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火塘燃烧着千年的梦,火塘诉说着万年的情。有了火塘,我们就有了激情;有了火塘,我们就有了幸福;有了火塘,我们就有了狂欢;有了火塘,我们就有了未来。有了火塘,冬天不再寒冷,夜晚不再黑暗,就有了食物也有了奇香……——《风舞佤山》借用这首佤族歌谣,可以说明羌文化中"锅庄"的文化意蕴。羌寨的"锅庄"既是生活器具,也是娱乐设施,它不仅涵盖了羌民族浓郁的生活、娱乐传统风情,更承载  相似文献   

余军华  李贞芳 《经济师》2007,20(2):18-19
文章在要素视角的框架中,考查了印刷对西方世界经济发展的影响,集中探讨了印刷术对人力资本、技术和制度的影响。通过对大量历史资料的考证,认为印刷术从三个方面推动了西方经济的发展:第一,印刷提高了识字率、提供了更多的受教育的机会、促进了知识分子阶层的产生,增加了人力资本的积累;第二,印刷作为一种新的信息技术,促进了文化产业的形成,同时,印刷影响了西欧科技革命的广度和深度,加速了技术扩散的速度;第三,印刷导致了集权势力的瓦解,推动了资本主义产权制度的形成,加速了知识产权制度的发展,降低了交易成本。  相似文献   

毛涛 《环境经济》2014,(5):27-29
正本文提到的十大亮点依次为:明确了立法定位,重构了立法目的,更新了立法理念,丰富了管制措施,加强了农村环保,加强了经济激励,扩大了公众参与,强化了执法权力,打破了地方保护,增加了违法成本。我国在1989年正式颁布实施的《环境保护法》(以下简称"旧法"),在我国环境保护立法实践中具有里程碑式的意义,它为环保执法和司法提供了必要的法律依据。该法实施至今已有25年,而这一阶段正处于我国经济社会的转型期,经济发展与环境保护之间的关系日益紧张,由于旧法难以调  相似文献   

苏维埃时期,中国共产党领导苏区人民进行了大规模的社会建设,取得了巨大的成就.主要有:从根本上改变了苏区社会结构,建立了苏区新制度,创造了苏区和谐、真诚的新型社会关系,发展了苏区各项社会事业,改造了旧风俗,形成了新风尚,并开创了群众运动的建设形式.  相似文献   

会计是诚信行业,离开诚信,会计便失去了立足的根本。近年来,从郑百文到银广厦等接连不断的恶性会计造假案件使公众丧失了对会计的信任。会计诚信的缺失,严重影响了会计主体和会计界的声誉,增加了市场交易成本,降低了经济运行效率,加大了企业生存的隐性危机,扰乱了市场经济秩序,对社会贻害无穷。因此,会计诚信问题受到了全社会的高度关注。  相似文献   

我国高校资产证券化融资初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资产证券化的实施,为企业的融资提供了新的途径.目前,高等教育的发展受到了资金短缺的制约,结合高校融资的现状和高校自身的特点,提出了区域性高校资产证券化的新思路,构建了高校资产证券化的运作流程,为高校融资提供了科学的指导.  相似文献   

经过近40年的发展,河南省民办教育随着经济、教育体制改革的深入和社会主义市场经济体制的建立,已成为河南教育事业的重要组成部分,在河南经济社会发展中有效地减轻了省市政府教育投资的负担,促进了教育公平,提升了人民群众教育的获得感;为河南省经济发展提供了人才支撑;提高了人民群众受教育水平,助推了城镇化进程;为地方经济发展提供了科技支持,促进了科技成果转化.  相似文献   

近年来,无锡市、市(县)区各级政府都建立了安全生产监督管理机构,下发了一系列重要文件,出台了加强安全生产工作的重大政策,修订了一批安全生产的管理办法,严肃查处了多起重特大事故.  相似文献   

2006年2月,我国财政部发布了新的企业会计准则,对资产减值的核算和披露进行了较大修正。新会计准则明确了对减值迹象的判断,详细规定了可收回金额的计量方法,明确了资产组的认定及减值的处理,增加了商誉减值测试与处理的规定,对减值损失的转回处理做了重新规定。这些变化提高了会计信息的准确性,对利润的计算产生了重大影响。本文对此进行了详细的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

近几年,全国蔬菜零售价格一路走高,影响了城镇低收入居民的生活质量。为解决这一问题,许多专家学者进行了深入研究,部分城市亦进行了全新零售模式的探索。结合我国国情,借鉴相关经验,乌鲁木齐市采取了政府投资建设蔬菜副食品直销点的蔬菜销售模式,避免了相关税费的征收、消减了营运成本,达到惠民、利民、便民的效果,为完善该模式,本文进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

经济全球化发展到后来必然是金融的全球化,随之而来的则是金融犯罪的全球化趋势。为此,及早研究和解决金融犯罪的国际化是我们将面临的一个重要课题。作者论述了金融犯罪国际化的特征,分析了我国金融犯罪国际化的一些主要趋势,在此基础上,提出了防范和打击金融犯罪国际化的对策建议。  相似文献   

Metropolitan areas in the United States are characterized by both geographic concentration in robbery rates, and racial segregation in residential patterns. We argue that these two phenomena are closely connected. Robberies typically involve incomplete information about the likelihood of victim resistance and offender violence. Geographic concentration in robbery rates can lead to segregation (in excess of levels that would emerge under neighborhood sorting by income) because robbers prey disproportionately on whites, believing them to be more compliant, and whites protect themselves by moving disproportionately to safer neighborhoods. Hence, conditional on income, blacks live in more dangerous neighborhoods than whites.  相似文献   

杨亚丽 《经济师》2009,(11):62-63
由于贪污罪和职务侵占罪在犯罪主观方面、犯罪客观方面等诸多问题上具有高度的相似性和关联性,加之理论界与实务界对两罪的理解、认定标准各异,在定罪量刑、打击处理上容易发生混淆,造成一定的混乱。文章从贪污罪与职务侵占罪的概念与特征、二者的区别、司法实践中需要把握的难点问题等略述管见,以期达到厘清两罪界限的目的。  相似文献   

While criminalisation of the Russian economy can partly be explained by privatisation in conditions of underdevelopment of free market institutions, the emphasis on privatisation as the prime cause of crime may lead to gross oversimplification. The present article claims that faster and more radical, rather than slower and partial, privatisation could create less room for criminal behaviour in Russia. Half-measures applied to privatise the Russian economy have contributed to prolonged uncertainty and to a blurred demarcation between the private and government sectors as well as between management and ownership in business enterprises. Prolonged coexistence of the two sectors creates too much opportunity for criminal behaviour. Moreover, an explanation of the growth in crime in Russia is impossible without analysing the legacies of the former communist system, the developments in politics (including demoralisation of the ex-communist state apparatus), cultural factors and the specific features of the privatisation as actually conducted .  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a general equilibrium model of crime. It is shown that law and norms are substitutes in achieving a stable equilibrium. Here we offer a new interpretation of different theories of social norms in the context of crime and deterrence. The law and economics theory is presented as an opportunism-limiting approach to norms whereas the evolutionary theory is presented as an opportunity cost approach.Received: January 2003, Accepted: July 2003, JEL Classification: D59, K14, K42Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of SPIE Portuguese Association for Research in Economics, June 22-23, 1998, Braga and at the 15th annual meeting of the European Association of Law and Economics, September 24-26, 1998, Utrecht. I am grateful to two referees and the editor for helpful comments that much improved the paper, and to Dorothea Kübler, Eric Posner, Dieter Schmidtchen, and Stergios Skaperdas for suggestions that much improved this paper, and to Kelly Markva for research assistantship. The author acknowledges the financial support of FCT, Lisbon, Portugal. Part of this paper was written while the author visited Stanford Law School. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

In this paper we look at the relationship between crime and economic incentives in a different way to other work in the economics of crime field. We look at empirical models where a toughening of the unemployment benefit regime can be used to study how people on the margins of crime may react to changes in economic incentives. We present three sets of complementary evidence, all of which show that toughening the benefit regime can have an unintended consequence, namely increases in crime. The first approach presents quasi-experimental evidence, looking at crime rates in areas of England and Wales before and after the introduction of a new, tougher unemployment benefit programme—the Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)—in October 1996. The second approach considers qualitative evidence on individuals affected by the change in the benefit regime. The third relates changes in area crime rates to post-JSA sanctions. Each of these approaches uncovers evidence of higher crime occurring as a consequence of the benefit reform.
Stephen MachinEmail:

Gangs and Crime Deterrence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

人民法院生效的裁判,具有法律的权威,对当事人产生拘束力,当事人必须自觉履行。实践中,拒不执行判决、裁定的行为屡见不鲜。在执行中遇到拒不执行、暴力抗法时,一般很少考虑适用刑法来追究当事人的刑事责任,导致整体性的运用刑罚打击拒不执行判决、裁定犯罪的力度明显不够。  相似文献   

We go beyond unemployment to investigate how its determinants, specifically hires, lay-offs and quits, affect crime. As expected, we find less crime in localities with higher hiring and quit rates and lower lay-off rates. The size of relationships is on the order of studies analysing the link between unemployment and crime.  相似文献   

We study the effects of police monitoring on crime. We exploit detailed information on the location and date of installation of police-monitored surveillance cameras, coupled with data at the street-segment level on all reported crimes in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. We find that the introduction of police-monitored surveillance cameras reduces crime by about 20 percent in monitored areas relative to a pure control group located outside the city. We also explore potential displacement effects, and we do not find evidence of such effects.  相似文献   

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