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This study examines changes in stock liquidity, as measured by the bid/ask spread, when a stock is added to the S&P 500 Index. The paper presents evidence of a significant decrease in the bid/ask spread upon S&P 500 addition, however, this effect is limited to only those stocks that were not trading listed options. Further, the decrease in the bid/ask spread for nonoptioned stocks is accompanied by a significant and permanent increase in share price and trading volume. While optioned stocks experience a permanent increase in trading volume, they experience only a temporary increase in share price. The findings for optioned stocks support the hypothesis that the price and volume effects associated with S&P 500 addition derive from temporary price pressure. Findings pertaining to the nonoptioned stocks indicate that the price and volume effects associated with S&P addition reflect enhanced stock liquidity. The decrease in the bid/ask spread for nonoptioned stocks is attributed to informational efficiencies achieved via index arbitrage trading, and it is argued that this effect is mitigated for optioned stocks due to the pre-existence of arbitrage trading between the option and the underlying stock.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical analysis of the impact of Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) option initiation on the price volatility and trading volume of the underlying equities. Virtually every firm with options listed on the CBOE from April 1973 to June 1986 is included in the empirical tests. The results of the tests strongly suggest that option listing leads to decreases in the total (but not systematic) risk of optioned firms. Although total trading volume appears to increase following option listing, securities listed after 1980 show smaller increases in volume than those listed in the early years of option trading.  相似文献   

We provide a new test of the informational efficiency of trading in stock options in the context of stock split announcements. These announcements tend to be associated with positive abnormal returns. Our traditional event study results show abnormal returns that are significantly lower for optioned than non-optioned stocks, whether traded on the NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq. After controlling for market returns, capitalization, book-to-market ratio, and trading volume, we find that the abnormal returns are significantly lower for NYSE/Amex optioned than non-optioned stocks. Although the results for Nasdaq stocks are not as clear, the overall effects tend to be lower after optioning. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the prices of optioned stocks embody more information, diminishing the impact of the stock split announcement. They provide new evidence of the beneficial effects of options on their underlying stocks.  相似文献   

This paper measures the impact of option introductions on the return variance of underlying stocks. Past research generally finds a significant reduction in stock return variance following the listing of options through 1986. Using a more extensive sample, I compare changes in the return variance of optioned stocks to changes in the return variance of a control group. Since the average change in the control group is statistically indistinguishable from the average change in the optioned stocks, I conclude that option introductions do not significantly affect stock return variance.  相似文献   

This article investigates Asian Country Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) price deviation with underlying due to market sentiment. By implementing a dynamic contrarian trading strategy and a buy-and-hold strategy, this article finds that significant abnormal excess trading profit can be generated by capitalizing on the overnight price reversion. The excess return generated by the dynamic strategy over buy-and-hold separates the influence of market sentiment to ETF price deviation from fundamental movements. By studying the relations between variations of the excess returns and market sentiment, the article finds that the ETF price deviation is highly influenced by market sentiment and the effect exacerbates during financial crisis and distress.  相似文献   

This paper presents a closed-form solution for the valuation of European options under the assumption that the excess returns of an underlying asset follow a diffusion process. In light of our model, the implied volatility computed from the Black–Scholes formula should be viewed as the volatility of excess returns rather than as the volatility of gross returns. Using the SPX and the OMX options data, we test whether implied volatility obtained from Black-Scholes option price explains the volatilities of excess returns better than gross returns, even though the result is not statistically significant.  相似文献   

We conduct a detailed analysis of the relationship between excess demand and the convergence of price to equilibrium during a real-world Walrasian auction, paying special attention to the size and speed of the price adjustment. Using data from the Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE), we first show that because auctions for the various futures contracts occur sequentially, information becomes more evenly dispersed across traders as an auction sequence progresses. Then we show that excess demand is positively correlated with both the eventual price change and the speed with which price adjusts. As information becomes more evenly dispersed, the strength of these relationships weakens. Finally, though excess demand explains a large proportion of the variability of the change in price, it explains only a small proportion of the variability of the speed of adjustment.  相似文献   

In this paper, the relationship between the investment performances of equity securities and their price–earnings ratios is examined using an approach similar to the one employed by Basu in a 1977 paper. From the tests, we conclude that, from 1979 through 1984, there were some moderate excess rates of return earned by selecting stocks based on their price–earnings ratios but that these excess rates were not obtained from investing in low price–earnings stocks.  相似文献   

倪骁然  顾明 《金融研究》2020,479(5):189-206
2018年5月15日,首批纳入明晟(MSCI)新兴市场指数的A股股票名单正式公布。我们发现,被纳入MSCI的股票(标的股票)在公告日前后有显著为正的累计超额收益。相较于主要特征相似的匹配股票,标的股票纳入MSCI后的分析师评级有显著提升。进一步研究表明,在公告日前后融资(融券)交易量显著上升(下降),而换手率没有明显变化,并且净融资交易与公告效应显著正相关。本文的发现表明,A股纳入MSCI这一事件具有明显的信息含量,传递了有关企业前景的正面信息,并促使本地市场聪明投资者进行更活跃的交易,这对促进价格发现、促成价值投资具有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

We study the destabilizing effect of hedging strategies under Markovian dynamics with transaction costs. Once transaction costs are taken into account, continuous portfolio rehedging is no longer an optimal strategy. Using a non-optimizing (local in time) strategy for portfolio rebalancing, explicit dynamics for the price of the underlying asset are derived, focusing in particular on excess volatility and feedback effects of these portfolio insurance strategies. Moreover, it is shown how these latter depend on the heterogeneity of the insured payoffs. Finally, conditions are derived under which it may be still reasonable, from a practical viewpoint, to implement Black–Scholes strategies.  相似文献   

Price dynamics are studied in a dataset of more than 11,000 transactions from large-scale financial markets experiments with multiple risky securities. The aim is to determine whether a few simple principles govern equilibration. We first ask whether price changes are driven by excess demand. The data strongly support this conjecture. Second, we investigate the presence of cross-security effects (the excess demands of other securities influence price changes of a security beyond its own excess demand). We find systematic cross-security effects, despite the fact that transactions in one market cannot be made conditional on events in other markets. Nevertheless, stability is not found to be compromised in our data. A curious relationship emerges between the signs of the cross-effects and the signs of the covariances of the payoffs of the corresponding securities. It suggests a link between price discovery in real markets and the Newton procedure in numerical computation of general equilibrium. Next, we investigate whether the book (the set of posted limit orders) plays a role in the process by which excess demand becomes reflected in transaction price changes. We find strong correlation between excess demands and a weighted average of the quotes in the book. The correlation is far from perfect, and we document that our weighted average of the quotes in the book explains part of the variance of transaction price changes that is unaccounted for by excess demands.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative pricing of an innovated security called “instalment receipts” (IRs). IRs are securities that evidence the purchase of some underlying securities on an instalment basis. Theoretically, we show that investors with borrowing restrictions will be willing to pay for the leverage benefit embedded in IRs. We then provide an empirical support for our argument. The observed premium in IR price over the underlying price implies that by using IRs, the issuers benefit from both an increase in demand and a reduction in the price concessions that they have to make to ensure the success of their offerings.  相似文献   

We find robust model-free hedges and price bounds for options on the realized variance of [the returns on] an underlying price process. Assuming only that the underlying process is a positive continuous semimartingale, we superreplicate and subreplicate variance options and forward-starting variance options, by dynamically trading the underlying asset and statically holding European options. We thereby derive upper and lower bounds on values of variance options, in terms of Europeans.  相似文献   

Basket securities enable investors to purchase a broad portfolio of securities in a single transaction. We examine the link between HOLDRS, a basket security comprising stocks from an industry or sector, and the underlying stocks. We find that the price of the portfolio of underlying securities leads and is more informative than the basket price. Our results are contrary to the findings of empirical studies that use futures, which are basket securities with features less like those of the underlying equities. Our findings suggest uninformed investors can minimize adverse selection costs by trading basket securities rather than the underlying stocks.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence from many countries suggests momentum strategies generate profits. These have been difficult to rationalise and evidence on the sources of such profitability is inconclusive. We utilise a sample of optioned stocks, characterised by high liquidity, high market capitalisation and fewer short sales constraints and compare results with control samples of non optioned stocks chosen on the basis of market value, turnover and bid–ask spread. The sample characteristics, and the fact that derivatives improve the impounding of information into prices, enable us to draw conclusions about the causes of momentum profits. While we find that short sales constraints are not the major driver of profitability and that most momentum profits disappear using two transactions costs measures of the bid–ask spread, one not previously used, the persistence of some momentum profits indicates that the market underreacts even to the most publicly available information.  相似文献   

Classical Arrow Debreu equilibria employ budget feasibility to require individuals to ensure excess supplies to be nonnegative in value using the single equilibrium price system for valuation purposes. Yet by the selection of state contingent prices, they seek excess supplies that are nonnegative in each component, and not just the value. A financial equilibrium, on the other hand, defines acceptable economic risks as excess supplies that are nonnegative in value for a number of prespecified valuation price systems. The collection of prespecified valuation price systems may be referred to as features for which clearing is sought. The number of features will generally be less than the number of states. It is then shown that by also defining budget feasibility nonlinearly one may construct a financial equilibrium with fewer securities than there are features to be cleared.  相似文献   

Proponents of a securities transactions tax have suggested that such a tax may reduce stock return volatility. The argument is that, to the extent that short-term speculative trading volume is the source of excess volatility, a tax that reduces such volume will reduce volatility. In the context of a simple general equilibrium model, it is shown that this partial equilibrium argument is misleading and in large part incorrect. In the absence of a tax, the model generates equilibria in which the risky asset's price exhibits excess volatility and agents engage in excess trading activity owing to the presence of destabilizing noise traders. Within the context of the model, it is shown that, although a transactions tax can reduce the volatility of the risky asset's price, the reduction in price volatility is accompanied by a fall in the asset's price as agents discount the future tax liability associated with risky asset ownership. Consequently, although price volatility may decrease slightly, the fall in equilibrium prices more than compensates, and the volatiltiy of risky asset returns unambiguously increases with the level of the transactions tax.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemThe conclusions herein are those of the author and do not represent the views of the Federal Reserve Board or any of the Federal Reserve Banks.  相似文献   

We show how a given probability distribution can be approximated by an arbitrary distribution in terms of a series expansion involving second and higher moments. This theoretical development is specialized to the problem of option valuation where the underlying security distribution, if not lognormal, can be approximated by a lognormally distributed random variable. The resulting option price is expressed as the sum of a Black-Scholes price plus adjustment terms which depend on the second and higher moments of the underlying security stochastic process. This approach permits the impact on the option price of skewness and kurtosis of the underlying stock's distribution to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Initial public offerings (IPOs) are typically offered at prices lower than the transaction price in the early aftermarket. With a stochastic frontier model, we measured the fair offer price of an IPO and then the deliberate IPO underpricing and the market misvaluation based on the estimated fair offer price. Our results show that IPOs are deliberately underpriced. The extent of noisy trading leading to significantly higher market transaction prices explains the excess IPO returns. We conclude that initial IPO returns result primarily from the noisy trading activities instead of the deliberate IPO underpricing.  相似文献   

This paper examines differences in announcement day effects among firms engaged in voluntary sell-offs. While, on average, an initial sell-off announcement results in a significant positive excess return, not all divestiture announcements are accompanied by positive price movements. Dividing the sample into two subsamples based on whether the transaction price is announced shows that the announcement day effect is significantly positive for the price group but not statistically different from zero for the no-price group. In addition, a positive relation is found between the relative size of the sell-off and the announcement day return.  相似文献   

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