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The role of Darwinist concepts in evolutionary economics has long been a contentious issue. The controversy has recently been rekindled by the proposal of a “Universal” or “generalized” Darwinism, which holds that the ontology of all evolutionary systems accords to the Darwinist scheme of variation, selection and inheritance. This paper focuses on the application of the generalized Darwinist framework to the analysis of markets and industries. It argues that selection and inheritance concepts narrowly construed after the biological example are of limited usefulness. As an alternative to the ‘top–down’ approach of Universal Darwinism, the development of ‘bottom–up’ theories is advocated.
Guido BuenstorfEmail:

This paper reviews progress towards a new trade agreement underthe Doha Development Agenda. A hitherto-unnoticed empiricalregularity suggests that post-Cancun pessimism may be unwarranted.Some of the key contentious issues are examined, including agriculturaland manufacturing trade barriers, competition policy and intellectualproperty rights. A potential sticking point is whether the USwill accept a quasijudicial role for the WTO and constraintson anti-dumping policy. European governments need to decidehow badly they want to complete a new trade agreement, and shouldstart preparing their constituents for compromise if an agreementis to be reached. (JEL F13)  相似文献   

Policy makers and economists are discussing a regulatory ceiling for carbon prices, acting as a “safety valve” for the protection of regulated businesses from unexpected price surges. While the pros and cons of such a regulatory feature are widely discussed in the literature, the optimal design of such a cap and the attendant economic and environmental consequences have yet to be subjected to quantitative analyses. We employ a Monte Carlo simulation/dynamic programming approach to investigate the impact of different carbon price cap designs on an individual firm in the energy generation industry. Specifically, we model the firm’s choice between a pulverized coal combustion plant and a combined cycle gas turbine plant, a large hydropower plant, a solid biomass plant and an on-shore wind farm. Our results show that the effects of a maximum carbon price set by the regulator is largely independent of its exact characteristics, albeit not of its level. A higher cap favors low-carbon technologies in general. However, due to differences in their cost structures, a price cap has different impacts on the relative attractiveness of the specific alternative technologies investigated.  相似文献   

Adam Smith justified the contemporary usury laws and was severely criticised by Bentham and most modern writers with the important exception of J.M. Keynes. We argue that pace Bentham, Smith did not intend to preclude loan financing of all ‘risky’ ventures and give a ‘monopoly’ to safe investments and did not neglect the potential emergence of black credit markets. Yet Smith ought to have modified his position independently of Bentham's criticism, considering a marked rise in the rate at which governments borrowed in the late 1770s.  相似文献   

FDI and environmental regulation: pollution haven or a race to the top?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing foreign direct investment (FDI) flows accompanied with globalization have raised the concern of a “race to the bottom” phenomenon in environmental protection. This is because footloose investors of “dirty” industries tend to relocate to “pollution havens” of the developing world. However when pollutant is transboundary (as in the case of greenhouse gases), the source country’s incentive to relocate and the recipient country’s willingness to host such industries are not straightforward. This article studies the relationship between FDI and environmental regulation using a North–South market share game model in a two-country setting, when pollution is transboundary. Contrary to the pollution haven hypothesis, our model shows that if market sizes of the two countries are small, FDI will raise the emission standard of the host country, resulting in a “race-to-the-top” phenomenon; but if market sizes are large enough, FDI will not change the emission standard of the South (from its laxest form), a finding that is consistent with the “regulatory chill” argument. Equilibrium FDI is contingent on the fixed cost of FDI, as the traditional proximity–concentration tradeoff theory predicts.  相似文献   

Under the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s recently developed pragmatic response, the amount a member can borrow is not determined by its quota. We consider two pragmatic responses that produce a Pareto improvement, compared with the IMF rule: one mandated by the IMF and the other related to the trade of the additional credit limit in the market. Both these responses indicate that the additional credit limit on top of the IMF rule should be positive (negative) for a country whose investment return is larger (smaller) than the average investment return across all IMF member developing countries. The rule for the IMF credit limit does not reflect the demand for credit, which induces inefficiency. The first pragmatic response, which has an appropriately small negotiation and distribution cost per unit incurred by the IMF, may dominate the second one.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent empirical observations made in industries such as the automobile industry, this paper employs an agent-based industry simulation model to examine the strategic relationship between product diversification strategies and some aspects of the product innovation strategy of a single producer. In particular, it is established that an increase in the average degree of product diversification in an industry increases the incentive for a producer to reduce the time to market for innovations at the expense of product quality. However, if all firms adapt their strategies according to these incentives, this results in a severe loss of average firm profits in the industry and also to a reduction in consumer surplus. It is then studied how the strength of this dilemma depends on several parameters describing the market structure and patent policy.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the number of protest responses in stated preference surveys depends, inter alia, on the valuation method used. Choice Experiments (CE) are said to generate a lower number of protest responses than Contingent Valuation (CV). However, no comparison of both methods with respect to protest responses has been conducted to date. We used both CE and CV in a survey on forest biodiversity in two German regions. Protest beliefs were measured for all respondents irrespective of whether they were willing to pay or not. The results show no clear pattern of differences between CE and CV regarding protest beliefs and protest responses. Using an attitude scale based on respondents’ protest beliefs, we see a significant negative effect of this attitude on willingness to pay in both methods. However, in one of the two study regions, the effect is weaker in CE than in CV.   相似文献   

We examine the relationship between the economy and the environment in a model where production uses nonpolluting renewable and polluting nonrenewable resources. There is policy intervention through a tax on emissions and a subsidy to renewables extraction/production. Results show that both instruments are able to decrease emissions intensity of output. However, when used together, the desired effect is higher. Empirically it is shown that the subsidy achieves higher renewables intensity and although present emissions per output are similar for both instruments, the subsidy achieves lower future levels.  相似文献   

Higher life expectancy and feminization of work have changedthe life course. These developments require changes in the waysociety organizes work and accumulates and maintains human capitalover the life cycle. This paper describes various reforms aimedat preventing Europe from becoming a gerontocracy. It also discussesthe political challenges associated with reforms aimed at lengtheningthe working life and protecting fertility. (JEL code: J1)  相似文献   

This paper estimates, using a large panel data set from rural Bangladesh, the effects of health shocks on household consumption and how access to microcredit affects households’ response to such shocks. Households appear to be fairly well insured against health shocks. Our results suggest that households sell livestock in response to health shocks and short term insurance is therefore attained at a significant long term cost. However microcredit has a significant mitigating effect. Households that have access to microcredit do not need to sell livestock in order to insure consumption. Microcredit organizations and microcredit therefore have an insurance role to play, an aspect that has not been analyzed previously.  相似文献   

As the workforce becomes increasingly diverse, motivating individuals from different backgrounds to work together effectively is a major challenge facing organizations. In an experiment conducted at a large public university in the United States, we manipulate the salience of participants' multidimensional natural identities and investigate the effects of identity on coordination and cooperation in a series of minimum-effort and prisoner's dilemma games. By priming a fragmenting (ethnic) identity, we find that, compared to the control, participants are significantly less likely to choose high effort in the minimum-effort games, leading to less efficient coordination. In comparison, priming a common organization (school) identity significantly increases the choice of a rational joint payoff maximizing strategy in a prisoner's dilemma game.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how CEO equity incentives relate to financing choices (i.e., debt and leases). Using manually collected CEO compensation and lease data for a sample of large UK firms, we found evidence of a negative relationship between CEO equity incentives and firm leverage. We also found that CEO equity incentives and leases are negatively related. The results are consistent with the theory introduced in this study on the substitutability of executive compensation and firm’s debt/lease financing. Our findings represent fresh empirical evidence and renewed interpretation regarding the relationship between executive equity-based incentives and firm’s financing choices. The substitutability theory we introduced here suggests that firms with greater use of debt and/or leases will implement less equity-based compensation in mitigating the agency cost of equity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the implications of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) accession of eight Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) on their share of EMU-12 imports. Overcoming biases related to endogeneity, omitted variables and sample selection, our results indicate that the common currency has boosted intra-EMU imports by 7%. Under the assumption that the same relationship between the explanatory variables and imports will hold for EMU-CEEC trade, we intend to predict the future impact of the Euro. Our findings suggest that except for the least integrated countries, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania, all CEECs can expect increases in the EMU-12 import share.
Julia Spies (Corresponding author)Email:

Who Pays a Price on Carbon?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use the 2003 Consumer Expenditure Survey and emissions estimates from an input-output model based on the 1997 US economy to estimate the incidence of a price on carbon induced by a cap-and-trade program or carbon tax in the context of the US. We present results on how much different income deciles pay for a carbon tax as well as which industries see the largest increase in costs due to a carbon tax. We illustrate the main determinant of the regressivity: consumption patterns for energy-intensive goods. Furthermore, on a per-capita basis a carbon price is much more regressive than calculations at the household level. We discuss policy options to offset the adverse distributional effects of a carbon emissions policy.  相似文献   

Gordon Tullock has been celebrated as an innovative thinker in many areas of public choice. He was also among the first to analyze the law based on the economic approach, yet, his contributions to Law and Economics have been met with skepticism or even outright ignorance. In this paper, I focus on Tullock’s papers dealing with the common law and argue that they contain important insights that have been ignored in the debate regarding legal origins.  相似文献   

The motivation to pay a premium for socially responsible products is partly an expression of consumer concern for the well-being of those involved in the production process. Buying a product with a socially responsible label, and donating to a charity are similarly motivated actions. While there is an extensive literature on the economics of charitable giving that examines motivations to donate as well as on the impacts of labelling on consumer demand, there is little overlap between the two literatures. We bridge these two literatures by investigating whether consumers have heterogeneous motivations for paying a premium. Through a laboratory experiment that auctions coffee with hypothetical socially responsible labels that put different weights on in-kind versus cash transfers, we find that those consumers who prefer an in-kind transfer (paternalistic altruists) are willing to pay a 52.5% price premium over standard coffee. Those who prefer that most of the premium is paid as cash (strong altruists) are willing to pay a 42.5% premium. Finally, those who are indifferent to how the premium is spent by the recipient (warm-glow givers) are willing to pay only a 19.2% premium. We discuss the implications of our results and future research directions.  相似文献   

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