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This paper examines the dynamic relationship between daily stock and government bond returns of selected countries over the past decade to infer the state and progress of inter-financial market integration. We proceed to empirically investigate the influence of the European Monetary Union (EMU) on time variations in inter-stock–bond market integration/segmentation dynamics using a two-step procedure: First, we document the downward trends in time-varying conditional correlations between stock and bond market returns in European countries, Japan and the US. Second, we investigate the causality and determinants of this interdependent relationship, in particular, whether the various macroeconomic convergence criteria associated with the EMU have played a significant role. We find that real economic integration and the reduction in currency risk have generally had the desired effect on financial integration but monetary policy integration may have created uncertain investor sentiments on the economic future of the EMU, thereby stimulating a flight to quality phenomenon.  相似文献   

This study analyzes time-varying integration of stock markets among fourteen European countries and its monetary drivers relevant to the two contrasting events — the introduction of Euro in 1999 and banking crisis of GIIPS in 2011. Our panel analysis reports evidence that monetary performance convergence, lower differentials in interest rates and inflation among EU countries, has been a key driver for the increase in integration of EU stock markets post EMU. Our qualitative analysis indicates that post EMU, the GDP differences among the EU countries have reverse relations with monetary performance convergence. This finding is in line with those of our quantitative study with a price-based indicator for integration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the stock market integration process amongst 17 Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries from January 2002 to June 2013 over a normal period as well as for the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and Eurozone Debt Crisis (EDC) periods. We classify the economies in three groups (A, B and C) based on their GDP to examine whether the economic size influences financial integration. Seven indicators are used for the purpose, namely, beta convergence, sigma convergence, variance ratio, asymmetric DCC, dynamic cointegration, market synchronisation measure and common components approach. The results suggest that large-sized EMU economies (termed as Group A) exhibit strong stock market integration. Moderate integration is observed for middle-sized EMU economies with old membership (termed as Group B). Small-sized economies (termed as Group C) economies seemed to be least integrated within the EMU stock market system. The findings further suggest presence of contagion effects as one moves from normal to crisis periods, which are specifically stronger for more integrated economies of Group A. We recommend institutional, regulatory and other policy reforms for Group B and especially Group C to achieve higher level of integration.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of European Monetary Union on the integration of the financial services industry within European using data on the announcements of M&A's within the industry. We find some evidence that EMU has helped financial integration within the euro area. In addition, financial institutions in EMU countries became more active in initiating integration between EMU and non‐EMU partners, which also contributed to overall regional integration within European. The more active role of EMU institutions suggests that institutions residing in the eurozone became stronger players in the corporate control market. However, EMU does not facilitate the entry of non‐European institutions into European.  相似文献   

GARCH modelling of banking integration in the Eurozone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the progress of integration in the European banking industry and its effects on the price of the common stock of banks listed on European stock exchanges. We estimate the overall effect of progress by comparing the changes in the stock price volatility of listed banks over the period from January 1990 to December 2005. Using univariate and bivariate GARCH models, we document that the introduction of the Euro and the enlargement of the European Union in May 2004 have contributed to the integration process of the banking industry in Europe. We also find evidence of negative volatility spillovers among bank stock returns for different groups of countries that have been involved in various recent stages of the European economic and political integration.  相似文献   

We contribute to the literature by providing a more comprehensive understanding of the impact the euro has had on financial market integration with economies of different characteristics outside and within the European market via inclusion of market conditions influence on the level of financial integration. Our paper employs the recently developed cross-quantilogram (Han et al., 2016) approach to examine quantile dependence between the conditional stock return distributions of Germany and the UK with that of three common currency groups within EMU (Finland, France, and Italy), two global leading markets (the US and Japan), and two of the most promising emerging markets (China and India). We find three key results. First, both the EU membership and the common currency union affect the degree of financial market integration. Nevertheless, disentangling the effects of EU membership from the common currency shows that the common currency group has an additional impact on financial integration, as the degree of dependence is stronger in the common currency group than in the sovereign currency group and other groups. Second, there is a heterogeneous dependence structure, which is strongly observed for the UK and German stock returns with that of developed (the US and Japan) and emerging markets (India and China). Third, cross-quantile correlations change over time, especially in low and high quantiles, indicating that they are prone to jumps and discontinuities in the dependence structure. As far as we are aware, this is the first study in this field employing a cross-quantilogram method to examine the impact of different market conditions on the correlations, making our study a pioneer in the field of stock market integration.  相似文献   

This study updates and extends existing literature by investigating the effects of economic convergence among major European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) member countries on stock market returns in each respective nation. Main findings include: (1) long-term stability in the EMU appears to be attainable, but further integration of product and factor markets is needed to reinforce convergence of real sectors; (2) the UK can be considered a quasi EMU participant due to convergence of its key economic variables with those of formal EMU members; and (3) economic convergence appears to be an important contributing factor to returns from stock markets in the included EMU countries except Germany.  相似文献   

This paper tests for the transmission of the 2007–2010 financial and sovereign debt crises to fifteen EMU countries. We use daily data from 2003 to 2010 on country financial and non-financial stock market indexes to analyze the stock market returns for three country groups within EMU: North, South and Small. The following results hold for both the North and South European countries, while the smallest countries seem to be relatively isolated from international events. First, we find strong evidence of crisis transmission to European non-financials from US non-financials, but not for financials. Second, in order to test how the sovereign debt crisis affects stock market developments we split the crisis in pre- and post-Lehman sub periods. Results show that financials become significantly more dependent on changes in the difference between the Greek and German CDS spreads after Lehman’s collapse, compared to the pre-Lehman sub period. However, this increase is much smaller for non-financials. Third, before the crisis euro appreciations coincide with European stock market decreases, whereas this relationship reverses during the crisis. Finally, this reversal seems to be triggered by Lehman’s collapse.  相似文献   

Deregulation, globalization, and technological developments have altered the business strategies of stock exchanges around the world. We investigate whether the adoption of network strategies by stock exchanges creates additional value in the provision of trading services. Using unbalanced panel data from all major European exchanges over the period 1996-2000, we examine the consequences of network cooperation on a number of stock market performance measures. We show that adopting a network strategy is associated with higher market capitalization, lower transaction costs, higher growth, and enhanced international stock market integration.  相似文献   

The article investigates the evidence of financial contagion and market integration in selected European equity markets during nine major crises across regions. The focus is to identify whether (i) contagion evidence is pure or fundamental and (ii) dynamic evolution of integration is in the short run or long run. Wavelet decomposition in both its discrete and continuous forms is used. The findings reveal the following: (i) prior to the subprime crisis, contagion effects generated short-term shocks. The most recent US subprime crisis, however, reveals the evidence of fundamental based contagion. (ii) We find increasing short-run and long-run stock market integration, driven by several stages of the establishment of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), questioning the ultimate benefits of formal entry into EMU membership.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the impact made on stock market integration by macroeconomic determinants such as various measures of convergence and financial volatility, as well as crisis episodes, varies over the period 1935–2015. We gauge how the level of integration between the UK and US stock markets changes across three monetary regimes during this period: pre–Bretton Woods (BW), the BW fixed exchange rate, and the post-BW flexible rates. Our empirical results suggest that integration was strongest under the post-BW regime and weakest under the BW regime. We further demonstrate that stock market integration between the two markets has been driven largely by macroeconomic convergence and financial volatility as well as by crises, especially since the demise of the BW system.  相似文献   

This paper examines if there are significant integration effects from the establishment of European Monetary Union (EMU) and the introduction of euro on EMU and non-EMU equity and bond markets. This is done by looking at the holdings of these markets. We investigate to what extent these effects have been affected by the recent global financial crisis. This is done based on gravity model determining bilateral asset holding among the EMU countries, non-EMU European countries and the rest of world. This model can control for the effects of other economic (gravity-type) variables on the effects of the EMU on financial markets, like the size of the capital markets across countries, the geographical distance, information asymmetries etc. Ignoring these effects may exaggerate the actual EMU integration effects. The paper provides clear cut evidence that the establishment of the EMU had significant integration effects on equity and bond markets. It significantly increased the EMU bond and equity holdings by the EMU and non-EMU investors. These effects have become important since year 2001. However, they have considerably reduced after year 2007, due to the recent global financial crisis. Across the EMU countries, we have found that the strongest disintegration effects of the above crisis were observed for the peripheral countries of the EMU. These effects became evident before the start of the European debt crisis in early 2010.  相似文献   

Motivated by the European debt crisis and the new European Union regulatory regime for the credit rating industry, we analyse differences of opinion in sovereign credit signals and their influence on European stock markets. Rating disagreements have a significant connection with subsequent negative credit actions by each agency. However, links among Moody’s/Fitch actions and their rating disagreements with other agencies have weakened in the post-regulation period. We also find that only S&P’s negative credit signals affect the own-country stock market and spill over to other European markets, but this is concentrated in the pre-regulation period. Stronger stock market reactions occur when S&P has already assigned a lower rating than Moody’s/Fitch prior to taking a further negative action.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the European Monetary Union (EMU) on European public property market integration. Results indicate that the property markets are long-run independent and show little evidence of short-run relationships prior to the formation of the EMU. However, the degree of interdependence and the extent of convergence among the largest property markets have intensified substantially after the launch of the Euro as the common currency in January, 1999. Moreover, each of the property markets under consideration is endogenous in that none is found to “dominate” the others toward long-run equilibrium. Short-run results indicate substantial interrelationships among the markets after the adoption of the Euro. Finally, the study shows that stock markets, bond markets, and public property markets follow similar convergence patterns.  相似文献   

We measure the time-varying degree of world stock market integration of five developed countries (Germany, France, UK, US, and Japan) over the period 1970:1–2011:10. Time-varying financial market integration of each country is measured through the conditional variances of the country-specific and common international risk premiums in equity excess returns. The country-specific and common risk premiums and their conditional variances are estimated from a latent factor decomposition through the use of state space methods that allow for GARCH errors. Our empirical results suggest that stock market integration has increased over the period 1970:1–2011:10 in all countries but Japan. And while there is a structural increase in stock market integration in four out of five countries, all countries also exhibit several shorter periods of disintegration (reversals), i.e. periods in which country-specific shocks play a more dominant role. Hence, stock market integration is measured as a dynamic process that is fluctuating in the short run while gradually increasing in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the short- and long-run behavior of major emerging Central European (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia), and developed (Germany, US) stock markets and assesses the impact of the EMU on stock market linkages. Evidence of one cointegration vector in both a pre- and a post-EMU sub-period indicates market comovements towards a stationary long-run equilibrium path. Central European markets tend to display stronger linkages with their mature counterparts, whereas the US market holds a world leading influential role. No dramatic post-EMU shock is detected in stock market dynamics. The empirical findings have important implications for the effectiveness of domestic policy decisions, as the emerging Central European states have recently joined the EU and local stock markets may become less immunized to external shocks.  相似文献   

Existing papers on extreme dependence use symmetrical thresholds to define simultaneous stock market booms or crashes such as the joint occurrence of the upper or lower one percent return quantile in both stock markets. We show that the probability of the joint occurrence of extreme stock returns may be higher for asymmetric thresholds than for symmetric thresholds. We propose a non-parametric measure of extreme dependence which allows capturing extreme events for different thresholds and can be used to compute different types of extreme dependence. We find that extreme dependence among the stock markets of ten initial EMU member countries, the United Kingdom, and the United States is largely asymmetrical in the pre-EMU period (1989–1998) and largely symmetrical in the EMU period (1999–2010). Our findings suggest that ignoring the possibility of asymmetric extreme dependence may lead to an underestimation of the probability of co-booms and co-crashes.  相似文献   

This article investigates international stock market integration in four major developed economies, namely the United States, the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union, Japan and the United Kingdom, and two Asian emerging, countries namely China and India, over the period from June 1994 to June 2009. To model stock market integration we estimate a dynamic version of the international capital asset pricing model (CAPM) in the absence of purchasing power parity. Conditional variance is modelled via a multivariate GARCH specification. To investigate the evolution of integration overtime we estimate the CAPM in sub-periods. In addition, we connect our results to the timing of world financial crises. Our findings show that the stock markets tend to move in parallel after June of 2002, although from 2002 to 2006 there have not been crises events. These results support the increasing globalization and interdependence of both emerging and developed markets in the recent decade, reducing the benefits of portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the impact of the introduction of the euro on Europe's financial structure over the first four years since the start of EMU. It analyzes changes in money markets, bond markets, equity markets and foreign exchange markets. Euro's role in originating or catalyzing trends has been uneven across the spectrum of financial markets. From the supply side, banks and investors in fixed income markets have become more focused on the characteristics of individual borrowers rather than the nationality of the issuer and have built up expertise to evaluate credit risk. European equity markets have also been affected by the enhanced ability of investors to build strategies with a pan‐European perspective as prices increasingly reflected risk factors specific to industrial sectors rather than individual countries. On the borrower side, EMU has increased the attractiveness of market‐based financing methods by allowing debt issuers to tap institutional portfolios across the euro area. Lower barriers to cross‐border financial transactions have also increased the contestability of the market for financial services, be it at the wholesale or the retail level. The introduction of the euro has also highlighted the shortcomings of existing institutional structures and areas where excessive focus on narrowly defined interests may stand in the way of realizing the full potential benefits from the new environment. Diverging legal and institutional infrastructures and market practices can impede further financial market development and deepening. Hence, the euro has put a premium on cooperation between national authorities and institution as a means of achieving a more harmonized financial environment. The impact of EMU on depth in foreign exchange markets has been less clear‐cut, as volatility, spreads, trading volumes and liquidity appear not to have changed in a substantial way. Overall, it seems that the new currency has made some progress towards the goal of becoming a currency of international stature that would rival that of the US dollar. However, a number of the necessary next steps towards achieving this goal are also among the trickiest to implement.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2002,26(10):2047-2064
Have convergence of European economies and introduction of the euro produced some effects on European stock markets? Theory suggests that stabilization of fundamentals should decrease variance of stock returns for historically unstable stock markets. We test this proposition with daily data for the period January 1988–May 2000 and apply a three-regime Markov switching model for the variance-covariance matrix among several stock indices, including the UK and the US. The analysis shows that introduction of the euro, after an initial burst of volatility common to all European stock markets, has indeed stabilized the Spanish and Italian stock markets.  相似文献   

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