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In this paper we develop a test of infinite order degree stochastic dominance based on the use of the empirical Laplace transform function. Two applications are considered. One uses the income data of Anderson (Econometrica 64:1183–1193, 1996) and derives results consistent with his. In the other application we examine the dominance between the U.S. and U.K. stock markets. Using data on the S&P 500 and the FTALL-Share we show that the U.S. displays infinite order degree stochastic dominance of the U.K.
Stephen SatchellEmail:

《Economic Systems》2020,44(3):100761
We study the effect of overall globalisation on economic growth in a neoclassical macroeconomic growth model. We further assess our model by considering the decomposed measures of globalisation including economic, political, and social globalisation components. To this end, we estimate panel data models by applying the cross-sectional dependency-autoregressive distributed lags (CS-ARDL) approach to a sample of 116 countries during the available period, 1980–2015. We classified our sample into upper middle-, lower middle-, and high-income groups to minimise country-specific heterogeneity. Our results affirm the presence of a quadratic (nonlinear) U-shaped relationship between the overall globalisation (including the economic, political, social components) and economic growth for the lower middle- and upper middle-income group. However, they provide evidence of a positive linear relationship between globalisation and economic growth for the high-income countries. Given the arguments that the impact of globalisation on growth is conditional on local financial development (FD) and quality of governance (QoG), we incorporate their role. We provide fresh evidence that the impacts of globalisation on economic growth are more profound in the countries with a higher QoG and a higher deepening of FD. We further check the robustness of our analysis applying the U test and dynamic generalised methods of moment approach. We also provide policy implications.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101041
Financial sector development is a multidimensional process that plays a vital role in the economic growth and development of a country. This study investigates the effect of institutional quality on multidimensional financial sector development, and its dimensions, such as, depth, access, and efficiency. We used a panel dataset of 85 emerging and developing economies from 1996 to 2018 for analysis. Our findings based on 2SLS estimation demonstrate that institutional quality has a significant positive effect on the progress of the financial sector, especially its depth, access, and efficiency. The breakdown analysis shows that most of the key components (control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice and accountability) of institutional quality enhance the financial sector development. Our empirical results are robust across alternative measures of institutional quality, split-sample analysis, alternative instrument, and estimator. This paper also offers useful policy implications to the stakeholders in emerging and developing economies.  相似文献   

We analyse real income convergence among the EU28 countries throughout 1995–2017 and the relationship with the convergence patterns of financial systems. We apply the nonlinear latent factor model of Phillips and Sul (2007, 2009) to real incomes and the IMF financial development indices for financial markets and financial institutions (Svirydzenka, 2016), and identify convergence clubs endogenously. We have several results. First, income disparities narrowed significantly over the last twenty years; yet, the growth convergence process lost momentum triggered by the global financial crisis and countries legacies shaped up asymmetries that have crystallised. Second, countries' financial systems exhibit high fragmentation, especially for financial markets, with the new EU member states at a lower financial development, confirming the existence of a two-tier Europe. Overall, the convergence patterns for real incomes and financial development are strongly correlated. Finally, the financial structure matters and market-oriented economies feature higher long-run growth, indicating the need to implement pan-European policy actions that increase the opportunities of risk diversification, enhance capital raising and channel large-scale financing to firms.  相似文献   

The relationship between growth and inequality is complex. After discussing some general background issues, motivated by extensive empirical evidence this paper focuses on public investment as a key determinant of the relationship. Two alternative frameworks, each offering sharply contrasting perspectives, are presented. The first employs the “representative consumer theory of distribution” where agent heterogeneity originates with wealth endowments. It yields an equilibrium in which aggregate dynamics drives distributional dynamics. In the second, agent heterogeneity arises from idiosyncratic productivity shocks and generates an equilibrium in which distributional dynamics drive growth. The impact of government investment on growth and inequality are shown to contrast sharply in the two approaches, thus illustrating the complexity of the growth-inequality relationship.  相似文献   

Using an OLG model with heterogeneous households, we investigate the relationship among income risk, macroeconomic and demographic changes, and economic inequality between 1980 and 2000 in Japan. By decomposing the primary factors in earnings and consumption inequality into macroeconomic variables and the demographic variable, we find that our model replicates the evolution of economic inequality in Japan. By performing counterfactual simulations, we demonstrate that two factors—changes in time-varying macroeconomic factors and the unexpected decline in the total factor productivity growth rate—played important roles in the increase in earnings and consumption inequality in the 1990s.  相似文献   

The positive role of the financial sector in promoting economic growth has been well established among academics and practitioners since the early 1990s. However, more recently, there has been increasing evidence pointing to a vanishing, and even negative, effect of financial sectors at high levels of financial depth, particularly since the global financial crisis of 2007?2009. Too much finance could hurt growth. The paper shifts the focus towards labor market outcomes by examining whether too much finance also hurts unemployment. Using a dynamic simultaneous model via system GMM estimation and a panel of 97 OECD and non-OECD countries for the period 1991–2015, we find that the answer depends on the type of finance and the extent of a country’s labor market flexibility. Specifically, (i) too much financial development hurts unemployment for countries with more rigid labor markets; (ii) too bank-centered or too little market-oriented financial systems worsen unemployment, particularly for countries with more flexible labor markets; and (iii) too much credit to private enterprises deteriorates unemployment in countries with more rigid labor markets, whereas too little credit to households worsens unemployment in countries with more flexible labor markets. Evidence also shows that these unemployment consequences possibly run through investment and entrepreneurship channels.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101022
In this study, we investigate the potential contribution of bank competition to macroeconomic stability, and the interactive role of financial development. We classify macroeconomic stability into economic and financial stability. Economic stability is represented by the volatility of actual and unexpected output growth, whereas financial stability is assessed by the aggregate Z-score and volatility of the private credit-to-gross domestic product ratio. We employ two structural and two non-structural measures of bank competition in our analysis. Applying a two-step dynamic panel system (GMM) to macroeconomic data from 48 developing nations from 1999 to 2018, we find a bell-shaped relationship between bank competition and macroeconomic stability. The findings imply that a higher level of bank competition promotes macroeconomic stability by reducing output growth volatility, fluctuations in private credit, and the probability of bank default. There is an optimal level of bank competition beyond which it may foster economic and financial instability. Moreover, financial development enhances bank competition’s positive impact on macroeconomic stability.  相似文献   

C.P.A. Bartels  P. Nijkamp 《Socio》1976,10(3):117-128
The paper attempts to develop a welfare theoretical approach to the analysis and comparison of regional income differences. Three types of alternative methods are discussed, viz. (a) an a priori method of inserting parameter values in a prespecified welfare function, (b) an ex post method of deriving parameter values of a welfare function on the basis of income statistics and (c) a canonical correlation analysis on the basis of a set of underlying explanatory variables. All these three methods are used to define an income inequality measure appropriate for interregional comparisons. The methods employed are illustrated by means of empirical applications to regional income statistics in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of various socio-economic variables on various cohorts of the income distribution. We use asymmetric cointegration tests to show that unemployment and immigration shocks have real impacts on income inequality. In addition, using threshold test results we are able to show that positive and negative shocks to the economy do not have symmetric effects nor do the impacts of these shocks impact income quintiles uniformly.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(4):100834
Although the relationship between income inequality and subjective well-being has been extensively discussed in the literature, relatively little is known about the effects of openness on subjective well-being and how rural-urban inequality may influence these effects. This article attempts to address this issue by using the dataset of the China General Social Survey (CGSS). We find that the effect of trade openness on happiness takes an inverted U shape, whereas that of financial openness is U-shaped. We also find that rural-urban inequality has a dampening effect on happiness, and this effect is strengthened by trade openness but weakened by financial openness. These findings extend previous studies on the determinants of happiness by highlighting the different effects associated with trade openness and financial openness and how these effects may interact with rural-urban inequality.  相似文献   

Competitive pressures on China: Income inequality and migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How would perfect competition affect the distribution of income in China? To answer this question, we integrate the two main streams of income distribution theory, namely the functional and the personal income approaches. First, using a general equilibrium model of China comprising 30 sectors and 27 provinces, marginal productivities are used as competitive commodity prices and factor rewards. Second, the rewards are imputed to households using their compositions in terms of persons and factor endowment entitlements. The ensuing distribution is contrasted with the status quo. Less skilled labor would stand to lose and, therefore, inequality would mount. Skilled workers, managers and technicians would move from Western and Central China to Eastern China. These flows would be more than offset by a flow of unskilled labor from Eastern China to Central China. Our finding that Eastern China has too many unskilled workers, relative to the competitive benchmark, suggests that the Harris–Todaro mechanism operates in China. Competition would change the predominant nature of inequality from the rural–urban divide to differences between the social classes. Moreover, the existing negative relationship between development and inequality would evaporate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse economic development and growth through traditional measures (gross domestic product and human development index) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in Colombian departments over the period 1993–2007. We use a DEA model to measure and rank economic development and growth from different approaches such as poverty, equality and security. The results show considerable variation in efficiency scores across departments. A second-stage panel data analysis with fixed effects reveals that higher levels of economic activity, quality life, employment and security are associated with a higher efficiency score based on the standards of living, poverty, equality and security. All findings of this analysis should demonstrate that economic development and growth could be achieved most effectively through a decrease in poverty, an increase in equality, a reduction in violence, and improved security. This indicates the need to generate effective policies that guarantee the achievement of these elements in the interest of all members of society.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(1):101010
In several developing countries, high and rising public debt is an important source of vulnerability. Strengthening debt management is a priority, but its effects on domestic economies have been hardly analyzed. This paper asks whether better public debt management could have spillover effects on the private sector, leading to more (and more stable) private capital flows and domestic credit. This is a relevant question in a context of financial deepening and increasing private capital inflows, which could be prone to episodes of bonanza, sudden stops and crises. Our results, based on a sample of developing countries, show positive spillover effects from better public debt management to private capital inflows and domestic financial deepening.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(1):100935
Based on a panel analysis of six countries over the period 2004–2018, this study examines the impact of financial regulation on sustainable financial inclusion (FI) in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) region. Using different approaches to estimate FI, we ?nd that banking regulation has a positive impact on FI. In particular, our ?ndings suggest that regulations for monitoring entry into the financial sector, external reporting and audits, and deposit insurance contribute sustainably to an increase in FI. In addition, banking regulations help the region to attract foreign direct investment and boost economic growth. An important policy implication of this paper is that CEMAC regulators should enhance synergy with mobile telephone network providers to promote digital FI, as it offers a low-cost option for promoting FI, especially for people living in areas underserved by mainstream financial institutions.  相似文献   

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores can act as an indicator for sustainability performance of organizations. This paper explores an empirical evidence for the relationship binding ESG scores and sustainability performances of firms. We observe and evaluate the ESG performance scores of 1,820 firms globally for 5 years, from 2014 to 2018 on 10 major themes and over 400 different indicators, as listed by Thomson Reuters and is captured from the Bloomberg terminal data. We posit five hypotheses to check the relations binding ESG scores and the total sustainability performances of firms. A Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis and standard bootstrapping using Smart PLS 3.0 software is used to observe the results and to evidence the direct and moderating effects among latent variables contributing to sustainability performances. We observe a significant and negative moderating effect of ESG performances, independently over the all direct relations, considering their relationship to ESG performances. One of the major implications of this research is in the direction of assigning priorities while considering environmental‐, social‐, and governance‐related themes in the implementation of any strategies or policies into practice.  相似文献   

Empirical research in Supply Chain Management is increasingly interested in complex models involving mediation effects. We support these endeavors by directing attention to the practices for the theorizing of, the testing for, and the drawing of conclusions about mediation effects. Our paper synthesizes diverse literature in other disciplines to provide an accessible tutorial as to the mathematical foundation of mediation effects and the various methods available to test for these effects. We also provide guidance to SCM scholars in the form of eight recommendations aimed at improving the theorizing of, the testing for, and the drawing of conclusions about mediation effects. Recommendations pertaining to how mediation effects are hypothesized and stated and how to select among methods to test for mediation effects are novel contributions for and beyond the Supply Chain Management discipline.  相似文献   

Vietnam is one of the emerging and industrializing developing countries in East Asia that has experienced a growth in tourism, information and communications technology (ICT) and financial development over the last three decades largely supported by significant structural reforms to escalate its path towards modernization and industrialization by 2020. In this paper, we explore the short-run and long-run effects of tourism, ICT and financial development over the period 1980–2010. Further, we examine the causation between these contemporary drivers of growth. The results show tourism has a positive and statistically significant effect in the short-run whereas ICT and financial development have a momentous positive and significant effect in the long-run. The causality results show unidirectional causation from capital per worker, ICT and financial development to output per worker; from ICT and financial development to capital per worker; and from capital per worker to tourism. Further, we also note a bi-directional causation between tourism and output per worker indicating their mutually reinforcing effect in the economy.  相似文献   

The oil exporting countries have experienced a relatively continuous fall in GDP per capita over the last 30 years. This is in spite of benefiting from a more than average of the rest of the world investment rate. The findings of this paper, report a lower level of financial development for the oil economies when compared with the rest of the world. We will show in this paper that the higher rate of investment of the oil economies can be explained mainly by the oil revenues and surprisingly, financial development has a net dampening effect on investment for these economies. The paper also shows that the weakness of financial institutions, contributes to the poor performance of economic growth of the oil economies and the weakness of financial institutions might be associated with the dominant role of government in total investment and the weakness of private sector.  相似文献   

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