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本文的主要目的是研究和阐明20世纪90年代后期中国工业企业中白领阶层的地位和特点。文中的数据来自于我们在武汉市所作的问卷调查以及由此所进行的统计判别分析。通过分析我们指出:尽管白领阶层的工资收入与普通工人没有什么差别,但他们的职务意识,特别是他们在对待市场化等问题的态度上更接近于管理人员。这种状况被认为主要是源于白领所拥有的较高的文化程度。这些分析结果意味着职务意识可能与工资等劳动条件没有太大关联。  相似文献   

朗讯公司在许多中层经理上岗前会对他们做一些培训,请海外更高职务的经理来进行培训指导。朗讯有一个特点是管理者具备培训能力,许多来自公司内部,朗讯在美国的培训中心是朗讯一个主要的资源。还有国内的培训公司,也是朗讯利用的力量。“我们自己没有专职培训师”,朗讯有一个理念是做领导的同时也要充当员工的老师,高级管理人员需要具备教书的能力。  相似文献   

近几年来,信仰问题越来越受到中国白领阶层的关注。这些人努力工作,获得了成功,却没有满足感。佛教似乎可以填补这个空白。  相似文献   

独立董事是指不在公司担任除董事外的其他职务,并与其所受聘的公司及其主要股东不存在可能妨碍其进行独立客观判断的关系的董事。作为完善公司治理结构和保护中小投资者权益的重要内容之一,独立董事制度首创于美国,1998年被引入中国。经过十几年的实践,独立董事在中国并没有保证董事会的有效运作,独立董事的实际作用与该制度设计的目标相去甚远。  相似文献   

企业领导人员因为履行岗位职责而需发生的职务消费,是企业经营活动所,必要的消费。但如何加强对企业领导人员职务消费行为的监督与管理,却是一个需要深入研究和解决的迫切课题。基于制度经济学的角度,对企业领导人职务消费存在的问题及其原因进行了分析,以期为解决企业领导人职务消费过度问题提供一种可供参考的思路。  相似文献   

典型的民营企业创业老板很多是“狮子”型的人才,他们往往具备常人所没有的市场意识和敏锐的商业直觉,善于捕捉机会,把握大局,个性刚强,而且善于处理中国特定时代背景下的社会关系。  相似文献   

国有企业经营者中需要激励的,现行企业运行机制对企业家的激励力度不足。对国人企业经营者激励的目标是让他们发挥自己的潜能,精心管理企业使国有资产保值增值。对职务消费缺乏约束是造成激励力度不足的重要原因。据1998年调查有近半数的国有经营者月工资在1000元以下,但对职务消费的限制却很少。因此,应根据企业经营者的业绩,大幅度提高他们的工资和奖金,限制职务消费。  相似文献   

曲力秋  牟雨 《新经济》2002,(5):8-17
本刊今年第二期刊发的《朱镕基和他的学生们》一文,在海内外引起了巨大的反响,这是第一次向世人透露朱镕基和清华大学经济管理学院的学生们之间的故事。也就是不到3个月的时间,清华方面传来了消息朱镕基亲自到清华大学,宣布辞去经济管理学院院长职务。上述报道由此而成为第一篇也是最后一篇报道朱镕基任经管学院院长的故事。我们的心情是复杂的。在朱镕基正式宣布辞去清华大学经管学院院长职务的几个小时后,我们接到了几位经管学院学生的电话,他们向我们描述了朱镕基辞别清华时的感人情景,并希望我们能够就此写一篇文章,说只有这样,才是一个完整的关于朱镕基与清华的故事。  相似文献   

张娟 《经济导刊》2011,(6):36-37
独立董事的概念,最早出现在1992年的《凯德伯恩报告》中,是指不在公司担任董事职务以外的其他任何职务,并与其所受聘的上市公司及其主要股东不存在可能妨碍其进行独立客观判断的一切关系的特定董事。独立董事制度产生于20世纪40年代,以美国1940年颁布的《投资公司法》为标志。20世纪70年代以来,  相似文献   

职务与职称怪现象质疑赵成行在基层工作中,我们发现某些单位和企业有这样一些现象,一是在选拔领导干部过程中没有把学历和技术职称做为必备的条件,只要政治上“合格”,领导“满意”就行。然而,在上岗业务培训中,有的文件规定,副科级以上干部可以免去岗位培训及考试...  相似文献   

I consider the effects of monitoring costs on the wage profile and employment adjustment of older white-collar workers under asymmetric information on workers' efforts towards skill acquisition. A firm has two options to encourage employees to acquire skills: delayed compensation (an upward-sloping wage profile), and monitoring. I show that the high monitoring costs common in white-collar jobs result in a more upward-sloping wage profile and fewer dismissals under a larger "hostage repayment", which is the difference between the wage payment and productivity of older employees.
JEL Classification Numbers: J31, J41.  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate whether a positive relationship between life satisfaction and self-employment (versus paid employment) exists while simultaneously considering two occupational dimensions: white-collar versus blue-collar work and high-skilled versus low-skilled work. Using Eurobarometer data for a large number of European countries (2008–2012), our findings confirm that self-employed workers are more satisfied with their lives than paid employees are. A life satisfaction premium is also found when the self-employed and paid employees are compared within similar occupations in terms of collar type and skill level. Finally, self-employment can help to overcome low life satisfaction scores associated with blue-collar and low-skilled work.  相似文献   

Cities, Workers, and Wages: A Structural Analysis of the Urban Wage Premium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Workers earn higher wages in cities vs. rural areas. This gap could arise because cities make workers more productive, or it could be the result of a non-random selection of workers into cities based on their ability and their endogenous history of career choices. To untangle these issues, this paper estimates a dynamic programming model, which embeds the choice of residing in a city or rural area within a model of career choices over time. After controlling for all the sources of selection and endogeneity, the estimates indicate that a given worker does earn more in the city for white-collar work, but not for blue-collar work. In addition, city work experience is found to be worth more than rural work experience in the rural area for white-collar work, but not for blue-collar work. These results support the interpretation that cities make white-collar workers more productive and suggest that workers may consider moving to the city not only in terms of locational choice, but also as a form of human capital investment.  相似文献   

This study uses the 1988 CPS Displaced Workers Surveyto analyse the effect of written advance notification of plant closings and relocations on the re-employment earnings of blue-collar and, for comparison purposes, white-collar workers in the United States. The results show that written notification given less than 60 days in advance of the layoffs did not have any significant effect on the re-employment earnings of either blue-collar or white-collar workers of either gender. However, the results show that dislocated male blue-collar workers who were given advance notification of 60 days or more before their layoffs had significantly higher re-employment earnings. This result is supportive of the federal plant closing legislation mandating 60-day advance notification to dislocated workers in the United States.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether employees and firms differently benefit from particular human resource (HR) practices. The focus is on small firms that may be badly informed on the impact of HR practices on firm performance. In this study on Dutch pharmacies, it is found that firms do not reward employees’ skills according to their contribution to firms’ productivity, as (1) employees are over-rewarded for their sector-specific skills and under-rewarded for the productivity enhancing effect of their computer skills and (2) employees’ work experience positively affects their wages but does not have real productivity effects. Moreover, it is found that training employees in case of vacancy problems seems to be an adequate HR practice, since it increases productivity without affecting the average wage level. The opposite holds for offering higher wages to newly recruited employees. Furthermore, we find that only the employees benefit from performance evaluation interviews, whereas employing many employees by temporary contracts appears to have a negative effect on productivity, without affecting the wage level.  相似文献   

Firms who share specialized information or client connections with their employees expose themselves to the risk of opportunism, in which their workers leave the firm and go into business for themselves. Legal and contractual solutions to the problem of employee opportunism are not always viable. Instead, firms may organize themselves so as to discourage opportunism. We study an organizational scheme called internal redundancy: the practice of assigning employees to overlapping tasks so that they are less likely to possess sole access to trade secrets or customers, and therefore, less likely to profit if they leave the firm.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a series of 20 case studies of office productivity and office technology in major US corporations. The case studies were carried out between the mid-1980s and he early 1990s, and involved over 1700 employees in 95 distinct offices. These studies were shaped by a new conceptual model of the office which focuses on the inteleectual content, rather than the physical attributes, of office work. Our major finding is a significan lack of intellectual specialization among managers and professionals. That is, managers and professionals devote a relatively small fraction of their work time to management and professional level work, and a relatively large fraction of their time to support and non-productive tasks. In addition, we found significant staffing imbalances throughout our cases: in nearly every office, there were more manaers and professionals, and fewer support workers, than were required to perform the work cost-effectively. Out analysis suggests that a typical organization could reduce its annual office payroll costs by 15% by recalibrating its staffing mix and increasing the intellectual specialization of its office workers. Further, we find that the apparent failure of massive corporate investments in office technology to achieve commensurate in white-collar productivity is likely to be due, in large decisions. The paper offers a specific methodology for measuring and tracking office productivity, for developing a coherent office productivity strategy, and for improving office staffing and technology decisions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a series of 20 case studies of office productivity and office technology in major US corporations. The case studies were carried out between the mid-1980s and he early 1990s, and involved over 1700 employees in 95 distinct offices. These studies were shaped by a new conceptual model of the office which focuses on the inteleectual content, rather than the physical attributes, of office work. Our major finding is a significan lack of intellectual specialization among managers and professionals. That is, managers and professionals devote a relatively small fraction of their work time to management and professional level work, and a relatively large fraction of their time to support and non-productive tasks. In addition, we found significant staffing imbalances throughout our cases: in nearly every office, there were more manaers and professionals, and fewer support workers, than were required to perform the work cost-effectively. Out analysis suggests that a typical organization could reduce its annual office payroll costs by 15% by recalibrating its staffing mix and increasing the intellectual specialization of its office workers. Further, we find that the apparent failure of massive corporate investments in office technology to achieve commensurate in white-collar productivity is likely to be due, in large decisions. The paper offers a specific methodology for measuring and tracking office productivity, for developing a coherent office productivity strategy, and for improving office staffing and technology decisions.  相似文献   

张颖 《经济研究导刊》2010,(25):205-206
在石油化工企业,新员工往往由于未经系统全面的技术和安全技能培训,安全意识较差,技能水平较低,在这个群体中极易发生违章违纪现象,不能完全以"主人翁"的心态进入企业安全文化的建设中,使得新员工成为"三违"的高发群体,因此,新员工进行安全教育培训是必不可少的。从新员工的特点着手,就新员工安全培训的必要性和培训的主要内容作了论述。  相似文献   

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