. Overall, when market conditions are substantially distorted, this has a dilutive impact on the incentives mechanism of banks to screen their applicants. We provide empirical evidence which is consistent with the conceptual underpinnings of our theoretical model and the obtained findings.  相似文献   

Counterparty credit risk has become one of the highest-profile risks facing participants in the financial markets. Despite this, relatively little is known about how counterparty credit risk is actually priced. We examine this issue using an extensive proprietary data set of contemporaneous CDS transaction prices and quotes by 14 different CDS dealers selling credit protection on the same underlying firm. This unique cross-sectional data set allows us to identify directly how dealers' credit risk affects the prices of these controversial credit derivatives. We find that counterparty credit risk is priced in the CDS market. The magnitude of the effect, however, is vanishingly small and is consistent with a market structure in which participants require collateralization of swap liabilities by counterparties.  相似文献   

2010年11月,银行间市场推出人民币信用风险缓释工具,为丰富市场信用风险管理工具、完善市场信用风险分担机制开创新途径。文章基于信用衍生品市场的国际经验,从信用风险缓释工具与经济周期,信用风险缓释工具与信用债券、利率掉期套利等角度,探讨了人民币信用风险缓释工具的市场应用策略,并展望了其市场发展前景。  相似文献   

信用衍生产品一度被认为是加剧危机的罪魁祸首,然而作为一种中性的金融工具,其本身并不具有负面效力。在当前经济发展阶段,在合规监管基础上基于合理避险需求推动国内信用衍生产品的创新和发展,有助于优化我国金融市场的风险配置,提高商业银行综合经营管理效率。  相似文献   

Institutional investors are supposed to assess credit risk by using a combination of quantitative information such as option models and qualitative assessments. Although option models can be easily constructed, they are not so suitable for the assessment of long-term credit risk that is required by institutional investors. This is mainly because the probability of bankruptcy varies so widely depending on the timing of assessment. We propose a new set of assessment models for long-term credit risk which does not necessarily use stock prices and may incorporate business cycles. The new grand model consists of the two pillars: a long-term cash flow prediction model and a credit risk spread assessment model. The calculated values derived from these models are effectively usable for reasonable calculation of risk spreads. It is quite interesting to see that our investigation indicates that rating bias may exist in the credit risk assessment of the market.  相似文献   


We analyse the total and directional spillovers across a set of financial institution systemic risk state variables: credit risk, real estate market risk, interest rate risk, interbank liquidity risk and overall market risk. We examine the response of the spillover levels, within the set of systemic risk state variables, to a number of events in the financial markets and to initiatives undertaken by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. The relationship between the time-varying spillovers and policy-related events is analysed using a multiple structural break estimation procedure and looking at the temporary increases in the spillover indices. Our sample includes five European Union countries: core countries France and Germany, periphery countries Spain and Italy, and a reference country, the UK. We show that national stock markets and real estate markets have a leading role in shock transmission across selected state variables. However, the role of the other variables reverses over the course of the crisis. We document that the total and net spillover indices react strongly to the events relating to financial assistance packages in Europe.  相似文献   

当前国内的信用衍生品——信用风险缓释工具已试水起航,随着业务的发展和深入,信用事件发生后其结算流程与结算效率将成为市场参与者关注的焦点。文章结合案例对国际上信用事件拍卖结算机制的运作原理进行了系统介绍,指出该机制为低流动性下发现某交易标的的市场公允价值提供了一种解决思路,建议可考虑借鉴此类方法并充分结合国内业务发展现状,适时推出国内信用风险缓释工具的拍卖结算机制。  相似文献   

The model introduced in this article is designed to provide a consistent representation for both the real-world and pricing measures for the credit process. We find that good agreement with historical and market data can be achieved across all credit ratings simultaneously. The model is characterized by an underlying stochastic process that takes on values on a discrete lattice and represents credit quality. Rating transitions are associated with barrier crossings and default events are associated with an absorbing state. The stochastic process has state-dependent volatility and jumps which are estimated by using empirical migration and default rates. A risk-neutralizing drift is estimated to consistently match the average spread curves corresponding to all the various ratings.  相似文献   

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