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指出依托现代物流业进行物流配货诈骗犯罪已经成为不法分子获取暴利的重要手段,分析了物流配货诈骗犯罪的特点和成因,并指出及时采取相应措施防范物流配货诈骗犯罪的产生,从而避免不必要的损失.  相似文献   

张添玉 《物流科技》2022,(20):59-62
近年来,“互联网+”产业和物流行业发展迅猛,互联网和物流早就融入了人们生活当中。物流行业在促进经济发展和产业升级换代等方面发挥了巨大作用。我国发达的物流行业在带给人们生活便利的同时,也逐渐出现了许多问题,如通过物流交易违禁品、物流配货诈骗屡屡发生等。对此可以从利用人脸识别技术落实寄递实名制、强化物流行业内外部管理等方面来完善物流产业。  相似文献   

据物流运输业内人士披露,目前,物流服务活跃的地区,如华中、西南等地区物流配载诈骗犯罪上升势头明显.据不完全统计:2004年至2005年,仅江苏、山东、内蒙古三地公安机关经济犯罪侦查部门就立此类案件200多起,涉案值3000余万元.物流配载诈骗影响企业商业信誉,造成经济损失,是影响物流业正常发展的一大"毒瘤".  相似文献   

据物流运输业内人士披露,目前,物流服务活跃的地区,如华中、西南等地区物流配载诈骗犯罪上升势头明显。据不完全统计:2004年至2005年,仅江苏、山东、内蒙古三地公安机关经济犯罪侦查部门就立此类案件200多起,涉案值3000余万元。物流配载诈骗影响企业商业信誉,造成经济损失,是影响物流业正常发展的一大“毒瘤”。  相似文献   

针对物流企业分拣配货业务流程的特点,提出了一种基于优先级的分拣配货算法思想,给出了优先级的构造方法,并采用贪心算法思想来实现基于优先级的分栋配货算法,将此算法应用于实践中有助于提高企业的经济与社会效益。  相似文献   

驱使犯罪分子实施电信网络诈骗犯罪活动的根本原因,电信网络诈骗犯罪所造成的危害以及罚金刑适用给打击电信网络诈骗犯罪带来的积极作用,使得注重电信网络诈骗犯罪罚金刑的合理适用成为应有之义.  相似文献   

电子商务诈骗犯罪对传统诈骗犯罪提出了挑战,本文在电子商务诈骗基本理论的基础上,分别从四个方面对电子商务诈骗的刑法规制问题作出了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

随着电信技术的发展,近年来,电信诈骗这种几乎毫无经济成本的犯罪愈演愈烈。针对这种情形,尽管公安机关等部门联合采取了多种打击措施和防范措施,但是电信诈骗手段形式不断翻新,诈骗案件依然不断发生。为了能够遏制电信诈骗犯罪的发展,各行业信息保护制度需要建立健全,法律制度方面需要更加完善,还要充分发挥政府职能提升群众对电信诈骗犯罪的防范意识,建立起电信诈骗犯罪事前预防与事后打击处理多渠道问题解决体系制度。  相似文献   

随着电信、网络的普及,电信诈骗犯罪在我国成泛滥的趋势,造成电信诈骗犯罪泛滥的原因既有侦查机关技术手段落后,更重要的是民众的防范意识薄弱、公民意识不强、电信银行部门与侦查机关的协作不畅给电信诈骗的侦破带来很大不便。因此,防控电信诈骗是多方参与的系统工程,民众、电信和银行以及侦查机关在这个防控体系中都起着重要的地位和作用。犯罪学认为,犯罪行为的两大重要指标为犯罪的成功率和犯罪成本。犯罪的成功率越高,罪犯实施犯罪的可能性就越高;同时,犯罪成本越低,犯罪行为实施的可能性也越高。据此,本课题从减少电信诈骗成功率和增加犯罪成本两个角度出发,对电信诈骗各个环节进行调查研究。  相似文献   

<正>随着移动互联网技术的发展和普及,网络诈骗犯罪已经成为网络犯罪中增速最快的犯罪类型,不仅犯罪总量不断增长,诈骗场景也呈现多样化趋势,犯罪手段更是升级换代频繁。据腾讯发布的《电信网络诈骗治理研究报告(2019上半年)》显示,与以往“简单结伙”“单兵作战”的作案手法不同,近年来电信网络诈骗正呈现专业化、公司化的趋势,  相似文献   

Much is currently being written about the need to encourage employees to share knowledge in order for companies to maintain a role as an intelligent organization in a technologically sophisticated environment. However, there is little written of the relationship between employee rights to satisfactory employment conditions, employee responsibilities in decision-making, and employee willingness to share their knowledge collaboratively. This paper seeks to redress this gap by discussing the importance of the relationship between employee rights and responsibilities and employee willingness to share knowledge. The reaction of a group of employees (academics) employed in an Intelligent Organization (university) to a reduction in their rights and responsibilities is discussed in order to design a framework of employee rights and responsibilities required for knowledge sharing in intelligent organizations.  相似文献   

The transfer of environmental goods and services to China will increasingly be of importance to developed nations as the demand for environmental management services increases in China. A review of the literature on technology transfer to China revealed a range of well recognized and commonly known constraints to transferring technologies to China. There were gaps in the literature in relation to the concerns that environmental professionals have regarding technology transfer to China, as there is limited information on the transfer in environmental goods and services to China. A survey of the non‐trade barriers and their practical impact on the transfer of environmental technologies and goods and services to China, focusing on Australian suppliers, was undertaken to address these gaps. The survey, which was developed from barriers to technology transfer already described in the extensive research addressing the wider issues of technology transfer to China, targeted environmental professionals but also included other professionals with interests in transferring environmental goods and services to China. From the survey, the highest priority barriers to transferring environmental goods and service to China were identified, and those that are most likely to limit Australian vendors of environmental goods and services in their technology transfers to China were protection of intellectual property (IP), limitations of the rule of law, fragmentation and bureaucracy of the Chinese government and establishing appropriate level of ownership (of environmental goods and services providers in China). Examples of Australian experience were also examined, which confirmed these barriers to providing the needed technology and innovation to manage China's increasing environmental impacts. The research also shows that the barriers identified do not appear to be unique to transfer of environmental goods and services but rather generic to the transfer and adoption of Australian technology into China. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This study draws upon a small sample of university students in Australia to investigate how organizational preferences are related to different attitudes about work and reward. It extends past sectoral research to analyse both sectoral and organizational differences, and looks beyond individuals who are working in the sectors and organizations, to those who aspire to enter the various sectors and organizations, and therefore is valuable for recruitment. Apart from a few exceptions, the respondents in this survey who intend to enter the different sectors in the near future appeared to be largely motivated by job attributes which are similar to those reported in past studies on the employees in these sectors.  相似文献   

NGOs in Bangladesh have been recognized as effective change agents in the socio-economic arena throughout the world. Their contributions in micro credit, non-formal education and primary health care are widely known. NGOs play a significant role in society. NGO accountability, as a result, has become a critical issue. NGO accountability in Bangladesh has been examined here in relation to patrons, clients and themselves. Of the three relationships only accountability to patrons is in a near satisfactory state. Accountability to clients is handicapped by lack of opportunities of beneficiaries to participate meaningfully in NGO policy making. Accountability to themselves is adversely affected due to the adherence to a strictly hierarchical system and the influence of founding and charismatic NGO leaders.  相似文献   

Legislation on 'freedom of movement' guarantees the recognition of qualifications between countries of the European Union (EU), and is meant to provide migrants with access to employment in all member states. This paper reports on a study undertaken of EU migrant women in the banking sector in Britain, Germany and Spain. The discusses the experiences of migrants with regard to access to employment and positions abroad comparable to those held prior to migration. Migrants in this case experienced obstacles in the access to such employment. Although their experiences influenced by labour-market needs, findings suggest that the determining factors for barriers encountered were differences in the education and training cultures of countries pre- and post-migration, and the values and attitudes attached to these in of expectations by employers and migrants themselves.  相似文献   

Organizations' attempts to implement and gain value from investments in project management have resulted in the rapid growth and, in some cases, demise of project management offices (PMOs). The recent research literature on PMOs provides an ambiguous picture of the value case for PMOs and suggests the tenuous nature of their current position in many organizations. In studying project management implementations for the Value of Project Management project, we chose to use three detailed cases and comparisons with the remaining 62 organizations in the value project to study how PMOs are connected to value realization for organizations investing in project management. Specifically, we sought to understand how PMOs deliver sustained value to organizations. Using the theories of Jim Collins (Collins, 2001; Collins & Porras, 1994) as an interpretive framework, we explore these cases to understand how to create and sustain project management value through investment in PMOs.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of EU Allowance (EUA) prices on core inflation in the Eurozone between 2005 and 2022. The empirical results suggest that a positive shock to the EUA price led to higher long-run inflation expectations and core inflation. This implies that the rise in EUA prices can be passed on to consumers and enterprises, leading to an increase in production costs and consumer prices. And, while a positive shock to EUA prices may promote investment in renewable energy in the short term, the impact is not statistically significant and does not last long. The results suggest considerable potential for European policymakers to re-examine policy mechanisms to accelerate renewable energy investment and maintain price stability in the medium term.  相似文献   

The results of this qualitative study of international talent show that although the acquisition of career capital through international assignments is perceived to be desirable both from an individual and organisational perspective, the global mobility needs and preferences of these two parties rarely coincide. This is due to the fact that individual mobility requirements come in cycles aligned to life cycle stages whereas organisational mobility needs ebb and flow like waves in response to perceived threats and opportunities. This presents opportunities and challenges for individuals in the acquisition and utilisation of career capital to balance work- and non-work-related demands in their global Kaleidoscope Careers. The role of human resource management (HRM) is to facilitate this process through mentoring, networking and other opportunities to engage in storying, enabling employees to accommodate their changing needs at different life cycle stages. Failure to offer such support can manifest itself in demotivation, business performance issues as well as difficulties in terms of diversity and inclusion. Thus this paper offers a contribution to academic literature in the field of career theory as well as international HRM professional practice.  相似文献   

史沛然 《企业经济》2021,(1):135-143
在“双循环”背景下,加强“一带一路”建设对中国深化对外开放意义重大,促进中拉绿色贸易符合双方利益,可为“一带一路”延伸至拉美创造新的合作增长点。本文使用2002年至2018年的货物贸易数据,分析了中拉共建“一带一路”过程中中拉绿色产品贸易的特征和趋势,并重点研究了中国绿色产品对拉美的出口潜力。通过使用双边显示性比较优势指数和出口潜力矩阵,文章发现,在现有的中拉货物贸易结构中,绿色产品贸易所占比重较低,贸易对象高度集中,但随着双方经贸合作的全面深化、特别是“一带一路”延伸至拉美,双边绿色产品贸易金额和种类都在稳定上升。尽管中国绿色产品在拉美市场面临着地理距离遥远、市场竞争激烈等客观困难,但中国的优势产品已成功出口到拉美。中国的出口潜力更多地取决于拉美地区的市场需求,一旦拉美对绿色产品的需求提升,那么中国就具备进一步扩大向拉美出口该类产品的潜力。此外,出口潜力矩阵也找出了部分对拉美市场而言具备不可替代性的中国产品,这也将成为中国潜在的对拉出口重点绿色产品。  相似文献   

Municipal Councillors (MCs) are the ‘familiar face of the state’ in Dehradun, India: the first port of call for citizens seeking to claim entitlements from the state. The way MCs respond to the requests of their constituents is a major factor in the uneven distribution of government welfare and services. This article seeks to contribute to understandings of citizen entitlements by drawing attention to the role of affect and emotion in shaping the interactions between MCs and voters. I examine the ways citizens consciously or unconsciously engender emotions and affective responses, and the effect these have in mobilizing MCs. Attention to the, at times, involuntary nature of these responses suggests a need to go beyond the instrumental and calculating motivations of municipal councillors, to consider the way they are compelled and animated to meet the demands of some citizens, but not of others. The capacity to affect, and the ways one is affected, are tied to the social identities and self-making projects of both the MC and the voter, resulting in an uneven (mal)distribution of state resources. A focus on affective configurations in urban governance thereby reveals heretofore overlooked determinants of unequal access to urban resources and services.  相似文献   

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