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陈科灶  李健 《消费经济》2005,21(6):89-91
新经济时代,消费者地位发生了很大的变化,同时带来了消费者对企业影响能力的变化。消费者参与企业治理有利于增加消费者感受到的价值、降低交易成本,从而为企业创造更多价值、增进福利。消费者参与企业治理是为了参与企业剩余的分配,即获得更高的消费者剩余。企业应积极响应消费者的需求,更好地满足消费者的期望,从而实现企业福利最大化。  相似文献   

论食品安全治理的消费者参与及其机制构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相对于食品经营者,消费者往往处于弱势地位。但是,消费者亦能成为食品安全治理的重要力量,一是在于消费者对于食品安全治理最具积极性;二是缘于消费者在特定信息的占有上有一定优势;三是因为消费者集体作用的发挥能量巨大。消费者有效参与食品安全治理,能够起到弥补政府有关部门的监管不足、推动社会监督以及制约食品经营者等重要作用。消费者对食品安全治理的参与及其作用的发挥,需要系列制度予以保障。首先,需要强化消费者司法保护机制;其次,需要细化消费者举报监督机制;最后,需要健全消费者权益保障机制。  相似文献   

浅议消费者对公司治理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜湘红 《消费经济》2004,20(6):50-52
作为利益相关者之一的消费者与公司治理相互影响,消费者通过产品市场对公司治理发挥重要作用,这种作用依赖于消费者权益保护的状况,而消费者参与公司治理又是有效保障消费者权益的重要途径。鉴此,本文针对我国现状提出了应完善公司治理机制和信息披露机制以发展消费者参与公司治理的思路。  相似文献   

利益相关者与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业是一系列不完全契约的集合体,企业不仅是股东的企业,也应成为全体利益相关者的企业。利益相关者理论在逐渐完善的过程中,对传统股东至上的治理模式提出了挑战和质疑,并相应地提出了利益相关者治理模式。但利益相关者治理模式也并非完美的治理模式,依然存在着一些不足和改进的必要。  相似文献   

公司治理可以为企业的发展提供重要的保障,当前更多学者是从企业内部对公司治理进行研究,但从外部利益相关者的角度来理解与剖析公司治理的外部机制,对公司治理也是大有裨益的。因此,本文从外部利益相关者入手,分析我国民营企业公司治理存在的问题,分析外部利益相关者参与民营企业公司治理的主要途径。  相似文献   

有关机构投资者的研究在公司治理领域内对传统理论提出了强有力的挑战 ,但仍处于初步发展阶段 ,尚未形成逻辑一致、系统的分析框架。借鉴美英公司治理模式下机构投资者对公司治理的参与 ,为进一步深入开展机构投资者与公司治理关系系统研究提供一个理论框架  相似文献   

随着传统的"股东至上"的公司治理模式的缺陷日益突出,"利益相关者"公司治理的模式受到越多越多的青睐,国内外相关的研究成果丰硕。为此,总结了利益相关者公司治理的理论基础,并总结了利益相关者的界定和分类方法,对目前利益相关者公司治理模式进行分析,为国内外研究的进一步开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

与企业管理不同,公司治理实质上是在解决委托代理冲突问题的同时,设计出内部各层级组织的管理与控制的有机系统和相关制度。文章由公司治理的理论探索、起因、对象、模式和目标五个部分构成,重点强调了企业的各方利益相关者对公司治理的影响,并对典型公司治理模式进行了简要描述。  相似文献   

论契约视角的消费者治理与公司社会责任重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭金林 《消费经济》2007,23(5):77-79,83
消费者治理兴起主要表现在各类消费者通过竞争性产品市场和资本市场等表达其对公司高层经理人员的治理意愿。买方市场、反垄断规制和竞争性契约的发展促进了消费者治理的兴起。公司对消费者的社会责任缺失主要表现在信息披露义务、损害赔偿和社会福利等责任缺失上,其原因在于公司最大化股东价值、最大化经理人员自身利益和公司文化契约缺失等。从契约视角促进消费者治理和重构公司社会责任的路径主要有促进市场契约化进程、重构包括消费者在内的公司利益相关者的价值契约和完善消费者参与公司治理的规制以及发展竞争性契约。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):717-735
Beginning in the late 1980s, the widely held assumption that scientific management (Taylorism) was an authoritarian and mechanical body of thought and practice began to be subjected to sustained challenge. Underpinning this contest was a growing understanding that, in his last years, Frederick Winslow Taylor became acutely aware that the ability of business interests to dominate enterprise governance was a major barrier to the development of forms of management in which scientific knowledge, rather than vested interests, dictate decision making. Building on this new understanding, scholars have subsequently uncovered a number of the ways by which Taylor and his colleagues and heirs sought to broaden access to management knowledge and assist the creation of a democratic social and intellectual space within which a science of management could flourish. One aspect of this history not previously brought to light is the fact that Taylor and a number of his disciples utilized their technical and political skills to assist consumers to gain access to the knowledge they required if they were to adequately defend themselves against the interests of business and the state. In this article, we seek to correct this omission by detailing the three major ways in which Taylor and his colleagues sought to increase the ability of the consumer to make informed decisions. In so doing, we also explain why their efforts attracted a level of business hostility that in the 1930s became vitriolic and subsequently drew the attention of the House of Representatives' Un-American Activities Committee.  相似文献   

In order to create a Common Market for branded products the European Commission is presently promoting a regulation for a Community Trade Mark backed by a directive to approximate Member States' trade mark laws. A consumer working group studying these two initiatives found a common interest with the Commission not only in freeing the flow of competing goods but also in specific proposals which to some extent acknowledge a consumer interest. However, the consumer interest in market transparency is not a major theme in either proposal nor do the drafters adopt the consumer oriented certification mark system. Above all there is no promise of effective, continuing consumer representation in the operation of the laws and this threatens to perpetuate the distortion of the public interest towards that of proprietors that has been allowed to develop, particularly since registration systems were introduced about a century ago.
Zusammenfassung Zum Zweck der Schaffung eines gemeinsamen Marktes für Markenartikel hat die Kommission der EG zwei Vorschläge auf dem Gebiet des Warenzeichenrechts unterbreitet: einen Verordnungsentwurf über die Schaffung einer Gemeinschaftsmarke und einen Richtlinienentwurf über die Rechtsangleichung des Markenrechts der Mitgliedstaaten. Diese Vorschläge sind von einer Expertengruppe einer genaueren Prüfung dahingehend unterzogen worden, wieweit sie dem im EG-Vertrag auch verankerten Verbraucherinteresse dienen. Die Gruppe, der die Autorin angehörte, fand zwar in den Vorschlägen einige bemerkenswerte Verbesserungen zur Beseitigung von Handelshemmnissen, die von unterschiedlichen Markenrechten ausgehen können. Das Verbraucherinteresse and Produkt- und Markttransparenz, an Vermeidung künstlicher Produktdifferenzierung, an Garantiemarken und an Verbrauchervertretung hat jedoch in die Vorschläge kaum Eingang gefunden. Zur Bestimmung des Verbraucherinteresses im Markenrecht arbeitet die Autorin Problembereiche heraus, die teilweise der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zugrunde liegen (Parallelimporte, «inter-brand»-Wettbewerb, konfligierende herkunftsgleiche oder verwechslungsfähige Marken), sich teilweise auch erst ergeben, wenn eine Gemeinschaftsmarke neben die (bestehenbleibenden) nationalen Markensysteme tritt. Zum Schluß ihres Beitrages macht die Autorin Vorschläge zur Einführung von Garantiemarken auf EG-Ebene nach englischem Vorbild und zur Schaffung einer Verbrauchervertretung in einem künftigen EG-Markenamt.

She is a member of working groups of the Consumers Consultive Committee on trade marks and on patents.  相似文献   

Retailers often face pressure from stakeholders to address social and environmental issues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of retailer corporate social responsibility (CSR) on consumers' perceptions and behavior. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of social identity theory and signaling theory, this study presents and validates a unique model which examines the mediating effects of perceived consumer effectiveness and consumer trust on the relationship between retailer CSR and consumer citizenship behavior. Using a sample of 407 consumers in China, results of structural equation modeling show that retailer CSR is positively associated with consumer citizenship behavior. Additionally, perceived consumer effectiveness and consumer trust positively mediate this association. Taken together, these findings provide support for retailers to develop CSR programs that remind and reinforce consumers’ perceptions about socially responsible behaviors.  相似文献   

Abject poverty and rampant consumerism are twin ills of global capitalism. This short paper serves to encourage discussion on the role of Fair Trade in healing those ills. After describing the benefits of Fair Trade for producers, a paradox concerning the joys and blights of contemporary consumption is presented. Drawing on an autoethnographic method, the author indicates how Fair Trade resolves this paradox in the consumer interest.  相似文献   

The extant literature has generally overlooked the differentiated consumer forgiveness regarding corporate social irresponsibility (CSI). Motivated by this, we introduce the construct of patriotism and propose a model (applicable to domestic enterprises in China) to investigate the moderating effect of patriotism and corporate reputation on the relationship between CSI domains (must-be and attractive) and consumer forgiveness; and such effect is mediated by moral judgment. An experiment that uses 483 actual consumers in China as participants was conducted. We find that the must-be CSI has a greater negative impact on consumers than the attractive CSI, and consumers are less likely to forgive the must-be CSI. Meanwhile, moral judgment plays a mediating role in the differential effects of different CSI domains on consumer forgiveness. In addition, high corporate reputation has a buffer effect on both CSI domains for consumers with high patriotism, and has a boomerang effect on the must-be CSI and a buffer effect on the attractive CSI for consumers with low patriotism.  相似文献   

In this paper the role of consumer products in contributing to accidental injuries and the need for concrete measures to improve product safety are highlighted. In connection with these measures, the importance of standards will be discussed, and in particular the need for a strong consumer input in the developmental process of new standards. Suggestions for strengthening consumer input in standardization work, in particular in the field of product safety, are presented.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the effectiveness of corporate culture as a control mechanism in the multinational context. While there is widespread managerial support for its use, there is also considerable challenge to the idea that corporate culture can be ‘managed’. A review of relevant literature dealing with the internalisation of corporate values, organizational commitment, psychological ownership, and corporate identification provokes questions about the viability of corporate culture as a MNC control mechanism. Much depends on individual employee responses that range from support to outright resistance, and may be moderated by variables, such as managerial action and the extent of violation of the psychological contract. It is concluded that, in the long run, it may not be in the best interests of MNC management to have a strong corporate culture. A workforce of highly inculcated employees might, in fact, impede MNC management's need for strategic changes.  相似文献   

This study aims to fill a gap in marketing studies concerning the effect of a logo on consumer evaluations. The research addresses two questions: (1) what are the factors that influence the favorability of the corporate logo; and (2) what are the main influences of this favorability on corporate image and corporate reputation? The favorability of a corporate logo is reflected by the extent to which consumers positively regard that logo. The findings from the consumers' perspectives in the context of a financial setting, suggest that the main factors that bear influence on a favorable corporate logo (antecedents) are: corporate name, design, and typeface. The findings reveal the importance of the company's corporate logo in enhancing the corporate image, attitude toward advertisements, recognizability, familiarity, and corporate reputation. Key implications for managers and researchers are highlighted.  相似文献   

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