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4月21日到24日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝来到重庆,对重庆市经济社会发展,特别是三峡库区移民安稳致富和社会主义新农村建设的情况进行了考察调研。温家宝寄语重庆广大干部群众,要认真贯彻落实科学发展观,努力进取,开拓创新,以更加坚定的信心和更加扎实的工作,推动经济社会发展迈上新台阶,进一步带动西南地区和长江上游地区经济社会发展与繁荣。  相似文献   

4月16日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在玉树地震灾区考察,他深入受灾严重的学校、孤儿院、寺庙,到受  相似文献   

2008年3月5日上午,面对近三干名全国人大代表,温家宝总理用了两个半小时,总结过去五年,展望未来一年。四十页的政府工作报告虽长,浓缩起来中心思想就是:民生为本,发展为主,改革为重。  相似文献   

“其实中南海你们应该是主人,来到这里就像到家一样。”2月12日上午9时,中南海国务院第一会议室,温家宝总理开门见山的一句话,温暖了应邀参加座谈的13位基层群众,也温暖了他们所代表的13亿民众。  相似文献   

中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝,在11月14日至15日深入广东的中小企业考察调研,在11月21日至23日深入浙江、上海的民营企业和大型企业考察调研。他深人工厂车间、主持召开座谈会,充分听取企业负责人和职工群众的意见、建议,就企业发展问题进行深人调研。温家宝总理强调要大力支持中小企业发展,要坚定发展信心积极应对挑战。他强调,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国经济发展迅速,经济繁荣的背后同样存在很多问题。因此在这种背景下,绿色经济的口号被提出。近年来,在城乡经济发展中,绿色经济发展已经成为主导。新型城镇化是对传统城镇化中的有效调整,令城镇化在发展过程中更加突出公平与效率。在新型城镇化视角下,城乡多元经济发展中,发展绿色经济是必然的道路,也是未来的主要经济发展趋势。  相似文献   

The results of 2 case studies on migration in Colombia are outlined and compared. The 1st study examines inmigration to a shantytown, El Carmen, in Bogota. The 2nd study involves inmigration to a community in the eastern interior of Colombia, Granada. Migrants' motives, paths of migration, and personal characteristics are examined, suggesting hypotheses for future studies. Economic reasons were most often listed as motives for moving by both the residents of Granada and El Carmen. The type of economic motives varied greatly between the 2 communities. Reasons such as "looking for land," "establishing a business," or "to find a better life" ranked high in importance among Granada residents. These motives, along with the flight from violence, indicate that the independence provided by land and small business affords the inmigrants to Granada a certain security. Inmigrants to El Carmen were seeking employment. Only 34% of the migrants to El Carmen made 1 or more moves before settling in Bogota. 90% of the rural to rural migrants made 1 or more stops before moving to Granada. 68% of the migrants to El Carmen were born within 100 miles of Bogota while only 18% of the migrants to Granada were born within a 100 mile radius of the community. The usual pattern of the migrant to Granada was to move to a neighboring village, town, or city regardless of whether it was closer to Granada or not. The majority of inmigrants to Granada moved from distances greater than 100 miles. Over 70% of the inmigrants were born in towns and villages of more than 2000 population. If a nucleus of 10,000 inhabitants or more are considered urban, then 46% of the rural to rural migrants resided in urban areas prior to moving to Granada. This suggests that a sizable proportion of the migration to Granada is really urban to rural frontier. Studies done in Colombia and Brazil indicate that migrants to rural areas have a lower educational level than migrants to urban areas. Data from El Carmen and Granada gives similar results. 20% of the migrant residents of El Carmen have a primary school education (5 years) compared with only 7% of the inmigrants to Granada. 81% of the migrant residents of El Carmen were in their teens, 20s, and 30s at the time of migration, while only 52% of the inmigrants to Granada were in the same category. Approximately 56% of the inmigrants to Granada were in the occupational categories of farm owner operator and farm renter or laborer as compared to only approximately 40% of the inmigrants to El Carmen. The data indicate that a majority of the shantytown inmigrants come directly from small communities and travel short distances to Bogota. This is consistent with other findings of rural to urban migration. It is hypothesized that the socioeconomic level of migrants in a certain migratory stream is related to the perceived opportunity in the receiving area.  相似文献   

2019年12月30日,由中国产学研合作促进会主办的第十三届中国产学研合作创新大会在京举行。海尔智家股份有限公司通过“一机四能”的产学研合作模式被评为2019年产学研合作好案例,成为中国产学研合作的案例典范。产学研合作是创新驱动发展战略的关键环节,需要政、产、学、研、金共同推进。在产学研合作过程中创新资源的整合、对接和应用尤为重要,如今,随着海尔生态品牌战略新阶段的开启。  相似文献   

国务院常务会议审议并原则通过<船舶工业中长期发展规划>,这对我国造船人来说是一件大喜事.中国造船工程学会理事长黄平涛也表达了同样的感受:<规划>的通过是造船界的一件大事,是船舶工业快速发展的结果,也是国防科工委努力工作的结果.他指出,<规划>对船舶工业持续健康发展会起到很大作用,对我国成为造船大国、强国也会起到很大作用.  相似文献   

7月2日,重庆市庆祝中国共产党成立100周年座谈会举行.市委书记陈敏尔出席并讲话.他强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话精神,全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,进一步增强"四个意识"、坚定"四个自信"、做到"两个维护",大力弘扬伟大建党精神,更加坚定、更加自觉地牢记初心...  相似文献   

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