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《Journal of public economics》2005,89(5-6):841-870
Affordable higher education is, and has been, a key element of social policy in the United States with broad bipartisan support. Financial aid has substantially increased the number of people who complete university—generally thought to be a good thing. We show, however, that making education more affordable can increase income inequality. The mechanism that drives our results is a combination of credit constraints and the ‘signaling’ role of education first explored by Spence [Spence, A. Michael, 1973. Job Market Signalling, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 87(3) Aug., 355–374]. When borrowing for education is difficult, lack of a college education could mean that one is either of low ability or of high ability but with low financial resources. When government programs make borrowing or lower tuition more affordable, high-ability persons become educated and leave the uneducated pool, driving down the wage for unskilled workers and raising the skill premium.  相似文献   

We compare profiles of opportunity sets by means of set-inclusion filtral preorders (SIFPs). Some significant results of the classic theory of income inequality are reproduced in the SIFP-framework.  相似文献   

This article provides further evidence on the positive impact of schooling on within-groups wage dispersion in Portugal, using data on male workers from the 2001 wave of the European Community Household Panel. The issue of schooling endogeneity is taken into account by using the latest available instrumental-variable technique for quantile regression, i.e. the control-function estimator due to Lee (2007 Lee, S. 2007. Endogeneity in quantile regresssion models: a control function approach. Journal of Econometrics, 141: 113158. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The findings are compared with earlier results based on different techniques, i.e. the instrumental-variable estimator due to Arias et al. (2001 Arias, O, Hallock, KF and Sosa-Escudero, W. 2001. Individual heterogeneity in the returns to schooling: instrumental variables quantile regression using twins data. Empirical Economics, 26: 740. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and the standard exogeneity-based estimator due to Koenker and Bassett (1978 Koenker, R and Bassett, G. 1978. Regression quantiles. Econometrica, 46: 3350. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

We propose the use of machine learning methods to estimate inequality of opportunity and to illustrate that regression trees and forests represent a substantial improvement over existing approaches: they reduce the risk of ad hoc model selection and trade off upward and downward bias in inequality of opportunity estimates. The advantages of regression trees and forests are illustrated by an empirical application for a cross-section of 31 European countries. We show that arbitrary model selection might lead to significant biases in inequality of opportunity estimates relative to our preferred method. These biases are reflected in both point estimates and country rankings.  相似文献   

The few studies that have examined the wage impact of education across the earning distribution have focused on high-income countries and show education to be more profitable at the top of the distribution. The implication is that education may increase inequality. Extending the analysis to 16 East Asian and Latin American countries, in Latin America we observe a pattern similar to that of Europe/North America (increasing wage effects), while in East Asia the wage effects are predominantly decreasing by earnings quantile. However, once the analysis is performed separately for the public and the private sector, it is revealed that the strongly decreasing impact of schooling on earnings in the public sectors of East Asian countries is responsible for the overall observed decreasing pattern, while the impact of schooling on earnings in the private sectors of these countries is non-decreasing.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the adoption of an opportunity egalitarian perspective to assess and compare growth processes and their distributional implications. To this aim, a set of graphical tools are introduced that allow one to evaluate the role of growth and recessions in the evolution of individuals’ opportunities over time. These tools satisfy the ex post principle of equality of opportunity and represent an extension of the “opportunity growth incidence curve,” a framework proposed by the literature to evaluate growth according to the ex ante principle of equality of opportunity. This measurement framework is applied to evaluate the economic dynamic between 2009 and 2011 in Uganda. The results show that despite a reduction in the real value of household consumption and a surge in outcome inequality, its effects appear to be less dramatic when the ex post equality of opportunity perspective is invoked.  相似文献   

Dörte Heger 《Applied economics》2018,50(26):2844-2859
People in Canada and the United States often make claims regarding whose country has a better health system. Several researchers have attempted to address this question by analysing subjective health measures in the two countries, thus assuming a common definition of ‘good’ health. Using data from the Joint Canada/US Survey of Health, which provides rich and comparable health information for the two countries, I generate two quasi-objective health indices and show that Canadians and Americans define ‘good’ health differently. After controlling for cross-country reporting heterogeneity, health differences between Americans and Canadians are eliminated for intermediate health statuses, while health differences at the tails of the health distribution lead to slightly better average population health in Canada. With respect to health inequality, my results show that income and education gradients increase steeply with poor health in both countries. Hence, considering differences along the health distribution is crucial when assessing population health or health inequality.  相似文献   

Income, income inequality, and health: Evidence from China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper tests using survey data from China whether individual health is associated with income and community-level income inequality. Although poor health and high inequality are key features of many developing countries, most of the earlier literature has drawn on data from developed countries in studying the association between the two. We find that self-reported health status increases with per capita income, but at a decreasing rate. Controlling for per capita income, we find an inverted-U association between self-reported health status and income inequality, which suggests that high inequality in a community poses threats to health. We also find that high inequality increases the probability of health-compromising behavior such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Most of our findings are robust to different measures of health status and income inequality. Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4) (2006) 668–693.  相似文献   

Business cycles and schooling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been suggested that recessions are the appropriate time for undertaking activities that promote long-term performance (such as re-organization, human capital investments, R&D). In this paper, we study the cyclical patterns of one such activity, namely schooling. In particular, we examine the cyclicality in the school enrollment rates of various age groups in the US. The overall pattern is countercyclical. In addition, schooling seems to respond negatively to the expected real interest rate. Overall, the results seem to support the view that variation in opportunity costs associated with business cycles plays a major role in schooling decisions.  相似文献   

We perform development accounting in accordance with [Weil, 2005] and [Weil, 2007] in a cross-state analysis of India. Results of similar magnitude are found, demonstrating that health can account for 1% to 18% of income differences depending on the health measure.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(11-12):2213-2229
This paper uses compulsory schooling laws to evaluate high school dropout decisions. The main empirical result is that lifetime wealth increases by about 15% with an extra year of compulsory schooling. Students compelled to stay in school are also less likely to report being in poor health, unemployed, and unhappy. The main conclusion is that high school aversion alone is unlikely to explain why dropouts forgo substantial gains to lifetime wealth. The results are more consistent with the possibility that adolescents ignore or heavily discount future consequences when deciding to drop out of school. If teenagers are myopic, making school compulsory or offering incentives to stay in school may help improve lifetime outcomes.  相似文献   

Household data from a one percent sample of the 1970 Brazilian census are used to analyze the effect of public inputs, i.e., the ‘supply’ of schooling, on children's school attainment in Brazil. The household data are combined with measures of school availability and quality derived directly from the same census data; the measures are based on the income and education of schoolteachers in each of 169 different areas of the country. Elasticities of demand with respect to these public inputs are estimated; these elasticities are high in both rural and urban areas. In urban areas, the positive effect of public inputs is greater for children from households with poorer and less-educated parents. In rural areas, the positive effect of public inputs is greater, if anything, for children from households that are relatively better off, at least compared to other rural households.  相似文献   

Health and schooling investments in Africa.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper first outlines an organizing framework for considering how health and schooling affect labor productivity and growth, and how household and community factors can in turn affect the demand for these human capital investments. Both cross-country growth models and various aspects of microeconomic studies of individual productivity as related to education and health are discussed. The conclusion offers some tentative leads for policy in this area based on existing research, and an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

This paper examines rates of return to schooling in Kazakhstan using OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and instrumental variable (IV) methodologies. We use spouse's education and smoking as instruments. We find that spouse's education is a valid instrument and that conventional OLS estimates that assume the exogenous nature of schooling, and hence do not control for endogeneity bias, may underestimate the true rates of return. The results indicate that the returns to schooling in Kazakhstan have increased with transition. This may reflect the relative scarcities of highly educated people in Kazakhstan with human capital that employers require and, following the market reforms, reward accordingly.  相似文献   

Using new estimation methods and data, I find that Catholic schooling substantially increases years of schooling by 0.42 to 0.47. The estimates are robust to various specifications that account for potential selection bias.  相似文献   

The theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of a eudaimonic model of well-being are examined, and its empirical translation into distinct dimensions of well-being is described. Empirical findings have documented aging declines in eudaimonic well-being, but there is considerable variability within age groups. Among older adults who remain purposefully engaged, health benefits (reduced morbidity, extended longevity) have been documented. Eudaimonic well-being also appears to offer a protective buffer against increased health risks among the educationally disadvantaged. Neural and genetic mechanisms that may underlie eudaimonic influences on health are briefly noted, and interventions designed to promote eudaimonic well-being are sketched. Needed future research directions include addressing problems of unjust societies wherein greed among privileged elites may be a force compromising the eudaimonic well-being of those less privileged. Alternatively, and more positive in focus, is the need to better understand the role of the arts, broadly defined, in promoting eudaimonic well-being across all segments of society.  相似文献   

This paper shows that higher levels of perceived wage inequality are associated with a weaker (stronger) belief into meritocratic (non-meritocratic) principles as being important in determining individual wages. This finding is further corroborated using various complementary measures of individuals’ perception of the chances and risks associated with an unequal distribution of economic resources, such as their perception of the chances of upward mobility. I finally show that those individuals perceiving a high level of wage inequality also tend to be more supportive of redistributive policies and progressive taxation. Taken together, these findings suggest that high levels of perceived wage inequality do have the potential to undermine the legitimacy of market outcomes.  相似文献   

Extensive literature demonstrates that compulsory schooling laws improve educational attainment, well-being, civic involvement, and labour market outcomes. However, at-risk youth incapacitated to schools may impact the learning environment and school safety. The purpose of this article is to study whether raising the minimum dropout age (MDA) requirement above 16 increases crime committed within US public high schools. A difference-in-difference estimation exploits changes in state-level MDA laws over time and indicates that schools in states that raise their MDA requirement to 18 incur more overall crime relative to schools in states that do not, while no effect on overall crime is identified when the MDA requirement is raised to 17. Furthermore, these effects persist for 4 years after passage and more intensely in metropolitan areas. Coupling this research with existing literature suggests that when the MDA requirement is raised to 18, only a small portion of the observed reduction in juvenile crime is displaced to schools. Analysis by category of crime reveals schools incur more physical attacks, no change in illegal drug and property crimes, and fewer violent crimes in states that raise their MDA requirement to 18, while illegal drug crimes increase in states that raise their MDA requirement to 17.  相似文献   

Shur R  Simons N 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(4):258-262
The Institute of Medicine's comprehensive program for quality improvement is based on many years of data observation, collection, and analysis. This work was performed by practitioner-researchers and efficiency consultants from many disciplines. The resulting recommendations are striking in their straightforward practicality and in their insistence that process factors determine output. According to Leape and colleagues (1991) "most adverse events are preventable...particularly those due to error or negligence." Leape et al. (1991) note that in industry, "an error rate that exceeds defined norms is deemed unacceptable" and urge that similar norms apply in medicine. As knowledge and technology improve, the results of quality undertakings are certain to foster health care's development into an endeavor in which errors are becoming increasingly rare events.  相似文献   

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