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实现低碳经济不仅是我国企业发展目标,同时也是国际上所有企业共同的目标,煤炭企业作为高污染排放企业,实现节能减排对其有着重要意义。本文主要针对煤炭企业节能减排监测体系展开研究,文章基于煤炭企业节能减排监测工作现状及存在缺陷,提出了煤炭企业设立节能减排监测预警体系的积极作用和重大意义,最后系统介绍了煤炭企业节能减排监测体系系统构建理念和要点。  相似文献   

哥本哈根会议召开在即,为预热这一国际气候变化大会,科技部、发改委、工信部、财政部和环保部等部委联合召开“节能减排与应对气候变化高层论坛”,有关部门负责人在会上表达了我国在国际气候谈判中的立场,并详细阐述了未来促进节能减排的思路。  相似文献   

本文研究了日本在应对气候变化方面提出的国际机制建议,对其提出的后京都时期的政策,尤其是其倡导的行业减排机制进行了深入研究,并以日本钢铁联盟应对气候变化行业减排的案例进行了分析,指出了国际应对气候变化斗争的新动向,为我国的国际谈判对策提供了研究基础。在当前应对气候变化的形势日益迫切的情况下,中国要充分借鉴日本的先进经验,采取积极的战略和策略应对气候变化,并使之与国家可持续发展战略和科技创新战略相结合,与国家重大生态建设工程、节能工程和能源产业技术升级工程相结合,与国家能源、环境等方面的法律、法规和政策体系建设相结合,增强国家应对气候变化的能力,并在后京都国际减排机制中发挥建设性的作用。  相似文献   

随着国民经济和技术的发展,我国的合成氨工业的产能和技术已发展到世界先进水平。但随着合成氨工业的发展,节能减排问题也日益突出。本文通过对合成氨工业的特点的分析,提出了有关于节能减排的几点建议,给相关部门提供参考。  相似文献   

为了分析低碳经济环境下环境监测部门与企业在节能减排技术改造过程中的博弈,假设博弈双方在有限理性条件下,建立了环境监测部门和企业在各自不同的策略选择时的成本争收益模型,运用进化博弈理论研究了博弈双方的稳定性策略.博弈分析结果表明:企业的技术改造成本和通过技术改造后为企业带来的收益、政府对企业是否进行节能减排技术的奖励和惩罚,以及环境主管部门的重视都将直接影响企业的行为选择.  相似文献   

针对当前我国钢铁行业发展的现状,分析了钢铁行业在能源综合利用方面存在技术水平比较差、二次能源回收利用率低、政策法规不完善等制约节能减排工作开展的普遍问题,提出了促进钢铁行业技术创新、提高能源回收利用率、完善政策法规等建议,为相关部门开展节能减排工作提供参考.  相似文献   

6月3日,国务院发布《关于印发节能减排综合性工作方案的通知》,要求各地区、各部门充分认识节能减排的重要性和紧迫性,真正把思想和行动统一到中央关于节能减排的决策和部署上来,狠抓节能减排责任落实和执法监管,建立强有力的节能减排领导协调机制。  相似文献   

6月3日,国务院发出关于印发节能减排综合性工作方案的通知,要求全国各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构充分认识节能减排工作的重要性和紧迫性,狠抓节能减排责任落实和执法监管,建立强有力的节能减排领导协调机制,认真贯彻执行发展改革委会同有关部门制定的《节能减排综合性工作方案》。[编者按]  相似文献   

国务院总理温家宝4月25日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署加强节能减排工作;4月27日,温总理在“全国节能减排电视电话会议”上发表讲话。温总理指出,各地区各部门必须充分认识节能减排的重要性和紧迫性,要把节能减排“作为宏观调控的重点,作为结构调整的突破口和重要抓手。”与此同时,国务院成立国务院节能减排工作领导小组,由温家宝总理任组长,曾培炎副总理任副组长。  相似文献   

晓东 《中国纺织》2007,(7):86-87
2006年6月3日新华社发布消息:国务院同意发展改革委会同有关部门制定的《节能减排综合性工作方案》,并向各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构发出通知,要求结合本地区、本部门实际,认真贯彻落实。 通知指出,当前要把节能减排任务完成情况作为检验科学发展观是否落实的重要标准,作为检验经济发展是否“好”的重要标准,正确处理经济增长速度与节能减排的关系,真正把节能减排作为硬任务,使经济增长建立在节约能源资源和保护环境的基础上。[编者按]  相似文献   

气候变暖的生态环境危机是关系到全人类生存与发展之共同利益的全球性问题。面对日益严峻的全球气候变暖的紧张形势,发达国家与发展中国家应在国际气候谈判的平台上搁置争议、通力合作,实现全球气候的共同治理与保护。然而在国际气候谈判中,不同国家在本国经济发展与全球气候保护问题上均有各自的利益诉求。在各国为自身谋求更多的排放权与发展空间的过程中,作为发展中国家的各国寄希望于在国际气候谈判中通过集体行动增进共同利益,然而由于发展中国家集团内部就减排与发展问题的利益冲突,特别是"搭便车"行为的普遍存在,致使发展中国家在与发达国家集团的气候谈判博弈中难以形成"合力"。本文旨在透过新制度经济学与公共选择理论的视角,就如何切实保护发展中国家在全球气候治理与本国经济发展中的权益问题,从国际气候谈判规则的改革与重构,以及发展中国家在国际气候谈判中应当坚持的原则这两个方面,给出一个合理的解释与建议。  相似文献   

Many business-to-business transactions rely on negotiation, yet extant research has not addressed key questions about what is negotiated and how. To tackle this persistent research gap, this article adopts a qualitative approach and seeks to discover, describe, and analyze negotiation issue–based tactics, defined as tactics that draw specifically on the negotiation content and issues. Data from semi-structured interviews with 39 sales and purchasing experts, employed by companies active in the industrial and service project business sectors, undergo analysis according to the Gioia methodology. The resulting model of negotiation issue–based tactics features business- and industry-specific negotiation issue subsets, as well as buyer/seller role properties as important boundary conditions. Tactical advantages and safeguarding emerge as two functions of issue-based tactics. Overall, this article identifies 11 tactics that deal with the number, the order, or the characteristics of negotiation issues and may partly serve as best practices for managers.  相似文献   

The key part of dynamic supply chain management is negotiating with suppliers and with buyers. Coordination is essential for successful supply chain management. In order to model coordination among suppliers and buyers in a dynamic supply chain, this paper takes a step further and proposes a new fuzzy- logic-based hybrid negotiation mechanism. In most real-world negotiation situations, agents have a common interest to cooperate, but have conflicting interests over exactly how to cooperate. These situations involve restrictions and preferences that may be vaguely and partly defined. Therefore, this study takes the advantage of fuzzy logic and develops a hybrid negotiation-based mechanism, that combines both cooperative and competitive negotiations. Achieving effective coordination in a multi-agent system is non-trivial as no agent possesses the global view of the problem space. Moreover, the different strategies adopted by agents may produce conflicts. While agents coordinate with each other in the operations, they will negotiate about their strategies to reduce conflicts. The proposed fuzzy hybrid negotiation mechanism allows negotiation agents more flexibility and robustness in an automated negotiation system. The proposed mechanism not only helps sellers and buyers to explore various new choices and opportunities that the e-markets offer but also allows them to identify and analyze their resource constraints in a given schedule, and helps them to explore and exploit many alternatives for a better solution. The efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated through an illustrative example.  相似文献   

This paper considers time‐space discourses within grand theories that have shaped the trajectory of research on call centres. A critical approach to telework needs to consider temporal and spatial configurations and space creation as a negotiation between a multitude of factors including capital, culture and human agency.  相似文献   

With a mixed-methods approach, this study analyzes how varying the number of issues in business-to-business (B2B) sales negotiations affects negotiation processes and outcomes. A qualitative interview study with B2B negotiators (N = 46) reveals that more issues increase complexity but offer more possibilities for concessions. Sellers see benefits in increasing the number of issues addressed, whereas buyers are ambiguous about whether negotiating more issues will benefit their economic outcomes. A second experimental study (N = 97 dyads) tests whether negotiating a different number of issues (four, eight, or between four and eight) produces different absolute and relative dyadic economic outcomes and sellers' shares of the joint profits in one-on-one negotiations. In absolute terms, more negotiation issues produce larger negotiation pies; fewer issues facilitate more accurate information processing, leading to relatively more integrative agreements. For sellers, increasing the number of issues increases their share of the joint profit, because buyers are more willing to concede on the overall price of the deal.  相似文献   

The increasingly intensive coexistence of diverse radio systems and the inability of existing institutions to resolve conflicts in a timely manner require a change in the way operating rights are defined, assigned, and enforced. This paper proposes a regulatory approach that increases delegation to operators and reduces ambiguity by (1) more clearly defining operating rights and harmful interference using the Three P approach of probabilistic reception protections and transmission permissions; (2) facilitating transactions by limiting the number of parties to a negotiation, only altering the rights in a license at renewal, and implementing a registry; and (3) making rights enforcement more efficient by enabling direct enforcement of rights, separating rulemaking from adjudication, and defining remedies up-front.  相似文献   

Managers of multi-national enterprises (MNEs) are at a disadvantage in negotiating outcomes with their Chinese counterparts when compared to local competitors. The reasons include: local competitors are more flexible in handling business terms and conditions; local Chinese managers prefer to negotiate with their old friends or insiders in the same guanxi network; and MNE managers perceive that cultural practices such as gift-giving and guanxi are problematic. This study advances our understanding of negotiation by using a model developed for the reference of MNEs to establish an “old friend” relational status with their local Chinese counterparts. This approach emphasizes cultural adaptation for MNE managers to achieve satisfying negotiation outcomes in China.The study reveals the following unique issues: 1) in addition to their problem-solving attitude, MNE managers should practice mianzi and gift-giving to build renqing with their Chinese counterparts at a new friend stage; 2) the reciprocity dynamics of renqing should enable these managers to accumulate ganqing and to become old friends of their Chinese counterparts; 3) the establishment of ganqing between MNE managers and their Chinese counterparts should enable the development of xinyong between the two exchange parties; and 4) desirable negotiation outcomes can be built on xinyong.  相似文献   

为突出学生商务谈判与沟通过程中的职业能力培养,对《商务谈判》课程现有的教学方法及考核形式等进行了改革。  相似文献   

This paper examines supply contract negotiation when buyer's revenue and seller's cost are uncertain. In these circumstances, both the seller and the buyer have an option to determine when to sell and buy, which may influence negotiation outcomes. Thus, we developed a bilateral negotiation model to derive the optimal selling (buying) rule considering the option. Our results show that the options of waiting to sell and to buy (1) narrow the traditional zone of possible agreement and (2) lower the probability of negotiation agreement. It is also shown that impasses can occur due to uncertainty, even when a purchase price is lower than the buyer's future revenue and higher than the seller's future cost.  相似文献   

劳动关系是劳动力市场自发调节的产物,但由于劳动者的弱势地位,市场对劳动关系的自发调节并不能达致一个高效率的劳动契约。因此,通过增强劳动者的结社力量,采用集体谈判的方式改善劳动者的工作条件,提高劳动者的经济和社会地位已成为市场经济国家调整劳动关系的主要手段。文章阐释了集体谈判机制的理论基础及其影响途径,并通过构建一般理论模型对集体谈判的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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