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Abstract.  This paper studies the determination of split of total surplus among the negotiating parties (member countries and the acceding country) in a WTO accession negotiation using a sequential bargaining model. In particular, we are interested in the effect of the most-favored-nation (MFN) principle on the negotiation outcome. The MFN principle says that any tariff reduction offered by the applicant for accession has to be automatically granted to all existing members. The model suggests that it is quite plausible that China's share of surplus is more when MFN is in place.  相似文献   

Although the attention of innovation studies has traditionally been focused on manufacturing, the differential features of innovation activities carried out by services are gaining more and more relevance in innovation research. The aim of this paper is to thoroughly analyse the data from the Spanish Innovation Survey 2000, the first large-scale innovation survey that included service activities in Spain, in order to identify the main patterns of innovation in Spanish services. The results of our investigations confirm that a high degree of heterogeneity, in relation to innovation patterns, exists among service firms and among service industries as well. Nevertheless, important similarities are found between pioneer classifications, such as the theoretical taxonomy of service industries by Soete and Miozzo (1989) Soete, L. and Miozzo, M. 1989. “Trade and Development in Services: A Technological Perspective”. The Netherlands: MERIT Research Memorandum, 89-031. MERIT.  [Google Scholar] or the classification of service firms elaborated by Hollenstein (2003) Hollenstein, H. 2003. Innovation modes in the Swiss service sector: a cluster analysis based on firm-level data. Research Policy, 32(5): 845863. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], and the taxonomy we obtained by applying multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

从创新体系、创新型城市的内涵入手,通过纵向和横向比较综合解析长春市的创新能力.纵向从知识创新、技术创新、制度创新、服务创新和宏观发展水平5个创新因子23个指标,以2001-2006年的相关数据,对长春市创新建设情况进行分析,得出长春市创新能力及创新环境整体有所改善,但知识创新能力发展较为缓慢;横向选取了5大类27个指标对长春市与其他14个副省级城市的创新能力进行比较,运用SPSS软件,通过主成分分析和聚类分析方法,得出长春市创新能力较弱,综合创新能力排在后面,其创新文化、创新制度、创新环境竞争力比较弱.进而提出提升长春市创新能力的措施.  相似文献   

Extrapolating from some simple game-theoretic models, this paper suggests that invoking Section 301 will tend to shift the terms of agreement in the US's favor. This shift will be larger (a) the greater the harm to the targeted country from having its access to the US market limited; (b) the smaller the targeted country's ability to harm the US in retaliation; (c) the smaller the costs within the targeted country of complying with the US demands; and (d) the greater the benefit to the US – in the US negotiators' perception – from the demanded liberalization. But these determinants of the success of a Section 301 action do not identify the areas where the social gains from freer trade are largest. Thus there is a tendency to direct Section 301 actions at the wrong targets. Section 301 increases bargaining frictions: attempts to exploit the bargaining power that comes from either private information or commitments can lead to costly delays to agreement or even the possibility of a complete breakdown in the negotiations. And the use of retaliatory strategies can upset an existing global equilibrium and lead to counter-retaliation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The empirical literature has generated mixed correlations between research and development (R&D) undertaken by domestic firms and the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) by their multinational rivals. Further, the existing theoretical explanations of such empirical results appear to be inadequate. This study presents an alternative game-theoretic explanation for the observed correlations. The results show that the seemingly contradictory observed mixed correlations can be explained in an encompassing model in terms of the multinationals' competitive and interactive assessment of the efficiency and expenditure consequences that domestic R&D could generate for the undertaking domestic competitors.  相似文献   

The formal theory of campaign contributions in elections has expanded in the past decade. The basic assumptions and results of these models are examined and analyzed. The assumptions of the models are often inappropriate for the political actors considered and the results are sometimes not empirically supported. We suggest ways in which these models may be altered to alleviate some of these problems.  相似文献   

国有企业改制中土地资产处置的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈刚 《经济地理》2004,24(6):847-851
国有企业是社会主义公有制经济的核心力量。国企改革的核心是建立起与市场经济体制相适应的现代企业制度,在国有资产的流动和重组中,土地资产的处置尤为重要。如何实现土地资源的优化配置,使其既符合国有土地有偿有限期流动的制度,又推动和促进国企改革,不产生负面影响,同时要保证国有土地出让金足额上缴国库,是一个值得深入探讨的问题。文章从长沙市国有企业现状及土地资产处置状况分析入手,深入剖析了几种常用土地资产处置方式的利弊,根据实际情况,提出了新的对策和方法。  相似文献   

潘彬 《经济地理》2007,27(3):380-382,391
中部地区发展环境、经济实力和竞争力的弱势地位,除国家的区域政策影响或历史原因造成外,区域内部制度安排的相对低效率也是主要诱因之一,在国家强制性制度变迁难以全面惠及中部地区时,实施区域内部有效率的制度创新是实现中部崛起战略突破的基本途径,文章选用制度经济学的观点分析了制度创新的效率问题,指出在中部经济崛起战略的制度创新中,应运用高效的制度去调节和控制中部经济发展中的本土资源、人才和资金等因素合理有序的运行,从而减少制度变迁阻力,提高制度运行效率。  相似文献   

企业的研发外包:一个综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
企业在研发外包的过程中通常会面临着由合同的不完全性、知识的非独占性以及累积性创新的不完全替代性所带来的各类成本,而研发外包之所以能够更多地进行是因为在现实操作中存在着缓解这类成本的治理机制。在此基础上,本文以企业为主要参考点通过文献综述重点考察了作为治理机制的研发外包的最优组织形式,研发外包中的合同设计以及公共政策层面和企业层面的知识产权保护措施。尽管上述不同层面上的知识产权保护措施在一定程度上可以缓解信息泄漏问题,但知识产权保护强度的增加并不一定就能够促进企业更多地进行研发外包。为此,本文还考察了知识产权保护强度与企业研发外包决策的关系。  相似文献   

A large literature has found positive associations between economic freedom and income, growth, and a variety of other desirable outcomes. This paper surveys the literature that seeks to explain the causes of economic freedom. Some of the most consistent findings in this literature are that current levels of economic freedom are strongly correlated with past levels; freer countries have more difficulty continuing to improve their economic freedom; democracy and political freedom are positively associated with economic freedom; and inequality is negatively related. (JEL E02, E14, O17, O43, P1)  相似文献   

京津塘高新技术产业带技术创新分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程茂吉 《经济地理》1996,16(3):41-47
本文在借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,提出了具有中国特色的高新技术产业带的概念.重点对京津塘高新技术产业带的概况和技术创新活动的特征进行了具体分析,指出了不利于产业带技术创新的障碍并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

产业集群的网络创新机制和绩效   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄中伟 《经济地理》2007,27(1):47-51
产业集群的网络结构是由市场关系网络和社会关系网络叠加而成的复合网络,内含乘数传导创新机制、合作创新机制和创新动力增强机制。在产业集群网络结构的创新机制作用下,产业集群内的企业与集群外企业相比,具有新产品乘数倍增加、创新低风险低投入高成功率、创新成果高速扩散、创新周期缩短等绩效和创新优势。  相似文献   

基于科技创新与产业创新的关系以及两者脱节的现状,有必要提出并强化产业化创新的概念。产业化创新介于科技创新和产业创新之间,是两者的桥梁。产业化创新不只是一个概念,更是一种机制,是一种合力。产业化创新有两种方式:产学研协同创新和科技创业。产学研协同创新的内涵,不是企业、大学和研究机构之间的机构意义的协同,而是产业发展、新技术、新产业人才的培养和研发新技术的功能协同。激励产业化创新的机制不只是激励创新,还要激励协同。科技创业是越过了孵化和研发新技术阶段,通过创办企业的方式进行产业化。科技创业的资本是以科技创新成果体现的知识资本、以创业家体现的人力资本和以风险投资体现的物质资本的集合。知识资本和人力资本对创业起着决定性作用,尽管物质资本不可或缺。创新成果产业化涉及两个方面:一是采用新技术的产业迅速达到规模;二是充分实现新技术的潜在价值。这两个方面都依赖于有效的商业模式创新。  相似文献   

本文利用汉森(Hansen)门槛回归分析的方法,从R&D强度、产业结构两个角度研究了1978-2012年我国R&D投入增长与经济增长之间的阶段性变化特点。实证结果显示,当R&D强度越过门槛后,R&D资本增长对经济增长的作用在不断加强;当工业占GDP比重越过门槛后,R&D资本增长对经济增长的作用由不显著转变为显著为正;但当第三产业占GDP比重越过门槛后,R&D资本增长对经济增长的作用却由显著为正转变为不显著。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This study reports the results of a 2007 survey of corporate managers' views on payout policy on Japanese firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange from four industries. The findings show that firms attach more importance to stable dividends than to performance linked dividends and they believe that dividends should be paid after investment spending and strengthening of the balance sheet are met. The reasons for an increase in dividends in recent years is due to consideration of fair returns to shareholders and of preventing hostile takeovers. This is a change from the traditional view on payout policy.  相似文献   

国际石油价格剧烈波动对2007年世界金融危机爆发起到了推波助澜的作用,并直接影响当前全球经济复苏进程。本文从石油价格及其形成机制、石油价格冲击对实体经济和金融市场的影响以及应对策略等多个方面对石油价格冲击研究文献进行梳理。已有文献多以发达国家为研究对象,在当前全球经济复苏的背景下,结合当前国际石油市场状况与我国国情,提出有价值的研究方向,这是本文拟达到的目的。  相似文献   

国外土地发展权转让理论研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用文献检索和比较方法,回顾国外近40年来土地发展权转让领域的研究进展,探讨这一政策工具对我国土地管理的借鉴意义。结果显示,国外土地发展权转让作为一种市场性的政策工具,它在分区规划的框架内通过引入经济诱因实现对农地、环境敏感区、开敞空间、历史遗迹等特定类型土地的有效保护,一定程度上校正了分区管制的强制性和刚性。对于正处于城市化快速发展阶段而又受到土地资源严重制约的中国来说,发展权转让这一理论和政策工具具有较大的借鉴和应用价值。不过,将这一理论和政策工具引入中国,必须从中国独特的土地物权结构出发,进行本土化的理论再创造和制度再创新,并尤其要注意借鉴以项目方式实施土地发展权转让的外域经验。  相似文献   

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