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人民币NDF与即期汇率的动态关联性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
文章以2005年7月25日~2006年6月13日间人民币NDF和即期汇率为研究对象,以MA(1)-GARCH(1,1)模型分析人民币NDF市场和即期市场间均值和波动的溢出效应。分析结果表明,两个市场的波动没有相互溢出效应,即期市场对人民币NDF市场没有报酬溢出效应,而人民币NDF市场对即期市场具有报酬溢出效应。可见,我国汇制改革后,境外因素已开始影响人民币即期市场。  相似文献   

文章运用Granger因果检验方法和DCC-MGARCH模型,对外管局禁止境内机构从事NDF交易后人民币对美元即期汇率市场、境内远期汇率市场和境外NDF市场之间的动态关联关系进行了实证研究,研究发现:市场间常条件和动态条件相关系数随着合约期限的增长呈递减态势,即期市场与NDF市场之间的相关性最强,境内外远期市场之间的相关性最弱;虽然即期市场存在对NDF市场的信息波动溢出效应,但从总体上看,NDF市场的价格引导力量强于即期市场和境内远期市场,处于市场价格信息的中心地位。  相似文献   

本文的研究结果表明在岸市场依然具有人民币汇率定价中心的性质,主要体现在在岸即期和远期汇率都会对离岸远期汇率的变动有显著的均值溢出效应。而离岸即期市场对在岸即期市场存在较小幅度的均值溢出效应以及三大市场之间已经存在着一定波动和冲击溢出效应,则表明在岸市场已经不是一个完全定价中心。从溢出效应的程度和传递方向来看,稳定在岸人民币汇率定价预期仍然是降低汇率过度波动的关键。  相似文献   

本文运用向量误差修正模型、DCC-MGARCH模型、信息份额模型以及Granger因果检验方法,基于交易相对比较活跃的远期合约日度数据,对2006年11月1日至2010年1月20日期间,人民币对美元即期汇率市场、境内远期汇率市场和境外NDF市场之间的联动关系以及价格发现机理进行了实证检验分析,研究发现:虽然即期市场存在对境外NDF市场的信息波动,但是由于境内市场的发展滞后以及一定程度的制度约束,境外NDF市场的价格引导力量强于即期市场和境内远期市场,处于市场价格信息的中心地位。  相似文献   

此次金融危机爆发后,人民币国际化受到了国内外众多关注。本文基于ARMA-GARCH模型,探讨了人民币离岸在岸之间的互动效应。分析结果显示,在CNH市场建立之前,CNY市场和NDF市场的远期汇率之间的联系不显著;CNH市场建立之后,CNY市场、NDF市场和CNH市场之间在绝大多数期限的远期汇率之间均存在溢出效应,NDF市场的溢出效应和价格引导能力最强,其次是CNY市场,最后是CNH市场。由于规模所限,CNH作为新兴的人民币离岸市场,其汇率波动对于CNY市场汇率波动的溢出效应不是十分明显,CNY市场的汇率波动对于CNH市场有较强的溢出效应,即在岸的CNY市场人民币汇率对CNH市场人民币汇率存在较强的价格引导能力。  相似文献   

利用向量自回归模型和多变量GARCH模型,对人民币汇率改革以来人民币、欧元、美元和日元之间的收益溢出效应和波动溢出效应进行了研究。结果显示欧元、美元和日元对人民币存在显著的收益溢出效应和波动溢出效应,但是人民币对其他几种货币的收益溢出效应和波动溢出效应并不显著。研究结果表明,人民币汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率正在融入世界主要货币汇率市场,但是人民币汇率市场尚不成熟,目前我国仍然应该实行有管理的浮动汇率制度。  相似文献   

原浩  杨常锴  杨滟  安佳 《经济研究导刊》2014,(19):129-132,137
采用格兰杰分析方法对2011年6月27日至2013年12月31日期间共919对人民币兑美元境内远期、香港离岸远期对境内即期汇率的引导作用进行研究,结果表明,境内远期市场和香港离岸市场的部分远期汇率对境内即期汇率有引导作用。其次使用GARCH模型检验,两个远期市场对境内即期汇率都有一定的溢出效应,且期限越小的远期汇率溢出效应越明显,香港离岸市场比境内远期市场溢出效应更明显。  相似文献   

本文着力于探讨国内远期外汇市场的有效性及其价格发现功能,分别就美元兑人民币的境内外远期汇率与即期汇率构建基于汇率期限结构的VECM模型.实证检验中,境内外远期汇率都拒绝了市场有效性假说,两类汇率对即期人民币汇率的价格发现功能都不够强,但境外远期无本金交割汇率的价格所包含的即期汇率信息量仍然较境内远期汇率更多,其原因可从制度约束、境内外的外汇市场分割性、交易规模和市场活跃度、人民币国际化程度等方面来解释.  相似文献   

NDF监管政策对境内外人民币远期市场联动效应的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究境内外人民币远期市场间的联动效应,对发展和监管人民币衍生市场控制风险具有重要意义。本文实证检验了境内外人民币远期市场之间的联动效应,发现在禁止境内机构参与离岸人民币无本金交割远期(NDF)的通知颁布后,3个月期人民币境内本金交割远期(DF)汇率不再是3个月人民币NDF汇率的Granger原因,而3个月的NDF汇率依然引导3个月的DF汇率。本文分析了这一NDF监管政策对境内外人民币远期价格间相互关系的影响以及内在原因。  相似文献   

本文首先在新凯恩斯垄断竞争模型框架基础上,建立了开放经济条件下动态随机一般均衡理论模型,通过对模型参数的校准、冲击因素脉冲影响的识别,较为详细地考察了国内货币政策、人民币汇率之间的动态关系及其对我国宏观经济稳定的影响。结果表明,货币政策调控和汇率波动都会对产出、通货膨胀产生明显的冲击效应,同时货币政策与汇率波动之间也存在着显著作用。而后,基于均值与波动方程的相关计量模型表明,我国货币政策与人民币汇率之间存在显著的均值与波动溢出效应。考虑到我国金融自由化的不断深入,资本逐步对外开放,中国金融市场与国际金融市场之间联系更加密切,在存在升值预期的时候,单一的货币政策或是汇率政策无法实现经济均衡增长,也没有办法使人民币稳定升值。因此,应当进一步推进我国利率市场化进程,完善人民币汇率形成机制。这对于协调好汇率与货币政策之间关系,维护宏观经济、汇率稳定和货币政策独立性具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

黄文彬  高韵芳 《技术经济》2013,(11):57-64,111
基于Granger因果关系检验方法和MGARCH-BEKK模型,从报酬溢出和波动溢出的角度,研究国际碳排放权交易市场中的主要商品———EUAs和sCERs各自的期货价格与现货价格之间以及两者的期货价格之间的信息流动关系。结果表明:两个市场的现货市场始终都处于价格信息中心,期货市场的价格发现功能较弱甚至未体现;信息波动溢出方面,EUA市场中期货市场处于波动信息中心,而CER市场中现货市场处于波动信息中心;EUA的期货市场与CER的期货市场之间存在相互的价格溢出效应与波动溢出效应,但EUA市场的期货价格对CER市场具有更大的波动溢出效应。  相似文献   

The price discovery and spillover effect are significant indicators in futures markets. This study examines the price discovery and spillover effects using vector error correction model and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic for seven types of steel products in Chinese spot and futures markets. The results show that the price discovery exists in all of steel futures market. It is also confirmed that futures prices in all items are mainly leading spot prices via permanent-transitory and information share. In the results of spillover effects, it is found that wire rod, coking coal, coke and silico-manganese have the effects between spot and futures market. In rebar market, there is the spillover effect from spot to futures. This information about futures prices can help the market participants to make decisions when they predict the spot prices.  相似文献   

This study is among the first to examine the price, volatility and covariance dynamics between securitized real estate spot and futures markets. It provides a distinctive and yet complementary perspective on the predictability of real estate spot return and spot volatility based on the information from the spot market alone. The results show that for the EPRA/NAREIT Europe index, the spot market tends to lead its futures market in the long run during the sample period, which can be attributed to a rather illiquid real estate futures market in sharp contrast with a voluminous spot market. Furthermore, we find the V-shaped asymmetric effect of the basis on the futures market volatility, which represents the primary channel of strong volatility transmission between securitized real estate spot and futures markets during the whole sample and the post-crisis period. This sheds light on the hedging effectiveness for the REIT index.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of persistence, asymmetry and the US subprime mortgage crisis on the volatility of the returns and also the price discovery, efficiency and the linkages and causality between the spot and futures volatility by using various classes of the ARCH and GARCH models, and through the Granger’s causality. We have used two indices: one for spot and the other for futures, for the daily data from 12 June 2000 to 30 September 2013 from Nifty stock indices. We have then tested for ARCH effects, and subsequently employed various models of the ARCH and GARCH conditional volatility. The GARCH(1,1) model is found to be significant, and it implies that the returns are not autocorrelated and have ‘short memory’. It supports the hypothesis of the efficiency of the markets. The negative ‘news’ has more significant effect on volatility, corroborating the ‘leverage impact’ in finance on market volatility. We have also tested the volatility spillover effects. The two methods we employed support the spillover effects and the causality is bidirectional. We also have used the dummy variable for the US subprime mortgage financial crisis and found that they are statistically significant. Indian stock market is thus integrated to the world stock markets.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the intraday lead-lag relationships between returns and volatilities in the Ibex 35 spot and futures markets. Using hourly data, we jointly analyze the interactions between markets, estimating a bivariate error correction model with GARCH perturbations which captures stochastically the presence of an intraday U-shaped curve for both spot and futures market volatility. Our findings show a bidirectional causal relationship between market volatilities, with a positive feedback. This two-way transmission of volatility is consistent with market prices evolving according to a long-run equilibrium relationship, and shocks affecting both markets in the same direction. Our empirical results also support a unidirectional cross interaction from futures to spot market returns. This pattern suggests that the futures market leads the spot market in order to incorporate the arrival of new information.  相似文献   

This study measures the extent of financial contagion in the Indian asset markets. In specific it shows the contagion in Indian commodity derivative market vis-à-vis bond, foreign exchange, gold, and stock markets. Subsequently, directional volatility spillover among these asset markets, have been examined. Applying DCC-MGARCH method on daily return of commodity future price index and other asset markets for the period 2006–16, time varying correlation between commodity and other assets are estimated. The degree of financial contagion in commodity derivative market is found to be the largest with stock market and least with the gold market. A generalized VAR based volatility spillover estimation shows that commodity and stock markets are net transmitters of volatility while bond, foreign exchange and gold markets are the net receivers of volatility. Volatility is transmitted to commodity market only from the stock market. Such volatility spillover is found to have time varying nature, showing higher volatility spillover during the Global Financial Crisis and during the period of large rupee depreciation in 2013–14. These results have significant implication for optimal portfolio choice.  相似文献   


In this study, we examine the information transmission process between spot, futures and options segments for the NIFTY 50 index. The data is used from 2003 to 2013. Empirical results show that the spot market leads the price discovery process followed by the futures market and then the options market. The spot market again leads in the volatility spillover process while options dominate the futures contracts. There is a univariate skewness spillover from spot as well as futures to the options platform. Further, long term bidirectional kurtosis spillover is observed between spot and futures with former playing a more dominant role.


本文借助于信息共享模型与波动溢出效应模型对我国大豆和小麦的期、现货市场之间的价格发现进行了多层次的实证研究,定量描述了期、现货市场在价格发现中作用的大小,深入刻画了我国农产品期、现货市场之间的动态关系.研究结果显示:大豆期、现货价格之间存在双向引导关系,小麦仅存在期货对现货的单向引导关系;期、现货市场均扮演着重要的价格发现角色,且期货市场在价格发现中处于主导地位;期、现货市场之间均存在双向波动溢出关系,但现货市场来自期货市场的波动溢出效应均强于期货市场来自现货市场的波动溢出效应;并且,随着期货市场的发展,期、现货市场之间的波动溢出程度均呈逐渐增强态势.  相似文献   

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